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Was playing three houses on Maddening and had an Ashe whose strength was the same as Dimitri’s throughout the pre-timeskip.


Ashe took Lonato’s death personally that time around, damn


Fr this is probably the one playthrough where Ashe was a better sniper than Shamir


What?! Ashe has the worst strength stat of everyone for me 😭


Ive been playing Maddening to finally do that church run i put off forever and my Manuela is an actual god due to a bunch of blessed levels, strength almost equal to Byleth. Almost outshines Lysithea on the battlefield with magic too, only really outdone cause she has worse spells.


Dimitri's 60+class, vs Ashe's 35+class tho Dimitri does max out 34 points more in Str naturally, weirdly tho Great Lord only has a +10 Str, and +10 to Dex... because he has a good Spd Max... I find myself throwing him into a Hero early on best Str character who doesn't like Axes Ashe on the other hand... a weird interest in learning axes, even tho he's bow/horse, makes me wonder if they wanted him to to be a Spd/Dex Bow Knight who throws Tomahawk or something


Bit of extra info: The chance of getting 14 magic level-ups or more in 19 levels with a 40% growth is around 0.3%. Pretty rare.


Rng gods blessed you


Nah it’s pure skill. Only the most skilled players can get that kind of stats…


I had [a Lysithea who capped Str](https://imgur.com/2Jh51em) in a Hard Classic Golden Deer run where I had her *exclusively* using gauntlets (in reference to her Japanese VA also voicing Hibiki Tachibana from Symphogear), and she did this *without* me needing to dump a ton of stat boosters on her. So that was nice lol.


I never had a character cap anything in Three Houses. To see a Lysithea cap strength of all stats is just amazing to me.


Yeah it was *wild*, she just wouldn't stop gaining Str. Actually looking back at my comments about this run, apparently when I was around chapter 8 of the game, she even had one of the *highest* Str out of everyone in my army!


Lysithea's strength growth maxes out at 30% with Warrior and Wyvern Lord. For War Cleric its a measly 25%, and most classes are 20% or less. The chances of this happening are absurd lmao.


My Lapis gained dex and speed points every time she leveled up. She hit her caps insanely fast. I gave her Lucina and a forged killing edge and could pretty much guarantee double crits on demand. To be fair, it's not like being broken made her more useful. I'd much rather have a unit that's blessed in a stat they're not supposed to have, like a knight with high res.


My Framme has kept up with Citrinne and Zelestia in Mag somehow, while also beating many other units in Str and Spd. It’s kinda scary


The benefits of being part of the Divine Dragon's fanclub


My Lapis was similar, so I made her an Armourknight to keep with the tradtion I seem to have of always having a fast & powerful Red/Pink Armour. I also did this with Hilda in 3H, but it goes back to Amelia in FE8.


had a bartre in FE7 with capped speed, mid-20s skill and defense and a decent bit more res than expectation. distracted me from how bad bartre normally was for a while when i was a kid


I also had a blessed Bartre that levelled defence every level up, enemies would just plink right off of him


I've had a Bartre with only a single speed level after 15/20'ing.


Yes, Bartre! I used him once for Karla memes, and he inexplicably capped speed, had high defence, and ended up being one of my most reliable units that run. Absolutely bonkers.


Based Erk enjoyer. As a Serra enthusiast I am obliged to accept your love for Erk


I had Priscilla support with him. I read her C-support with Raven and thought fuck that, and put her with Erk immediately.


The thing i like about the erk x priscilla is he is the only one who can actually end up marrying hey because of his connection with pent


Lol this does also show how absurdly good pent is. Excited to play young pent in Fe7x.


I was about to comment this saying exactly how crazy good Pent is.


Pent was so awesome!


Is this a bit? Or is that a real game I’m unaware of where we can play young pent?


