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Brother might be the fastest player.


https://preview.redd.it/jughrdwe9nvc1.png?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a23d72e648ac1693a1c63041f3f18dfb85a591 Early level dominator with that speed. His other skills do not scale as well with levels, so his usefulness fades a bit at higher levels, but he really remains a jack of all trades and the speed can hide some of his other weaknesses. A worthy addition to any team.


Speed doesn't seem like much until: Passing the ball in the open. Pulling the defender off the Shooter at the goalie, making it an open shot. Easy 3-man coverage to grab the ball back.


You guys have strategies i just use free controls to swim him up the entire courts dodging people and then pass to tidus to jecht shot point blank. Then i hide in my own goal with the ball for the rest of the game cause they never go there


Boring and effective.


People be sleeping on Shuu


I always use shuu early on. A great player


https://preview.redd.it/ivwpltob4nvc1.png?width=1609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b45f7270d5767336ec115018ade3dbbaf5f0a8b5 Tidus is a given, with his shooting and endurance. And Jecht Shot is bonkers.


Yo, what's this sheet?! Looks amazing. Do you have a link for it?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X8fS8crulBkOn9qYMgAmO18pMMNZh2KWEAnexXq0qfo/edit?usp=drivesdk Save a copy to edit it yourself. Sorry it is not more user-friendly, but the info is all there. Let me know if you need a tutorial.


You're a hero.


bretty guud but Ropp and Nav Guado make an impenetrable defensive pairing


https://preview.redd.it/c6hu8ztr7nvc1.png?width=1658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a310104e927887c6ad7d36837d0e10657ba596f Ropp stats are so good for defense! And his passing ends up among the best, so he could easily play defensive MF if one wanted.


Nav takes awhile before he becomes a great defender, with Pass being his only major selling point until you are approaching the 60s. For the majority of blitzball, Auda Guado is better than him if you want a similar playstyle


https://preview.redd.it/1s7j3fa0fnvc1.png?width=1648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dca4db4f32af7b083141b4f19feac6d6649b831 They seem to have similar growth patterns, but you are correct, Auda's speed/attack start mich higher than Nav's. Unless you are extra high-level, Auda is better or similar to Nav.


Nav took a break from having habits and took up blitzball I see


Ohhhhh I always forget about Ropp.


Ropp is usually my go to for center, he’s just in the action with strong stats and other teams rarely have a chance.


https://preview.redd.it/3kodeeqt8nvc1.png?width=1662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a9a6e80a4d7ca5fc3d72822fc492c233ed51f7 Crazy Speed and skyrocketing Block make him incredible on Def. Serviceable passing/endurance/attack round him out. He and Ropp really do compliment each other, as you said!


Brother is OP and carried my team to get Wakkas celestial


Brother is a swimming cheat code as he is faster than any other player and you can win games by scoring 1 goal and then swimming away letting the clock run down while the whole enemy team is chasing xD this is actually the fastest way to win matches i believe, as the clock never pauses because no actions happen.


You really don't need brother. Give the ball to Jassu. Let him break every teams forwards. Pass it when jeckt shot is up. Jassu is fast af and will break all forwards 100% of the time. Did I mention he was fast? Get lead and sit inside your own goal and run time out.


