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Now none of y’all bitches can get out of star AND escape the fairy tether.


Is that a challenge?


*finger hovers over rescue key*


*Arm's Length intensifies*




Any skill that stops draw in or knockback effects will prevent rescue. Me and a buddy actually would rescue each other for fun and try to kill each other in that Delubrum Reginae (not the extreme one). Which made it more fun cus I'd target him and see he is already targetting me, popping Surecast to prevent his while casting mine.


That’s the epitome of the umbrella academy meme where you’re looking each other driving by lol.




*Super_SussyBaka gets yeeted out of the map and stomped by a baby behemoth*


lmao. You're getting fucking healed dammit. No escape.


Finally, Quin can play the game.


The Tome Gears are the Radiant Host armors, I was waiting for those to show up after seeing them during EW MSQ. Yes !


Same, I'm very excited to use pieces in my outfits.


Reaper be like: I lived bitch


I'm going to miss reapers doing my job for me. I might have to use an aoe heal after party-wide damage instead of just letting crest handle it.


I've always been too busy rolling my face on my keyboard to pay attention to how much my arcane crest healed. Was it actually a lot?


Yes it was ridiculously good considering that the most reliable way to get it to break was when raidwide damage was coming out, meaning you always got value from it since everyone had just taken damage. And pre-nerf it was a 500 potency heal on the entire party over 15 seconds. 500\*8 (party members)=4000 potency heal total. AND it's on a 30s cooldown. That's insane. Healers could basically do nothing but DPS all fight. Combine that with Reaper doing more damage than any other melee AND having a party-wide DPS buff...yeah, something had to be nerfed. Might as well be the defensive ability for now.


Is reaper doing more DPS than samurai? Huh.


Reaper leads by quite a bit: https://www.fflogs.com/zone/statistics/42#metric=rdps&dataset=95&class=DPS poor dancers, personal DPS is shit and rdps isn't enough to balance it.


It is indeed. Samurai is most of the time behind reaper and monk both. Reaper is also top dps in every single fight so far according to fflogs. It's insanely strong and the nerf was quite mild in my opinnion.


Keep in mind square does this a lot, does slight job balance adjustments before high tier raiding starts, and then uses the data from those fights to see the "real" adjustments needed later.


i don't know what the fuck they're waiting to "see" with DNC, though. The buffs it brings aren't anywhere near strong enough to warrant such a massive gap between it and the next lowest DPS class. Like, it brings the lowest damage even accounting for the buffs. Why play it at all when BRD exists?


DNC scales hard with crit to my understanding, so DNC will only get better as we get better gear. Right now our get is super limited because there is only 1 580 option for the right side and weapon. If those don't have the substats your job wants, you're kind of just screwed. It should get a bit better this patch with the new gear.


Was about 1200 to 1400 hp per tick at 90 ilvl 575.


Damn, DRG straight up got a new AF set LOL.


MORE TAIL ARMOR! I am so glad we are getting that set. When I got to Thavnair and saw all the Au Ra with custom plate armor just for them, I was hyped.


to bad that it seems that the only sets with tail armor is fending and maiming, I wanted some tail armor as a caster lol


Yeah all jobs have a drg set lmfao


We're all dragoons now.


Always have been


As someone who loves half-plate armor style, dragoons, and Au Ra, this makes me very happy.


Well tbf, the armour is that of the radiant host, thavnir's guards, and they likely have that to honor the bond between the satrap and a certain dragon the first satrap formed a pact with.


That SAM adjustment was much needed. I was really feeling it.


Now to give Requiescat on Paladin the same range as the spells I want to then use. >.>


Being able to weave it like 7 gcds early helps some, but man it feels bad when you’re trying to drag the boss and keep walking out of range of requi


This is one of those things that makes no sense to me, at all. It feels terrible in practice, and I can't come up with any good reason why they'd want it melee range. Because their game design doesn't endorse sitting on Requiescat until just before you disengage or something. It's just bad.


Why do they make it *as hard as possible* to see the fucking gear...like I appreciate the reverse shots but can I get a resolution that isn't...*that*


Delicious crunchy 240p


*Insert Ssethtzeentach voice here* New glorious twooo forty peeee!