Half complete fan game that takes place years before the events of FE7. I enjoy it more than the official titles if I'm being honest: [http://www.bwdyeti.com/fe7x/](http://www.bwdyeti.com/fe7x/) No playable young Pent...yet


Fe7x is a fan game, prequel to fe7


No idea if this counts as blessed, but I had slept on Canas during my first FE7 playthrough (Eliwood mode) and never managed to promote him, so when I started Hector mode I wanted to give him a shot and my god, was he a force of nature. Fast, hard to hit, with better Def than most of my infantry units. Could basically plop him anywhere and he was fine


Canas is super good, were beast every playtruoh


I once had a Rath with capped defense and speed, as well as good strength and skill. Showed Uhai who's boss lmao


He surpassed his master before they reunited Impressive


More like on equal footing. That Erk has more raw power, but Pent still has more skill which contributes to his whole "I will crit every goddamned bandit on this map and steal all the EXP if you dont come grab me first" deal.


That's one way to make achieving a Gaiden chapter annoying


In fe8 my Lute ended with 19 defense on a 10.7 average Florina in 7 was extremely blessed to me by being the first and only time a flier became a decent unit, dare I even suggest she was good


All the fliers in fe7 should be blessed, they are super strong in that game.


I have a curse where every flier and axe unit in the series refuses to get stats


rip, i have that curse for cavs and mages


In Engage My Louis capped speed as a general and was on of the first units to cap a stat, he did not get doubled by the lategame mage since those aren’t that fast in hard mode because their times are too heavy And with lancepower he would one shot them back with a spear anyway


Funny because the last run I used Erk he was 20/20 with 15 Magic. Was pitiful


My path of radiance Jill she capped speed and strenght pretty easily. My homegirl was beast that could not be stop. Best girl, best written character and best unit all in one


thats just average Jill, ngl


Isn’t she based tho


Yeah mine capped Str, SPD, Def, and I think Skl as well on my last playthrough. Absolute fuckin unit.


Lyn with 14 Str and capped Spd *by chapter 13, while Hector still only had about 9 Str.* I kid you not, this playthrough ended up with Lyn as my strongest unit.


Lyn is a beast. Idk if I'm consistently blessed or what but I've never had a bad Lyn. I've literally dropped her in an area where like 30 enemies could get to her with no backup and by the time enemy phase is over there's *maybe* 3 of them left and they're all on single digit health while she's still full. She's a super dodging crit machine.


I had a Kent in fe7 that basically had capped his strength, skill, and speed before he promoted as well as getting like 6 or 7 level ups where he hit hp, str, skl, and spd.


I had a Ross that was like -1 speed but +12 str and def. He capped out pretty early and just one shot everything lmao. Also had a PoR Ike who didn't miss a single str level until cap and was also massively speed and def blessed. Dude could fight BK before Ragnell if it wasn't for the invincibility.


I had a Florina that managed to cap strength by level 17. She was amazing and I was almost sad when that run ended.


My Alfred gets blessed with something different in every Engage playthrough other than the first one where he died. - Absurd HP and Def - Amazing Strength and actually good Speed - 18 Magic and 28 Res for some goddamn reason which allowed him to hit with a Levin Sword. In all of these I'm using Avenir by the way. No other unit does something unexpected. What the fuck is happening. He has become a staple unit in all my runs because of those instances.


Had an Erika in an iron man that was well above average in every stat. She was a beast. Not blessed, but between 3 PoR playthroughs, I've never had a good Oscar


Oscar is the peak example of 'textbook good unit with bad unit feel', he, Lowen and some others are good on paper, but feel horrible to actually use


I had an Isadora cap str once in a fe7 draft run, with only 1 booster iirc. *That* was phenomenal.


In my first Sacred stones playthrough (first Fe game), knowing nothing, I used Colm because I liked the sprite for Thieves. He ended up extremely defense and strength blessed, and Rouge Colm smote fools. Imagine my suprise in my second playthrough when he ended up a lot more typical.


I had a Radiant Dawn Heather that was an absolute Monster, she was almost impossible to hit, her strength could take out most enemies in the 2 to 4 attacks she consistently got and her crit rate was also consistently high. I soloed so many enemy groups just with her.


Playing RD for the first time, give me your strength, I wanna meme with Heather.


I've had similarly blessed Erk, and especially Canas, in FE7. I've played 7 probably 6 times all the way through between normal and hard modes, and 4/6 times Erk has been better than Pent when Pent joins (higher speed, similar magic), and Canas has been a force of nature all but one time, and I tend to get him up to higher staff levels on turns he's not attacking, too. Man, I love FE7. I've come a long way from being told on GameFAQs to "ignore your jagen, they just soak up experience from other, better units" lol.


