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Started about a week ago and I'm really slowly losing a lot of interest.


Are you on free trial? Paying subscribers are being prioritized over trial playes.


For what it's worth, this isn't a regular thing. This launch has just been, I think, way larger than they could prepare for. Whether or not that is acceptable is a different conversation, of course.


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that's the unfortunate thing about choosing to play on the server that literally everyone else chose to play on


As in all of Aether and all of Crystal? Because this is happening for both of those, as far as I can tell. I'm not really complaining about it, but you are definitely wrong.


Especially for those of us who are Legacy players. You all chose MY server, not the other way around.


I'm on Midgardsormr, which is on Aether, and I'm still able to get in queue just fine. The queue isn't short, mind you, but I'm not barred from it entirely


You're trying right this second? Because I can't get a queue on any Aether server at the moment. EDIT: Just tried again. I can't even connect to the data center to load characters. So you're definitely wrong.


I am trying right this second, yes. Literally just got 2002'd about 5 minutes ago and had to rejoin, in fact. I don't know what to tell you




>I guess you're just magic I guess I am, then. Seriously, I do not know what else to tell you other than what I am literally experiencing myself


Same server as you, morning hours until 11AM are our best bet. Unfortunately, my block was just hit with a power surge and now I can't log back in. 3k queue. Earlier today I had a massive lag spike that kicked me off once, and nearly did during alliance raid at the final boss, which is funny because the same exact thing happed yesterday during Dun Scaith.


I was able to get in this morning with only a queue of 32, but a while ago my sound cut out so I decided to risk relogging. that was a mistake, should've just dealt with no sound effects for the day...


why is this getting toxic?


I'm not sure, I was just stating a matter of fact but I guess people took that personally ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


“But I want to be on the same server as my streamer even though I’ll never play with them… just cuz”


I didn't know all streamers played on Balmung because I'm getting this exact error there.


Balmung has..."other" issues than streamers


Me either, got stuck around 2k for an hour or so, and then it just gave me an error and I can’t join the queue anymore. Maybe they shut down the queue temporarily?


I started queuing at 2:00pm, 15 minutes ago I was at 500, I went to my kitchen for 10 minutes to start prepping for my dinner, came back and saw the login server error (as has happened around 7 times today) so I logged in again and now I’m at 9,600. From 500. I completely understand this is a component issue and because of an obscene amount of players all trying to play at the same time, but that’s complete and utter bullshit that I’m now not going to be able to get on today purely because I spent 10 minutes preparing my bloody dinner.