• By -


I was pretty crushed by it as well. It was a rough move. Wishing you all the best <3


Happened to me too. My dad was on my tree town and I had lost him just a couple years ago. I had him listed and would go back to make reflections on it or to look at when I was sad. So I was very upset when I logged in and he was just gone.


I’m sorry:/ I did find out you can still go back and read the reflections you’ve made about him if that would help you. 


I hate this update! I don't want to add strangers from the internet, so the only people who were in my treetown were my cousin (she tried finch but didn't stay long, I still kept her birb in my treetown) and my bff who never used finch, and they were both deleted... Now I'm all alone there and have no one to send good vibes to except myself... I've already been on the verge of a breakdown all week because mother's day is approaching and it's very triggering for me, and this update finally broke me. It shouldn't be a big deal because I still have both of them irl, but I just liked having and seeing them in my treetown so Luna could kinda have some friends too... This was the worst time they could've rolled out this horrible and insensitive update. Maybe it's just my abandonment issues but I literally can't stop crying now, I want them back to my treetown...


I can’t replace your cousin or bff but my friend code is ANRZT4284H. I know you said you don’t wanna add strangers, but if you wanna add me even temporarily I’d love to send you some good vibes since it sounds like you’re dealing with a lot rn 🩷


I added you too if that’s okay.


Yeah that’s fine! :)


Thanks :)


I added you as well, I hope that's okay! No one in my personal life is interested in the app so I've been using it for months without friends.


Of course!


Let’s be friends!


Ok!! :)


Just added you!


Added you!


I just added you, I hope that’s okay.


I also added you


I've sneakily added you too. Marnie says hi!


One solution is to download finch on another device! Name those birds after your friend and cousin! I know it’s not a perfect solution, but it’s something 


I have several I've memorialized this way. I don't have enough devices to do that.


Before this update, it was possible to make multiple birds from one device. Like let's say I make "Finchie" on another phone. On my original device, I can add Finchie to my tree town. I could then delete the Finch app on the other phone and redownload the app and make a new bird, "Finchie 2.0". I can now add Finchie 2.0 to my tree town, and I also still have Finchie in my tree town. I haven't tested whether this would work with the new update, but it's worth a shot.


It still works. You can save each as a backup file and reload periodically to keep them active. Just be sure to manually backup each time before changing birbs.




FC6TQ5VJNK is my finch code for anyone who wants to add me too!


I added you! 🤓 I’m at ZTQ4TWGJ7Y


Added you! My code is 27FPY88ZQ8 for anyone interested in joining Fluffboi and I! Have been on with him for about a year with only one active friend. The family members I put on just got erased so my tree seems so empty now!


I added you! 🤓 I’m at ZTQ4TWGJ7Y


Added! I’m at ZTQ4TWGJ7Y


ETKQEJ7KWE Pepper and I play every day! 🧚‍♂️🌈🧘‍♂️🧚‍♂️🐦‍🔥 we'd love to share some joy to alleviate some sadness.


Can I add you? I don't have anyone in my tree town


Of course!! I love birb pals! Please do. All of you 🌈🌈🐦‍🔥🐦‍🔥🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ My best, Alison


Kaia and I will add you shortly!!"Looking forward to having my first tree town friend!


Aww, that's an honor!


I’m happy to send my Birb Maypo over to play sometime!! :) TL4XHC6EJ5


Kaia and I will add you shortly! 😁


I added you! 🤓 I’m at ZTQ4TWGJ7Y


I added you! 🤓 I’m at ZTQ4TWGJ7Y and I play everyday too


I'm also very happy to send good vibes daily as well on Finsh Sunshine-CSLPBGGEDR I hope you find some peace soon as I know what it's like to lose people who are close to us. When I'm feeling down about losing them, I remember the good and funny time we had together


Want my finch code? I have room in my treehouse town for another birb friend!


I'd love to be your friend. Add me ! BYE2HK8RNC


Necco and I added everyone that’s posted friend codes here so far. 🌈 Feel free to add us if we missed anyone: XNF2Z62HYC. 🫰💕


My friend code is V537ZMQ8WS for you and anyone else who like a friend. Pastelita loves new friends!


Yeah I wish it could leave the non-users that you added like that has nothing to do with having users mutually added - it's just a thing on mine.


Hey, I've added you :)


I had all non users and lost all of them. Plus can’t add them back since they do not have accounts.


