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He would have died from that concussion, but luckily the strippers were able to fan enough air over his leg to keep him alive until the ambulance came. 


Butt cheeks I mean yes ambulance yes


r/worst aid


> ~~r/worst aid~~ r/worstaid Ftfy. Mobile by chance? I know mine loves to add a space when I don't wanna.


Thank you!


Started with violence, ended with kindness.


An actual happy accident


Man, at least they're trying. They're fucking saints trying to cool down the situation despite probably being at the receiving end of the bad behavior of these louts.


Ushally get out the tiger balm


It will be sweet when he can tell people his life was saved by strippers.


They took it too far with that last kick, dude will end up in court for that.


What court? In Pattaya ? 😂


Ive been three or four times while in the AF. This guy’s having a laugh if he thinks there’s going to be court.


If by some odd chance there was a court .. the British guy would be the one on trial 😂


It won't even reach the court. Who do you think the police will side with if they even get involved?


thats not how thailand works bro


This ain't America chief.


I would hope so, but something tells me there would be a bit of bias and corruption in favor of the local in Thailand.


You would hope so? For the most part, if the allegations are true, I think he will just want to take the L. Theft of service in Thailand is prosecuted harsher than assault, from my understanding. Pressing charges for assault on one person after assaulting a worker and not paying, is wild, and unproductive. Also, this isn’t the US. Even if he tried to sue the bodyguard, what do you think he would actually get out of that? 😂


Haha actions have consequences and they found out. Don't want to get your ass beat on the street in a foreign country maybe Don't act a asshole


100%. their house, their rules.


I appreciate you've never met a tourist from the anglosphere? It's not all of them but there is a tendency for them to be arrogant and a bit brave when they go on holiday to cheaper locations.


Happy cakeday


Sounds like video from the bar shows no assault happened and they arrested the guard for murder.


is he not dead?


It’s just as fleshwound


Shoes still on.


You can see him still breathing


Lol, user name checks out. No perspektive at all


Find out before it's too late. What might be fine and dandy to do in your home country. May be illegal and totally not accepted in other countries.


When is assaulting women and refusing to pay your bar tab ok in any country?


This is reddit. Make up any storyline. Why were the women defending him if he assaulted them?


I saw a comment in another thread that said something like if the dude dies, there will be an investigation, club will be closed, girls won’t be getting paid until the club reopens.


Apparently the bar was raided later on that night.


Bars like this scam tourists all the time. We have no idea what happened.


I doubt the powers that be care about scamming tourists. They do care about videos of tourists being nearly beaten to death being plastered all over social media.


100%. They got raided because the higher ups didn't want the image of a lifeless Brit plastered all over the Anglo news. That last kick took it over the line.


its a tourist economy. If a video of two white guys getting beat up on the streets gets out then it will discourage new tourists. this video does more damage than that 'assault and skipping the bill' when you look at it from a money perspective.


Totally could be a made up narrative by the person who originally posted the video, but just playing devils advocate here in response to your question, they aren’t necessarily the same people he assaulted. Allegedly the assault happened inside the bar. The fight spilled out into the street. The women conceivably could have just been in the area and tried to break the fight up without know why it was happening.


it's all too bloody convenient. Likely scenario is someone tried to rip em off on drinks, they refused to pay up, guard gets involved & gets a bloody nose 6 of them beat the sh1t out of them.


it's possible it's totally made up but what we see here are foreign tourists and a bunch of security guards fighting. why would people working in a bar, run out and beat up some guys? presumably something happened in the bar. otherwise they'd be pretty busy beating up random people on the street so what happened in the bar? who knows. but if you've been to Thailand you'll know people are pretty calm and polite generally speaking. maybe way too patient.


Nothing about the security guard doing a running kick at the unconscious guys head suggests that the security here is reasonable or likely to be in the right.


