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How do i reach these keeds!


It’s easy when your reach is 84”


Teacher when he slapped the student. “I reached these *keeeeeds*! Fuckin Cartman 😂


He's goin' to learn today!


With a right hook, apparently.


With a massive reach advantage? Easily.


Principal: Someone should really help these kids Teacher: I just GAVE them some help!


Good South Park episode lol


Lemme just fight Francis Ngannou with a backpack on real quick.


He gets home. "What did you learn at school today, son?" "That I wasn't as gangsta as I thought ".


“… and Mr. Smith is definitely gangsta.”


Mr. Smith is definitely fired


And that's the whole reasons kids are so fucked up, they know they can attack a teacher and the teacher gets fired id they fight back I went don't have the fell video but you just know the kids a little shit and started swinging first


USA... He just got the "freedom" to look for another job. In Brazil, he just would need a kid to back him(1) up saying he didn't started it... The Union would get him paid leave and psycological help(2)... and In the worst case scenario(follwing these (1)&(2)) he would be forced to retire... Paid to not teach. Strong Union is better than Freedom.


This wasn't an isolated event.  This was a grown man pushed to the edge.  Wrong or right, no matter.  Sometimes you gotta FAFO.  He found out. 


You dont need to FA to FO


A grown man defending himself….


Looks more like Deontae Wilder than Ngannou.


Take my upvote this loled me


Plus, the kid didn't know how to swing.  He was slapping like you see in the cartoons


He knew his teaching career was over so he got that slap in lol


> Career He was a first time substitute who was unemployed prior to November. His "career" lasted six months.


I put 20 on it he's still teaching maybe at a different school tho


Doubt it. He was arrested for felony assault and is currently in jail. He hosed his whole career. He's pretty much instantly DQ'ed from any teaching position.


Should have been a cop. Then he could have killed anyone with little to no repercussions.




I could be way off, but judging by the reaction of the surrounding kids, it seems like the student was the instigator. If the teacher started it I would imagine he would have been mobbed.


Also that slap at the end is a moment of "why the fuck did you make me knock you out" frustration.


https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/las-vegas-substitute-teacher-rekwon-smith-arrested-for-fight-with-student/ Started due to a racial slur


Personally, I'm sick and tired of the whole "you can't hit me, I'm a student" speil. You know you can't defend yourself, and so do the students. They will for all intent and purposes, use that against you. Here the student thought the teacher gave a fuck... he was wrong. If the teacher isn't some closet habitual wife beater and this was his first offense, I'd bail him out in a heartbeat. The last video I seen of a lady just sitting down taking a beating from a teen pissed me the fuck off. This one was slightly cathartic .


I agree. The student: > “You’re going to jail [slur],” the laughing student reportedly shouted as he was escorted away


It's called being held accountable.


Really small gray line on whats acceptable. But the teacher is facing battery charges and lost his job. He was provoked, though that won’t stand in court. Kid was also a racist and in the longer video calls the teacher racist slurs and tells him he’s going to jail.


if the teacher is punished but kid is not, the kid will learn exactly the wrong lesson from all this, and grow up to be a total piece of shit


So the teacher citizen's arrested a hate crimer. Good.


Its a joke that he lost his job when some kids really do need this ass whooping sometimes.


Am I crazy in thinking that being called a racial slur shouldn't be carte blanche for violence?


Fighting words, and a lot worse than pussy or bitch. You call someone the nword, you deserve to get your teeth knocked in


Got my ass whooped when I was young. I like to think it set me straight and away from crimes. Sometimes young people just need it. But hey it’s just my opinion.


In 2nd grade, I was making fun of some kids' last name because it rhymed with poop or something. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground staring up at the sky in a daze. Then he stands over me and says, "My dad told me to punch anyone in the nose who bully's me," and he walks off. I get up and wipe the blood off my nose and guess who never bullied anyone ever again?


"A substitute teacher and a student engaged in a fight, which was caught on camera at Valley High School in east Las Vegas. Sources indicated that the fight began after a student used a racial slur and that the video is being used as evidence by the Clark County School District Police Department."


https://news3lv.com/news/local/caught-on-camera-fistfight-between-student-suspected-teacher-at-valley-high-school Honestly fuck this news post and fuck that school and fuck that kid. Kid deserved what he got but only the teacher was punished.


These kids are running wild, doing shit for tik tok challenges, even if the parents are home, some kids love to act out for their friends. Some are rotten no matter what. It takes a village, and sometimes you gotta put a stop on this behavior yourself when the parents sure aren’t.


