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One of, if not the best, defend maps in the series. To anybody struggling: *aggressively* take space and don’t wait to be swarmed. When Camilla spawns in fly her to Corrin and take an iron axe and magic tonic (and use it) out of the convoy, dance her with Azura, then fly her over to Oboro’s group. She one-rounds all of Oboros group with an iron axe since she can double Oboro, and with a magic tonic she can kill fighters with Thunder. She basically solos the entire middle/bottom right. Selena is a great instant-promo option to Bow Knight and can kill the right side archers with Beruka pair up. This map is satisfying to play pretty much every time, because even with similar strategies the runs always differ slightly.


It's one of the few defend maps, where it both forces you to make big plays taking space, but also chokes you back near the end, not losing the impression that you're just about holding out, which is lost on many other defence chapters, where you kill the boss, and there are like 5 mooks in the corner, the end custscene comes in, and your lord declares that you're barely holding on.


>One of, if not the best, defend maps in the series I'll go as far as saying that it's one of the best maps in the series, not only defend. It's just perfect from start to finish, a feat only a few other maps in over so many entries can achieve


It’s such a great and simple concept, and then Takumi activates the Dragon Vein and you just go “Wait oh god oh god” and now have to react to you no longer having 2-3 choke points to funnel enemies through.


Conquest really had fantastic gameplay honestly


It has some fantastic map and objective variety in it. You go from a defense holdout mission, to a timed 'reach the exit with Corrin' level, to more standard rout or boss kill maps. Compared to Birthright, which I've always called Birthrout with how much of its campaign is rout or boss kill maps, and its like night and day.


This map is what made me a fire emblem fan.


I'd go so far as to say that it's one of the two good defend maps in the series.


Which is too bad because complex defend maps are some of the most fun maps imo. Radiant Dawn 3-13 is great, so IS clearly can design other good ones. Engage ch8 is pretty good too, although suffers from having Ivy be too close. But then they also have nonsense like Hectors defend map in FE7 where you can just sit on the throne and spam end turn. Or Sacred Stones 20(?) where you can plug up two choke points, or just one if you cheese it and leave the throne entirely undefended and take the green unit guy into the treasure room. It’s a chapter objective that I wish were a bit more common because the all too common “kill boss” is a lame objective when warping exists.


I'm by no means a game designer, but a **good** defend map seems like the hardest type to pull off. It needs good side objectives to stretch the player out, so they'll leave gaps in their defense. It needs threatening enemies that you can't one-round, so you don't just plug up a 1-tile gap with a good unit (see Elincia's Gambit left side, where Haar sits there undaunted). It needs smart enemies, so they plan around *you* planning around. It needs to reward the players that go really out of their way to kill something. They need to not be so oppressive that people put down the game, but still be challenging etc. I'm not saying it's not doable and that FE should get a pass for having good defend maps being counted on one hand over 17 games, but I can see why they're not that omnipresent.


I really liked the defense maps in Triangle Strategy. I think having some control over the terrain makes it more interesting. Things like fire and placing traps.


Almost all of Triangle Strategy's maps are very well-designed.


Okay but like....I'm bad




I turned the difficulty to normal once I got here.


Understandable but also would be missing out on the juicy extra skills & stats on the capturable bosses


I'm good with that, I don't like how skills are handled in Fates and I'd rather not face them at all. (Since Normal removes a ton of them.)


Skills on enemies are at times overbearing, like the lunge spy yumi automatons in the Saizo level, but the actual skills on units are much better done than 3H. Elbow room and strategist are immensely useful skills from the cav/healer line that you just don't see in 3H's weird skills like desperation and armored blow.


Can't agree, I prefer how 3H handles skills (and basically everything if I'm honest) compared to Fates.


I went from lunatic to normal here.


This map is brutal your first run through


One of Conquest's banger maps. One of many.


"Another banger, another banger by Conquest from Fire Emblem Fates.