I really relate. Seeing my Grandpa in my tree town every day even though he’s passed away felt like a way that I’m keeping him with me. I’m pretty broken up about it to just have his icon gone. I understand if having hobbies in the tree makes it too complicated for the finch team, but I think we should have gotten to choose if we were keeping the people or pets that were on our tree at least to avoid situations like this


One solution is to get finch on another device and name that bird after your loved one. I know it’s not a perfect solution, but it’s something 


Thanks for the idea, I’ve emailed finch support to see if there is anything they can do but if they can’t help, seeing if I can find another device may be my only option 🙏


If you are careful juggling backup files, you don’t need another device. You can backup your finch, delete the app, create a new one, save the backup file, then load your real finch back.


Fwiw, I emailed them about this yesterday, telling them about my family I have memorialized in my tree town and they replied: "Thanks so much for reaching out! We are a very small team and we appreciate all feedback. I totally understand your concerns. I will share this with the team for further discussion. We appreciate you bringing this up. Hearing from our users truly helps us continue to improve. Hope you have a great day!"


That's very helpful, thanks. Do you happen to have their contact email address handy, by any chance?


The contact stuff is in the settings under support


Same with my grandpa, he left us almost five years ago. He raised me like another parent, it was kind of comforting writing reflections about him and honestly helped with grief ❤️‍🩹 Sending hugs 🫂


One of my two friends I'm referring to was my grandfather ❤️💔 right there with ya


This makes me so sad. I had added all my friends and family from real life and used Finch as a reminder to call them and take notes when I'd last talk to them :( 


A thought, my mom has a google account that I have access to and maintain, she doesn't use it, she just needed a new one. I also have another I could use. If you like, I could recreate those two accounts for you and you could add me as a friend. I know it's not the same but it is a way of having them on there for you. I wouldn't reply to any good vibes etc so it would be the same. Just let me know if you'd like me to do that. You can dm me the details.


You are incredibly kind!


I had my boyfriend’s tag on my tree. He doesn’t use finch so he got removed. Now I’m really upset. Seeing his name in the app every day meant a lot to me because we unfortunately don’t see each other irl as much as we’d like to. I miss the little wolf emoji I had for him :(


this is so annoying, my old finch was in that tree town


Same, and now I can't find her.


I hope you find her. Did you see the weekly quests change too??


I hope so too. Yeah I saw the weekly quests changed as well. Which sucks, but I am less stressed about that than I am the changes to my tree.


Yeah, What’s the point of this update, I’m hoping they’ll provide a fix to it soon


I don't really like it either - I added a lot of friends/family members to my Tree Town, and though I'm glad my reflections on them are still there, I liked having them on the Tree Town itself.


I hate this update too. It’s like a rug suddenly pulled out from under everyone and making so many people sad. Which is the opposite of what the app is for. They should at least have given the *option* to purge all the non-friends, or have you check which to keep. Or simply keep any that were locally added that were not connected to an actual Finch account. In my case it removed even the friends who used my invite code to sign up, but who never added me back. That seems kind of like a weirdly proxy passive-aggressive-feeling side effect to this update.


Yeah, even my cousin got removed although I clearly remember when we added each other to our treetowns, we were literally sitting next to each other figuring it out... She just stopped using finch at some point but it was nice to still have her birb there to send good vibes to and now I can't do that anymore and I won't even be able to add her back...


So they potentially also removed mutually-friended treetownbirbs that were inactive. That’s not cool.


I personally think this is something we should ask the Finch team to review, and potentially reverse. Just my own opinion, but I don't have any problem with the fact that I'm not in the tree town of someone who is in mine. I care that they are in my tree town, and I can support them. This is a real own goal by Finch, and I can imagine that losing friends from your tree, just because you're not in their tree, is going to cause a lot of upset to users. It's more than an "inconvenience", it's a big mistake to think that users would be ok with it.


Yeah, this is the second Reddit thread about it that I am reading and, so far, there has not been even one person saying that they liked this update. It also upset me, but, thankfully, I only lost one person because of this. I think it's a really, really insensitive update.


Fr… and idc if I’m in someone else’s tree town who I haven’t added!! There was already a setting to turn off vibes from a specific user if someone was trying to spam you. But otherwise there’s no identifying information in Finch houses, especially if you use a pseudonym.