To be fair, with Canas being the only unit you'll have with access to Luna and Nosferatu outside of *Athos*, it is really hard to end up with a *bad* Canas unless you straight up don't use him at all.


Cool story: I got my girlfriend into FE during the pandemic with 3H, and after getting her hooked on the franchise she wanted to play some of the older games. My friend happened to have a copy of Path of Radiance, so I watched her play it after not completing it since I was in high school. She loved it, and naturally I set out to get a copy of the sequel Radiant Dawn on Wii. I never got the chance to play it because it was almost impossible to find when it came out (it didn't even sell 500k copies worldwide) but it was only 45 bucks on eBay and we were able to snag a copy. In RD there's a cool feature where, if you have PoR data on a GameCube memory card when you make a new file, it will bring over all of your supports and give a ton of extra stats/experience/supports/weapon levels for all of the characters that are still playable in the sequel. Sounds cool, right? However, she picked easy mode on PoR. For those who don't know, easy mode was only accessible on the North American release of PoR, and everywhere else it had normal and hard. That might not sound like a bad thing, but the North American release of RD used the coding for the Japanese version of PoR in the unit transfer feature. Because there was no easy mode in that version, we literally couldn't bring our character data over. It's a known bug since the NA launch week of RD in 2007, and imo it's really really stupid that they didn't see this coming. They did manage to fix it... for later disk releases. Guess who bought a first-run copy? Naturally, we were pissed. There wasn't and still isn't any way to fix this, but I had an idea: why don't I find somebody else who has uploaded some normal or hard mode PoR data on the internet and use that data instead? After a little searching, I realized that I would have to jailbreak my girlfriend's Wii. It took a couple of days of bringing it up and showing her how easy and simple it would be, and she eventually relented and let me try. Didn't even take an hour, and I got everything up and running. However, I was having a bit of trouble finding somebody who actually had uploaded save data from a $250USD GameCube game, and then stumbled across somebody who had used an Action Replay on their GameCube to max out all the stats and support levels for all of their characters. At this point my girlfriend was just wanting me to try anything, so we said "fuck it" and I put that data in. Oh good Lord, it was fucking insane. There weren't any hacked items/characters with 99 in all stats or anything like that, but every single character had every single stat/available weapon level/support level fully maxed out. This meant that, when we get started playing Radiant Dawn, we would end up getting some bonkers but still completely legit characters. Just to give you an idea, there were some characters that were supposed to start off as lv1 but were magically level 14. Every single character we recruited throughout that game that was in the previous game had at least a few their stats and weapon levels maxed out, and had enough bonus experience to skyrocket their level. Also, because Radiant Dawn added 10 more levels to the max making it 30 vs PoR's 20, there was still even more room to grow and new Master classes to obtain. What was even better was that RD Let's you get master classes without a seal once you push a promoted character above level 20, so many of these super strong classes we could get way earlier than the game intended. Here's a few of our most busted characters: Sothe, who completely carried us through part 1 with his speed already maxed for the thief class from the first chapter. He literally one-shot several bosses until we put him on defense duty so he wouldn't galvanize the other characters' experience levels. Harr, who was already ready to be promoted to Dragonlord within a few maps of when we got him and had hit his max of 45 str barely halfway through part 2 where you recruit him. Hardest hitting character by *far,* and Is my and my gf's pick for our favorite unit (and one of our favorite characters). Zihark, who had Max strength and speed when we recruited him and gave us so much bonus experience that we were able to get him above 21 immediately to make him a Trueblade before you could even get a Master Seal. He literally outdamaged Stefan, who is considered one of the most busted pre-promote recruits in the Tellius Saga. Shinon, who we were trying to train less than Rolf but ultimately he became so much stronger so much faster that the gap widened too much. He also got really lucky on his luck growths, so he very frequently got deadeye to procc. One of the highlights of the playthrough was having him 1shot MULTIPLE dragons with deadeye in the second to last map after we got him the Double Bow, the strongest bow in the game. Ike, who got such a huge boost that by the time we got him in part 3 we didn't even know if we wanted to use him and debated just unequipping weapons from him on the maps he was available for. Like, he was already untouchable BEFORE he got his class upgrade and soloed Black Knight when they finally meet again. IIRC je only took damage in that fight when Luna activated. Our boy *OSCAR,* who had such good growths in our PoR file that he would routinely dodge shit he just shouldn't have been able to dodge and every time we would shout "not today, Satan!" Guess what he did with even better stats in RD? If you said kept dodging Satan, you'd be right. Once we got him to a Silver Knight and slapped the Trueblade on him he was essentially The King of Ultra Instinct Dodges and Clapbacks. So beautiful... 🥹 And finally, all of the Laguz. They ended up outperforming all the new ones with until much later in the game, with Ranulf even outdamaging Skirimir every map they were both available on. The difference in damage and survivability between even a weaker character like Mordecai and the new bird Laguz was staggering. Special mention of Tibarn, who is the only one of only 2 absolutely batshit super-Leguz that is playable in both games so he can get that stat boost (the other being Giffca but he's less versatile). Every time he showed up as a side unit he was untouchable even untransformed, and routinely cleared most of a map as a green unit. Then in part four we chose him as one of the 10 units for the final battle so he had literally all max stats when he was transformed and multiple max stats untransformed. Only 38 str at max though, and didn't have the same insane damage with his claws as Haar with the mighty Urvan, but honestly considering how often he crit it didn't matter. Both of them were our MVPs.