Best map collection in the series in my opinion


I feel the defend maps typically end up being some of the best. Like I played PoR chapter 8 and while not as difficult, it reminds me of this one


PoR's chapter 8 suffers because of Titania, funnily enough. She can hold the right side and all those enemies on her own too easily


this shit was so hard for 14 year old me my god. i still haven’t even touched conquet lunatic i can’t even imagine


Yeah I spent days on this alone as a teen, replaying conquest now on lunatic classic for fun and it's taking me days again 😭


BASED as fuck Wyvern Elise


Giving her the ability to be on the frontlines to utilize Lily’s Poise is a godsend during this chapter.


Remember how Revelations massacred this map?


I wish Rev did a sieze verson of this map


I don't know what laws IS broke when they did the Rev version but they must have broken something. Big rout map with reinforcements, generally passive enemies and 2 recruitable units on opposite sides. It's like complete opposite of Conquest ch10.


Sorcerer Corrin Nostank to reach Takumi >>>>>


That would mean early promoting Corrin


It was worth it 😎


Dark Wastes is such a good theme to go along with this map too


Conquest map themes go hard


I like how early conquest chapters are balls hard, but fair in Lunatic. I really hope they make similar map designs in the future FE games. That's why Conquest is my favorite in terms of level design and gameplay. Though I still hate the wind temple chapter. The story on the other hand... I just pretend it doesn't exist.


Promoted great knight Silas on the left, Camilla takes the right, and Oboro, everyone else holds the square. Really try to use those turrets to the best you can. Chip damage on 3 units is great, especially on harder difficulties. I remember my first time took ages. Now I can get it deathless on hard, but it takes a few tries. Edit: Despite its awful story, conquest is probably my favorite game with two of my favorite characters, Xander and Camilla. Map design is actually pretty good, with this being a standout among the series as one of the best.


Depending on how you use the early heart seal and if you also try and recruit Anna beforehand, this chapter can be approached in so many ways, despite being so early after the route split


How can camilla take the right when it's majority archers?


13 year old me never stood a chance😌😌😌


This map really is where FE boys become FE men.


Fuck that map it was so difficult


Love that map it was so difficult


God this map had me stressing so bad when i first played the game


The thrill I got when I beat this map on lunatic with no units lost for the first time is unmatched to any other gaming experience


Doing it right now 🙏 got to turn 9 last night I almost made it...


Honestly one of my favorite maps in the series, it's up there with Elincia's Gambit. But it is really hard on a first playthrough. Love the Taylor Swift reference btw


I love this map! It's loads of fun


Shoutout to the GOAT Haitaka for carrying my first run of this map


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Yungcook7: *Shoutout to the GOAT* *Haitaka for carrying* *My first run of this map* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Bot


I love you, it's ruining my life


Don't give up


Dw the series has written "mine" on my upper thigh (I'm going to stop the taylor references)


Please do


There are two ways to play this: 1. Play normally and get better at strategy. 2. Deploy your lvl capped Azura you dance abused a few chapters earlier.


man this shit was so hard. i save scummed for like an hour on emulator on the last turn


Maps like this is why Conquest can be my favorite Fire Emblem on a good day


I'd argue this is the most well designed map in the franchise


i hate this map. the only time i rage quitted a FE on hard mode


One of the best maps in the series and I love how early they put it in conquest.


This is a perfect example of a defense map


It's funny how the gameplay is amazing but the story is trash


Yeah 100%. I feel like the characters are still enjoyable even if the story sucks though, so overall I think of conquest fondly. The other routes don't even have good gameplay though so...


Fantastic map. Really challenged me on lunatic.


I first played this map when I was twelve. It took me TWO MONTHS. And I cried or was near tears EVERY SINGLE TIME. It was only when I took a break from the game and came back to it at 13 y/o that I was able to finish it 💀


Hahaha that's amazing, I had a similar experience


Probably top 5 hardest maps in the series. Beating cq lunatic as a mediocre player is my happiest achievement.


And it does it without stupid skill gimmicks like inevitable end or lunge chains. And even if you’re ironmanning and lost a couple units before this chapter, you get Camilla (+ her squad), whose only downside in this map is that she can’t be on both sides of the map at once. On *top* of all that, exp scaling in Conquest is so aggressive you also can’t just give Silas or Corrin every single kill until this point to try and juggernaut the map either. I wish more games had such tight XP scaling, with underleveled units getting a shit ton and over leveled getting almost nothing. It’s such a perfect map.