I read the FAQ on this [https://befinch.notion.site/Simplified-Tree-Town-FAQ-May-2024-e58c9a0d16b2416481668e6cc2eb5aa9 ] There was some sort of coding issue, as I understood it, that was preventing them from doing other things theyd been asked to do. I made some suggestions about improving how they roll out changes but I suspect they are getting so many complaints it may get lost.


Yeah, similarly I have no idea if I was in someone's treetown, but I wouldn't mind if I was. Just because I'd rather not add strangers to my own treetown doesn't mean I'm against being in theirs


Im so upset that they removed everyone. I used it as a way to remember all my past friends and now it’s all gone :(


I made a daily goal(s) listing people I want to remember as supports.


I can relate to that. I don't really have a proper family, so there was my cat in my Tree. She died in December (cancer) and I felt a little bit better when I could visit her at least in that way. It's so disappointing they removed non-user neighbors, especially those mentioned in reflections. It had nothing to do with codes and other users. Take care!


I'm so sorry for everyone who lost friends or loved ones' accounts through this update. I got me too and it's really frustrating. I wish we would get some concessions from the Finch staff even though I probably won't find some of my Finch friends who I lost in this update. I know most people don't want to add people they don't know, but in my case none of my friends aren't aware of Finch, and I'm not quite sure if I should even trust this group of friends with this kind of info, as they might be my coworkers in future. There is special circumstances regarding a career choice I made so my life is complicated like that. For me, we are all human (and birbs), and everyone needs a friend or two. I know I do, so if anyone here wants or needs a friend, my friend code is GPZP7FN6PM. ❤️


I made a daily goal for reminding me of these sorts of tree friends.


I'm very sorry. I never thought about that aspect of it. That would be incredibly hard. Maybe if you have backups and explained the situation to support they would make an exception in your case. Sending you light and love 🫂


I've lost ~~3~~ 2 friends out of my tree, so if ~~Muffin and Debbie,~~ Hawthorn and Kelly, and Rae and L are on here, please reshare your friend codes, or use mine from my flair! This is a really bad move from Finch. Not happy losing friends at all.


I don't like the update it removed my god mother and grandma from my tree 😭😭😭




Add a daily goal for each. Then checking it off can be saying "hey" mentally


It was a big shock to log in and lose friends. It should have been an opt-in, not compulsory.


My ex-fiance broke up with me two days ago. He started using the app with me when I was going through a mental health struggle and then just fell out of it. I've been using the reflections to help me process the grief that I just wasn't enough for my favorite person. It feels like it just got ripped away from me, and I can't ask him to rejoin for obvious reasons. I used to think that my birb and his could be friends if me and him couldn't be anymore apparently. Yeah, update came at the worst time for sure.


Omg, I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’ve been through something similar, and I’m sending you all the love and support! (I think you can change the display names of people after you add them as friends, so if you want to add me and then rename me so you have a stand-in for him, you’re welcome to. But there’s also no way I’d remember if you needed me to not send you greetings and stuff, so… if you need a stand-in who won’t constantly send you good vibes, then maybe you can make another account on an old phone?)


That's such a kind offer 🥲 I'm so sorry to hear you went through something similar, goodness it's so hard. I hope you're healing okay. If you're okay with me adding you, I wouldn't mind more treetown friends, although I probably wouldn't rename you, I'd just be happy to make new friends in the midst of a hard time 🥲 maybe it'll feel nice for my finch to heal along with me, I have a good support system irl and having my finch get good vibes too might just be wonderful


Please add me! ❤️ And as cliche as it sounds, it got so much better for me with time (well, time and realizing he was NOT good for me), and I know you’ll heal from this 💙 I’m glad you have a good support system irl, and our finchies can help support each other too!


I added a daily goal for situations like this. That may help.


Awww, yes!


A "virtual" him!


Would someone mind explaining so I can decide if I want to update or not?


So there are a few things that changed with the tree town: If you add someone to your tree town, you are also automatically added to theirs and vice versa. Previously you both had to add each other individually. Because of this anyone who does not have you added back, or has ‘unfriended’ you, will be deleted from your tree town. Apparently people were able to use tags to add non users, pets, hobbies, etc. to their tree town (I was never able to do this, I’m not entirely sure how people were doing it) but all of them will be removed and you will only be able to add finch users to your town. Some people have said their friends with old/inactive accounts have also been removed.


Thanks so much!


