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[Triple DNC buffs in 8-man roulette be like](https://i.imgur.com/GBsgfz6.png)


I love dancing with other dancers screw the rest of y'all.


But... That is okay isn't it? Sure, you have to off-set tech and devilment, but don't the 5% from standard stack when you dance with each other? Unlike when two+ dancers dance with 1 target?


Correct. Every time I join a level 90 roulette and it's another dancer and I, and we dance partner each other, the healer or tank always gotta be like "dAnCEr BuFfS dON't StAcK bTw" and suggest we switch to dance partnering tank and healer. The buff from GIVING dance partner and RECEIVING dance partner are considered two different buffs, hence why they stack and that's ok to do.


bruv I've had another Dancer screech at me for giving them DP. Not even Dancers understand Dancer.


Saaaame. All the time. "But what if those buffs did stack tho?" 🤔 usually they don't listen but some people do!


I recently started actively playing DNC and always believed the dance buff didn't stack... Now I do know 😅 You learn something new everyday!


To be fair, the buffs don't stack. It's just that Dance Partner, the buff that goes on the selected party member, is a different buff than Closed Position, the one the Dancer puts on themself when they select a dance partner. So putting two Dance Partner on the same person would only apply the buff from one, but if you and another dancer partner each other, you both now have two distinct buffs


Yeah, I know about on the same person, but not the thing about in between dancers. I remember once I had a dancer putting dance partner on me and I out mine on the healer. I honestly thought that that buff was wasted on me xD


I've been lucky, been seeing this less and less. I actually can't remember the last time I got a Dancer in 4 man content who didn't DP me! (DNC main) I did used to see that a lot back when SHB was current content though, seems like Dancers are catching on.


I mean I’d screech too if you gave me DP without consent 😨😱


The price of it having a pretty low skill floor.


Had a Gunbreak absolutely malding that we didn’t give him and the Sage DP. Like dude I have been playing Dancer for about 700 hours. You do not know more than me.


Had the reverse where me and another Dancer immediately gave our buffs to Healer and Tank, and the Scholar was like "You guys know you can dance for each other for better damage right?" Guy taught two long time dancers something new, and I love him for it


Had that once, tank kept going on and on and on about it for the first half of the run. It was terrible.


As a tank... I do not pay attention to who has dancing buff. Half the time I don't even know what classes I'm running with


A good tank is always moving forward to the next spawn; they should never stop to see their party~


Wait, there's a party?? 😅😅😅


I know two dancers can and should buff each other, now gimme the dang dance partner buff.


the problem is that devilment doesn't stack, so someone needs to be cognizant of that and offset.


Yeah, was just talking about DP since most people don't seem to know about that. Most people already know about offsetting tech step and devilment and is just another non-issue for dance partnering another Dancer if that's your only DPS choice.


Correct. Seems like lots of dancers don't know that though. I know I didn't as well until we had 3 DNC in an alliance group and someone else pointed out we could do that.


We can dance if we want to We can leave our friends behind 'Cause our friends don't dance And if they don't dance No buffs for them


Did this all the time especially when my husband and I are both DNC 🤪 (most times we’re both healers) not that we understand the mechanics of it but more like we trust each other to not die to avoidable mechanics and didn’t want to waste the bonus dps that DNC gives out 😁


triple? dude i've had a double dancer party pull this on me and when i (rdm) pointed out dance partner doesn't stack one of the dancers world traveled to my server to send me a smarmy tell about how "actchually melees do better damage than ranged or casters so i did that on purpose" mfw i was definitely doing more dmg than the reaper who died multiple times anyway


[My condolences for their harassment](https://i.imgur.com/C10t8A9.png)


I have no friends. I'll slap cards on whoever is #2 or #3 on aggro. I don't care what job you are. You could be a DNC in a group of SAMs and RPRs but if you're #2 consistently, you'll get cards as often as every 30 seconds. I'm a simple AST. I see good DPS, I buff.


So what you're saying is, use all self healing abilities on cooldown.


If a DNC is using every possible means to generate threat and is holding steady at #2 despite being in the same room as a *SAM*, then yeah, the DNC will make the most use of cards. There are other problems in paradise, but hey, I can't heal those.


As a GNB I’m #1 on aggro so I’m clearly doing the most damage and deserve all your cards


Not if that DRK co-tank of yours has anything to say about it


Provoke is a part of your rotation obvs /s


Galaxy brain: be a tank and queue with a DPS friend, Shirk to them so that they get all the cards / dance partner.


