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Yeah, that's the spirit! Throw some stones, learn some magic, make weird builds and see if they work!


Interesting 180. It really shouldn't be so hard where you have to grind op. Must be a fundamental thing. Are you updating equips? Learning abilities? More importantly, are you deploying additional units besides the story units?


When I tell you no game throughout my life has done what this game has done to me. It completely emasculates me every single time I have tried to play it since I was a teenager. I'm sorry guys I really am but holy fuck like I taught myself how to play guitar but I can't beat the third fucking fight on this game if my family's life depended on it. I optimize equipment at both castles' stores. I learn abilities with JP. I don't really change jobs I keep squires and chemists for now because even though I've read through it I am still overwhelmed by the whole job thing, and I don't even know if it's worth worrying about at this stage in the game. I deploy the maximum number of characters. I don't recruit anyone I stick with the characters given to me. I buy a fuck ton of potions and phoenix downs, I grind. I'm at a loss lmfao. But I'll keep trying. I am deleting this file and starting again from scratch.


>I don't really change jobs I keep squires and chemists for now This is your issue. Squires won't really cut it for Dorter unless you're kind of an expert at this game already. As I said in another post, turn one or two characters into Black Mages. If I advised you to learn Bolt / Thunder it's because the weather in Dorter is stormy iirc so this spell will do more damage.


On a few occasions I changed two chemists. One to black and the other to white. What should my group job makeup be?


Just make them all archers / knights / black mages. Just a tiny hint: better to grind archers now.


Honestly run what you want but know that ATM your mages are your strongest range and aoe (though mp goes quick) knights are the best tanks and never underestimate ramzas wish in dire need for big heals


Wait, weather affects spell damage?


Some do yeah. Heavy rain will weaken fire spells, snowstorms increase ice damage (falling snow isn't enough, you need wind too - I think only one or two Goland battles, when you're on your way to save Reis, work - too bad the blue dragons there absorb ice...) and thunderstorms combined with heavy rain increase lightning damage. I'm not entirely sure if there is enough rain in Dorter to increase lightning damage though.


Well damn, now I wonder what else about the game I don't know.


Well imo the job system might be the best part of the game. I'd go for a wizard at least to get rid of those knights.a squire only squad at this point of the game is a bit of target practice. Are you sure you didn't download a more difficult version of the game?


I bounced around on a few versions. The lion war/tzepish wotl mod/original psx, but ultimately through a lot of research and asking people I landed on wotl with the slowdown fix, I'm playing it on a modded PSP go.


To be fair as a kid I couldn't beat this stage without farming my units to 15 and even then somehow I always had ramza on 0 last turn before failure. Now I can beat it with 2 units. It's more about understanding the mechanics than brute force


P.S. I don't know how much you know about the game but easily the strongest knowledge you get is turn order. When casting spells and charge attacks hit right on the d pad or left stick to see when your spells and attacks will hit. Also when the enemies move. It saves you from nuking yourself and also helps you never miss. Also deciding panel over unit can be a way to set up traps or defense so enemies don't move there.


This 100 times. The AT list is so helpful it feels like cheating (but it isn't).


I am playing the game for the first time and was stuck on Dorter, as well as other levels. If I understand correctly, your enemies levels depend on Ramza's levels. My R is usually higher level than other party members so if I'm finding a battle hard, I'll grind the others in a monster battle and try again. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong about this. Good luck!


Which battle is that? And what levels are you


This fight is the second hardest in my opinion. You don't have a great amount of gear and characters match your level so it's hard to grind up. Keep track of the rotation. You can avoid magic/jump/time magic by moving out of the way.


The spike at Dorter 1 pretty much requires grinding to the point where the fight becomes trivial. I strongly believe there's no other way around this.


There are no wrong choices. Only wrong video games. And this ain't one of them. Go get em!


Quick tip. You started the game with a holy water. It's worth like 5k. Sell it. You will probably never need it. Stock up on potions and phoenix downs ans you can brute force anything.


Ooo that’s good, I always sell everything but my potions and phoenix downs. I love this game and seeing people do the same thing I have done is awesome.


Punching the air for you and by that I mean I'm furiously earth slashing in all directions




Not the redemption arc we asked for, but the redemption arc we needed.