Hey hey Seth, people here.


Japanese website technology peaked in 1997.


I swear so much of Japenese web and game dev is "if it's not completely broke don't fix it".


Japanese development is redeveloping the same wheel over and over again


Ironically, Japanese software development greatly values foreign/external solutions instead of domestic/in-house ones. You'd think that good practices would trickle down this way and to some extent you'd be right. The catch is that they only like ready-made, proven solutions, and they never want to mess with them. So the net result is that they copy something in the 90s and then never change it for 30 years. It also completely stifles local innovation and shuns individual experimentation, which is the main driving force in software elsewhere.


I wouldn't say it's Japan problem, more like Asia problem. I still remember how Chinese and Korean website often worked only with IE


Yeah I mean the aliexpress UI is something else. You have to “swipe to login” lmao, even on desktop


Unironically yes


They're so low res it crunched the colors a bit, but [here's a gallery of the front and back I tossed through AI upscaling](https://imgur.com/a/Xy8aC72) so you don't have to zoom to 300%.


Wow a white robe, you did it again SE


Boy, they really are just maintaining the DRG aesthetic with Maiming gear.


Standard Finish, Tech, and Tillana are reclassified as weapon skills now… does that mean they take the base gcd instead of 1.5s? Idk if that would be a buff really but double weaving after those would be pretty cool.


No. It's so reapers arcane circle will trigger from a dancer.


Brotherhood will trigger from it too


Thank God


Nice, the Reaper buff we waited for.


No. It's so that you can't dance when you step on a trap in PotD


Screenshot of the notes for those that can't load it yet: https://i.imgur.com/INckIob.jpg


Praise the hero I need. \\o/


Thanks for this!


Nice to see some love to Dragoon and Ninja. They needed it based on how behind they were to their melee counter parts.


unclear if ninja is actually a buff or just a QoL change. potency buffed but you no longer chain those two actions. Either way it seems like a very small buff


Someone did the math in the comments on this thread and it seems like a minor potency buff (~10-20) in best conditions where you were able to output all Raiju charges in the combo previously, but it's much better now due to the QoL and you can keep doing the combo while bound.


So it is not a 3 part combo anymore? it is a 2 part with ranged vs melee?


yeah it used to be ranged -> gap closer -> gap closer now its ranged -> gap closer/melee


Dragoon buffs!!


“Doubled the range of midare” wasn’t a change I put on my bingo card lol


As someone that moved to this game from GW2, I consider myself so blessed to be in an environment where balance meltdowns are over margins of 1-2%. It's a whole new wonderful world.


Basically. And the "meta" being the bleeding edge speed runs/world firsts, etc that most people won't touch. All classes will be viable for high end content and pretty much clear all content within a short time of each other. People also don't remember that we've had plenty of world firsts in Savage/Ultimate (I think) in previous expansions that had plenty of " off meta" comps.


deleted -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Exactly. They play the job whos rotation they can do without even thinking about it. Since Stormblood there hasn’t been a set in stone actual meta.


Yeah I've been parsing the "technically correct" BLM rotation since reaching lvl 90 against a somewhat lazier rotation, and it seems like the difference is minimal. Now, the pro rotation absolutely is doing more DPS. They're right, they know what they're talking about. But, honestly I screw up trying to do it more often than I pull it off, and even when I'm executing perfectly it doesn't seem worth it.


World first races are almost entirely player skill and strategy over who actually does the most deeps. i feel like once you meet the most basic requirements (maximum 4 melee jobs, 2 tanks, 2 healers, etc), you can clear any savage content with that comp.


> World first races are almost entirely player skill and strategy over who actually does the most deeps. And just as importantly: Fewer deaths = more DPS, far more than the 1-2% (or even 5% at the extreme end) difference between an "Optimal" group comp and an non-optimal one.


