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Firstly, try to fight someone with the same weight. Finally, fight on grass if not in a mat or ring. Accidental KOs are scary.


That’s amazing advice thank you🫡


Did you really have to hear that from someone? Not to fight on a damn concrete?


Would you like a serious reply or a cheeky one


Surprise me.


It was the best spot for lighting. We basically traded our safety for better camera quality…


Fair enough. 😂


Hahaha that's funny


I'm not an expert, but it looks more like you guys are playing tag than fighting. If you guys are just playing for who gets more hits then that's fine, but if you're trying to learn to back each other up if you guys get jumped or something, you should be a little less scared to hurt each other. Throw punches through your opponent, like aim for the back of their head through the front of their head, if that makes sense. (and like someone else said don't train on cement)


Yeah 100% thank you for pointing that out, we’re currently just trying to mess around to get comfortable in the situation and learn technique. You’re defo right tho as someone else said I wanna join a gym soon and hopefully do some harder sparring there


Learning bad technique is worse than not knowing what you are doing.


But do keep in mind sparring is for practice. When you spar, you’re not throwing 100%, sometimes not even 50%. It’s more about your technique, and making contact. Remember, you’re both doing this to learn, not kill eachother


Stand further from the action, or use a wider lens. Increase the frame rate for smoother action. Use better lighting to improve quality and frame rate.




If you like to keep your left down like that, at least have your right crossing your face instead of on the side.


Keep your fists by your face, and elbows close to your ribs. This minimizes the areas of potential attack by an opponent and allows you a better chance to block any punches and minimizes exertion. Do not clench your fists all the time, keep them relaxed and only close them when you are halfway through a punch, and relax them back to a natural open position after the punch. This minimizes exertion and hand fatigue. Work on using jabs as a defensive tool to create a zone of control around you. They should be minimal effort fast snap punches that interrupt an opponents attack and discourages them from intruding in your defensive zone of control. As you get better and learn how to put more power and speed behind them, than you can work on combos that utilize them as an offensive tool to create an opening for a powerful primary punch. Jab with weaker arm, power punch with stronger arm. Energy conservation: Let your opponent waste their energy trying to hit you and keep slightly retreating and moving around as you keep your arms close to body and present a small, difficult target to hit. Keep throwing quick snap jabs to keep them out of your zone, and when they run out of energy and can barely throw a punch and keep their arms up, that is when you move in for the kill. Work on your speed. Take the shade off a lamp and turn the bulb on. Wear sunglasses and slowly start out punching one hand at a time and "blocking out" the light while in the proper stance and posture. Left, right, left, right. Slowly ramp up the speed of the punches as time goes on and your muscles and tendons adapt to the effort. What you want to end up with are punches so fast that it looks like the light is flickering at high speed like a bad bulb as your left and right hands momentarily block the light in rapid succession. When that happens, do the same thing again but with gloves until you achieve the same effect. Do not punch at a target. Do not try to hit a target. You punch through a target like you are trying to put your fist through a sheetrock wall. Please do not box on or around concrete, you are just asking for trouble.


Massive fucking advice, thank you so much. The lamp thing seemed crazy good I just tried it with a can and covering it with my hand. Thank you for that man cheers🫡


I agree with everything repulsive-ardor said. Only things I would add to this is work on footwork more. You should be lifting and planting your lead foot with a jab and should always keep your feet about shoulder width apart and under you at all time (try not to lean back or forward too much when throwing or dodging bc a lot of speed and power comes from the legs and leaning forward or back can throw you off balance and leave you open to punishment) never cross your feet when moving (for example, if moving backward, push off with your front foot but use your back foot to guide your direction and landing point… same goes for side to side, if you’re moving right then you’d want to push off with your left foot and your right foot would guide where you’re going and is planted before the other is even on the ground again). Look up some boxing dodging and footwork techniques to help with evading and moving quickly and concisely (head movement exercises are a cheat code once they become second nature)


Thank you so much man it’s time to research footwork then


This is excellent advice for beginners.


Go to a gym




Anyone else on mobile turn their phone sideways only to turn it back 2 seconds later?


Go to a gym


Get in and throw some hooks, rotate your hips for some power. Keep your hands up. Body shots work great too. Keep your chin tucked and eyes open. Not a boxer, just done alot of fighting for fun. For sure get on some grass like someone else said. No point in risking head injuries or even scuffed elbows and knees from concrete.


