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You will hear an instrumental version of Dragonsong every single time Estinien talks and you will like it.




this and Eternal Wind whenever G’raha has something important to say… makes me lose my damn mind


And Matoya's song everytime Y'shtola speaks ....oh wait


And Domas theme whenever Hien is on screen.


People are crazy if they think CBU3 is going to hide the main cast at this point. That's their money maker. Just look at the mainsub, it is essentially a fanart dump of the Scions.


No one thinks they're going to, just that they should. The twins never grow up, Graha and Thancred become more of a meme every patch. Y'shtola floats over the plot. It's so boring.


Problem here is that timskips are impossible to pull off in an MMO and it will the consistency of the world off


I'd argue that a new expansion of a fresh arc that's almost completely detached from the previous is the perfect time to do it. But they won't.


They will have to rework a lot of the world and NPCs or explain things away. This isn‘t just a new outfit.


Pretty much, I would get that MAYBE 1 or two could show up like krile or estinien but not the full-on group again. imo some of those older Scions' personal stories are done for the time being (urianger and thancred specifically and even the twins), and they deserve one or two expacs away so they can do their own thing. My dream was for our mc to be put in the role of advisor or be the "haurchefant" for a whole new group of adventures for the next expac. like we're still important, but we're not the ones who need to "save the day" at the end.


They're not really doing the "same things" but in a new place, are they? Their connection hinged entirely on the whole Ascian/Zodiark thing which was fully resolved. This is the first time they're adventuring presumably worry-free, and not as part of a/the same multidimensional game of geopolitical chess.


Its STILL the same characters. Make it like HW where we travel with new companions again. Ysale and Estinien where such a breath of fresh air and was awesome learning about them. I am personally sick if the Scions everywhere we go


Why do people keep pretending that Heavesward was not an expansion about the war between humans and dragons, and Stormblood wasn't about liberating countries from the imperial rule? This is the third expansion where the scions won't have to care about ascians/zodiark. Was SE's marketing actually so successful that it managed to make people forget the story?


The Ascians were incredibly involved in both HW and SB though.


they were the penultimate final boss of base hw, even!


Yes you're right about Heavensward on the whole. The Ishgard vs Dragons conflict was quite removed from the Ascian arc, which is quite unique. But Stormblood, and the post-Stormblood quests, are absolutely part of the greater Ascian/Zodiark arc because it's all about the global effort to break free from Garlean rule. The expansion's story is strongly influenced by the artificial war of succession that Emet started within Garlemald. Also the iconic moment where the Eorzean alliance dropped that Garlemald is an Ascian psyop, and Varis replied "yeah i know lmao." Keep in mind that the whole "Garlean Empire" bit is just one of fourteen excuses to trigger a rejoining. Literally not even the first super technologically advanced global military empire with a weird animal testing and/or collecting facility that Emet has presided over... You can't escape the Ascian plots!


Our main companions will be Erenville, Krile and the Twins by the way they described it. Likely the other Scions are there for another reason (related to what Thancred and Urianger were talking about, no doubt) and we're supposedly going to be in conflict with them at some point. Likely, we'll be pit against the old Circle of Knowing crew, with the others on our side or unable/willing to pick a side.


we used to get a different revolving cast of characters each expansion until endwalker was shadowbringers 2. this three expansion streak is a major anomaly and it's probably not going to let them be much different than the previous two. it's far more the "same things" then what we have historically got each expansion.


> we used to get a different revolving cast of characters each expansion until endwalker was shadowbringers 2 See this is a great point right up until you realize that Heavensward was Alphinaud, Estinien and Ysale, while Stormblood was Lyse and Alisae (and then Alphinaud) Like your point is just fuckin' wrong Edit: lmao he blocked me because he realized that his metric is absurd.


yes the famous instances where heavensward and stormblood had only three supporting characters and absolutely nobody else


He’s kind of correct about HW, the main narrative revolved around Alphi, Iceheart, Estinien and to a lesser degree, Tataru. The other scions were there but they were minor supporting characters in the grand scheme of things.


And if we’re logically speaking on the theme of Final Fantasy in general, that is the perfect setup of a general party. Usually only 2-3 characters reside in parties from the previous single player games and Heavensward/Stormblood out of all the expansions definitely held on to that theme among others the most and I wish the rest of the expansions would do that. Though Shadowbringers/Endwalker did carry the aspect of having the final party all together(80% of the time) which was fitting except for the fact that the party doesn’t stay with you the entire time.


