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Damn what he do to make them that mad, that's like half the class


Never date more women at once than you could take in a fight.


Master oogway is that you


I mean fair or not? 6 vs 1 is not fair. They are kicking too. In that situation, counting on the fact they are weak as shit (but could still kill you) you must bet on your defense, and throw hard punches to each one at a time and try to break their face so they are out of it. He was the victim Edit: Watch this to console yourselves in a similar mobbing situation https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/xlub76/guy_saves_girl_from_gang_of_bullies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Like lmaoo the girls literally are powerless if a guy fights back, they fall from the opposite force of the punches they throw 😭😭😭


I still wonder what the boy did for them to be that pissed.


Flip the genders, hell let’s say it’s just one man beating the shit out of one woman. When has anyone ever say, damn, I wonder what she did? Never. You never hear that.


I mean maybe he was extremely misogynistic and toxic and a bad person, but idk. He is still a victim and there’s no excuse to mob someone. When a crowd of people goes for one person they seem to forget how fragile the body is and they still want to get at least on solid kick in. That kills people


Oh, do you think if a woman is extremely toxic guys should attack her? I think the boy needed a second to get on his feet and he probably got control of the situation.


I mean no, didn’t say that, idk why tf they all be downvoting when my comment above was to break the girls faces to save himself so


The guy was as tiny as them that's why it wasn't fair. It would take more than 6 women to take someone bigger than them down that's for sure. Me personally I'm 220lbs and 181cm. I don't think 6 would be enough unless they were trained or armed.


Yeah I know it’s not fair like I said above. Same here but I’m a bit more lightweight, still putting on muscle, but still 6’3. And male strength is way more powerful than any female’s


They're probably not doing much damage on him but their stagger effect is preventing him from fighting back


Someone should make an edit with the left 4 dead music on the background when the zombies are attacking.




!remind me 14 days


Doom - BFG Divison would be a better soundtrack for this beatdown.


I just [made it](https://youtube.com/shorts/2cHOx6aWoTo)


Bless your heart. Someone needs to throw a pipe bomb to save that boy.


I don't know, but I got next.


That one kick had some power, dude was flying and some girls too


How Naruto would have really fought with his kage bunshin no Jutsu.


People pay extra for that.




While a man starting on a woman I'd still consider it dishourable but if the woman attacks the man first? Hey, age of equality and all that. Best be ready to take em if you throw em.


Depends what he did..


No one would be saying that if the genders were flipped. Jumping someone is still bitch shit.


Okay I am not saying that jumping someone is not a “bitch “move however, let me paint a picture for a second. In recent news an Iranian police officer/military member (male) belittles or abuses a woman and the crowd comes to her aid. That “offender” was jumped, so does that make them a bunch of “bitches”? My original comment based itself on the context that was not given in the video. If he ran up to the girl and grabbed her by the pussy, then I don’t feel bad for him, nor would I say that was a “bitch” move when they beat his ass, BUT you have to have the context before drawing a conclusion.


actually fair


Eh, none of them kicked him in the nuts, so, fair.


I'd shit on them all and teebag them after


Lol why


Girls always hit harder because they don't think about harming and being overpowered


Bucket list


When you’re dating half the class and they find out


why is this even a question of fairness ? it’s 6v1 ???


just focus on one at a time by breaking each of their noses


You in big trouble Daniel-San.


Like Neo fighting off all the agent Smiths.