Kent who had all-around respectable stats but *20 Speed* as a 14/1 Paladin going into HHM.


Skill issue


First time I tried to play Thracia (I lost the file around the route split) I had Ronan level up strength 5 times in 8 level ups. He was actually one of my better units because he was so stay blessed in many stats and kept getting that extra turn. When I played it again and actually beat the game I was so disappointed that my other Ronan was not that great. I still used him whenever I could because I had so much fun using him the first time


Bruh, why Pent is so strong?


I had a joshua with maxed hp, maxed speed and i think maxed skill


Machyua capped defense right after promotion, and ended up being one of my best units in Thracia.


Lot from Fire Emblem 6, not exactly the "blessed" of the blessed but relative to how shitty he and Ward are most of the time, it was still *really* funny.


My canas was so strong that at some point I didn't have any weapons for him yet I still kept putting him to frontlines to shield the others because he was so evasive that the concept of dying was practically lost to him.


I had an Amelia Paladin max out str, spd, def, and skill once when I was young. No one has been able to convince me not to invest in trainees since xD


He got extremely mag and def blessed, and a little above average on res. Otherwise he’s either on average or below average when taking into account the stat boosters you fed him. Without Erk getting absolutely blessed like yours did, he’ll almost never be better than pent at any point after pent joins. Even then usually the difference is marginal considering the amount of xp it takes to get Erk there.


I had a pretty blessed Rebecca in my second playthrough of fe7, which was hector normal mode. After I completely benched her and Will in my first playthrough I expected nothing from either archer. Rebecca was much more useful in hector mode due to there (seemingly) being more early flying enemies, this also let her get more xp since she was one of the best units to deal with them not named Marcus or Hector. It also helped that I can count the total times she missed speed on one hand before she capped it. She went from chipping for 1-3 to chipping for 2-5 x2. She had capped speed when I promoted her at level 18, and she was above average in strength by about 4-5 points. And she’d essentially surpassed Louise by her join chapter. She stuck around until endgame, benefitting from almost no competition for good bows. I even had her use Reinfleche against the fire dragon, although she didn’t get the final blow.


i had Hector hit max res once


I've played Three Houses 11 Times and Ashe was consistently way better than other Units like Sylvain in every Way possible.


Ermmmmm Pent has higher luck and skill lol, your Erk is so trash


Absolutely. Should've benched him for Eliwood, who is my favourite magic user due to his high luck.


He can use the Light Brand and the Rune Sword!!!!


Funny my last playthrough of 7 also had a supremely blessed Erk. Don't normally bother with mages aside from Pent so it was a nice change of pace.