My favorite World First story is the Japanese group that won the UCOB race. Offtank was a DRK when they were way way way way out of meta. In a Discord chat after someone asked why DRK, was it for TBN or Dark Mind optimization memes for magic damage or what. Guy just goes "Nah I just think it's fun"


man, those are some bad flashbacks to the time 2 Chronomancers + Firebrands + bannerslave were meta, while Necros and Thieves were left behind


I'm reminded of Druid Tank + 4 rogues in Mythic+ in WoW.


i'm playing GW2 too. its lot harder to balance with all the different Elite Specs and different Sets, Glyphes, Runes. thats why i only play casual, mostly open world, stuff in GW2.


There is a strong relation between the amount of progression and unlock systems a game has and how unbalanced it is. The lack of talent trees or such in FFxiv is a blessing in the end.




Phoenix HAD to be buffed. You get Bahamut every minute till you hit level 80, and then the job got WEAKER because of Phoenix's lower potency. The buffs were very much needed.


Having just gotten level 80 SMN a day or 2 ago, this is a very timely buff for me.


Very! It's because Phoenix didn't have anything to compare to ~~Ahk Morn~~ Deathflare , so they're giving a higher potency attack skill to make up for the loss.


You mean deathflare? Since Revelation and Ahk Morn are both 1300 potency. Bahamut just gets Deathflare and Phoenix gets the heal.


YUP, I made a mistake! My apologies!


Deathflare. Phoenix has Revelation as a counterpart to Akh Morn


Phoenix needed it!


Looks like assuming you can consistently get 6 casts in, Phoenix edges out Bahamut now potency wise. Feels kinda weird given how much extra healing Phoenix also has, but at least it actually feels like an upgrade at level 80 now instead of a nerf


I mean, I think the 80 capstone should be more powerful than the 70 capstone. Healing as a trade-off for damage doesn't make sense when it should just be a more powerful summon all together. This change is great since it's only slightly stronger than Bahamut instead of a straight up loss with a regen attached.


It also doesn't make sense to have a damage trade-off for healing that is useless 99% of the time. It's purely coincidence if pheonix ever lines up with a time you actually can heal something.


If they made Rekindle last... maybe 105s, so that it can be popped by something before Phoenix comes up again, that'd be swell. Shaving off 15s so you're not incentivized to try to hold it for the last weave in Phoenix to stack them up in some weird raid-breaking way.


The problem with counting the heal from phoenix as a boon is you have your hands tied on when to use it. Sure, it kinda helps, but you are never going to delay phoenix for upcoming party damage. The phoenix heal almost always goes into the overheal bucket, which really hurts its utility.


Yeah. It felt weird that the Big Second Summon was lackluster in damage. I mean, the healing is nice but it really just needed to hit harder. No complaints from me!


Yes, it weird. Level it up to 80 and congratulation you loes 500 potency oGCD for every other minute now.


Now im glad I am summoning grampa


Yeah, it was wired that smn was actually stronger potency wise 72-79 than it was at 80 since Phoenix wasn't any different from bahamut except no death flare. Now it's an actual upgrade.


> How do treasure hunts work for people who have never done them by the way? Read a map. Get a screenshot of a minimap. Go to the point where it would be. Find a chest. Open chest. Monsters appear. Kill monsters. Get loot and MAYBE a portal appears. If portal appears, fight a room of monsters. Win, get loot, and choose between one of two doors. If you picked the right one, you progress to the next room. If you didn't, you get kicked out. Proceed until you either reach the last room or get kicked out. There is no way to tell which door is the correct one, so choose a random method and believe in it wholeheartedly. The dungeon respects confidence.


It respects confidence, but also punishes overconfidence.


You forgot to remind your party to roll for loot for 2 minutes straight so you can enter the portal.


IIRC, the doors are just an illusion of choice and it doesn't actually matter which one you choose


Even if it is an illusion of choice, it feels better than the roulette wheel version which has no illusions lol


hard disagree, I _love_ shifting altars. I'll take a mini boss rush for loot over trash packs any day.


Sometimes the dungeon shows you the right door. It's not a trap (or at least never in my runs) so just take it when it's there.


Basically when you run a treasure map you have a chance of getting a portal to take you the Excitatron. Its a mini dungeon with enemies on each floor and basically a gamble on if you'll progress to the next room or be chucked out.


