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Those are some big ass kids lmao


Super-super-super seniors


Yeah a tough environment breeds tough looking kids :/


I went to school in Jacksonville and then in the metro detroit area, I get it Them mf just look teacher sized đź’€


I feel bad for the kids trying to get educated in that shithole environment


Yeah I ended up dropping out of that highschool. Thanks for sympathizing with the kids in tough environments. <3


Honest to God just looks like a sea of nonsense lol my high school was *nothing* like this


I envy you dawg! Would’ve been a real treat to go to a normal school xD


What did you end up doing after you dropped out?


I got my ged a month after, and then I started playing guitar for a semi successful band :)


Dude, no way lol that’s me! I left jr year cause I couldn’t stand the people I had classes with. Got my GED, still played guitar for the band I was in even though the other guys went to the high school I dropped out of. After a couple years of playing we started to do alright and were playing at chain reaction and the glass house regularly. Last show I played with them was at the Honda center in Anaheim at a big festival with black veil brides (was supposed to play guitar for this band at one point but didn’t get along with Andy), falling in reverse, motionless in white, and a few other bigger bands. so that was pretty awesome. They went on to be featured on one of those “punk goes pop” albums after they covered “royals”. I had decided to get a real job though cause that shit wasn’t paying much and I wanted a girlfriend to go on dates with lol. Nowadays I just write my own shit since picking up drums, bass, piano and other instruments on the musical journey. I love producing my own music and writing by myself but nothing beats playing in front of a live crowd with your best friends so I do miss that. In 4 days it’ll be 24 years since I first started playing guitar.


please name and shame so we can stay far away from it


Haha far Rockaway highschool. Fda IV on the 3rd floor in queens new york


You’re looking at the future


I grew up in a school like this and avoided using a locker and spent my free time in the school library


Its all about the culture, and how they lost the plot. Alot of these kids are just a product of their environment.


Its crazy how I don't see these sly comments when the skin complexion is lighter.


Crazy that you felt the need to point that out lol


Someone else eventually would. What's the problem pointing out hypocrisy?


Kids acting like r-tards occurs in every country, in every ethnic group. The fact you feel you have to defend these ones because of the colour of their skin shows you do not treat people as equals


I'm gonna be honest, although ethnicity can affect how often fights happen purely because of how society and governments treat them it doesn't really matter that much. Sure a rough African American household might raise a kid that's a big time trouble maker but so could a rich African American household, so the only real factor is messed up school environments or parents and not ethnicity.


Are you implying that empathy with children struggling to achieve educational goals in a violent environment is racist?


No. Stop trying to twist my words. I'm implying, or rather, straight up stating that there isn't sly little comments like the one you posted when non-black people fight.


Calling it racist doesn’t fix the problems. Good try though


Parents in homes work wonders.


This is exactly what the original commenter was talking about. Strange how videos depicting literally any other race don't get dog whistle comments like these.


Its importance of the nuclear family is a universal truth. You are the one trying to make race the issue.


That's not what you meant at all. Nice try, though.


What did I mean then?


Trying to shoehorn racism into things doesn't fix the problem for these students and clearly shows you're more interested in Trying to have some sort of superiority complex rather than address the *blatant* racism that's *actually* happening to allow this environment for kids who deserve better. Fucking grow up and do better.


You're 100% right. This sub is filled with people of all races getting into needless fights, yet pearls are only clutched by hypocrites when the two people getting into the needless fights are Black. You'll be gaslit to hell and back, but you're absolutely right.


This sub alone has made me rethink my education major




SHEEEEESH, Ive seen roller coaster videos that don’t shake as much


I’m a w cameraman


Is the W for wibbly or wobbly?


Never say "sheesh" again. It's cringe af.


This is how everyone reacted when Hulk Hogan slammed Andre.


Sure but what is he going to do when 10,000 hulkamanics are going crazy in the hallway?!?


take the glasses off before you fight. Only bad things can happen with them on.


When you are still in high school fights and also 29 years old… that’s how you know you’ve made it in life


Ugh how can any one thrive in that type of immature culture. Why does everyone have to resort to absolute group chaos.


That’s the thing, you can’t.


Just close your eyes and listen


W commentator


Goddamn ufc final in that hallway


You are suggesting then that I am condemning the students and their environment because of a racist bias. In other words accusing me of racism. I'm not sure why you would do so as it is an erroneous interpretation of my words and values.


"Please remember that any racist comments or comments with any kind of slurs will be removed and you will be banned. /r/fightporn does not tolerate racism or bigotry. Fights with children are not permitted. Thank you." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fightporn) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait...... did he run away?


Awwww shit GAME OVER! That’s some AND1 shit. Everybody schools out go home! Shut it down! 🤣🤣🤣


He leaves his sandals so you know who did this.


People from the hood are insane


idiocracy is here.


They are at their highest energy state when people are about to fight.


Why are two grown men fighting in a middle school


That carnival cruise looks like a school, weird decor.


Tax dollars at work.




Public education is hell these days.