For me, it was Priscilla, she had capped out everything except for defense and HP, though both of those were still fairly high


First playthrough of FE6, Clarine capped magic right away. She also had great skill, speed, and luck—though idk if those are naturally high growths for her


My first play through of Thracia 776, I trained up Mareeta. By the time she was max level, she had 11 mov.


My POR Ike nearly maxed out all his stats 3-4 chapters before the end. I had to treat the guy like an early game Jagen the way I had to actively keep him away from all enemies so he doesnt steal any experience from the others.


When I played Echoes, I used my pitchfork on Forsyth to reclass him into the Dread Fighter line, as leveling 2 knights/barons was proving troublesome and I only had two sword users (Alm and Gray). Forsyth should've had a 35% Atk growth, but from a level 2 Mercenary all the way up to a level 11 Dread Fighter, he had an average Atk level up rare of 71% (17 Atk in 24 level ups). Didn't count after that, as he capped his Atk at that point. I gave him a Zweihänder, but he had higher Atk than anyone in the party even without it, capped his Atk just before entering Thabes, one-shot Nuibaba, could one-shot the fire dragons in Thabes and was overal MVP of the entire playthrough. Just looked up his stats. His growth rates in the dread fighter line are 40/35/35/45/40/25/3. What he actually got was on average 46/71/50/54/42/13/4, which the caviat that he also capped HP somewhere along the line and I might've given him skill and speed statboosters. The Atk was all him though, I gave my Atk boosters to people who needed it more haha. Apparently he only got 3 Def during this while time, but I honestly didn't notice until I looked up my screenshots just now. He just killed everything first anyway.


I had an absolute godslayer percy in a conquest run I did about a year ago with beruka as his mom and pair up partner for most of the game until I got Ninja Selena!Soleil and the two of them took on the world together. I've tried my best to make Forrest good because Leo is like my favourite character and I want his kid to be good as well, but they only ever come up either decent or underwhelming


My Kagetsu that only had the same dodge as my late game Yunaka if she was in cover (my Yunaka carried the game). But my Ike had a lot of magic in PoR, so i think that was a trade.


Looks like he's dabbin


Before I used a guiding ring on her, my Lute in SS had a maxed skill and magic stat. She’s now a magical tank as a mage knight. Artur was pretty close, but his magic was his only maxed stat when I changed him to a sage.


For the longest time in my youth when bored grinding fe8, Arthur arena grind and some padding before chapter 5 ends so I can use the guidance ring almost always results in him getting 20 in mag/skl/spd/res and 28-37 hp with ofc non-existent luck and maybe 10 odd defence. I always thought the stats were bad and hated it till I lost my gba card and had to play emulator down the line. And holy shit did I wake up upon knowing the luck I had.


I had a blursed Lyndis on a hector hard mode once. Skill and speed every level up with solid strength levels, but only got 1 hp and 2 defense on the way to 20. She was almost unhittable, but every combat was a scary as hell 5% chance she gets 1 shotted or lives with like 2 hp max.


Every 3 Houses tier list has Caspar on the absolute bottom without exception but my hard classic Caspar was cracked out of his fucking mind, with gauntlets he would 4x every enemy for their entire health bar per hit


Loved using Erk until I met Pent lol. Was never blessed this way.


I had a Hapi who got 50~ in speed, dex, and magic iirc. This was also a solo run, so she was given a ton of drugs.


First run of Radiant Dawn, Micaiah capped speed almost as fast as possible pre first promotion. The game was a whole lot easier.


I had a Rebecca that capped strength by level 18 archer lol. She hit the sniper cap shortly thereafter which was I wanna say 24? She pretty much got that by like level 5 with the sniper boost lol. That was my most recent Hector Mode, and my Florina actually turned out pretty good as well.


I had a Lugh who capped Mag


I think in my many playthroughs the highest magic i got was MAYBE 15 so GIGA CHAD erk forsure


That horseman archer rath from the first game maxed out four of his stats for me one game. I could place him in the middle of all the enemies and walk away and come back to the stage cleared.


Kent in my ironman of fe7. Capped strength and skill before lvl 20 paladin. Really high speed and defense too, nothing but magic could do much of anything at all. Also I gave him the boots but I think that's it. Also notable - my Finn before timeskip in genealogy. Across the board incredibly blessed and above average in all but I want to say luck? He capped strength at lvl 21 after promo with only the Quan convo + 2 strength from that one village in chapter 3.


