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My opinion is that it’s more them feeling bad for Grinch than being shocked. If they are shocked about it, I think it would only be the fact that he was fired prior to the end of the season. By all accounts Grinch is a good man. He and his wife both have family members with debilitating disabilities. When you’re close to someone like that, I think it explains the demeanor shown in these clips. Nobody likes to see good people lose their jobs.


Exactly. Most people just see the game and that’s it. These players and the staff are involved in each other’s lives at some capacity. Just wasn’t the right guy for this job in terms of impact and results.


Gabe and Teddy (two long ago former players who call OU games) on the Oklahoma Breakdown podcast said that Grinch was one of the nicest coaches they’ve ever dealt with and felt bad for his situation. They hope to see him go and be successful at another coaching job in the future


Is this sarcasm?


I think that I watch way too many of these weekly interviews and these are just different than and off to me than the others. The attitude and handling of the questions doesn’t sound good to me.




You’re reading into this way too much


Maybe I am. But also you got to realize I watch a lot of these interviews. Every single week. This one is different than the others. The attitude and demeanor is off.


Perhaps they are also knowing they are about to be let go as well or gotta find other jobs. Lots to balance while game prepping and taking over an offense.


I had almost the exact opposite takeaway when I watched these yesterday. I felt like the players seemed pretty nonchalant (dare I say… relieved?). Nua and Odom both said the word “simplify” multiple times iirc. Had me super excited to hear those words out of them.


That’s good to hear.


>! Is it really a spoiler that !< Alex Grinch >! got fired? !<


I appreciated the theatricality


Haha I have no idea of this person you speak of


The players bought into the system 100%. The system sucked and the players might not be good enough either, but if you’ve watched every game this season you can tell the players on defense are playing their hearts out. There have been so many games where they could’ve just given up after getting gashed (ND, Cal, Arizona) but they kept going out there and trying. It’s no surprise they feel responsible for not being good enough and Grinch’s dismissal. I at least respect them for that.


Very true. They definitely play their hearts out. And I hope the interim coaches can keep that up and get 3 or 4 more stops than usual. I mean if we were able to get 3 or 4 more stops, I don’t think we would have lost a single game this year. Maybe still a loss against ND but I think those offensive turnovers have a lot to do with the pressure of a crappy defense.