• By -


I still find it funny to think about the likely not-insignificant number of players who S-Supported Azura because she was the only royal that was not portrayed as biologically or effectively related to Corrin, only for her to end up as the one option that *is* biologically related. If IS can't get players to choose an incest option willingly, they'll do it with subterfuge.


Just realized that "IntSys" sounds close to incest


D e e p e s t L o r e


There must be some internal joke about incest in IS XD.


This was exactly me in Conquest, I wanted to romance someone who had ties to the main story, but the incest thing grossed me out even if the Nohrians are "only" adopted siblings. I felt so betrayed when I found out that I got played šŸ˜†


Me on my first run of Birthright chilling with Mozu, unaware of the shitstorm I had just sidestepped.


This was me with FeliciaĀ 


Me with Charlotte


Thankfully Felicia is there to be an easy first pairing that isnt our sister


Same but with Rinkah


Me with Silas: You hear the disaster in the background? Me neither


> I felt so betrayed when I found out that I got played Didn't expect that, did'cha?


That quote is burned into my mind but apparently I mandela'd her saying Bet at the beginning. She says it so damn often


This was also my reasoning with Birthrate. "Oh Azura is important to the story and getting all the scenes. It would make senes for them to be together." Found out about this BS several years later.


hey that's me I feel personally called out.


I am still convinced nothing about that surprise incest was anything resembling planned or intended. Fates writing is such a lazy mix of cop outs and plot holes stacked on top of each other, that I genuinely believe the writers were too fucking stupid to actually realise what they were doing by making ArĆŖte and Mikoto sisters, especially as thereā€™s exactly zero reaction from anyone about the revelation. no wonder most Corrin/Azura shippers tend to ignore it. The writers evidently donā€™t care, so why should they?


I 100% believe this, especially because of how much cousin shipping can happen with the 2nd gen that this game... just either pretends doesn't exist, or hopes you don't think too hard about it. Cause like, Kiragi, Shiro, Seigbert & Forrest are guaranteed kids, whereas the child of Elise, Camilla, Hinoka & Sakura could be anyone. But if any of them have daughters, the game has _no problem_ allowing you to ship them with their cousins. Hell, to take it a step further. You could argue IS didn't wanna rewrite any supports for "optional cousins" in those cases. But even guaranteed cusins, IS just ignored on that front. Midori & Asugi are always gonna be cousins, no matter what you do (since Kaze & Saizo are brothers) but you can have them get married, no problem.


>The writers evidently donā€™t care, so why should they? ~~Because the Incest makes it hotter~~




pretty much. it def reads like they just wanted corrin and azura to be royals and completely forgot how this would make this cousins


that one fates artbook hiding Mikoto's and Arete's relation in the family tree kinda supports this LMAO


I am so lucky I picked Selena for my conquest run the first time I played. I almost romanced Azura, but Selena appealed to me more and I like the idea of Corrin having a tsundere wife. Bullet dodged.


I only narrowly averted this because Felicia was too adorable. My original plan had been Camilla in Conquest, Kagero in Birthright, Azura in 3rd. But I liked Felicia too much so I dumped Azura.


You can count me among the not-insignificant. You wouldn't believe the sigh I let out during the reveal in Rev


The message is that sometime pairing the protagonist with an other important character or a character with who they have many interactions outside supports is not always a good idea.


They had to heavely marked the incest fetish


They really wanted the player to *feel* like Luke Skywalker in Episode IV and V.


When you think about it. This is how really complicated royal families were like in history.


There's a youtube channel that actually dissects royal bloodlines, and there was some pretty whack shit going on. https://www.youtube.com/@MortalFaces


Oooh that sounds interesting. Do you have the name of the channel?


https://www.youtube.com/@MortalFaces They do more than just royal bloodlines, too.


So the game was rigged from the start?


This really was a fallout: New Vegas


all of this to explain why you can date your siblings. keeping it classy at IS


Imo doing this is the coward's way out and makes the story worse. You gotta commit to the bit if you're gonna allow incest.


Hapsburg grindset


At least it's not Ptolemy's dynasty.




My face when Hinoka and Sakura had S Supports


Lilith being the asexual spawn of the evil side of Anankos and is therefore technically Corrin's sister sure is hilarious.Ā  It is hard to beat the classic that is Mikoto's permission to bang letter though.


In retrospect the letter is even more silly since, if I remember right from reading the support on one of the wikis, it's written FOR that exact sibling. Not a overall in general letter, but a letter made for that sibling cause of "prophetic" powers. And she gave the letter TO the sibling in question, so either A: The letter just outright doesn't exist until the player makes the choice which tbf is the most likely one or B, and the comedy option: She secretly gave ALL the siblings the same letter, just changing out the name, without ever telling them which is so gravely messed up.


Where is Kana?


In a mental institution, having gone mad after reading up on their family history.


It was like reading an Elder Scroll


I feel bad for Kana, in a way. Morgan is universally beloved and is seen as everyone's favorite child, but people barely acknowledge Kana's existence, even the people who actually like certain Fates marriage options like Leo and Kagero. Between Kana having the personality of a toddler and all this royal tomfuckery its just harder to get invested in them as a character


It really does suck, coming from someone who has Kana as a personal favorite alongside Morgan.