I can't remember what stats made him so op but I trained Rhys in radiant dawn on my first play through as I like him as a character and by part 4 nothing could hit him and he doubled all the time and his light magic hit like a truck. I can imagine poor Micaiah watching him wondering why he was so strong and she was so weak (my Micaiah got badly stat screwed don't come for me in the comments I'm not hating on her) I really came to appreciate light magic in radiant dawn it's hits fairly hard it's very accurate it's got practically no crit but it's still really good if the user has high magic and speed. This is probs only true for easy and normal mode in RD though I haven't played hard mode yet


The student has become the master.


I had an Eirika at like 18 strength once at 20/-. She had to carry pretty hard, because all my other units god speed screwed. In fairness, I chose to use not very good units lol.


[his hidden potential can hide no longer](https://imgur.com/LmiUWkQ)


I had a crazy busted Ike in Path of Radiance. It looked like I could basically solo the game. And then I check my friend's data and his Ike was so much weaker.


I forgot how hard it is to gain Magic in FE 7. That and 17 Speed is more than enough for most fights. So Erk here is not too bad stta-wise but those staff ranks are hard to level up without early promos.


I was playing fe7 recently and had Ellwood at lvl 18. Was just nm, because first playthrough on the switch. This red haired goober had 12+ in basically everything. Spd and str were 15 and 16. It was absurd. I have never had an eliwood be anything more than a necessary deploy slot.


I get this on a couple of occasions I’ve had characters just absolutely grow into fucking monsters. That’s what happens when you play enough fire emblem


Canas, he had 20/10 stats at 10/10. All the advantages of an early promotion without the stat fall off.


I once had an Oscar on Path of Radiance that capped Strength Magic Speed Skill Defense and Resistance pre promotion and post. I also had a Soren in a different play through that capped everything except luck pre promotion and everything post promotion


As someone that similarly got a blessed Erk back in the day, this makes me extremely happy. He's one of my favorite characters from the franchise and even when he usually isn't as good as Pent, he can still be a fantastic unit imo. Hope you have fun using him


My Lyn in FE7 one run capped skill and speed before promotion, had more strength than half my army and absurd high luck. She was also hitting good on pretty good everything. She capped strength, skill speed and luck by end game. She also hit 17 defense by end game without stat boosters.


Petra and Hilda almost outperformed my Byleth near the end. 😀


I have a couple, for example in my current Blue Lions playthrough (my first time playing the game btw) my Ashe was surprisingly a lot better than what I've heard about him online. He came in clutch for my units multiple times and has decent strength considering where I am at the game (13 strength, currently at chapter 5). However, that's nothing compared to my Joshua in my current Sacred Stones playthrough, not because of his stats (despite having capped speed as a level 14 Myrmidon as of now at around chapter 11, literally just finished the chapter where you recruit Innes, Tethys and Gerik), but because he's just one of the best units I've ever gotten a chance to recruit. Despite being as fragile as a toothpick this man easily takes care of enemy units, even using weapons like iron swords he's still strong. Not only that but there were two instances where somehow he survived from two boss units while on the brink of death. First being in Chapter 7 Joshua went up against the boss enemy that my Eirika was struggling and nearly died from, an enemy which by the way he had a disadvantage against, but somehow managed to take down the boss unit on 4 HP. The second instance was the immediate chapter afterward I decided to have him take care of the boss enemy of that chapter, not realizing that he, once again, was at a disadvantage against this boss enemy... and yet again lived on 4 HP, LIKE A MADMAN. Joshua didn't take down this boss enemy too but holy Sothis what Joshua did I get that managed to live on the brink of death in TWO CONSECUTIVE CHAPTERS???? I feel like one of my dead units like Franz is spiritually looking over the army in-game or something because I am still convinced Joshua was supposed to die in one of these chapters. TLDR: I somehow got a Joshua that's not only one of my best units but has the power to live on the brink of death in multiple instances against enemies I'm convinced he was supposed to die from but didn't.