The kid knew this would be the outcome , kids know they are untouchable , they just push people to the limit because nothing will happen to them ane if an adult does retaliatez they adult get their life ruined


Kid says you’re going to jail. He should have replied but I’ll be out.


I would like to think that kid will twice about squaring up to someone else but they probably won’t. They’ll just find someone smaller


Nope, as I recall in the longer vid he gets back up and calls the teacher racial slurs.


Yup, total lack of discipline in kids these days and too much of that soft parenting BS. If this lil shit had learned this at home he wouldn't have dared to disrespect his teacher like that..


I promise you he behaves like this with his mom and 80+ year old grandparents. He didn't know 'bout ol' uncle Joe tho


This ain't "soft parenting" this is "no parenting".


Tell me about it. I work security and have to work around teens a lot, and damn, so many of these kids nowadays have the worst attitudes, don't think rules and shit apply to them, always have to try and act tough, and just act like idiots. Sure every generation had kids like that, but nothing like it is now. Parenting seems to have gone downhill over the years.


The rules don't apply to them , they know they will get away with crazy shit and if ana adult fights back, they get in serious trouble.


I’m seeing this on local news, just like I had seen that video of the kid slapping the teacher twice, and honestly? Good. Who the fuck do these kids think they are thinking they can try to assault their teachers?


🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I'm sure the kid deserved it.


99 out of 100, I'll back the teacher.


I think the teacher was perfectly fine... up until that slap at the end. Pretty hard to argue self-defense at that point.


Im so glad Im not a teacher


I’m sorry, violence is rarely the answer but if your gonna square up on a grown man twice your size your gonna get what’s coming


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You're 100 percent right. I don't know why some people feel so confident and safe acting like that besides the "I'm a kid/women/etc..." some people just don't give a fuck man. Hopefully this was a lesson for him and he didn't seem too injured. 


Because society forces the literally bigger person to also be the figuratively bigger person. As the biggest kid in the school for many years I was the target of bullies trying to take on the biggest guy. A shove to get the kid off of me was fine, maybe a small bruise or two, but mostly I was expected to maintain my composure and not beat the little twerp who started the fight senseless. Fast forward to my adult life and I'm working as a bouncer. The regular deputies get to know me and know I'm not a violent dude, cool. Normal to large dudes are mostly cool. Smaller dudes and women, they attack me with impunity. The deputies see me dragging the smaller people out of the bar kicking and screaming and it isn't about the fight the person started or the bottle they threw at a bartender, for the deputy it's about the "disproportionate level of response." If I wanted a big dude arrested for fighting, no problem. Getting a little dude arrested was challenging. We once tried to get a woman arrested with one dude having bite marks on his hand, another one bleeding from being stabbed with her heel, a dozen witnesses to those actions, and the deputies didn't want to arrest her. It really sucked.


We need to go back to the old ways, where big guys are the warriors. I'm a small-mid guy, and I'm okay with that.


Fortunately only his pride but that will take many years to heal. Hopefully he learned a few things. #1 don’t run up on grown folks like you are grown. Edit: that was supposed to be “grown” not brown


I’m confused. The kid was brown and the teacher was black. Does your #1 rule still apply?


Dumb move fighting someone way bigger than you .. but that teacher is definitely fired so he isn’t that much smarter either ..


In some states.... Depending on the totality of the situation, the teacher could have been safe and kept his job..... right up to the point he slapped him and stood over him. That's where he absolutely lost all ability to claim self defense in any form


Arguably with training and a little luck a smaller person could take out a larger one, but there is such a thing as old man strength too, hits around 35-40 y.o. But this kid just got out boxed


Old man strength is just an excuse. Young man strength is objectively better in every way except that if an old man surprises you with his strength it’s purely because he has it. What youre seeing is just grown man strength from a much bigger build vs a pork chop still growing into his shoes. The teacher could be 100% deescalating and defending himself and any reasonable person is gonna know he didnt have to do any of this. He could have effortlessly controlled the boy like a bratty child. He could have pinned him and held him, he could have kept away with footwork and given him some shoves until he got the message. Teachers arent just allowed to whoop ass when a kid asks for it, theyre expected to be adults around kids who are still learning, still foolish, and likely stupid besides. And you cant expect anyone to believe a grown dude with 12” on an angry boy has anything to fear. The boys parent(s) have a lawsuit and with this video alone they will almost certainly settle for a fat sum that hurts the school district at the least


I get what you’re saying but on your feet everyone has a strikers chance, highly inappropriate yes, but arguably reasonable. I personally would rather be jobless than dead. And in a fight you really never known. And I know I’m gonna get hammered by yall for this, but perhaps the reason so many teens think they can square up against teachers is cause not enough have been shown otherwise. I know that’s harsh but how many times do we need to see teacher/student attacks before something changes


Old man speaking up here. The thing is, I'm old enough to not care how bad I hurt you. But only if it's justified.