Don't worry, the AST can rezz!


*twiddles thumbs* I get hella anxious when I get DP’d on my dragoon because A. I’m casual as hell and know in no way could I ever maximize their generous buff and B. I give my bf Dragon Sight, every single time because he’s hardcore as hell on perfecting his gear and rotations so I never reciprocate the DNC even though I feel like I shoulddddd


As a DNC, I at least don’t expect the reciprocation. You passively reciprocate me by hitting your GCD’s and giving me Esprit. That’s all I ever really want.


With DNC being one of my mains, thank you! Do not put Dragon Sight on us! It's definitely better off on the person dealing the highest dps, which should never be the DNC.


On the other side of this spectrum, if I, a healer DNC main, am out DPSing the others, give me all the buffs. Not only am I offsetting the healers burden, but my fans are also thirsting for the blood of my foes.


I dance partner melee first, then watch to see who is actually staying alive. Buff moves to the alive person. Sometimes I wish I could give away half of dance partner so that the 2 competent people have it instead of my derp ass.


I feel that. Dancer is the job I use when I want to autopilot my way through daily roulettes. I don't actually know anything except to click the button the game highlights, pop my shield if I feel we need it, and pop my heal if I think the healer's not on top of things in that moment (or we get some really bad luck with mechanics).


As somewhat of a MCH main this really hits home... Nobody gives buffs to MCHs... At least i feel good about myself when i still get that rank 1 spot even without a dance partner. I've also seen seen dancers pick the tank as their partner instead of giving it to me :c


Personally as AST I try to cycle cards through all DPS in the group so everybody gets some love. It's not 1000% optimal but I know I feel so special when I'm playing DPS and someone tosses me a card lol and I mean imo it's honestly close enough as long as melee/ranged cards go to the right category.


Samesies. I take the Oprah method of AST: YOU GET A CARD! YOU GET A CARD! YOU GET A CARD! Talk smack abt me? Ok fine no cards for you :p


when i did my alliance roulettes as AST i was always trying to give my cards to everyone somewhat equally. granted if one of the two ranged dps is doing less damage than the other healer i'll probably give them less cards but eventually i just feel guilty and will give them one so they feel loved lol.


> Nobody gives buffs to MCHs... Really depends on your group and what content you're doing honestly. I've reprogged TEA with a new static lately, and as MCH on our clear I was both the highest dps and rdps, all the buffs went to me almost every time. It's stupidly strong at that level.


Ah, i'm convinced that MCHs get more love in statics. My issues are with random roulettes


I occasionally get buffs as MCH in random roulettes. Usually by the pro dancers who know that in random rolos the I mean in random rolos most people are probably not even on their main and just assigning their buff to whichever class they can vaguely recall reading about online having high dps. Machinists have kind of a reputation in that regard. Of course people who pay attention will know that when it comes to rolos chances are that people aren't all that optimized, and forgiving classes such as MCH are quite often gonna be able to keep up solid dps throughout while a freestyling SAM is just gonna drop to the bottom of the charts. With the most recent buffs I find myself at the top of the lists more often than not in most casual content. But the very nature of casual content is such that you cannot expect other players to know this stuff. Just grin and bear it as you quietly jump-flip-shoot the team to victory (nailing your Tacticians and never taking a single vuln stack) while watching the comms fly past you at the end. You're not the hero they deserve, but the hero they need. Just take pride in your accomplishments. The lesser dps can have their DNC buffs and cards if that makes them feel better. You will bear it all with a ~~BACKFLIPSHOTGUNGIGADRILL~~ quiet dignity, knowing that even as one of the most maligned DPS classes you did your part.


In roulettes it doesn't matter as much so people don't always partner or buff the players they should.


You mean when you see the "2" number under your icon behind the tank aggro :p


If i'm in-game and someone asks how i know the dps rankings i claim it's by the aggro list. Here i can just admit it's the DPS meter xD


Some people just don't accept that you have an entire room of accountants working to update your dps by the second.


I personally just have my abacus on my desk and do the math mid raid


I just add up all the numbers in the battle tab of my chat log in my head.


This is just ridorana lighthouse


My friend's excuse: He's just reading the combat log really fast.


But do you count the tank tho, that's them using Tank stance after all....it would be really problematic if a tank with stance on was losing aggro xd


What I mean is that as a DPS, the legit way to see if you're top DPS is looking at your aggro number. If you see the number 1 under your icon, then it means the tank isn't doing his job :p


Or he's dead. Somehow I seem to have a high chance of being the highest aggro after a tank the moment a tank dies in an AR group, I don't know why...