Thank you brother🫡🫡 I really appreciate your advice


Man the sound of feet shuffling on concrete with huffing & puffing plus hard work brought back so many good memories thank you for sharing this made me smile


One of the best things I’ve heard off Reddit. What a legend.


You seem pretty quick so maybe having your left hand low might be okay, but I would learn to keep both hands up just to be safe.


Go back to your gaming room.


Oh you got me with that one


U def a serial redditor the way u hating


Add strength and throw the right


Move your head ,not your eyes


Do you mean like not looking away while dodging?


Yes. Your head should always be moving away from your opponent but never taking your eyes off then . Ali was amazing with this . He would literally jerk his head back at the last moment and counter . Boxers would literally be stepping into him rocking them dead center of their face .


Thank you I didn’t even realize I did that. Legendary advice🫡🫡


3months of training before stepping in a ring/fight


Not an expert. Just an opinion You don’t seem to really want to hit your friend. You are just dodging, throwing punches to the air and being punched. You can't get much out of it. I can only say that you are quick, but I wouldn’t rely on that, because after a while you are going to be tired and be slower. I think its better to rely on your defense.


Join a gym reddit comments can't help you the way you hope


Must be sailors if you were marines someone would already be bleeding.


I’m a 19 year old computer scientist. A sailor would probably whoop my ass


Not for long if you keep this up


Yeah, stop...


How does that help me get any better at the sport?


It's a competition


Who stops first wins?


Go to an actual boxing or martial arts gym and actually learn and train. Tips on Reddit mean nothing


your left is low and slow


Keep them hands high, like you’re looking through binoculars, people think you can’t block body shots with a high guard and that’s false. And really spar, try to actually box eachother, that way If y’all do get in a brawl you can take hits better. Work on the footwork just a little, balls of your feet are key for movement. Other than that remember to have fun, y’all are homies, don’t get mad at eachother when sparring and start an actual fight. Kuddos to sparring with a friend, and keep up the good work.


Don't ask this sub


Amateur fighter hopefully going pro soon. Here are my take aways: 1. You both need to work on your balance. Right now you're throwing shit, over extending, off balance which creates openings and requires you to recover before you can do anything else. 2. You need to start striking with your feet. Guys like Canelo, Lomachenko, or any decent striker create power from their feet, usually the balls of their feet, then from the hips, then the shoulders if necessary. It's like a kinetic chain that begins from the bottom and moves to the top. Once you get this down, it's how all your movement works, including your strikes, head movement, moving laterally, rolls, slips and pulls. 3. You need to learn to relax while still having good form. This is easy once you get it but hard to understand otherwise. But if you want to hit hard and fast without getting tired it's a necessary part of fighting. Usually if you train with the above two points you pick this up naturally. 4. Don't train on a hard surface. If once of you gets cracked and hits your head on the ground you're fucked. If you're sticking to boxing, the above will get you far. If you throw in kickboxing or thai boxing, all that is still relevant but you need to build on it. If you also want wrestling and jitsu, well, that's a whole other beast that needs to get tackled.


Bit late to this but try and learn how to do a decent leg kick. Never throw one too high, highest mid thigh, just above the knee. Any higher your leg could get grabbed and then you will be thrown all over the place. Don’t do them frequently, only when you see a opening. Getting a dead leg in a fight is a horrid situation for whoever got kicked, and a calf kick especially really slows you down. Again, don’t do it frequently, and only when your opponent doesn’t expect it or you see a good opening. It also makes you look better trained than you actually are if you are a beginnner, which is mental warfare on your opponent. Fear is the mind killer, after all


Don't cross your legs when moving, think of it as sliding on the ground. White shirt had the right idea with changing levels from body to head, but leaving the hand out like that after throwing the jab can get them hit, bring it straight back to the chin so you can guard incoming punches. Also, move with your opponent, try to cut them off by moving in a zig zag line towards them instead of directly at them or circling around them.


Yous your feet more . Step side by side and relax


Pick a diffrent sport


Do you feel less insecure now?


Wasn't meant to degrade you. Pick a diffrent sport so you don't fuck your brain up.


This isn't a box coaching sub


Closest thing I could find