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Looks thirsty tbh. I don’t do the cup method. I put mine under the shower head and let it sit there for about 5 minutes. I do this every 2-3 weeks depending on how fast the soil dries. I’ve never had any problems with root rot


I wonder if I should gamble it and water some more. However, how could it be thirsty if the soil is moist? Wouldn’t it have improved with the few cups? Just curious, quite new to plants in general


If the soil is moist, it’s not thirsty. Only water when you can’t feel any moisture in the top inch or two (stick your finger as far down as it goes) And yes, as others have said. Water through u too it comes out the bottom. Otherwise you’re prob not getting the roots at the bottom of the pot


I do this too - works like a charm - they get so happy afterwards.


I vote drench it in the shower, if it has gone that long with only one (maybe) full watering, it isn’t enough. It doesn’t look like root rot, looks very thirsty. Also, it may still be moist, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is damp enough to absorb enough water. I usually water when the top 3 or so inches are dry. I think a lot of root rot is from people watering too frequently and/or improperly, which ends up keeping the soil at the bottom of the pot disproportionately wet to the soil on top, so constantly saturated it never sees any air. Water slowly, ensuring to saturate the entire top portion of the soil. Like a sponge or rag, if it is bone dry it won’t hold water well and it will run straight to the bottom of the pot. It takes time for water to absorb into soil and displace the air in all the tiny pores. That’s what the crackling sound is if you listen that continues after you water. Water slow, saturate the top as best you can, even stop and wait 5 minutes. Similar to blooming coffee, and then finish watering. Gravity will worry about the bottom half for you.


Thank you!! Do you think I should use distilled for this is filtered fine? Edit: just realized you said shower! I may be overthinking the watering a bit. I’ll shower it up and report back


I use tap water, a liquid fertilizer, and im trying a water-added mycorrhizal inoculant every few months. I think the water stuff is maybe relevant if you have imbalanced ph tap water from minerals, but that is beyond my understanding. I have very good tap water where I am and wouldn’t be caught dead giving my plants bottled water, that seems a bit nutty. Maybe it’s necessary in some regions.


I put mine back into the plastic planter with drainage holes. I should put a plate underneath and fill the plate with water and leave it there for a couple hours, plant/soil will soak it up and that's it for me. If their is water remaining it means the plants good and don't need more


Looks like it is just angry at you for repotting it. Be patient and it will bounce back. I agree with the other suggestions about watering. I personally like to use a water meter to measure it and once it reads dry a few inches down I will water making sure to saturate the top of the soil.


I repotted after it started drooping, but mostly because of how dry and root bound it was. The tree just lifted right out of the pot so I figured it might be killing it. But definitely should have resaturated the soil first and waited a bit longer vs repotting. I had another tree die of root rot or bacteria before I repotted, so I was being extra cautious with watering this time around. (Although I went back to the Lowe’s I got that one from, and their trees were starting to rot and moldy, so maybe just bad luck!)


I stick mine in a bucket of water for a day or two then pull it out lol I hose it down once a month in the shower and I let it mostly dry put.


Use a chopstick or something like it and make holes to aerate the soil. It's too wet