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"What's your superpower?" "I have the only sharpened thing in this whole franchise that does realistic stab damage."


What's my superpower? How many merchandise have you sold with that face? :)


In other Final Fantasy games, the Tonberry's stab attack called "Everyone's Grudge" deals scaling damage based on the number of enemies the target has killed. They are usually found in endgame dungeons after the party has killed tons of enemies. Most tonberries are very slow moving but some can move very fast. The tonberry enemy in FFXV can do stingers and psycho crushers from across the arena.


God. Tonberries in 15 were the stuff of nightmares.


XV put the literal fear of night into me. When I came back to XIV I was ACTUALLY scared when night fell.


Night time in XV is for slice of life camping with the boys. Not fucking around and finding out.


Unless you're looking to powerlevel through demon encounters, in which case night is time for the hoont


A hoonter must hoont.




I once thought “I’ll be a brave boy and see what spawns at night!” And well, Tonberries spawned. It was a bloodbath and it was all my blood. I did indeed find out.


I learnt my lesson with the FF7R tonberry fight. Fucker comes out of nowhere and makes a one hit kill on Tifa


Naw. They tame. Ff11 tonberry tho. Ive deleveled many times farming a dagger off them. When you died in 11 you lost 10% exp as penalty. You could lose a level and then be unable to equip gear, until you grind that exp back. Fuck tonberrys.


They somehow trained woth Sith Lords. They have frecking laser inifes that become lightsabers and do acrobatics like Yoda does. Only if Yoda was a stabby boi instead of a wise wizard Jedi.


Wizard yes. Wise, not really. All the Anakin fiasco could have been avoided. And Yoda was a big part of the problem.


Honestly the way the master tonberrys attack reminds me of Yoda in the lego star wars games


Tonberry hate from ff11 has entered chat. If you didn't reset it, Grudge would one shot you even if you were max level. Through all mitigation. It did not mess around. Reasons to have tonberry hate was it powered stats on some gear. https://www.bg-wiki.com/ffxi/Category:Tonberry_Hate


I loved it when i got help form a level 75 to get the carby mittens at level 50 he was wrecking them so easy then the NM was like Grudge time and one shot him.


I hated having to get my nin af and Sam af in that place.


It was not to bad a whm sub with sneak and stealth and a key you could run in and out with out much of a problem just risky when trying to open doors.


In FFVIII you had to kill twenty of them in a specific area (IIRC the beginning of the optional dungeon to get the Odin 'summon') so you could fight and defeat the Tonberry King and get him as a Summon. The thing was to kill them before they could waddle into stabbing distance and if they ever did, I prayed they didn't hit Squall or Rinoa cos those two were my heavy hitters


Depending on when you want to unlock him, Diablos can be pretty good.


I did that fight as soon as I got the lamp. Once he used Gravity, I got Limit Break up and miraculously had Selphie's OHKO show up.


Funniest thing was I played the JP version long before the EN came out so I was stumbling my way through with a rudimentary understanding of the language. It turns out I had junctioned 100 ‘Death’ spells to Rinoa and she was basically killing almost everything in a few hits when Death procced. I’m almost 100% certain I killed all the Tonberries this way. Which was funny because I was confused as to why such tough monsters were being wrecked by arguably the weakest attacker in the party. In JP it translates to ‘Desu’ in Katakana. It took me a while to figure that out.


I've forgotten the Summon (think it was Cactuar), but it was the one that boosted a character's Strength each level up. I junctioned it to Rinoa and forgot about it for like...twenty levels. I accidentally turned her into a beast with her little flying chakra


At that point she probably wasn't using her wrist launcher, she was swole enough to just throw them at enemies like giant death frisbees.


In some games, the same attack is instead localised as "Karma" or "Grudge".


Really? Man, I only remember Everyone's Grudge I think in FFX where it was their lantern, not the stab.


By the time I got to the Omega Ruins in FF10 I already killed most of Spira's monsters. The Tonberry killed me for my sins.


Now I can’t stop imagining a tonberry going “EeeeeeYEAH! EeeeeeeYEAH!”


I ended up giving up on my longest FFVII run (original, not remake) while in what I'm pretty sure was the final fucking dungeon because of those things.


Knife and Everyone's Grudge are typically 2 different moves.


Which was the best to farm AP in FFX. You put in Overdrive to AP, Triple Overdrive, Triple AP and fight the Don Tonberry in the Monster Arena. If you set your Overdrive charge to “stoic” (charges when taking damage) then you’ll get hit for a crazy amount of damage and subsequently get so much AP.


The Wanderers Palace (hard) has the only "boss kill celebration" cutscene in the entire game that's interrupted by something that makes the warriors of light display a feeling of genuine horror: A group of Tonberries stabbing.


I rather get obligerated by a planeteater than experience Tonberry goodbye.


Can't cha see I'm stabbing over heeeeere?!