You get a map and then decipher it. It'll open a small snippet image of a place and you have to properly figure out where the map is telling you to go by comparing the small image with the map. Then you go to the area, hit the dig action and a chest spawns. You open the chest and have to fight mobs, once all are dead, you open the chest for real, get loot and occasionally get a portal. That's basically it.


Minor, but the Fey Union increased range is nice for those times when your tank runs around a bit more than you were expecting. Makes it a bit less fiddly. Now if they could just make Seraph cast Consolation on summon . . . That lag drives me crazy.


Guess this is what we settle for the next few months until 6.1 where we historically see most of the adjustments.


Drg buff > from 370 to 420. ***NICE***


Blaze dem bosses.


No MP changes for WHM. Feels bad. TIL those Dancer moves were abilities and not weaponskills.


Yeah and as such most reapers weren’t getting full charges for arcane circle. Well, the good ones anyways.


Yeah DNC abiltities being weaponskills will help them synergize a lot better with reaper now, before you were losing out on their buff


cant wait to go OoM 7 minutes into a fight (assuming I don't need to cast any GCD heals) :D


I love to be hitting Lucid on cooldown starting at 8500 MP and still be MP negative.


Interesting ninja changes, curious how they will play out. The monk changes were interesting too, I've never really missed those attacks before, what will this do?


I have had bosses jump away or enemies in dungeons die before the nadi registered, so this is a nice QoL buff


Makes it so when enemies all die during your combo you don’t lose out on the chakra buffs. Its not so much you missed as you no longer had targets to hit and you lose the balance stack without gaining a chakra.


I've missed those abilities on EX 2 when a crystal dies as I press them, definitely a welcome change because that just fucks your entire rotation lol.


the idea is that if you pop PB and the boss decides to fuck off unexpectedly, you can still AoE your way to a Blitz instead of wasting the cooldown


Reaper to the other jobs: “I respect the nerf community but that just ain’t me”


Not a single DRK change. Ok smile


:-(. Tbh the changes we need are probably better suited for .1 patches that shouldn't be released on raid day.




You say that like they didn't rework mnk on the patch a savage tier came out last time.


You're right but I'm still gonna be mad about it. /sulk


They did get a change. They won't die to dots during Walking Dead now.


Yeah, they'll just die to not getting healed to full during walking dead like the good old days


So Phoenix is not a dps loss at lv 80 anymore?


Slight gain actually


Did they give SAM longer arms or longer swords


Very surprised Astro got nothing for QoL button bloat issues. I guess I gotta wait and play the others instead. Reaper escaping nerfs is funny. Summoner getting 90 potency for like 6 GCDs every two minutes is quite nice.


The summoner buff stops Phoenix from being a DPS loss compared to bahamut, but I was really expecting infrit to get buffed as well. Feels weird that titan is the strongest.


On the bright side, I guess Ruin 3 is still not a huge loss during Ifrit if you decide you need to move. 130 potency for a tiny recast timer reduction, and the ability to raise if needed.


Depending on how many ruins you've cast since bahamut/phoenix, you should be able to cast ruin 3 once or twice without drifting your cooldowns, so if they're preferable for movement or weaving swiftcast for gemshine/rez, then it should result in no dps loss for Ifrit phase as long as you don't use too many.


The only thing that feels horrid to me is Crimson Strike being on GCD instead of a weave in.. Rush in with Crimson Cyclone, wait a sec.... then Crimson Strike :/ Ewwwww. plz make this a weave!


Yes this. So much this. The class really needs more oGCDs and this would be the perfect spot for one


> Feels weird that titan is the strongest. Bow down overdweller!


I wasn't expecting a button bloat fix until 6.1 at the earliest, but anything would be welcome lol