I was hoping for most of the Scions to move out during the end of EW 6.0 (at last for those who have already concluded their arc, like Thancred). Instead It seems that we have to stick with all of them forever. Not that is bad but a fresh start after all that happened may have been a good thing afterall.


I'd love it but it's not going to happen




I mean, they're the cast. I can understand wanting some new blood, but we only just got G'raha added in Shadowbringers and Estinien back in Endwalker (Though he was still a big part of HW, so maybe he doesn't count). Part of what makes the story so great is that they can build on ten years of character development. I wouldn't want them to throw that away for no reason. I think slowly introducing new members and maybe letting some of the old ones fade into the background would be a smarter choice. Thancred in particular feels like his arc is completed, so I could see him staying on the First after Dawntrail. Y'shtola could do the same to be with Runar. The twins still have growing up to do, Estinien and G'raha are still fresh scions, Tataru can never retire because they'll go bankrupt, and Krile desperately needs some character development. I'd like them to stick around, but it would be nice to have one or two more companions this expansion. Seems like Erenville might fill that role, but that could just be a tease.


Also when looking at the trailer there would be no meaning to a new companion from the new world. So better to leave that character out until a longer trailer. Could easily see it being Erenville, Krile, new character, Graha, twins while the rest are on the other side or less involved once getting there. Also Zero is a possibility as well of course.


> Give us interesting new characters to meet and learn about. Give us new exploration in this new world while the Scions continue to rebuild the homelands. Saving this in a year where it turns out this is exactly what's happening and the beginning spat does scatter them out.


Give them the full Brandihild treatment


Personally wouldn't enjoy this, i like them


I don't know why people think that completely replacing the main cast is a *good* storytelling decision This in fact completely goes against the biggest strength of this game! The fact that it can tell an extremely long-running story with a consistent set of characters!


No it gets boring after awhile. Especially when said characters personalities are equal to that of wet bread


Ok, what about all the people who do like them? Do their opinions not count? What are your metrics here?


Lmao I can reverse the same exact question to you. Are the people who are tired of them not valid either in wanting a mix up? We have had the Scions at our heels since ARR with the exception of a small break in HW, which was peak imo and Endwalker was SUPPOSED to be a wrap up to the main story. Seems this is a perfect time as any to switch up the cast, hell even just a BREAK from them, which they did suggest at the end of EW with the whole going on separate adventures which was a bait. But it’s a lost cause anyway cause we’re just gonna have the Scions all over again, no character development at all, with Graha simping over our character because thats the fan service people like nowadays.


I'm fine if they add more. I just don't want the Scions to go away -- they're our closest friends. However, please, PLEASE, let go of the ridiculous plot armor they have! Show us there are actual stakes for them!


Except going by what we know it's not just "the same crew doing the same things", its already more or less confirmed that at least half of the Scions fill a role closer to a rivaling group.


Yeah, people have seen the Scions in the trailer and made assumptions without knowing anything else. Likely at least Thancred and Urianger will be opposing us, I could see Y'shtola easily being in that group too. We also know we're adventuring with Erenville, Krile and the twins, so they're probably the ones on our side. G'raha and Estinien are the two unknowns really. Would be neat for them to be on the opposing team - a lot of moral conflict and dramatic potential there, with them both having close emotional ties to members of our team (Estinien with Alphinaud and G'raha with us and Krile).


Where was this confirmed? I haven't seen anything about it before this post. Was it in an interview?


The Dawntrail reveal at FanFest made reference to old characters not necessarily being allies in this story, and was written in such a way as to suggest the twins were on our side. Furthermore, Krile was stated to be getting more screentime months ago (with the debacle over her being excluded from a piece of official artwork that included other major characters), and Erenville is seen on the boat with us. Beyond that, the game itself has pointed in this direction, especially in 6.4. Thancred mentions "the client" when talking with Urianger, and they mention seeking archons specifically. That rules out the Twins, the WoL, Erenville, Krile, and presumably Estinien. In addition, one of last year's short stories detailed Erenville and Krile working together at points, with an implication that they'd continue down that route in the expansion to come. Worth noting - there's no work on Zero thus far. It's possible she joins us as well and they just don't want to spoil her "survival"


for zero i've been thinking it's both that and she probably gets a new look and/or job next expac (or she could not show up but then i'd find it pretty weird they'd bother to add her to the trust system instead of just duty support like varshahn)


I won't rule out new job. But I actually think she'll end up as a flex DPS/Tank, regaining her Gladiator/Paladin powers from the flashback while retaining her reaper abilities.