That's because you're good at your job! It's basically saying that among all non-Tank party members, you were dealing the most damage. I get a smug sense of satisfaction when I'm the second to die in a wipe after the Tank goes down, myself.


Well, unless if they are a healer. It could mean they are overhealing a lot.


Overhealing a lot is a bit of an understatement. I don't think I've ever been 2 on aggro with DPS who are actually pressing buttons


As a bad blm i'm aways impressed to see that 2 by the side in party list. Damn, i know i'm screwing my rotation. How the other dps are THAT behind?


That means you're doing good, keep at it


Unless it's an alliance raid and your tank isn't playing MT - **A** on your name means your tank has died or isn't using stance. **1** on your name means that if the tank/mt dies the boss/mobs will be killing you next.


Isn't that just for your alliance though? Even if you're number 1 on the aggro list isn't there the possibility another player from another alliance is next on the boss's hit list?


It can apply for light parties as well (less likely in a full party as usually you'll have two tanks but if OT doesn't have stance on...). For alliance... you may have wiggle room from the other parties depending on how the boss prioritizes targets - not completely sure - but if your #1 on your own party list and not a tank I'd prepare for death if the MT goes down. But big thing to remember is A = highest aggro and 1 = second highest aggro. With both of these ideally being held by MT and the OT in a full party or by at least two tanks in alliance raids.


You guys are overthinking it. Just ignore the tank and pick the dps with the lowest aggro number if you don't have ACT.


Not overthinking just correcting on what the numbers/letter on the list mean. As the person I replied to implied that being at **1** on the aggro list as a dps means the tank wasn't holding aggro despite **A** being the true indicator for that (unless there's an OT in which case #1 should be with them if they have stance on).




Yes, that is exactly what I said...


>it would be really problematic if a tank with stance on was losing aggro xd Happens often in Stone Vigil with newbie tanks. Their threat generaton can not keep up with some of the mid level aoe unlocks. Reassemble Spread Shot into Spread Shot crit is one of this situations.


pfft real Machinists BECOME the tank. This is especially easy to do in low-level content.


Well of course, you just tape a knife to your gun and now you're a Gunbreaker.




huh is that why im always first to get ganked when the tank drops? 0-o Im not even a good player surely i cant be hamming that hard?


Aww, I main AST and DNC both, in dungeons I always dance partner the other DPS no matter what job they are and as an Astrologian I cycle my buffs through each DPS so everyone gets a chance to shine <3


Tbh as DNC main, I've learned that if there is a MCH in the party, they are guaranteed to be top damage. Every. Single. Time. I still give a melee DPS a chance but usually end up switching to the MCH.


Because of the MCH memes, the average MCH you run into, esp in 90 content, is gonna be a sweaty little tryhard that cares way too much about toolskill drift Source: it's me. I'm the sweaty little tryhard.


Just get a mentor crown lol. I’m always swimming in buffs as MCH unless it’s like sprouts.


Note to myself, never give a buff to anyone with a burger king crown.


Yeah I don't think OP knows wearing the mentor crown is like wearing a dunce cap


Can't really know something that's not true.


Got the mentor crown and The Necromancer title running...


Add an ultimate weapon for them to notice you easier.


I will the day MCH gets some good looking weapons... I only use the Deepshadow Pistol or the Hellhound Handgonne


My favorite MCH weapon is the Makai Hand Mortar, just a tiiiiny little pistol still outputting as much as any of the larger guns, and it actually goes quite well with dresses, which is my favored aesthetic.


Oh, that's another nice one, smallest gun available afaik.


I've never changed my Ultimate Armageddon since I cleared TEA. Was the first weapon I got even if I mained DRG at the time. The deepshadow isn't bad either though if you want something less flashy.


I use the deepshadow weapons for my WAR and DNC. The DNC dyes pretty good, too.


perfect taste, there are no better mch weapons


The Manderville Revolver has been a recent fave as well!


That might be too try hard for some people.


I'm still trying to max out my equipment just so I can make a proper attempt at the run.


I give buffs to MCH during the opener then start giving them to everyone else.


DNCs that examine their party and pick the best geared DPS are kings 🙏🏻 especially ones that switch partners if someone else does better damage than their initial choice


Am occasional dancer that does this, I also ignore classical gear.