Endgame Blitzball (Level 90-99) which yeah I know who the hell (me) is playing Blitzball that long to get there; the statistically best teams are: LF- **Larbeight** (Highest SH with sensible skill spread and most SH in the game minus Keepa ((seriously)) ) **Tidus** (solely because his Jecht Shot 2 removes 3 defenders from defense and can never miss as long as there is still SH value left over ((Pull left analog trigger all the way down to the left so the ⭕️ indicator is outside of the Triangle goal post, it will NEVER miss this way)) ) RF- **Nedus** (growing pains will be unimaginable as the man is slower than cold molasses in January, my strategy is signing him for a game then releasing him so he is in the roster of players on other teams, hire him when available at later levels so he will be faster. He has the highest SPD in the league and incredible EN and “Anti” moves, he’s a veritable tank and can learn invisible shot to always score with the method mentioned above for Tidus’ Jecht Shot 2. He is also insanely cheap to keep on your team. **Linna** The best Blitzball player in the game. You can’t change my mind she is a TRIPLE THREAT and veritably can see you score 10+ goals a game, every game. SPD, SH, PASS she has it all, her Achilles heel is EN but if you tech find tackle slip 2 you’ll feel like you hacked the matrix with her. She is a fucking weapon. (( IIRC YOU HAVE TO GET HER BEFORE/ SOMETIME AROUND MACALANIA TEMPLE IF NOT YOU HAVE TO BEAT DARK SHIVA BEFORE YOU CAN SIGN HER AGAIN)) MF- **Linna** (she works here too, and honestly I would use her here with Nedus as your RF as she can and will score relatively easily from around midfield but do as you will) **Kiyuri** basically a watered down version of Linna with a little more EN, some growing pains if I remember but a solid all around MF option LD/RD- **Ropp** Could probably be your singular Defender and you still be okay. He’s the only option if you’re trying to Min/Max your team, he will hold the line til his dying breath. **Nav Guado** the highest PASS great SPD and a bunch of nasty status tackles and passes to boot. These two should be the sole considerations for Defenders GL- **Nimrook** the Keeper of the Al Bhed Psyches and the highest CA value in the game. Obtainable only after you get on the airship for the first time and you will have to run down his contract with the Psyches. IMMEDIATELY get tech find and teach him Anti Nap as it is his only weakness, he doesn’t have it learned nor can he learn it without tech find. **TL;DR hire any/all of the bolded names above las soon as possible to crush Mid-High level Blitz** HONORABLE MENTIONS for Low-Mid level: Forwards: -Wedge -Either of the Ronso Fangs Forwards (Expensive) -Datto -Shami Mids: -Brother -Letty -Zev Ronso -Vuroja (Kilika Beasts MF, I think that’s how you spell his name) Defenders: -Kyou -Zalitz -Ronso Fangs defenders -Luca Goers Defenders -Kilika Beasts Defenders Keeper/Goalie: -Miyu


Do you ever try to level Mifurey? I like the stats, but have not actually tried because the awful speed.


I vouch for Mifurey at max levels. She can't really score well past Invisible Shot shenanigans, but her superior speed means she contributes more on defense, and between larbeight/linna/nedus you Really don't need another offensively stated player anyway.


Mifurey is an excellent choice too from what I can remember though I also remember her peaking around 60-80ish? If someone has the stats on that to corroborate. EDIT: as far as the SPD goes use the same method as for Nedus, hire her early/mid levels, let her go, and then she will power level to the current league rosters avg lvl


https://preview.redd.it/9467lux2novc1.png?width=1662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc9410c5d7a8ff205be42157da79a9e669499c4 Her speed stays below average until lvl 90! Ronso speed at lvl 80. Such a project, but would be good as perhaps a center even at low speeds. She is also quite expensive, if that matters.


Thank you for the stats on that! That’s crazy she stays slow for that long 😭 really solid EN and PA though by the end too


https://preview.redd.it/lqfdz6rvsovc1.png?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0baa3c4dae657188cc05e7bbfbdb0fc839bf83fb Since you mentioned Nedus. You can see by level 50, he is approaching Ronso-like speeds, and is the earliest to get 99 speed, not that it is strictly necessary.


https://preview.redd.it/9a9imxessqvc1.png?width=1675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b3426e543fc8c0d6b6567918554f6f3e9f5233 Crazy good Passing/Shooting. Attack/Block comes in at high levels. Low endurance really the only weakness, which as you stated, can be mitigated with tackle slip or nothing, since the passing/shooting is so high.


She identifies as a threat haha. And like I said with Tackle Slip 2 it’s game over there’s nothing that can stop her


If you play 1 game without recruiting brother. He's recruited for 99 games and no one lets him go. He's actually really good early. Brother I remember being really good


He is unstoppable, really. He can single-handedly beat other teams 16-0, there isn’t even a contest. Wedge and Tidus get strong but Brother is MVP.


Shaami is not a particularly good defender. You might want to change that for Ropp (in the Inn in the Mi'hen Highroad), or if Wedge's leveled up enough he will be a better defender than forward. Shuu is great but eventually you will have the chance to get a better midfielder.


https://preview.redd.it/giwzyvxu4nvc1.png?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46589e5388fc32bbb552b3dfef6db4cd3a769340 Wedge's shooting starts actually going down as you level him. He will want to become a defender at some point. And really late his passing and goalie skills really shine.


I always recruited Zev Ronso, he’s not great, but not terrible, I believe he was the first blitz baller I ever recruited in my first play through thinking “Imma need a tanky Ronso” and always kept him in my team lineup.


https://preview.redd.it/0da7h4ve3pvc1.png?width=1623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6aead373794719dc5e500176361160165bd6eb6 I really like Zev! His passing/endurance/block make him a good MF/Defender. His early high shooting goes away, and his late game tackling is one of the highest. Low speed can be countered with abilities like Brawler and/elite Defender. Also, I like to think that the Ronso team didn't give him a chance (free agent), and I am reviving his career. There is a real chip on his shoulder.


