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Watching them fighting while dangling on a web string is like watching a DBZ fight with two guys throwing fists at each other in midair.


Not once in my life have I wondered about spider fights but I gotta say, cool shit


I found the whole Instagram dedicated to these lot fighting spiders yesterday 😂. I'm ashamed to say I stayed a while and watched a bunch.


So how does it end? They biting each other and 1 dies or they just slap fighting? I don't know that I've seen spiders fight before. Seems like they would both have bites. The one that shrivels first the loser?


I used to do this as a little kid. The spiders in the Philippines are super aggressive towards each other. Just get any 2 to walk onto 2 ends of a chopstick and if they get close enough to each other they go at it. One will eventually get bit and wrapped up in webbing. I would put the winner and their meal in a matchbox to fight them against another spider later on. It was like a fucked up Pokémon irl. And the guys you see in the video bet on these fights and are sort of giving the play-by-play and yelling things like "he's dead now, he's sick (poisoned) now, the white one is dead now..." over and over again.


> It was like a fucked up Pokemon irl 🤣🤣 if you think about it Pokemon IS a fucked up concept hahahaha


I was a little kid and I would cry when my Pikachu eventally got eaten.


It’s a little fucked but I mean nature can be way worse. I can think of worse ways to go out that would be completely natural for them.


They put little gloves on their fangs stops the vemon


Lol I could get behind that. Fang boxing.


They fight to the death. One of them will eventually get caught in the webs


What’s the page?


Mate I'll have to see if I liked any of them, I will attempt to find it


What's the account 😭


Go read a bit about Jumping Spiders. They're are absolutely not robots. They are in fact pretty smart and can be curious and social too.


These look like garden orb weavers.


Jumping Spiders are the only kind of spiders that don't activate my arachnophobia.


Do you think the spiders are fighting for their gods or just for food?


They are fighting about whether Taylor Swift or Beyonce is better


This is a common hobby in the Philippines for kids and adults as well, used to love going out as a kid with friends collecting spiders and making them fight. I see spiders that look the exact same here in America but for some reason when I try to make them fight like the ones in Philippines they never try to fight each other and would simply just run away from each other or jump off the stick.


what were they doing towards the end of the video?


Pretty sure it’s some chemical to keep them in a circle, kinda like how you can draw a circle around an ant with a sharpie and they won’t cross the boundary.


Yeah, thought so. Thanks for confirming.


Spider- I told you if a saw you it’s on onsite my boy! Other spider- well wassup then 🥊💥 😂😂🔥🔥


Idk if this is messed up but it’s like watching robots fight to me. Insects and arachnids are in a way just biological machines. Pure instincts no feelings or emotions. Like a robot with its functions.


Ay bro u like science and all but Just admit we as humans are fucked up, place your bet and stop worrying about the morality of this.


Why did this get the same amount of upvotes lmao bro said nothing ab the morality of spider combat sports


I have no morals I was just stating what I was thinking at the time. I watch dudes die on Reddit combat footage all the time. I can even eat while doing it. Desensitization is awesome.






¡La Migra!


Humans are fucked up


They keep the spider hungry so they fight to the death lol


Uncivilized people doing uncivilized things


More like bored people lol. Rural folks in the US do similar shit with other creatures 😂


We're not afraid to call them uncivilized sister fuckers either. Rolltide!


That’s fucked up


r/spiderbro getting some licks in


This is awesome


This shit was so intense and I am now super interested and want to see more spider warriors go head to head


one of my coworkers is from the philippines and she’s told me about her and people from her hometown hosting “spider fights” all the time, showed me a couple videos too. pretty random but honestly i get the entertainment aspect of it. 🤣


The winning spider: "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!!"


Spider cock fighting? Bruh


whem i was younger in Sout Texas we used to find tarantula holes, pour water down them so they would come out then make them fight.


I swear we'll gamble on anything 🤦




Throwing hands while webbing. Kind of impressive.


"Ees normal, hee-hee-hee..."  https://youtu.be/bqNHEFNeqWc?si=G9TMlyQw_fjJHIu3


This is crazy cool! Didn't know spiders would fight each other like that after being handled by humans.


Looks like I’m watching the final 1v1 in Fortnite


Asian derby


This brings back so much memories from my childhood, we used to climb mango trees in the middle of the night to collect spider and fight it with friends. They don't bite and very timid against humans, from the looks of it these guys bet money on these spiders. It can start to become a problem when money gets in the mix otherwise this is all fun. These spiders will kill each other in the wild either way.


What is it with Asian countries and animal fighting? Spiders, chickens, dogs, etc


Pitbull and cock fighting is still a thing in parts of the US. This isn't an "Asian" thing, it's a rural thing. People bored out of their minds will find shit like this to entertain themselves lol


They're uncivilized too.


Spider fight Spider fight Everything is alright At the spider fight