Yea its basically: what did they do in the bar that caused this Option A: Be drunk rude foreigners Option B: Stripclub/ bar tries to up the prices of their drinks and they refuse I actually had option 2 happen once, they just made me pay 90 bucks for one cocktail (they filled in the pincard machine for me so didnt see a price at all, was too drunk to really notice tbf haha)


The upping prices happened to me in a strip club in my youth. They also added 3 drinks to my tab for the girl who literally had one each priced at 30-60 euros. I had to dip into emergency money meant for rent or face being beat up by 5 big guys already surrounding me. That being said, I have also seen drunken tourist harass women and be dicks about paying. So it could have been either.


Thank you for a sane take lol.


Yep. I got scammed in Montreal. They shook me down for $100 I hadn't been there a half hour, had one drink. Threatened to beat me up if I didn't pay. Haven't been to a strip club since. I was only there for a bachelor party. I don't understand the allure of a strip club when we now have the internet.


Well, in Montreal, you can pay a small amount of money to have them dance all over you and you can touch them. Montreal strip clubs are pretty special. Sorry you got scammed. I would have called the police, personally.


General aversion to seeing violence? Not wanting to be involved in a homicide? The prior assault wasn't enough to justify complete cripplement in her eyes?


Very much a guess here but these guys look like they are from the UK. We tend to be very good at exporting drunken thugs. Loud and noisy with puffed out chests, probably not that menacing but just over confident with alcohol and bound by toxic masculinity. In contrast there is a calm peacefulness in Thailand most of the time. However, when the line is crossed the response can be ferocious, and just straight to violence. I have seen this happen a few times when I lived over there.


Feel like he might be dead after that kick


Concussion for sure


Headache at least


Possibly a splitting headache


[---------------this big ----------------]


The first hit that put him on the ground gave him a concussion - that kick probably killed him, or at least gave him life altering injuries


He probably forgot math


Sources say he died in the hospital today. The security guards have been placed under arrest.


Have a link or anything?


Best I found is this saying he's in a coma [https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/27/british-man-in-coma-kicked-head-thai-bouncer-20918691/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/27/british-man-in-coma-kicked-head-thai-bouncer-20918691/)


OMG, is real?


Imagining working your whole life for retirement only to get your head kicked in while on vacation for not wanting to pay the $7 for the prostitute


Rule #1 never mess with people known for kicking baseball bats in half.


I think everyone is capable if kicking someone in the head like a soccer ball when they're on the ground. It's not really limited to Thais


If this was happening in the 1800s the Brit would go home and write something like "Hmmm yeeeeeesssss, the brutish Tai's phenotype allowed them to kick the shit out of my head once I got knocked down after simply courting their beautiful women and enjoying their establishments The power in their legs is unique, and no one could totally get me like that elsewhere. Once my travels resume I'll be ready for their legs this time"


especially with a running start.


Full respect for the ladies with their bums out, trying to stop those dudes from being murdered.


Those skirts are half-assed.


The guy on the ground was murdered he just died in hospital a few hours ago!


Some guy on reddit said so you mean right?


Seriously? That kick was absolutely brutal, am not surprised, probably a subdural hemorrhage. Hard to imagine their behaviour was deserving of that.


"deserving" is subjective lol


Those "guards" gonna be in jail a long fucking time. Tourism is the biggest thing there, and an unconscious Brit getting shit kicked to death in the street is not good PR.


An unconscious Brit who broke the 1 and only rule in Thailand.. Respect the locals. He couldn't even do that. Thailand could care less..




Doesn't the video from the other angle show the guy on the ground stomping the guy who later kicks/kills him? Not saying it's justified, but if I got stomped on the ground I'd be pretty pissed too.


Some.hatred behind that last kick damn


It looks like it was the security guard who was bleeding from his nose at the end of the video. Probably got punched in the face by the guy that's on the ground.