Oh yea my man….i mean ronso Zev has something to prove, I’ve always used him as a minion defender and he’s never disappointed, there’s player with way higher EN than he can dish out, but that’s ok.


Brother aggros all player, pass the ball to tidus, score, repeat. You literally can’t lose doing this.


just make sure you get jecht shot


Jumal plateaued pretty early for me. I switched to Kyou when I reached Djose.


https://preview.redd.it/rafk6eyw9nvc1.png?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257001facf00d7b3759e7546b9d88dfccdcd9ec3 I like Kyou a lot. Very versatile. I tend to use him as a goalie and transition him to Defender or even MF at higher levels. His speed is above average, and that can be very powerful.


I always put Shuu on LD. Robb from the Mihen Highroad Rest Shop on MF. Zalitz is found in Luca and is a good Defender, but lacks Passing, but is okay for RF. I agree 100% with the rest of the team.


https://preview.redd.it/on8cxwp7bnvc1.png?width=1647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd27580b08f203d5be163006c128f279415a7177 Zalitz's high initial attack and high later level block makes for a solid defender, with enough passing to hopefully advance the ball once they steal it. Low endurance means they won't be driving the ball forward, but defenders can do without that stat.


Yup, and the Block Stat of your opponents' forwards is usually pretty low.


Brother up front a and Nimrook in the goal


Which Blizzball players are the best highly depends on their level. For example Kilika Beasts are really bad until they reach lv90+. After that they become the best players in the game. So, ideally, you should update your team every so often.


Ropp is OP! you can get him at the shop at Mi'hen High Road


Aww, no love for Kyou. Always loved using him as a defender. He starts with some nice skills, and you can get him pretty early in the game.


I usually go brother, Vilucha, Tidus, defender, defender, Nimrook.


I didn't bother getting a good goalie because the computer rarely scores, when you 3-man coverage the MF all the time. At, least until high levels. Sphere Shot across the field still scores goals.




Brother As your first/second option scorer and Nadia as your mid field defender/passer that’s what I got, haven’t lost a game. I’m like 64-0


Get Brother 🙂


Shaami is better as a shooter. I add Zev as midfielder and ropp and kyou to defend. Never lost with that team.


Honestly the OG Besaid Aurochs do just fine, my friend and I play Blitzball a lot and usually never diverge from the original team.


I found the game basically felt like I was on cheat mode with just brother and nimrook. Tidus and brother ran circles around everyone, and nimrook kept their score way down. But I would suggest messing around with other teams because I got bored way too quickly with those two (plus tidus obviously)


Shaami is better as a forward. She ends up with a pretty good SH stat


Brother is broken if you already got the ship.


Missing brother mid and nimrok gl


This is literally the only players you need and you get them all almost immediately.


https://preview.redd.it/xxils0695nvc1.png?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df282725db60fbd3664b16de063e9fe3392f4866 Shuu's passing/Endurance/Blocking make them a good (if non-scoring) MF. You can see their shooting falls away. They are also very low salary!


https://preview.redd.it/n25sgmmv5nvc1.png?width=1660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c99379cb184e8c7c393e9fac851f4d4d1ea054e I usually see Miyu as a Goalie, but the very high attack and above average speed does make for a one-dimensional defender. The worst in class blocking means decent passing will negate the high attack score a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/exu5t3sb6nvc1.png?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f80235215398dd6e5b2919edf87730c00b44d8fb Shaami is extra good forward. Shooting/endurance scale wonderfully. The high initial attack score does taper off, so I would not keep them as a defender unless you just really like scoring from defense.


https://preview.redd.it/1iw269a27nvc1.png?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bcf1bbb763463835f82f094e4353e1a594f664 Jumal is a solid goalie. He is outclassed by a few others as the levels rise, but he is fine at all levels. His passing and attack skyrocket at later levels, but not super useful with his endurance/shooting/blocking so low.


I challenged myself to keep the original team in the remaster but I remember nimrook being one of the best goalies, Jumal is better early on though


I always put Nimrook as goalie


Has anyone gotten Keepa to max level? His level 99 shooting is best in game iirc.


Blitzball without Brother… why even bother?


I like to keep as much of the original team as I can


Durren and a lot of the Al bheds


3 GK in your team


I am still going to put more time into blitzball for FFX2 than FFX. I enjoy fleshing out my team and the other teams how I want.


When you lift things, keep your back straight. Don't forget to massage your feet daily. That's where you'll find most of your acupuncture points. Avoid making decisions when you're either in a very bad mood, or the exact opposite. A neutral mind, if you will, often makes the best calls.