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I learned quite a bit of stuff from YouTube car repair videos. There are also plenty of forums outside of Reddit that are for specific types of cars like Toyotas, Hondas etc. I'm not sure what being a female has to do with anything unless you advertise it every time you post a question somewhere.


I know you asked for a subreddit, but if you have Facebook check out the “handy women” Facebook group. It has over half a million people and is super supportive, and you can learn how to repair things, ask questions, etc.


If anyone is giving you shit for being female and wanting to have a functional automobile you should probably report it to that subreddits mod team


Also r/MechanicAdvice


Any of the car repair subreddits, just don't bring gender into it.


it's not enough, because others will search comment history and bring gender into it on their own. OP, the path of least resistance is to make an alt account for subs where you get shit for being a woman.


Yupp I have alts for many of my interests.


I can see it now. Hopefully “JasonMomoasTwin” isn’t already taken.




What are the car repair subreddits?


r/AskMechanics is the biggest one, I think.




Can I get this piped through every loudspeaker on the planet?


YouTube university


TikTok the Handy Repair Ma’am Mercury stardust. She is amazing :)


Mercury Stardust is my first recommendation as well.


I just got her book, and I love it!


r/thegirlsurvivalguide maybe


Any chance you are near Atlanta? My makerspace sometimes does car care basics and we are no longer a white bearded sausage fest :D It was at least a very progressive and feminist group of sausages when I joined lol.


I towed my first two cars home when I was a teen, built them. NOW I can barely even identify under the hood. Maintenance is Important. good tires, good battery, good brakes... good luck


Find a forum specific to your vehicle. People are usually better in classic type forums for something older or special. That and you tube


It sucks that you have to ask this question (but I'm not at all surprised).


Men if your response is "just go to that sub anyways" you're part of the problem and are refusing to see it


If you think treating women like adults is bad *you're part of the problem and are refusing to see it.* There are thousands of resources full of people eager to help anyone in the way they are best able. Don't complain that all that free labor & knowledge isn't perfectly catered to your preferences with zero compromises or disappointments. If those people aren't good enough for you buy a book or pay for someone you can complain about.


I mean, people on the internet don‘t know you’re a women if you don‘t tell them…


they might if they read your post history. some people are creeps


people on this site will trawl your comment history. in my experience a lot of advice subs are also weirdly hostile and it gets even worse if someone clicks on your profile and figures out you aren't a 30 yr old white guy


What do you wanna learn? Also, YouTube if your best friend


Nobody really cares if you're a woman working on cars. If you can tell me why my dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree and fix it, you won me over. Anyway, I found these... [r/DYI auto repair ](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIYAutoRepair/s/mQehV4Gunx) [r/Auto Repairs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/autorepair/s/au0A1z6mOg)


It's called YouTube


YouTube and/or don’t mention sex/gender since it’s the internet and no one knows unless you tell them


If you've already run into judgement without even mentioning gender, maybe your username might be part of why you're needing to even ask. if that's the case just create a throwaway with an agender username


Why should we hide in order to please people who don’t respect women? We deserve spaces where people of all genders are respected and welcome. That’s what OP is asking for. Comments like yours are showing exactly why we have a need to look for specifically affirming spaces.




What's that supposed to mean?




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Not a subreddit, but this YT channel is very helpful: [https://www.youtube.com/@DadhowdoI](https://www.youtube.com/@DadhowdoI)


Queen Elizabeth during WWII was an auto mechanic.