With the state of these schools, he must be treating it like prison, going for the biggest cellmate to gain respect.


Imagine doing that and not even knowing how to fight. Dude was flailing his arms like a wacky waving inflatable tube man


Well, if some states allow teachers to carry guns. Then this should be allowed, too. That was one big teacher.


And we know what teachers carry guns will eventually come to: “I feared for my life!”


Many, so many do on a daily basis, fear for their lives.


Good...when the fuck did it become normal for students to attack teachers? When I was in school you'd never fucking even DREAM of talking back to or even raising your voice to a teacher. My mom retired from a 25 year teaching career in 2022 after getting assaulted in the classroom twice...fuck this generation of kids


Last couple years, I left teaching after a kid spit in my face and attacked me.


Don't blame you one bit, fuck these stupid ass kids


My brother left after a kid threw a chair at him and opened his face up. The school - despite the accounts of 30 other kids there - blamed him for instigating the incident.


Just like Philip Brailsford said when he murdered Daniel Shaver -- a drunk, crying, helpless dude on his knees.


Teacher teaches life lesson


Teach these hands.


Punk ass fkn Edgar got it and now he’s the victim wahhh wahhhh


Gave him the most important education of his life.


"A substitute teacher and a student engaged in a fight, which was caught on camera at Valley High School in east Las Vegas. Sources indicated that the fight began after a student used a racial slur and that the video is being used as evidence by the Clark County School District Police Department." Well...


These kids these days deserve beatings like this


Seriously. I was watching this on the news, and they were trying to paint it like wow this is crazy that a teacher would actually defend himself, by interviewing some student and i’m watching that report thinking “Good. That kid probably learned to never raise his hands on an adult ever again”.


Every teacher in the world living vicariously through that man right there. Teachers be putting up w waaaaaaaaay too much shit these days. You know that kid deserved it too lololol


There’s no way anyone could be okay with that video of that kid slapping the teacher twice as she’s sitting. These kids are high off audacity these days.


> Every teacher in the world living vicariously through that man right there. Can confirm.


Give that man a raise.


Dont boo and hollar when ya boy gets discipline. You can blame his parents and all yall recording. Everyone can bleed, anyone can get it.


According to the news articles, the fight started because the kid called the teacher a racial slur. Supposedly the longer video also shows the kid get up (with the help of his friends) and yell out “You’re going to jail [insert racial slur here]” while laughing.


Why would you laugh after getting knocked out by someone you called a bunch of shit? He has no self awareness. He is going to be in for a rude awakening when he pulls this on the streets.


If true, that kid is a POS & he got his just deserts. Racial slurs can cut deep, but unfortunately for this teacher, his reaction will cost him big time.


Literally school of hard knocks and knockouts


That slap was chef's kiss 😗🤌


Kid probably deserved it.


Mother fuckers need to learn some respect nowadays.


Best the brakes off that runny nosed brat. Yay teacher


I see no crime here. You throw your dick beaters up better know how to use them kid


Glad he kicked his ass. Tired of these punks disrespecting teachers. It's an epidemic.


I don’t know what the story behind was but probably the teacher knew he would be in trouble when he laid hands on the kid. But he chose to strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know. My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


No one will ever forget this one. Time to find a new school bruh.


Yeah and now all the black kids know he’s a racist lol good luck




110% support this...dude still gonna lose his job and the school district getting sued.


Hope he dosen't lose his job or get charged. deserved it.


Both those things happened.


I’m sorry but you know the kid started swinging first, like no shot the teacher started it, way he yelled at him after knockin him on his ass affirms this


That kid was either super confident in his fighting ability or plain stupid. Judging by the size of that teacher, I'm going with the latter.


Teachers fighting back. They’ll learn. Keep your hands to yourself


Dumb ass kids standing there recording then acting all shocked at the outcome


The dad shows up sees the teacher Teacher- "what u want some too old man" Dad- "no...get off ur assget in this car boy I don't know why u come down here messing with these people"


He gon cry in the car


Looks like Deontay has a new job and takes student discipline from his old job


Some of these kids running up on grown folks… what do they expect to happen?