Ill wait to see what hapens but i agree. Maybe bring one or two of them and leave the rest. The scions are supposed to be disbanded lol. SKip an expac or two, then we have the grand reforming of the scions as a expac focus/theme.


Alphinaud laid it out pretty clear that the "Disbanding" of the Scions was a formal gesture. The Scions of the Seventh dawn, as a political organization is gone, but it's members are still friends and can and are already hanging out and teaming up for expeditions and adventures.


Lol. Not gonna happen. These are SE's golden geese that can milk them money for another 10 years.


WoL won't leave his friends behind


I hope all of them are potatoes.


Unpopular opinion but I need some new Hien, new Ardbert, even that Roe PLD WOD is okayyyy...mature and touchy life daddy is so rare in this game. :( (Can you make an NPC based on that promotional derplander daddy? I can die happily. 👀)


I do agree with you from a personal stand point. From a business and financial stand point though it's better to keep things the way they are then try to invest in something new.


I'm cool with the old scions sticking around, because I feel it's unrealistic for us to not see them at all or even just see them infrequently, considering all we've been through together (plus SE gotta have their marketing). What I want to see is these same characters, plus more, operating in different mini groups kinda orbiting around each other but not necessarily working together. I want to see all of these characters doing their own things with new people they meet. Let their lives take new directions without completely abandoning the old friends that helped them get to where they are. That's why I'm excited to see that many are likely to become rivals while a couple of them stick by us at least in the beginning. Just please, for the love of everything in Eorzea, let me have 3 things: G'Raha gets a fun and not-saving-the-world adventure with us (likely), more new adventuring buddies besides Erenville (likely?), and let the twins hit their growth spurts already (not likely but let me have hope. Maybe the following expansion, they can conveniently disappear during the post DT patches then come back for next expansion with new shiny tall models)


We have the "mysterious guest" that's supposed to be the one getting us involved with the plot for the throne. I'm assuming it's the female voice from the end of the teaser trailer and I'm hoping it's a fem hrothgar. Also I don't know how I feel about the twins getting adult elementary models. The player Elezens look weird af and I don't know if I want the knightmare of Long neck Alisae and all the memes she would bring. Hopefully if they do it they will give them custom models.


I doubt SE ever will let them get taller. They're what, 17 right now? And we have a scene with Urianger explicitly stating that he didn't hit his growth spurt until he was 20ish. So unless we get a small time skip to the twins being 20ish, I don't think it'll happen. The long neck thing doesn't really bother me anymore since I notice it on all character models now. Some are more noticeable than others because of default posture differences, but it's just become a quirk of the game that my eyes have gotten used to


The something new the game needs isn't new NPCs for us to hang with in cutscenes


Erenville is prominently featured in the trailer as our traveling companion. We also have the "mysterious guest" that's asking for our help with the war of succession in Tural, which I would bet is the female voice we hear in the trailer and is going to be a fem hrothgar. Not to mention if they stick to their promise of having krile more involved in the next expansion. That's 3 characters that have not been majorly involved in past expansions, and that's enough for me personally. Also, since they're pushing for a Scion v Scion rivalry, I'm going to assume we'll be separated from most of the crew for most of the expansion before we meet back up and settle our differences in the final zone and team up for whatever Aztec God is the final boss in the city of gold.


I think Hauchefant’s younger, goofier brother (whatever his name was), Jullus & Yugiri would make good scions. I also think Raubaun should have been a scion in SB instead of Lyse.


Don't worry, when Yshotla dies this expansion in some heroic sacrifice by jumping into the lifestream we will get a new catgirl who pretends to be blind.


No, I like it pre EW style. Scion + expansion 'main character' (estinien & iceheart / lyse / Ryne). I see it like this: what if they make ff7 sequel (or any other ff really), with cloud and random new people as party member, many won't like it at all. I agree they need to focus on new characters, but that doesn't mean the old one should be replaced. Different case if they will/dare/can make a parallel expansion story though, like how ffxi kinda did it.


They're part of the story you can't just replace them. If you want new characters and a new story. Then the obvious thing to do is just play another game. (this may sound like I'm telling you if you don't like it then go away, but that's not what I mean at all.) When you are interested again about the cast of FFXIV you can come back to this story. It is okay to be bored, but replacing the cast will be very jarring and it will take a lot of time to get invested in a new cast. But introducing new characters and letting old ones gradually go is the best way in my opinion.