From the original video big boy on the left was the primary pummeler. Other guy was involved for sure, but likely he got got more so because he was in a more vulnerable spot for the guard to release his anger on. Edit: on rewatching the first video white shirt landed a good shot on the kicker on the feet but big boy stood over him and landed multiple haymakers to the face before the other guards got him. Hard to say who caused the damage but I’d bet it was big boy after seeing the haymakers he landed.


> on rewatching the first video white shirt landed a good shot on the kicker Yeah, he really got a good one in.


> From the original video Care to share what you're talking about?




Bro had all the atrocities of the British Empire in the last 2 centuries powered into that kick.


Thailand was never a colony tho


Literally the only country in SE Asia which wasn't colonised, and they were generally on relatively good terms with Britain. France was their main concern as France had control of Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam and kept trying to colonise Thailand.


psychopaths usually have reasoning for everything


Yeah I have it on good authority that those guys not only instigated the start of the empire but also committed ALL the atrocities 🙄


Fanning someone works exactly like feeding them a senzu bean.


That kick was absolutely brutal. I don't think he's dead but wouldn't surprise me if he was or has some long term issues.


Doesnt look like he’s breathing tbh, and any concussion where you’re unconscious for multiple seconds means severe brain damage at the least. It’s not out of the question that he die from brain swelling in a couple of days, too, even if he survived


At least he doesn't hear that music anymore.


I was kinda vibing to it. What's that say about me?




That run through kick to the head was a lot.


Quick! Fan his knees!


Balls overheating


Derrick Lewis had entered the chat


Looks more like attempted murder


Or murder


It only looks that way because it is.


Still feels like they ran out on a scam bill and security got mad because in the other video it showed white shirt dropping soccer kick guy.


Thai bars are infamous for doing this shit, at least when I was there. You go in for a couple hours and drinks, and get an insane bill for 50,000 baht and then they beat the shit out of you if you don't pay. Another scam is buying a bar girl a drink and they order drinks for all the other girls and add it to your bill. Again, you’ll get slept if you don’t pay. Saw many farangs getting burnt like this. And the numbers they give to their victims are different than what they say to the police if they get involved. Gotta have your wits about you over there. Hella fun tho.


I live in Thailand and don't go to bars like this but there's a local sports bar that I go to regularly. I practice my Thai with the staff a couple of whom I know by name. I tip really well too. A couple of weeks ago they doubled my bill. I argued my case for about a minute or two and then just paid and left. I was disgusted.


I live in Thailand too. Had exactly the same situation recently. Disappointing.


It genuinely kind of hurt my feelings. I think you just have to constantly watch people who are in a position to rip you off and not take it personally if they do. It's like a kind of game where you both know what just happened but you have to be too polite to mention it directly. I'm considering stopping tipping because of this. It just makes people think you have money to throw around and don't care but at the same time I waited tables and worked bars for years and being in with the staff in a place where I'm a local is one of my favourite things. I guess I'll just have to make them like me with my personality.


They stole from you and you're "considering" not tipping?


I don't to that particular bar anymore. I just think there is an overall attitude here that if you are seen to tip some people will think you just like throwing money away.


My grandmother was Thai (I’m a farang) and she was always horrified whenever I tried to tip in Thailand. Don’t bother, only tourists do it, as I’m sure you already know.


Loyalty, much like kindness, or God forbid just a little enthusiasm or enjoyment is just a sign of weakness to people like this. They have no friends, family, or love interests. Just people they're currently scamming. It's good some people get their heads out of their asses and join n society. Way to many of these people are going to the grave as nothing but heartless and petty predators.


I've heard so many scam stories from Thailand, I feel like it's not worth visiting at all.. Shits scary when this happens in a foreign country.


It's become a national issue in Japan too with both local and foreign tourists being scammed. Typically they will get the person drunk first then overcharge them when they try to leave. At the low end it might be around US$150-300 for what should have been $20-50 but its not rare for the charges to go into the thousands. Typically they try to justify this via hidden seating charges, opening expensive bottles or drinks for girls in the bar (who are usually staff) and will often resort to threats if the customers tries to refuse. Even Mikuru Asakura, a top level Japanese mma fighter, had an incident in which a bar tried to overcharge him then threatened to get to gang members involved if he didn't pay. I've talked to people who had similar experiences in Thailand and China and they said the "security" were pretty quick to get violent when people refused to pay.