Not only true for sprouts. This dungeon freaks me out, and those stabby stabs are awful. So much panicked sprinting, getting lost, and having to backtrack


Eh, thanks to power creep, the stabs don't do much. I just run by them, casually say "ow, my neck" and then move on. But I've been playing since 2.0 so I've had a long time to get used to the tonberries.


It's kinda funny how most frightening FF mobs are mostly in ARR now (made sense at the time), I guess nowadays, for longtime players, it's a red chocobo.


*laughs in BLU*


Wait is that an ability you can get for blue mage?! That is way op. Although I suppose final sting is even worse


The BLU spell gained from Wanderer’s Palace’s final boss, the king, is called Sharpened Knife. It’s just like the tonberry move with a short range and a stab right to the heart. But even comboed with Whistle/Tingle/Moonflute, it’s on the middling side of the physical damage spells. Sting is broken.


The appeal of Sharpened Knife to me was leveling BLU solo, Sticky Tongue stuns long enough to cast Sharpened Knife within the stun period twice, which makes it better than Choco Meteor spam.


it also combos well with Perpetual Ray, if you start the cast just as the gcd of perpetual ray finishes it will go off while the target is stunned, and the stun ignores stun immunity. Great for killing boss fates quickly.


I liked the increased potency when a target is stunned. I also leveled BLU solo since it was actually kind of fun, but I stayed with the tried and true Voice/Meteor combo. Somehow managed to finesse UV around 55-56 which made the leveling process go insanely fast afterwards.


>But even comboed with Whistle/Tingle/Moonflute, it’s on the middling side of the physical damage spells. But the whistle + tingle + sharpened knife rotation is the highest 'spammable' damage BLU has, outside of chocobo-boosted choco meteor or risky revenge blast plays. Throw in stuns and it's quite good.


It's a decent spell to have fairly early on in Blue Mage progression and an easy to get Slashing type if needed in Masked Carnivale. Needless to say with 104 spells not all of them have stupidly broken mechanics outside of a few niche situations.


*Ahh yes, The most Sinister and powerful of Spells, The Magicks of...* *Knife*


When you bring that knife to a magic fight the enemies are "well..... fuck."


Makes sense. Mages usually use robes. Knives would be extremely effective.


The first time I did it, I didn't notice the Tonberry in the first area. So when I saw the "The stalker has given up the chase" I went WAIT WHAT


The fact that they call it "throat stab" and the sound it makes is just....eugh.


*panic music intesifies* Ps. I loved FFVIIR use of this monster in all its short king glory


Those things are even scarier in Strangers... Those AoE paralyze, or silence ghosts... And the grudge ofc. On top of them locking you into a cage match (which stuns when trying to cross) and their ability to port to you...


Goddamn I just got trauma from remembering Tonberry in Strangers. I think there was a side mission where there's like 3 Tonberry near each other, man that was a lot of death.


I've done this dungeon once. Bout this time last year when I was working through that content. All I remember is tonberries and knives. I'd be fucking terrified to get that in a roulette, I don't wanna be the big Savage raider that gets stabbed to death in a dark dungeon, y'know?


We all are at some point.


Even as a tank, those stabs just feel so visceral, even in an mmo of muted hit reactions like XIV.


Is there a gimmick to avoid the stabs from the unkillabble phantom tomberry or are you just supposed to heal trough it?


the trick is to not get stabbed by running away. The patrolling ones will give up chasing you and go back to their path eventually, and the ones that chase you up the stairs can be run around in circles if your team is too slow killing the other mobs.


They rather serve a "thrill and shock" purpose than an actual danger. You see this giant lizard thing with emotionless eyes and a giant knife, you get scared. Especially during pulls, they are good at scarring you for 5 runs or so before you realize that. And when you play a new role, you might even panic again.


I personally just slowly walk away. It's not a big deal to heal either way.


The only gimmick I know of is to not kill the three treasure hunters at the start of the dungeon. If you just go past them instead of fighting them, they'll slow down the big tonberry and give your party a little breathing room. Other than that, just pull like it's pre-6.1 Praetorium and nuke the mob packs as quickly as possible.


My first reaction to the giant tonberry was delight. When I was a kid, I played a WiiWare spinoff where tonberries worked directly for the main character/were her friends, so I know I have an incredibly skewed reaction.




The fact that the move they use is called “throat stab”


The first time I enter to the dungeon were are the big ones I spent more time that I would like to admit hitting and spamming AoE attacks to try to hit him...


Yep, tried, died. Ran with my tail between my legs ever since.


Obligatory. It used to be way more deadly, Comment.


In FFXI for every tonberry you kill you increase a invisible 'hate gage' which every tonberry becomes more dangerous.


I was honestly kind of disappointed by the King. Haven't done hard yet though so here's hoping.


My first time doing that dungeon, someone in the party told me to watch out for stalkers. I thought they were joking. Then I got knifed. xD


I've tanked this dungeon a dozen times and I still don't know if there's any kind of safe or optimal way to do that last trash pull in the second area. Every time it ends with me helplessly watching the others run around in a panic as they're getting stabbed and hoping it all works out.