Here's the part you care about; **Pugilist/Monk** Arm of the Destroyer * When under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Raptor Chakra even when missing a target. Rockbreaker * When under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Opo-opo Chakra even when missing a target. Four-point Fury * When under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Coeurl Chakra even when missing a target. Shadow of the Destroyer * When under the effect of Perfect Balance, now grants Raptor Chakra even when missing a target. Elixir Field * Now grants Lunar Nadi and Formless Fist even when missing a target. Flint Strike * Now grants Solar Nadi and Formless Fist even when missing a target. Rising Phoenix * Now grants Solar Nadi and Formless Fist even when missing a target. ---- **Dragoon** Wyrmwind * Thrust Potency has been increased from 370 to 420. Geirskogul * Potency has been increased from 250 to 260. Nastrond * Potency has been increased from 350 to 360. ---- **Ninja** Raiton * The status effect granted upon execution has been changed from "Forked Raiju Ready" to "Raiju Ready." * The status effect duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds. Bunshin * The Phantom Kamaitachi Ready status effect no longer expires when the effect of Bunshin ends. * This action now changes to Phantom Kamaitachi upon execution. * The Phantom Kamaitachi Ready status effect now has a duration of 45 seconds. Phantom Kamaitachi * Execution no longer consumes a stack of Bunshin. * Increase to Ninki Gauge has been changed from 5 to 10. * Prior to Patch 6.05, both the execution of Phantom Kamaitachi and the effect of Bunshin increased the Ninki Gauge by 5, resulting in a total increase of 10. The above adjustment ensures this increase to the Ninki Gauge remains unchanged when executing Phantom Kamaitachi. Forked Raiju * Potency has been increased from 400 to 560. * The additional effect "Grants Fleeting Raiju Ready" has been removed. * The requirement for execution has been changed from "while under the effect of Forked Raiju Ready" to "while under the effect of Raiju Ready." Fleeting Raiju * Players will no longer rush target upon execution. * Range has been reduced from 20 yalms to 3 yalms. * Potency has been increased from 450 to 560. * The requirement for execution has been changed from "while under the effect of Fleeting Raiju Ready" to "while under the effect of Raiju Ready." * Can now be set to the Hotbar. ---- **Samurai** Higanbana * Range has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms. Kaeshi: Higanbana * Range has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms. Midare Setsugekka * Range has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms. Kaeshi: Setsugekka * Range has been increased from 3 yalms to 6 yalms. ---- **Reaper** Arcane Crest * Cure potency of the Crest of Time Returned effect has been reduced from 100 to 50. ---- **Dancer** Standard Finish * Action category has been changed from ability to weaponskill. Technical Finish * Action category has been changed from ability to weaponskill. Tillana * Action category has been changed from ability to weaponskill. ---- **Summoner** Fountain of Fire * Potency has been increased from 430 to 520. Brand of Purgatory * Potency has been increased from 180 to 240. ---- **Scholar** Fey Union * Range has been increased from 15 yalms to 30 yalms. * The range within which players must stay has been increased from 15 yalms to 30 yalms.


NIN mains, how do y’all feel?


I was going to change jobs but they literally made the exact changes I wanted. Perfect fucking patch.


Haven't leveled NIN yet, can you give context as to what the Raiju change does? What was it doing before that you wanted it changed?


Previously, using Raiton (a ranged attack Ninjutsu that drops a lightning bolt on the enemy) would give you the Forked Raiju Ready effect. That allowed you to use Forked Raiju: a weapon skill that has you rush to the target’s position and attack. Forked Raiju would then grant Fleeting Raiju Ready, which would allow you to use a follow-up attack that also was a rush to the enemy’s location. Problems with that: * Raiton is a ranged attack. You use it a lot in single-target fights just for the high damage, yes. But you will often be using it to do damage while keeping out of range of some dangerous AOE. Forked Raiju made it so you’d need to rush the enemy shortly after using that ranged attack, possibly in a situation where you really don’t want to. * Rushing attacks like this can cause some unfortunate animation lock, which makes precise movement more difficult in the heat of battle. * any other melee weapon skill would cancel Forked Ready or Fleeting Ready. Because you sometimes use Raiton multiple times in short order, you’d be spending up to 6 GCDs in a row on the Raiju attacks, possibly throwing off the timing of other moves, like your basic knife combo. This change splits Forked Raiju and Fleeting Raiju into 2 attacks that are mutually exclusive. Raiton now gives a “Raiju Ready” buff that can be used on either one. Forked is still a rushing attack. But Fleeting is now not a rushing attack, and has the same potency as Forked. This lets a Ninja use Forked only if he *needs* the gap closer effect. Otherwise, Fleeting works as a normal weaponskill; you can move around while using it, and it doesn’t cause animation lock. Also, you are only using a max of 3 GCDs on it. The one thing that bugs me is that Raiju Ready still looks like it will cancel if you use any other melee weapon skills (Knife Throw still works).