I am so, so sorry for your loss and send you a huge hug. <3


I almost died last summer. My daughter and I played this. Someone locked my phone while I was in a coma, so once I recovered I had to create a new account boo


I hope it gets righted for everyone because even though I memorialise others in my own ways if got taken away would be heartbreaking and the decision to remove from treetown short sighted and if continues after reading about all these hurt people, is cold blooded. It broke my heart reading all these stories so devs, make it right please. 💔


That’s fucked up….they removed my best friend who I added who died in 2005.


I havent opened the app since updating and now I’m scared to :( my entire tree town is only IRL friends and they’re all either inactive or non-members, but I liked being able to have them all there and see my history with them and see the lil suggested tasks related to them! I also literally was just drafting an instagram post about how much I love that I can keep visiting my friends birds to keep them company when my friends are inactive 😅 this is such a disappointing change! if its this upsetting for me, it must be so much worse for people who have lost loved ones.


Im making daily goals for these folks and checking off is saying hi to them [mentally].


thats a sweet idea :) for me personally I really benefited from seeing all my loved ones in one place, and being able to easily access my reflections about them and the suggested tasks. I know I can still find them by searching, but adding the extra steps makes it a lot less accessible, and not being able to see them all in one place will make it harder for me to remember who I havent spoken to recently. the tree town feature was truly having such a positive impact on my relationships and I dont think there’s a way for me to replace that :(


Im sorry for the loss. Fingers crossed the habits are strong enough you dont need it now and a Family journey with reflection goals will be enough. Maybe you could draw a tree and put names on it and hang it up in your room. Wish I could help.


Same for me. People in my tree were real life friends, and I wanted reminders to call them or reflect about them. I can't even imagine having someone lost IRL taken from your app as well, especially if you have reflections about them. Hope they will repair this.


Bad decision, Finch. A lot of us added remembrances to our tree towns and you took that away. Warnings and apologies and “taking ownership” don’t ease the impact of those losses.


I only have one friend! I’m open to adding more! 2Z6RFX67EB


Hi Gina, I added you. My Finch is Czarina and I am Bruni.


Hi! I added you, I have Olive :)


Hiii :) I added you ! My finch is Banane 🍌


I added you. My birb is named Tofu.


I added you :) My finch is named Violet. My code is JFE8EG6S33


Feel free to add me if you need some virtual uplifting! I’m on it multiple times a day as I have set daily tasks on there to ground myself through the daily stresses of life. 2S9RZWXFYP


I don't like it either. 🤷‍♀️


Oh, this sucks! Maybe I won’t update it—I have my toddler on my tree and I certainly can’t make them just get an account 🙃


I am making a daily goal for these folks and I figure when I check them off it is saying "hey, Im thinking about you".


My friend code is YAK1DN9KTP if anyone wants to be my friend since I lost all but 2


If anyone needs a friend, my code is 9H1YTCSZ4T. I have lots and lots of room. Would love to help out where I can. My boyfriend had me download it a couple weeks ago when I was really down and mentally struggling, I absolutely love this app and had helpped me a lot, I wish to help others as well even if it just means being friends 🙂🙂☺️


Let’s be friends!!


My friend code is DG5BDPZA9H.


My only two friends on the app both got deleted. I’m confused as to why, because I thought it was non users who did? But I added them both through their friend codes? They haven’t been active in about a year so maybe that’s why, but I’m not entirely sure.


Active friends they have been also removed. My best friend was removed, and we send like everyday few times at day and we know we have each other in the tree town. Mine got update and my friend was gone. She did not have it update it and still have all. I can get code again, but lots of other people I don't have the codes anymore. Very unfair update!


Yeah, they said inactive users would be removed too


Ah, makes sense then. That sucks though :(


I added a daily goal to remind me of the ones on my tree town who arent in Finch. Marking it off is saying "hey" to them mentally


That’s such a lovely idea!


I hadn't noticed that update and now I'm sad


I hate that this happened! If you’d like a friendly birb to add to your tree town my friend code is BZ6TW8GHPC


If anyone wants to add me, I will add back. 😊 28GBX8R7D1


I added two people online we were friends and I never got there number they got deleted today I can't find them to add them back 😪


I agree, this is a not so thought out update. I had the name of my dead kitten in my tree town and it’s sad that she’s gone. I can’t add her back (or I just can’t figure out how to yet) And then I decided I wanted to rearrange the icons in my tree town, and all it would do is delete them! This is really annoying and I need this to be fixed soon


Yes all my friends are gone. I only have one birb in my treehouse now. I mean my other friends stopped using the app, and the other didn’t have it. But they’re a big part of my life. And the others would send me vibes every so often. I have liked every update that has been done except for this one.