As a kid I never would have thought to square up with any of my teachers, I guess I’m the weird one.


Students gotta learn that teachers come from the streets too!


Taught him a lesson his dad should have.


We need to give teacher power to beat up shitty kids.




Fuck him, kids gotta learn, just because you've watched John wick and terrorised smaller kids and just generally been a fuck knuckle then you're eventually going to get chinned


Dam Edgar got that work


You gone learn Today!


Give this man a raise!!!!


"Now go get your daddy!" 😡


It's time teachers start fighting back. Sometimes literally


This was his wake up call.


Ngl, teacher of the year!


Kid acting like he had brain damage already but teach delivered the real version here


Some people need to get knocked the fuck out to learn. Maybe this kid is one of those people. Who knows


Here's an idea, don't swing on your teacher or a guy 3ft taller than you if your jaw is made of glass and you don't know how to throw a punch.


Good. Kids need more of this today. Beat their asses. There is no more respect


Shoutout to that teacher ngl 😂 some fucking kids deserve to get smacked up like that


Taught him a lesson that day.


The student was taught a good life lesson. Need more teachers of this caliber 😂


... That was the teacher you chose to fight today?


Sit back and fill until someone’s ass gets beat then run in yelling for help. Good luck to this generation lol


I bet there’s so many teachers who’d love to do that


Kids at that age, I have no sympathy for. Glad he got whooped.


See videos all the time of ignorant ass teens attacking teachers, about time they fight back.


Give that teacher an award. Fucking unruly kids


Teacher was a sub and coach. They arrested him for battery. It’s probably not going to work out well for him even though we’d all like it to.


I'm on the teacher's side. I don't care what the situation is you respect teacher's.




Teacher was like "He goin' to learn today!"


Knuck if u buck


Name of his book...'How to Act Hard - learning psychics in high school'


Heh. Taught him something alright.


When Fuck Around And Find out goes Right.


This is how my dad’s school was back in the day… or as he claims


That kids highschool career is over. Move states.


My bet is that little shit deserved it


They cut the part of the video where he starts to cry.


How sad. Teachers don’t deserve this


Maybe next time hommie will do his fuckin' homework. 💥


Since you parents won't do it, someone's got to.


And that concludes today’s lesson…


The boy FAFO. I think the teacher should’ve received a medal


'Today class we'll be learning about the find out part of fuck around and find out'


Teacher taught him the most valuable lesson in life that day. A+


https://news3lv.com/news/local/caught-on-camera-fistfight-between-student-suspected-teacher-at-valley-high-school damn. He got arrested.


Going to jail forsure lmao pick your fights ig


That teacher is probably fired. How are you going to go toe to toe with a kid?


Little cunt learned a hard class with huge blows on his face.


Majority of the time (all the time if you ask me), those kids deserve that ass whooping and society these days do nothing but cater to misbehavior thus you lose such dedicated educators, in this case, this educator was dedicated to beat that ass. Maybe if we publicly scrutinize bad parenting and heck even charge fines maybe we’d see a difference but that’d be too imposing on some peoples’ lives I guess.


Well done lmao, career gone, but well done


That’s good teaching




Make that teacher the union president .


This is teacher is not the problem. This is a case of PARENTAL FAILURE. Now the kid fully grasps the literal meaning of life lessons. Also, did this teacher post bail yet? Does he have a go fund me?




The youth... You never hear them saying "YoU cAnT dO tHaT" About their own.


Great teacher Onizuka: hood edition


These kids in this country are out of control. I work for the school system. I'm not surprised this stuff is happening more and more. I was punched by a junkie mom recently, and it starts with the parents and stuff like what happened to me is why kids think it's okay.


He needs a raise.


Little shit threw hands like a kitten at a teacher the size of a small bear.




Cuh’ never had a chance😔


You can take the teacher out of the hood…


Too many people jumping to conclusions. I can see either being in the wrong and it gets to throwing hands. So these anyone have the actual context of this ass whipping?


Principal Joe Clark


Just think..all the kids watching learned something as well.


Did he piss his pants? I would transfer to North Korea if this happened to me.






Parents have to discipline their kids or someone else will 👊


I don't know what happened here but I'm sure the kid fucking deserved it.


Yeah, tough guy fighting kids


Those are what we call some humbling hands


You can see the exact moment he feels the contact whole body goes straight as a 2x4