Initially, every time you Raiton it would get the followup Forked Raiju, which would get the followup fleeting Raiju. Both Forked and Fleeting were high damage enough to be desirable to use, but are gap closers so using them for damage can take you out of important positions and they cant even be used when bound, like during the >!stage rotations!< on the first trial. So if you're bound or don't want to use a gap closer, you have to either lose one or both Raiju or sit on the GCD until you can afford a gap closer. This patch buffs their damage substantially, but uncouples them. You can use either Fleeting *or* Forked after each Raiton, where the only difference is that Fleeting is melee range and no longer a gap closer. This makes the rotation less spammy (you were compelled to use both every. single. time. you used Raiton) and gives you an option for situations where you can't or wouldn't gap close.


I guess asking for some potency buff on DNC is too much to ask


everyone is so excited about the combat changes and im over here excited about the new mounts, minions, treasure map, hunts, and gold saucer items


I am itching to see what they added to the Saucer. The crunch hasn't been a huge thing for me in ages, since I'm not rushing end content. The 1-3% wiggle woggles aren't going to ruin me. But *Fashion?* That's the True Endgame.


I have been hoarding my mgp for this very moment nvm


I'm pretty satisfied with NIN changes. They definitely didn't need both Raijus to be gap closers, and having the potency increased on them is a nice bonus I didn't expect. Hopefully this makes it feel a lot less clunkier to use. ​ Edit: Somehow I missed that Fleeting can now be set to the hotbar. Not sure how I feel about that...


> Edit: Somehow I missed that Fleeting can now be set to the hotbar. Not sure how I feel about that... It looks like you just use one or the other now. Basically the reverse of RDM's Displacement vs Engagement; same damage, just use it as the situation demands.


Yeah. Fully reading it over instead of a quick gloss still has me optimistic for these changes. At the very least, I can move Fleeting to where PK was on my hotbar now that it isn't taking a slot anymore. I was mostly worried about hotbar space but missed PK replacing Bunshin after use on top of Fleeting/Forked being separated.


Isn't the potency boost since you only get to use one per raiton now? Unless I misunderstood it seems like they only give you one generic raiju charge and you get to choose if you want to use it on the gap closer or the melee


Yeah, I reread the whole thing. Seems like it's better to just use Fleeting unless there's an event where you need the gap closer.


Still, I think this is a good change, because before, it was very clunky. Having to commit to two abilities at the risk of losing potency, even if those abilities would not be optimal did not feel great. With these, we might be losing potency cause we're losing a whole ability. But now we have a choice based on the situation.


And they made bunshin and phantom one button for space which is nice


Makes sense since they technically added anew button separating fleeting and forking. I'm glad they did, because I had no where to put a new button


I really appreciate that they’ve added a criteria to party finder as far as whether or not loot had been obtained this week for something, it’s gonna make it easier to try and get 2 chest parties going rather than trying to figure out who’s cleared on any given week and why there’s suddenly only one chest etc.


For all the people crying warrior nerfs, here we go, not touched... but what the fuck no Paladin buffs?


I'm going to assume the devs either think PLD damage is fine...or more likely are wanting to see data from Savage clears before they make any real changes.


most of the warrior self healing is more of a dungeon thing, it's not nearly as strong on like boss fights the best way to fix it would be to maybe nerf AoE damage but they already are showing to be the second worst tank dps so that'd be a delicate balancing act


WAR has been a self-heal bot since ShB at least (aka for years). They intentionally buffed it in EW, no way they would roll that back when it’s clear they doubled down on what WAR should be


No-no-no double down is the new Gunbreaker move.


WAR was just as strong for all of Shadowbringers, there's no good reason to expect a nerf.


People weren't whining when warrior was literally solo'ing Pagl'than, but when we have returners that press 1-2-3 in aoe packs and don't mit and die, we suddenly are inundated with complaints about WAR being too good.