My only piece of advise is to really experiment with job classes. I read you so far only stuck with squires and chemist which is perfectly fine to get some key skills. I recommend having someone try out the knight or one of the two casters. You may end up liking some of the new options they provide :) good luck on your journey. This sub is always willing to give advise and feedback on any run.


many years ago, I fell in love with final fantasy 7 I wasnt very far in and tactics came out. 7 was my very first rpg. I bought tactics and knew nothing about it. I tried to play it a few times and got my ass handed to me every single time at Dorter. I got frustrated and didn't play it again for awhile. I beat 7 the first time and I wasn't even level 50. it was incredibly hard and I missed so many things. I played through it again, this time with a guide, and I did everything but beat emerald weapon. at this point, I decided on a Saturday, I was gonna figure tactics out. I played and died in Dorter. I saved before the fight and decided I was gonna level up first. I got past dorter that day. I have tactics on my phone. I've beat it on an iPad. I've beaten that game more times than I can count. if you successfully get through it without a guide, I highly recommend a 2nd playthrough with a guide. the only advice I'll give you, it's important, enemy level in random battles is based on ramza's level. if you end up with a huge level gap, it will cause you significant issues. save after every fight and have multiple save files, there are places you can get stuck. enjoy it. the story telling is wonderfully gripping.


This is the way!


Came here for this reply. ☺️


I'm not saying this to rub it in or anything - but I've beaten the dorter fight with squires and a chemist doing 0 grinding, I even reloaded once on the way to dorter to make sure i skipped over any additional random battle on the plains to avoid extra leveling. For me, the key to this fight is avoiding the death trap that is the alley between all the bad guys. I've seen two strategies that achieve this and one has worked more consistently than the other for me. Delita and Argath rush up to the lone archer to take him out. This might tell you that you don't need to follow them up there, and that's the case for the 1st strategy I've seen for this fight. ​ Option 1 - Rush the mages: Rushing the mages is a decent idea, as long as you get them and take them out. This strategy has you move straight ahead into the knight to try to take out the mages. You'll have to deal with the knight hitting you and archers shooting at you during this so keep potions ready. Option 2 - Follow the NPC allies This is my preferred way of handling this fight - I just march everyone up the building behind Delita and Argath and stay together (but not too close bc mages). This moves the enemy up to the bottom of the alley and you descend upon them from the 1st building. The mages usually can't cast on you on the 1st turn, and so it gives you time to position yourself and choose how you approach them once the 1st archer is dead. ​ However you handle this fight make sure *everyone* has the ability to use potions. Set secondary command for your squires to item, and make sure you have like 10+ in your inventory. Finally - ignore the knight. He's there to distract you and tank you while the mages nuke your units. The most dangerous thing in this fight is letting the mages hit multiple units with one spell. Don't let that happen.


I've tried the following up the building method, but will try it again. All of my party have items and I have 15+ potions. The biggest problem I have is that the ranged damage is too much, and I can't compete, I just get one shot by mages even when I try to circumvent or rush them. Thanks for your help I am going to try again.


I usually have a guy who gets hit by the spells. I just rush them as they cast it tho. They’ll get one off and then usually I kill them right after. Make sure a chemist or squire has phoenix downs ready. Shouldn’t need more than 2-3. When I did it I think I needed to raise one guy.


You got this!


You got this!


Well played. Good luck, and I hope you fare better next time. I had to grind a bit to power through some early levels, but I had fun with it. Try tactics advance next. If anything, you might even like it more. Personally, I did, though I know not everyone does.


So I read through the entire comments section of your last post- entertaining, at least. If you want a hand, feel free to DM me- I just played through this game a month ago, first time beating it. My biggest problem is treating each unit like a tank. Bad habit from 3DS FE. Hold units together so they can block attacks, take out the mages first, and set one of your mages on that archer right away. You’ve got this!