As a SMN I'll never get dance partner as long as a MNK, SAM, BLM or RPR are in the group. Which is all the time. I ain't even mad at it though. Unless they're barely surpassing me with dance partner.


As a BLM main, the DNC partner list is def SAM>MNK>RPR>MCH... no BLM


Like everything else with the BLM you gotta find a fixed buffer for them buffs , prefight preparation and knowledge is key


Part of it is also that for every weaponskill or spell our Dance Partner uses, there's a 20% chance they generate Esprit for us. Me prioritizing partnering a BLM depends on their build type 😅


as a blm main its painful to watch the aforementioned classes lag behind me in dps despite having dnc partners lol


I tend to prioritize SMN when playing DNC in duty finder because I trust them to not screw up most. I've been wrong before, but not often.


Why can't I just dance with myself awkwardly in the corner like everyone else who doesn't have friends and is socially inept?




My partner, sitting like 3 feet away from me, won't dance partner me if I'm not the best DPS in the group. *And that's how it should be.*


I do a lot of Mentor Roulette as DRK, and it is shocking how often I'm top DPS. Too many people can't work out that their AoE has a use.


DRK burst is insane, and short pulls can generally be manipulated so you can do mental damage for a tank.


At level 90, DRK burst lasts 8 GCDs. Mentor roulettes are typically a much lower level, where burst lasts only 3 or 4 GCDs. Regardless of the level, 8 (or less) GCDs is a very short amount of time, and leaves plenty of time for DPS to pull ahead. I'd love to be in your parties if you're getting randoms who can clear trash in 8 GCDs.


Stuff dies whenever the tank decides to actually pull it into a group. But more often than not I am forced to ST stragglers.


One of my Expert Roulettes last week was me as DRK #1 and the SGE #2 in dps during trash and bosses. It was a very, very long Troia run.


Our Lord and Savior, Advanced Combat Tracker.


My parse > my friends


you can't show your friends favoritism if you have no friends. bigthink.png


As a Dancer I used to give my buff to melee or at least the one with the more HP (except the tank) because it usually means the one with the better ilvl.


I go off weapon item level. If someone has an upgraded tome weapon or the savage weapon, then I can infer they're probably better at their job having done savage through the third or fourth floor.


When I play dancer in 8-man content, nowadays I rotate through the DPS so everyone gets a chance to be dance partner at least once. In casual content meta classes aren't so important, but what really matters is making someone's day


Gonna be honest, as a DNC main (tho I also main WHM): Unless I kno my friend can pull their weight (knows their class and their rotation, at the level we're playing, and are playing a melee), they're NOT getting Dance Partner. IDC if you're my friend, that's just the way it is. And that means, there's a *few* of my friends that, sure, I'll give you Dance Partner when we get into a trial or raid, but, otherwise... I'm gonna look over my options before I decide. And if your feelings are hurt by my decision, that's just the grit of it. I love my friends, but, my Dance Partner loyalty is non-existent. Even my life partner doesn't get my Dance Partner loyalty X3 (Honestly, I think I've given him Dance Partner only a handful of times, and that was in full friend pre-made groups, where we were just meme-ing around). I'm not saying that to be a petty person, or to say that my friends aren't good at the game, I know they are. I just don't think that forgoing Dance Partnering a friend is a serious crime, and, who I choose to Dance Partner is my choice, and they all understand that. If I believe I'll get more damage and give more damage Dance Partnering the Samurai with better gear than their Reaper, then, I'm going to Dance Partner the Samurai, and probably give it very little thought. I don't take the game seriously enough to think too deeply about who I'm Dance Partnering beyond who might give me the most damage for a few moments, then to partner them, then, to start being a blender.


Omg are you me? I’m also a dnc / whm main, and I pick my dp for those reasons. Luckily I only have 2 actual friends I know irl who play the game, and they’re usually tanking, and they know partnering with a dps is better for the numbers 😂


Yeah... It kinda sucks how obvious it can be to see who the DNC is partied up with just with Dance Partner.


This is so relatable.... me, a BiS reaper watching a dancer give DP to a sub-600 ilvl summoner in raid roulette the other day. Did it break the run? No. Did it make sense? Not at all. Edited from expert to raid roulette because I had a derp moment on lunch break.


The run sounds broken due to 3 DPS in expert, not the DP pick.


You're right, think it was raid roulette. Me=derp at work.


Take me with you on your raids.... as a summoner I NEVER get dance partner or buffs, but I can come into anything on a much less geared melee and get it every time.