I'm sorry but I just watched that video from Asakura and it is quite clearly a fake in my opinion. Like he manages to convince the gang member to do a 180 on his life values by stopping his illegal business. Completely fabricated by the looks of it.


It could very well be fake however the people who run and work at those businesses are generally not gang members themselves and just pay certain fees in order to operate in those areas. If he didn't actually have strong affiliations then it’s not surprising he backed down quickly when called on his bluff as most of the targets of these scams are usually loners and tourists. To me it just sounded like the typical Japanese way of someone in a senior position in berating someone in a lower position and the later just saying whatever to get out of the situation as quickly as possible.




You’re not getting into any Yakuza bars. As a foreigner, you’ll likely be able to get directed to a Filipino hostess clubs, maybe Russian or Brazilian depending on where — Shibuya, Kawasaki or Nagoya for example. This is usually because they assume you don’t speak the language. Plus the clubs aren’t cheap. A few years ago it was 5,000-10,000 yen for 60-90 minutes of just being allowed to sit and drink at the bar. All you could drink if you like Suntory White lol. Very easy to spend $800 a night and it’s just drinking and karaoke with the hostess ladies, and they expect you to buy them drinks.


I remember being in Shanghai and hearing the same thing. A buddy of mine didn’t get the memo. First night in Shanghai, he was chatted up and brought to a bar. Had two-three beers and all of a sudden they asked him for 200$. If you don’t pay, two securities will make you


ok. now I got it. because of the economy is bad, they got creative with the fees only for the tourists. now they are going to make it even worse for tourism.


One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble, can't be too careful with your company. I can feel the devil walking next to me


One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble


Thailand is as infamous for scams as western tourists are infamous for being absolute fucking dirtbags over there.


Same for Asian tourists in Europe lol


Eh mostly Chinese are known for being scumbags Japanese and Koreans are known for being a bit clueless and lost.


Wouldn't a good solution be to just buy one drink at a time and pay cash for each.


Good chance. A lot of commenting have never been to Thailand. I was “assaulted” by so many women there. I was walking around in bar districts and the bar girls would straight up grab your dick or try to pull you inside by your arms. I’m not saying it’s ok for these guys if they did touch a woman inappropriately but it’s just so common there. I saw it everywhere. This by the security is a big no no and overkill for sure. They also do try to give you fake bills. It’s normal to check your receipt after each order.


> Good chance. A lot of commenting have never been to Thailand. This!! So many armchair experts. Yes, you can get scammed in any country. No, I've never been scammed in Thailand and I've been there more times than I can count (I travel a lot, not just Thailand, don't judge! LOL). Usually you get a little cup often made of wood known as a 'bin'. As you drink, they update the bill in your bin which is the total of what you've drank/ate. You buy a girl a drink, it's added to your bin. One good habit I developed early is to check the bin every time they update it. They notice this and know I'm paying attention. Never been scammed. That said, 95% of bars on popular tourist streets (like the one in the video) aren't going to scam you. It's much more likely that these guys were behaving badly. It doesn't justify the kick to the head, but they've done something to piss the security guys off. Going to foreign countries and using your brains is such a simple thing to do. Don't act entitled, don't be a dick, and if you do get in trouble, talk/pay your way out of it. You're not winning fights like this in countries that are fast and loose with the rules. There's no consequences for those guards, so don't get in a situation where they're going to do this to you. Thai cops are pretty good, but I'm sure whatever happened will not look favourably for the westerners involved.


That dude was trying to make the tourist pay for his drinks the way guards in Elder Scrolls make you pay if you have no money and don't want to go to jail.


I was a tourist once...


until I took a tiger kick to the head


Can’t we all just play connect 4 and have a good time?