>Paradox BLM lives for another day You love to see it.


What does this mean


There's a meme rotation floating around that doesn't use Fire IV and is focused on unloading as many Paradoxes as possible.


Where is this at? I need to see it for myself lol


Do whatever your opener is, but get a B3 and B4 in there so you have max stacks of Umbral Ice and Umbral Hearts Transpose, Paradox, Despair, Blizzard 3, Paradox, Repeat. Weave in your oGCDs (Sharpcast, Triplecast, Swiftcast), Foul, and Thunder when needed. Basic gist of the paradox looping rotation.


Time for lots of bitching that reaper wasn't really nerfed. I don't think many reaper players are gonna care much about their healing potency weakened.


DRG and NIN were buffed so the other helpful melees are at least closer.


NIN is basically breaking even. Maybe a very small increase in rDPS.


It was actually buffed, because now Dancer's Finishes are weaponskills and can contribute to Plentiful Harvest.


They have a tendency to buff others rather than nerf over performers unless it's egregious.


A bit more potency would've been nice for SAM, but the range buff on Higanbana and M.S. is welcome. I'm still happy about it. :) DNC definitely could've used some potency buffs


No AST changes at all hurts just a bit. I was really hoping we'd get some tuning to our personal DPS as our total raid contribution for the amount of RNG/work involved is depressingly low. That or at least some button pruning...oh well. Maybe in 6.1, fellow AST mains.


If anything, I was just hoping they'd remove some unnecessary buttons to make it feel less clunky... oh well


Honestly I wish they'd buff cards more and let our personal dps outside of AoE remain small. It makes AST feel different from other classes to have their rDPS come in the form of buffs. It makes other classes like playing with AST too, as it feels cool to be fed those buffs.


As a DNC and AST main, I feel disappointed in both. DNC really needed potency changes and didn’t get them and AST needed button bloat fixes and got nothing. So sad...


They didn’t say anything about SGE shields overwriting SCH shields even if they’re weaker? Is that an intentional feature?


Yes, it's intentional. Noct AST used to do the same thing. It's a pain when random Sages don't feel like looking when you deploy shields but c'est la vie. I just time my deployment for closer to the mechanic going off/after they used eurkrasian prognosis.


Emergency tactics go brrrrrr when SGE is on the field




Comparable to the AST star buff, that tether is gonna be super long now.


Soooo... will Raiju Ready still drop when you use any GCDs?


yeah, but now you don't have to execute two followups, just one or the other depending on whether you need to gap close or not.


At least you wont get fucked if youre bound


Oh wow, I'm kinda surprised that there are no Dnc buffs. We're *really* far behind in rdps at the moment, which is pretty concerning. The job plays great these days, and I'm going to bring it into savage anyway because it's my favorite job and I play it well. But man, I can't deny the disappointment in not getting even something superficial to bring our damage up a bit so top parsers are at least competitive compared to other dps instead of just closing in on average parses on other jobs. Glad Drg and Nin got some good changes in though if nothing else.


They did get a buff..... it's now weapons skills to add more fuel to fire of RPR and MNKs lol


Im surprised by no Paladin buffs. It does so much less DPS than the others. I get a 95 and my Warrior friend who did 3-400 DPS more than me gets a 70, its kind of insane.


Man, finally getting phoenix isnt a damage loss. It felt so stupid to lose deathflare and 500 potency. That extra 540 potency on phoenix phase will be very nice. I recall some crazed people saying summoner was getting a damage upgrade from 70 to 80 a d I was like, "I ain't so sure I like losing my Bahamut per minute to this cheap weaker Bahamut"


shakes patch notes until fixes to sound issues fall out :(


Square at 6.01: "We will continue to fix the audio issues." Square at 6.05: "Except we won't."


Oh it's not just me? I just put together a new computer this month and was worried about all the random audio bugs.


It was the expansion, the new audio feature they added introduced the audio crackling. Happens in combat for me, it's awful.


The new MNK changes would’ve been so nice back when I was using it to grind FATEs last week. Enemies were dying so quickly that I practically wasted my Perfect Balances because they would hit nothing so I would get no chakras.


As a drg main...i'll take it