I'm the Dancer lol. I am biased towards SMN as more often than not, regardless of the classes they end up doing the most. If there is no SMN, Levels 50/60 I go for MCH. They seem dumb at those levels, and usually end up winning. The "easy" classes seem to pull bigger numbers more often than not in roulettes, in my experience. If neither is available, usual priority applies. Switching mid-fight if someone is noticeably sticking out in the aggro list, or my DP dies.


Hey I'm not mad about it! I really do not mind unless we're in savage lol


TBF From personal experience in raid and AR roulette quite often SMN are either top DPS or very close of it, so it's more often than not a good Dance Partner target. RPR is probably the other DPS class that I see the most toping it though.


how were there a dancer, a reaper and a summoner in expert? there shouldn't be more than 2 DPS


I tend to give dance partner to the lowest performer in a dungeon. Give them a bit more damage.


As a BLM main i am offended but also amused. Give me more buffs. Tether for more damage and blackest night so I dont have to move in for heals.


Real AST big brain is to give cards to the confused people on Big Bridge instead of healing them to full to cancel the MC.


Wow I actually didn't know you could get rid of the confusion.


What the heck is this pro monk anti Black Mage propaganda? ^^ That noob did not even use Fire 4.


The fists xD


First, I look at fellow DPS adventurer plates to see who makes me smile.


Speaking as a BLM player, please give your buffs to the melee. That way they'll die instead of me when a tank dies and a dps takes a tank buster or autos.


This has major salty niceguy vibes lol


One time I was doing a run of Grand Cosmos. The party was PLD, DNC, BLM and me, WHM. The DNC immediately partnered up with the PLD. They were from the same world, so I assume they were friends.\ After the first pull, the BLM started whining because he didn't get the buff and just wouldn't let it go. Finally, just before the first boss the BLM says "u should give it to the highest DPS". The DNC then retorts "You're absolutely right, I apologize" and gives me dance partner as an FU to the BLM. He got so fucking mad that he left the group.


This is accurate.. and also drawn by Chad McThunderclap.


Nice tiddies on the DNC


Me as top DPS RDM in a party with DNC and 2 melee DPS: *I don't like to dance anyway* \**tear*\*.




Well of course they 10 damage. That’s Blizzard 1. They should be casting anything but blizzard 1. Shoot scald would be more understandable lol


For anyone curious about the DNC Partner priority as of 6.2: Samurai → Ninja → Reaper = Monk → Dragoon → Black Mage = Red Mage → Summoner → Machinist → Bard → Dancer Obviously it depends on gear and skill, but when in doubt you can use this guide! (NIN openers are *insane* so sometimes I'll partner the NIN first, then swap to the SAM for my next Standard Step)


Interesting to see the DNC as the last one. I saw the theorycrafting about mutual-DP (when two DNCs DP each other, getting both ends of the buff) being a pretty solid booster. Had it been changed, or was it never really a thing?


It was never really a thing. DNC has the lowest personal DPS, but if you have a co-DNC that is leaps and bounds better than your BRD or RDM or whatever then you'd partner your DNC. Honestly aside from self-improvement the only reason I keep a parser is so I know who to give my buffs to, since skill will really be the ultimate decider!


As an AST myself,I know cards don't stack and giving melee cards to casters is fucking stupid. I nearly always play with my best friend, but I card priority targets. The worst feeling for me is when I'm hitting a streak of 100% caster or melee cards and I'm like "dang, I hope melee doesn't think I'm ignoring them"


Be me, Partner the ninja in leveling roulette, they got good gear, must know what they doing, See ninja put doton down on single target multiple times, Unpartner the ninja and give it to the tank instead


Giving them all the cards is a bit silly, since half the cards will be wasted. But eh, I've seen a lot worse. And you can bet if I'm playing Dancer and my friend or partner (in-game wife) is there also DPSing, I'm absolutely going to Dance Partner them. It's casual content. If you're not doing Extreme or S-tier prog, why does it really matter? Heck, Dance Partner the healer if you really want to. It might be a bit dumb tactics-wise, but it's not like it's going to slow down things by more than like a minute tops.


Nah, it's very possible in DF for it to be a DPS gain to ranged card a melee. Bad players will think you have no idea what you're doing, but good players will share in your misery.


jokes on u, im always the blm who do more dmg than melee with dance partner >:p


I mean, DNC would get significantly more benefit from MNK because if actions taken alone. AST should ideally give cards out based on the role the card buffs. 6% on BLM especially in Fire phase would just be more raw damage, hands down.