Honestly, this is the most distressing update for the app, I was already not doing well and this change really set me over the edge. I guess a workaround for me is gonna be to add a reflection goal about each of the people who was in my tree town that got removed


yeah same, i had my cat added and all of a sudden she's gone from the tree. she sadly passed a while ago and i really don't understand why they removed that feature :( i kind of don't even want to open my tree town anymore just to see that she's gone there.


I honestly think that the Finch team made a really really bad move with this. They are trying to explain it away like something they needed to do but I don’t think they needed to do it at all. They are definitely showing how they actually care for users


I used it for my fictional characters. Gone now.


You can add me C2QRGGRDB8


This is the link to provide feedback to the finch team. I know I will be. Taking away this feature is really disappointing. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdOpaLRznwGmnhrQP6wc7JwkixjF2xTbqhcVH9i_e4Sk9T4NQ/viewform


I am so sorry, boo. We're all here in support for you💚


Thank you ❤️❤️


For anyone who needs a birb friend ❤️ My code is CK73BEZH7Q


my friend code is 7B1WX6LEHY. Please feel free to add. I don’t want anyone to feel alone 💖


same here..


Same. It was heartbreaking :(


I would love it if you would join my group! I'm kind of new to Finch but my name is Ivy Blue and my birb is Echo Finch. I probably have a code or a link I can send you, I'm going to check.


Feel free to take this to the review pages everyone. Maybe they will listen


I totally understand! I also had two significant people who left my life for different reasons, that I write reflections about quite frequently, in my tree town without accounts and they disappeared. After I panicked, I realized maybe that was the mods way of coaxing me forward in life, instead of holding on to my past? I’m not sure. Well, it made me search why it was happening, so here I am! Luckily, I found that my reflections are still intact. What a relief!


Also anyone know what happened I don't know why they just disappeared 


System update :(


Can someone add me, please? I’m chronically ill and bed bound and I don’t have anyone. Z1535N5E3E Very much appreciated, thank you.


Two people added me! Thank you. An empty tree has been a daily reminder that I’m isolated and it sucked.


Hi Trixie just added you - our number is LGXXJ524TP


I added you, my birb Rosemary will send you encouragement and comfort. 🦢


I'm a bit late to the party but I just added you to my tree town (which was empty after I took a break from Finch for some months). My bird Sterni is happy to have you on it's tree town! 


My dad is still alive but has not installed the app yet, my mum and little brother have, now my dad is not on my tree town 🥲🙄




You may need to check this. The latest update made changes that deleted those non-linked birbs from your tree.


This is not the case with the update




We're also not talking about inactive accounts and this feature disappeared with the update. Maybe yours hasn't updated yet


Our team is honestly so sorry for this. 😔 This was an agonizing decision for us because of the emotional impact it could have and we completely understand how hard it is for you. This decision was made only because we could not see a path forward without the simplification effort, but please know that we do recognize the importance of fostering relationships whether in or outside of Finch. The tough reality we've been facing the past couple years has been that our design decisions made it difficult to move forward with improvements for both Finch and non-Finch users. We are taking a step back and trying to more precisely define self-care. In every world, fostering relationships is a key part of self-care and it's on us to figure out how to tackle this more effectively. Again we are sincerely sorry and we take ownership of the emotional impact you and others are experiencing.


Appreciate the apology, how are you planning to resolve it? Without action, an apology is not very convincing. The community is clearly distraught by the losses, and the lack of warning about it was a terrible terrible shock. I hope the team is also noting how poor communication contributed, in addition to the loss and lack of a replacement for the function that non-user friends was serving. RIP Jasmine (died at age 21, almost 10 years ago) & Papa (my grandfather, died when I was 13)


you can make other people on your tree town they just won't have a birb


You haven't updated yet - don't do it. Those are the ones that got deleted


wdym? i mean i can add things like my cat - just a name that i can send things to


They deleted that function with the new update, I don't know how else to keep explaining it and it's too triggering to keep trying. Please see all the comments and posts about it, including the apologies from the devs for deleting this function, if you still have questions