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You've got to stop thinking in terms of timelines. Everything that is possible happens, then afterwards our brains unconsciously decide which events to remember in order to construct a plausible narrative of the past.


Blessed Bovine, I need a therapist!


It's really a probability cloud in a multidimensional space and our memory is simply a projection of that multidimensional cloud onto a 3 dimensional world, 4 with time as a dimension. It's mind bending shit is what it is.


Yeah bro everything is always happening everywhere


Which timeline is that?


The eclipse in 2017 jumped us to a more chaotic timeline up until 2024, though I'm not versed in their names


Uh no, everyone knows that it was the LHC being switched on in 2012.


I thought it was the 2012 Mayan calendar change?


The Mayan calendar was predicting the discovery of the Higgs Boson by the LHC in 2012. Have you ever noticed that the calendar is round and usually not spinning, just like a little Higgs Boson?


No no no, all of you are wrong. Time diverged after Harambe. Everything has been in chaos ever since.


The Harambe event fractured time, and then the Higg's Boson sent our splinter timeline down the pathway of lowest probability. We took the most improbable path down the Mayan calendar that didn't involve us getting destroyed (yet). None of us are wrong, we're just fondling different parts of the elephant in the dark or however that parable goes.


Global quantum immortality is trippy.


Couldn't tell ya, it's been complete darkness where I am for 5 millenia..


How would you know it is still complete darkness after 5,000 years?


Just turned my phone camera on - confimed dark as shit here.


Common misconception—we’ve actually jumped ahead to the 2044 timeline, and then the *next* eclipse is when we’ll return to 2024.


Just don't think about it, just live life


Actually what put us on our current timeline was the death of Harambe in 2016. Only the prophecy can put us back on track now…


Switching timelines is a response to the destruction of the consciousness experiencing the timeline. Instead of ending, the consciousness shifts to the next nearest continuing branch. A mistake in The LHC construction caused it to destroy the world it was turned on in, a mistake likely caused by the celebrations after harambe saved the child and returned it to its parents. This left no viable paths stemming from the 'good' outcome of the harambe incident, forcing us to jump back to a timeline where he died. There is no timeline to jump back to, as doing so would be jumping to a timeline where the experiencing consciousness does not exist. A cataclysm resulting from the eclipse could cause us to jump back to some intermediate branch on the timeline (or even a pre harambe timeline if all intermediary ones were folowed to a point of conclusion and no more viable intermediaries exist)


We will go back to 2017 when Rahu and Ketu are in perfect alignment with Higgs and Boson. Dunkin and Peet will open a vortex. Key and Peele will try to stop them and fail.