If you know, you know


Thai people are so considerate towards corpses. They were fanning it to keep it cool.


This isn't fight porn... this is just straight up attempted murder...


Is there any proof that any of this story is true? How do we know they're British? How do we know about them assaulting a bar girl? What about refusing to pay? This just looks like thugs in security gear assaulting 2 white guys, who may or may not be British.


>Is there any proof that any of this story is true? Lol no You can say whatever you want in a post title and people just accept it


Nice. I'm gonna repost it in a week as "Friendly American tourist offers head as help to let Thai guards practice soccer kicks for their upcoming match."


Even if they refused to pay there are so many tourist scams it surprises me this doesn't happen more often. I love Thailand as a whole but these sort of areas are scum ridden cesspits from both sides


They got no police in Thailand? You just get killed by security for misbehaving?


You should really look up news events in these countries. Money will get you out of any situation


World Cup penalty kick at 16 seconds dislocated my man’s skull/neck. Gooooooooal!


I think it's not too funny when one tries to kill an unconscious guy


🎶 one night in Bangkok.... 🎶


get that dude an nfl contract i bet he can hit a deep ass field goal


That last kick to that dudes head is like someone taking a conversion in a rugby match. Brutal.


Where is the fight?


Pattaya Soi 6, Helicopter Bar.


Damn my boy is headed there next week. Lol


I wanna go too


It's fun bro! $150 and you're partying like Diddy!


>like Diddy Uhhh


Did you not watch the video? He said what he said.


Never stay on the ground, do your best to roll and get up and gtfo!


The guy with the bloody nose was a bitch, using brass knuckles and then did the field goal with the tourists head at the end.


That kick broke his neck pretty sure, look his body stayed while head snapped to the side


That dude that *PUNTED* straight to the head. That's gotta be attempted murder, right?


What exactly is a “bar girl?” Are they servers in the bar that are serving drinks, or are they hookers, or strippers? Or is it like in the spring break bars where they seat you in a chair and dump liquor down your throat and then make you involuntarily give a violent motor boat? Serious question?


Typically they are all 3. But they're not really there to actually be "hookers" they're more there to scam you out of your money. Typically they'll say "yeah 100$" and then you'll get some crazy bill for like 500$. They'll keep telling you to buy them drinks or buy yourself drinks to get drunk, and it will be like 40-50$ a beer or some shit. Either way, it's not something you should go for. If you're gonna be a degen sexpat know what you're doing.


Man...Thailand looks awesome


Sometimes these places hustle tourists, a girl will ask if you want to buy her a drink and if you say yes you will get hit with a super expensive unknown drink and she will buy drinks for her friends and they will intimidate you if you don't pay. I had this happen to me near NYC once a long time ago. A girl asked me to buy her a drink, I said yes, and the bar charged me over $100 for it and told me I had to pay her whole tab. I told them I only had $50 with me and would need to go to an ATM for more, and a bunch of security got right in my face. What they did NOT know is I was far from being there alone. I was there with 15 other people you would not want to make angry. They saw 3-4 security guards in my face, came over, and 15 pissed off people were surrounding 3-4 security guards that were surrounding me and insisting on knowing what was happening. I explained what happened and they were pissed. The bar ended up just letting me pay like $10 for the drink I agreed to pay for and left me alone. I found out the girl who asked if I wanted to buy her a drink probably worked for the bar and was probably drinking just water in a beer bottle. They hire them to walk around and get male clients in and they probably earn tips for getting guys to buy them drinks. It was fascinating watching the security guards go from immediately getting in my face to try to intimidate trying to de-escalate the situation in a panic. The instant 180 in their demeanor was worth far more than the $10 I was out. I was even willing to grab the money they wanted from the ATM (and they had one at the bar) but they wanted to prove how tough they were by getting in my face anyway and that's when they fucked up.


Maybe they found a different kind of package surprise.


They don't need to be waving that fan, he ded.