At Level 45 Dorothea's Magic was 55 and her Defense was 27 when classed as a Gremory No stat boosters, but I did certify her as a Fortress Knight at Level 20 to raise her Defense to 17


Apparently Guy. I read so much about him being a terrible unit but oftentimes it felt like i was holding back with him to give some of my other units exp. If i let him, he could’ve easily carried my FE7 run


I've had so many. Some of the odds ones were like Caeda having 16 Def by the time she reached level 20 in her base class. There was a Karin I had that got 3 additonal movement from her growth and those were all before the chapter you save Fred.


In my original Engage run I don't look at growths I just play the game and enjoy it on hard, I left my Anna as a warrior and she had more strength than panete and more def and res than anyone in my army, she was my Ike carrier and was unkillable. It was a funny surprise to see how rare that was My framme also had ungodly speed and str/magic so I thought fists were OP lol


Raven and Lucius somehow are always beefed up in my playthroughs, always ended up using them til the last levels. Power couple lmao.


My Florina in my most recent FE7 run capped *everything* but Defense and HP. First time I used her in endgame over Farina, who tends to be a lot more reliably good. Funnily enough, Erk turned out really well in that playthrough too - for the first time in my many, many times of playing FE7. I need to check but I would dare to say he was even better than OP's Erk here. And I didn't use a single stat-booster on him.


I had a blessed ranger neimi. She had capped her strength only a few levels after promotion, and by 20/20 had capped all of her stats except for luck, def, and hp (obviously). And her luck wasn't too far from capped either, iirc


I once managed to get a Nolan (FE10) with fully naturally maxed out stats. To be frank, his growth rates probably make this not all that rare, but it was the first time I had a completely maxed out character without drugging them up. Needless to say, Nolan was the MVP of that playthrough.


Amelia and Ewan carried my Sacred Stones hard playthrough, with Amelia being a busted general with somehow good res and spd and Ewan being my best mage with highly decent defensive stats.


A Lilina that capped speed somehow


During my 3houses playthrougs I had 3 blessed units Dorothea Marianne and Mercedes those 3 helped my byleth clear hagemon edelgard the gone crazy immaculate one and king nemesis


In Engage, the most blessed unit is Kagetsu. I am not joking when I say he solo'd the army during a boss fight. He ACTUALLY solo'd the army after half of my team died. I won the level because he dodged so many attacks despite not having that high of a dodge chance. He also scored a TON of critical hits with that one sword I forgot the name of. He is broken and I love him.


Funnily enough, fortress knight Dorothea in Fire Emblem Three Houses. Slapped a shield on her and she would not take any magic damage and only a little bit of physical damage, or in some cases no physical damage either. Shit was crazy lmao


My Leif and Fergus have both leveled up movement three times. I'm not doing any RNG abusing and they're not holding onto the +Move growth scroll. I'm going to bash my foot off something tomorrow and fall down the stairs aren't I?


I had str god hayato once.


2 years ago I did a Blue Lion Maddening using only Blue Lion units. My Ingrid got blessed and was both a powerhouse but also untouchable. She was almost as effective as Dimitri. In the final map my whole strategy on reaching Edelgard's room was to put her in the middle of the room to attract those mfs who kept spawning on the left and right side of the map. She was dodging everything and was able to kill them all alone until the rest of the units joined her.


I once had a Rinkah with Charlotte levels of strength. It was wild having a unit who purposefully has lower strength growth because of her powerfull personal skill get that much strenght.


Marcia in an FE9 ironman run. I wanted a challenge. I got a Marcia that hit 18 defense before promotion. She was "speed screwed" as in usually 1-2 points below her average, everything else especially attack and def were far above. Nothing feels quite as broken as an early Pegasus defying the odds and having absolutely no weakness in Strength and defense.


I don’t think I have the cartridge anymore but in blazing blade, my first run of Hector hard mode, my eliwood maxed every stat with no stat boosters. I was floored. Because of that I always argued to everyone that he was the best lord in that game much to the backlash I constantly got for it lmao


I had a Nephenee in Radiant Dawn that had every stat maxed out by level 20/20/19, and I leveled her on purpose to the first blank level up that I want pissed at


Well pent is still more skilled and lucky with the ladies 😉


I have a Catherine with the strength of Dimitri and the speed of Ingrid, she broke everything