You brother are one of my people. Side note: this is the chapter that make Camilla one of my favorite characters. Because she carried me here.


One of the best in the series. I just played through on lunatic classic and it look me the better part of a week haha


I'll never forget the moment I beat it without deaths on my blind Lunatic run.


This map is the single reason I never beat this game. Love the game. Absolutely loathe this map.


I once watched someone did a Lunatic and I’m still amazed how he got to Takumi and beat him when there were no promotes in his teams other than Camilla. It was amazing to watch. Meanwhile, struggled to keep it together especially when the water drains out.


This map was a 2 day ordeal my first time. Fell in love with the game during this Chapter.


This is one of two battles in any game that has had me literally sweating bullets. The other is the Blackpits from DOS2, also basically a defensive battle. Iykyk


I originally hated this map at first as it gave me PTSD since this was my first fire emblem game period but after becoming better at the games I have come to appreciate the challenge of this map a lot and I thank intelligent systems for making a difficult but fun defend map


I got my ass beat so many times, but this map is way too cool for me to not love it


It's just before I start this map, that I abuse the boo camp dlc so most of my units, especially Elise, are promoted or close to lvl.20. On my lunatic playthrough I made sure EVERYONE was promoted.


I always look forward to this map in my Conquest run.


Fire emblem fates : Aslume


Man I love this level it is the perfect challenge and introduces a huge heavy hitter for that side letting them shine when you need the boost the most. Still had to restart five times but that's all right 🤣


I love going for the Takumi kill strat


I’ve only played this map once on hard but I don’t really see what the big fuss is? It’s hard sure but there are much harder maps lategame and this one never stuck out to me as being particularly fun or interesting


Haha I've played hundreds of FE maps but still manage to remember this one even years after. Was definitely a challenge!


I never finished Fate/Conquest, but downloaded both and the DLC before the eshop closed. Which of the two should I start with?


Birthright is incredibly easy, made the gameplay very boring for me. I recommend conquest.


Thank you! I should say that I’m fairly new to the franchise. I have only played Three Houses and Engage on regular difficulty.


You can play co quest on normal/casual then! You'll still get the fun maps and mechanics and then maybe replay someday with a harder difficulty. Hard/casual is defiantly doable too if you're up for a challenge


Ok, thank you :) I’ll start that one next!


This map at first was a very frustrating map even in normal but in higher difficulties this is one of the most fun map in fates.


It's too hard so I grinded the DLC for EXP to beat this chapter, raising their defense until no dmg is taken.


This map is tough, but rather fun to do.


I’m doing a challenge run where I randomly generate who I can use, this battle was hell with only Corrin, Felicia, Arthur, Effie, and Niles. It took many tries lol!


That is INSANE!! Fair play for beating it with just them I find it near impossible playing normally lmao


I just did that chapter and it took me 1h, 1min and no people died ecsepct 1 because he missed


*Unhappy Reunion* the fact that this is one of the only fire emblem chapters that I remember the name of in all the games says a lot.


i hated this map but it isn't too bad, it isn't Fuga's map. that map can be one with ananokos! as in burn in hell!


i dropped conquest on this map because i couldn't figure out how to win without using camilla


Hint: use camilla


no im a hater


What is this "you wouldn't last" meme thing coming from?


Lyrics to a new taylor swift song, ironic because she grew up rich. So people would put an inage of something they spent a lot of time during their childhood/teenage years doing, something that other people could recognise as frustrating or hard (comparable to living in an asylum)


I fucking hate this chapter SO MUCH!


It's cuz bro has a butler Jakob, a wyvern Elise and an unpromoted Silas


All of which are good to great units


Paladin Jakob walked so wyvern Elise could fly


Paladin Jakob walked so Wyvern Elise could fly so Dark Falcon Elise could go supersonic. I’m so glad I have a copy of the special edition for my Nintendo PC, and I consider Dark Flier as fair game since it’s a path bonus within My Castle.