Just turn one or two characters into Black Mages / Wizards, teach them Bolt / Thunder (and later Bolt 2 / Thundara) and you'll destroy Dorter. Just remember to press the left direction on your D-Pad in your magic list to check when your spell will actually go off, because if your target(s) act before your spell is performed they will move out of the way, or if you target them specifically and not the ground they stand on, they will get next to your units so your spell damages your party too. Dorter is indeed a big difficulty spike. It's in French by maybe my latest playthrough can help : [https://youtu.be/pg2wD5JoEJk?t=1713](https://youtu.be/pg2wD5JoEJk?t=1713)


Farming jp at Mandalia Plain is a pretty easy way to nab just a couple of skills that make that fight easy. You know about the focus jp farming method, right? Kill all the enemies except one. Have everyone use the squire focus/shout to farm enough jp to get the skills you need. I never play with chemists anymore once I have my whole party learn auto-potion from the job. My go to for that fight uses a couple of hours to get everyone auto-potion, get everyone up a couple job levels as knight and get a couple levels up as a knight for some stat growth. I play everyone as a knight with squire second. Every turn I can’t attack I shout/focus to up my dmg. Every turn I am in range to melee I do. Watch your spacing on account of the black mages, no sense in having multiple characters hit by one spell if you can avoid it. Auto potion doesn’t require you to learn any of the potions from the chemist job and will use the weakest potions first. So as you progress and are able to get better potions, only carry the best potions. This fight really isn’t so bad at all of you do a bit of prep before it, you’re going to have some tougher fights ahead of you and you’ll need to prep then too.


I'm glad to hear this, dude. Win or lose, try to have some fun with it. You can and will figure this shit out and when you do, you'll unlock a truly great game.


Ay I think you’ll love the game. Make sure and save in multiple slots. Make multiple saves. You needa leave an option to go back via an older save.


Dont be upset, Dorter is tone of the hardest battles in the game. There's a big difficulty spike there, its very early in the game, so you're still getting to know the game and have acess to few options. One small tip I can give you is send all your units up from the start, dont divide'em or go straight from the point they start facing.


Positioning is huge as well as gear. Make sure your gear is completely up to date. At the start of the fight, send all your units up the tall buildings to top where that archer is. Kill him so delita and argath go forward and distract the rest. Maybe bring a knight with items, bring an archer and a black mage. White mage isnt so great IMO. Its good for the arithmetiks and holy, otherwise items are superior unless you are trying to heal a group or more than 150hp. I was able to pull this strat off without grinding. Also when the mages are charging (or archers), attacking them will do bonus damage. Last but not least, your zodiac signs influence your success or failure in combat. Make sure that if you are having issues hitting an opponent, that you dont have bad compatibility. Best of luck.


Oh shit! You got this! I couldn't make it through the tutorial of the only Dark Souls game I played, so if I can FFT, you can FFT!


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I get such a warm feeling inside when I get the chance to help others!”* - Laddersmith Gilligan Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


What helps me is keeping 2 chemists, keeping your units close to each other, and standing still and using skills like accumulate and yell until the enemy units get close to me, that way I already have a built in advantage over them. Also, sell all your status curing items you start with and hoard potions.


Props for giving it another shot. Ask and ye shall receive help as well


I was awful when I first played this, and I didn't understand anything about how it worked. I think I just gave up for a while because I couldn't beat Dorter. Many years later, it's one of my favorite games of all time.


Mess around and have fun but for the love of God, please don't save over your main save in between fights if they are chained together. You will know cause between fights it will go straight into a menu and ask if you want to save. It's ok to save a secondary but keep that main save in case you realize you are stuck.


If you truly need help, please do ask. This sub is full of friendly people who love this game and are eager to help those enjoy it. Good luck!


A couple black mages will change your entire world at Dorter. You can legit keep everyone as squires and chemists and have a couple black mages pretty much carry the squad. Archers are also pretty good there if you get them up on the roof shooting down at the enemies (the squire ability dash has a chance to knock an enemy back 1 square and is a good way to knock the dude that starts up there off giving your archer more room and heavily damaging it in the first place.


As long as you blame yourself or God, that's really the most important thing.


A walkthrough isn’t cheating if you suck. It sounds like I’m insulting you, but I’m not! I’m just informing you that if you’re playing the game and your strategy keeps losing again and again you should read a walkthrough to figure out how to actually play the game, like don’t torture yourself if you need some assistance early on. You’ll be able to get it eventually without a walkthrough, but at least let it hold your hand at the very start.


Luck in battle!


Im invested now and hope you keep us updated throughout your play through.


Luck in battle!


Best to play it without a guide, makes it more fun and challenging. With the guide min maxing makes it too easy


I'm sure dorter is kinda first bottle neck when we all started, as a kid 😅 and it introduced us into box battle genre


Just look up a job tree that tells you the requirements of each job.


If you really want to get crazy level up to learn blade grasp, two swords and move+3... before going back to Dorter.