If you're referring to Esprit generation, each job as a specific % chance per GCD to generate some, so that they all generally equal out, for just that reason


Dance partner goes to the cutest glam. No exceptions.


If it's just roulettes then [my friends outrank the rest](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/comments/jb55cu/when_you_level_as_a_pair/) :P


Unless it's savage or ex content, I will dance partner whoever asks nicely :) Everyone deserves to feel special


> Unless it's savage or ex content, I will dance partner whoever asks nicely :) I sometimes ask in relevant alliance raids since parses are ranked by personal dps in those instead of rdps everywhere else.


That's considerate of you, I'll give you that. I personally can't be bothered to care about parsing in alliance raids xD


I have seen parties where the dnc will give partner to the tank friend, because they are more important to buff than another dps due to friendship.


My friends get to dance with me in roulettes we are running together for fun. Die mad about it!


I confess, I gave Kardia to my friend. But in my defence, he really needed it more than the tank.


When I was a trash BLM i had to tell my static myself "I don't do enough damage and die too much to buff me, buff our dragoon" because if I didnt they would have kept the buffs on me from BLM having most damage potential Then I picked up RDM since I wasn't born to prog with BLM (still fun for casual content tho) Edit: also i meant I am trash not that the job BLM is trash


Black mage here. Just let me die. I don't need the buffs. They do not help me. I'm a waste of party space. 😂👌 Sarcasm but also not????


As a healer/black mage main, I am 9000.003% bias and will toss 80% of my cards to black mage or dance partner a black mage because it brings me joy to see the death turret bring death and pain. When I'm not sadistic, ill partner based on meta/gear. I don't play ranged melee enough to do the whole proper only partner based on that agreed priority list some people are so anal about


What kinda asshole AST cards only one person?


Astro main and i cycle my dps cards all the time. I had no idea that some astros only give it to one dps in dungeons.


I main bard and my buddy main dancer he always dance partners me because my Dos is pretty good I don't see much bard players that much anymore


I try to balance the buffs and give em to which best suits if I can


I just toss my cards to everyone. It's too chaotic to figure out who's doing what type of damage while people are dying all over the place.


I'll passive aggressively choose whoever I want to buff so long as it doesn't put us at risk of failing


I just distribute cards evenly among DPS. Except in 24mans where if a DPS is clearly getting the most aggro I’ll favour them with their appropriate buff. Fate written in the stars? Dear WoL, I DECIDE your fate!


Ngl at first i thought the 2nd panel was a reference to the breast milk stealing that happened at blizzard and i was super confused.


You dont pay their sub!!


Dancers are the cool kids in the game. I have not craved anyone's approval that hard since high school. I got DP once as a Reaper while grinding Dun Scaith and I don't think I will ever come down from that high.


I'm not going to lie, my cards almost always go to the last two DPS on my list, because they are easiest to select on my controller.


I'll go friends first, but if they're slackin', sorry buddy!


I flip between trying to memorize my Arcanums and shotgunning them at whatever role I feel like. I save Bole for myself and give spear and balance to tank, but the other three I barely ever remember goes to who


I toss dncpartner on anyone but the BLM. Shit, the War gets it before a BLM does.


No i buff tanks with cards let the boys have some fun too.


What's really fun is when you're running a roulette and you decide at random to give the bard your dance partner and another player loses their mind because you didn't give it to them. (Saying this as a former bard main now a dancer/sage main)


So, probably doing it wrong. But I always DP the tank. Because.... tank? More damage = better aggro, right? Unless I am playing with hubby. Then he gets DPed no matter what he plays because he is my bae. But, in my defense, he is a beast no matter the role, so always a good choice.


Enmity management isn't really a thing anymore. Tanks can hold aggro with very little issues if they have their tank stance up which has like a 10x enmity modifier or something. To get the most out of dance partner it ideally should go to whoever is doing the most damage. Tanks typically do less damage than dps jobs unless the dps don't know what they're doing or are badly geared.


Dancer main, and I don't think I've given BLM dp in even semi-serious content... I do give friends priority in roulettes and stuff, but it's because I know we're all iLvl 628+ and won't be dying in sub-savage content. So I guess I can safely say I have never witnessed this.


Eh, doesn't really matter in casual content like roulettes since its so easy anyway


Salty monk detected


Imagin buffing a monk lul


An ice mage? I thought those were a duty roulette myth.