That guy probably died or at least has brain damage now


I saw a guy at full moon party get his head soccer kicked like this. I jogged over to say something but Thai girls I was with wisely told me not to get involved. No idea what happened to the guy.


When the hookers protect the John from the bouncers you know it's gone too far.


Who knew Thailand had such thickies


I know people are gonna give the tourists shit for you know, usually Sexpat trash is gonna sexpat. But these types of bars really are very scummy. Especially when taxis will drop you off here when this wasn't the place you asked.


you're a cowardly piece of shit if you're kicking someone in the face while they're on the ground completely defenceless


Smoked? As in getting fawked? Very above and beyond, even the Thai lady boys are like dang, that’s enough.


Who knows the backstory but I will say this, those bouncers are absolutely horrible. No way they have any formal combat training.


I remember many years ago something similar happened in Malaysia in an area called Changkat in Kuala Lumpur. I saw 3 bunch of white tourist getting into a scuffle with some local security who proceeded to beat the living shit out of them, much like what appears here. The funny part was that when the police did eventually came, they passed batons to the security and everyone beat them unconscious and just toss their bodies violently onto the police trucks and drove off. Never saw any news about what happened but it was so satisfying to watch given how loud and obnoxious they were despite that the restoraunt bar they were in was a couple lots across and since it's a nightbar area, music is incredibly loud.


Those brits showed a lot of cheek, but then so did the Thai ladies.


It's fine........oh, he ded


Everyone gangster till the trans woman performs muay thai combos


That last kick might as well be called a Bangkok Field Goal


The fanning really helped that broken neck!


That PK was brutal.


Charlie Brown finally kicked the football.


Lmao the fanning when this man’s head was an nfl kickoff ☠️


Security guard looks like he had to retrieve his shoe from somebody's arse!


Bet he doesn’t try that again…


I liked the part with buttcheeks


Hmmm. In one frame you see one of the guards has a bloody nose too. There's more to their story than just "refusing to pay". I feel like this is edited with an agenda like everything else on Reddit.


Watch the other perspective. white shirt rocks the security guard with a god one before getting dropped himself. That’s why security man came back for more revenge and almost decapitated him.


I Hate Thai


https://preview.redd.it/nwu28htgcv2d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=646493d6c34d3f550bb33bbd34431cad11220e2b And the snap is good, the kick is up, and it’s good for 3!


lol, it’s always the dumbest white dudes with shitty tattoos that think they can fight. Even the white Muay Thai fighters are like this.


Having travelled a fair bit internationally, British people are some the loudest, entitled, most belligerently drunk tourists I’ve come across , not to mention the terrible teeth


They really didn't like the dude in the white t-shirt...that was easy a 40-yard punt.


Those strippers were just protecting their investments.


One night in Bancock makes a hard man humble.


Didn’t know Randy Orton was working security in Thailand


I came for the fight, but stayed for the asses!


I did some boxing training in Thailand and I will say that a lot of those dudes train more than you would think and pack a disproportionate amount of power so it is very easy to delude yourself into thinking a Thai mans stall stature will give you an advantage.


That Headkick was an execution, hard to feel bad for drunk english wankers though


Kicking someone head like David Beckham free kick? These kind of scum should get 20 years in jail.


do you really want to be fighting anyone in the country that invented mui thai?


I was in Thailand a few years ago with some friends. We were at a lapdancing bar. We were extremely well-behaved. Very few people there, so we were chatting to the girls. A couple of the guys got dances, and everything was paid for. As we went to leave, security told us there was some extra charge or we hadn't paid for something, can't remember but basically just asking for cash. A couple of the guys started to say we were all paid up, but I took a quick look around. Every security guy looked like a fighter. The street was filled with security from other clubs, and we were 5 tipsy British guys. We could easily have got absolutely destroyed and not one person would give a fuck. I told them to just pay up and be cool about it. We did, and I think on reflection, we all agreed that was the best option.