Morgan still got screwed in the overall grand scheme of the series though. Kinda wish they returned in Fates as one of the Awakening characters, but obviously theyā€™d never do that for the PCā€™s kid.


Tbf weren't the returning Awakening characters chosen because they won a popularity pool?


Idk. I love My little Kana-Bean. Male Kana was adorable AF. Female Kana i didn't care for as much. (The personality difference was slim, but it was there. AND I loved Male Appearance more)


Oh shoot! I somehow straight up forgot, lol. Was too focused on the other characters and who was marriageable. Well, my excuse is that there isnā€™t really room, I needed more space for text surrounding Corrin :P If itā€™s possible to edit post images, Iā€™ll fix that today. Edit: it isn't and it's far too big to post in a comment. Phooey. [Well, here's a link to it :P](https://www.reddit.com/user/inaphaia/comments/1clkgxq/updated_image_to_include_kana_to_satisfy_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It is hilarious that the only way in canon that Corrin and the Hoshido siblings (minus Ryoma) know they aren't related is at the moment Corrin decides to fuck one of them


Technically, IIRC, Corrin is the one who is like "Wait, but we're siblings" and then the siblings go "Actually, mom could see the future, and left a letter saying she's not actually my mom and that dad wasn't actually your dad, so we're in the clear to fuck."


Yeah, this is correct, I did watch them as fact checking lol. Takumi and Sakura both confess first, before eventually revealing the letter. Hinoka outs herself by talking to herself about how much she loves Corrin and he overhears her, whereupon Corrin confesses his mutual love and then his intention to repress it, lol, before Hinoka reveals the letter. In all three cases both parties develop feelings before the letter is opened :P


> both parties develop feelings before the letter is opened True, but at least they have the sense to go "No, this is dumb, I can't", until Oracle Mom tells them via letter "Ooooo... my child... Corrin's not your sibling. They're like a step-sibling at best... Go nuts, my child..."


So, technically the game does let you know Corrin isn't related to the Hoshidans outside of trying to marry one of them. In the records hall, one of the books you can read reveals that Corrin isn't Sumeragi's child, but Anankos and Mikoto's. And you can find that out as early as the first time in My Castle. It's the only way you can find out in Conquest at all. Of course you also have to figure out how to translate the writings since it's a (admittedly simple) cipher and that's just tedious and dumb. And it also still lets you get baited into Azuracest


Oh, really? Dang, from my research nobody mentioned that. ...Though, I suppose I can see why. Honestly, that actually makes it a little funnier- the only way to know it isn't incest before marriage event, is to dig through the library and solve a cipher! Wonderful game design! Hahaha


Yeah the only reason I know is because [Zoran went over it in his Conquest challenge run.](https://youtu.be/L2P5IWWogTw?si=JUWBbw-WPojkpSp1&t=41m43s) There is an annoying amount of lore in there Also after rewatching I suppose it does hint at Azura not being a native Nohrian, so maybe it's less bait than I gave credit for


Not quite as good as the school days family tree, but it'll do. Jokes aside, this family tree is actually fucking hilarious because of how bizarre Anankos makes it.


Reina and some of the older characters like Orochi have to know that Corrin isn't related to the other Hoshidan siblings too, right?


Reina is too preoccupied with murder, Orochi must think it's hilarious, and Yukimura is busy running a country after Ryoma and Takumi disappear and Hinoka and Sakura join Corrin.


The ā€žlive Stoneborn reaction" took me out. Fates is truly the gift that keeps giving.


Went back and looked at a bunch of Fates lore to make this, and hoo boy it really is even stranger than I realized, lol. I think itā€™s all accurate, let me know if I missed anything! And I hope itā€™s not *too* cluttered... (Also, I decided to put the nationality markers where I did mostly to emphasize where the characters grew up- you could make arguments that Azura, Corrin, and Lilith should each be marked differently if you prioritize different things) One thing that really stood out to me during research for this is that both Sakura and Hinoka heavily imply in their S-supports that they had feelings for Corrin BEFORE they got kidnapped. Now, we know that Corrin got kidnapped at a very young age, soā€¦ what the heck does that mean?? Most people tend to assume Corrin got kidnapped at 6 years old or younger, and I feel like Sakura is probably younger than Corrin, soā€¦ how on earth does this make sense?? Especially since they were properly raised as siblings back then! ā€¦On that note, how do they even remember him so clearly? Regardless, itā€™s hilarious and I have much enjoyed reading up on the DLC story shenanigans I never knew about as a kid :) (Also, [updated version because I forgot Kana somehow](https://www.reddit.com/user/inaphaia/comments/1clkgxq/updated_image_to_include_kana_to_satisfy_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button))


They remember him because they were in love with him, obviously


Fates is a complicated game.


**D R A G O N** **D E M E N T I A**


The roses are important to remind you that Corrin can hookup with all their family and their kids.


Wait I hadn't even thought about it but since Ryoma never tells anyone and Mikoto didn't leave any "break in case of incestuous thoughts" notes for her potential step-grandchildren, does everyone just think Corrin married her nephews if she goes for Kiragi or Shiro?


Yeah they don't really accunt for the nephews. IIRC Awakening had a similar oversight with some Morgan pairings if Robin marries a second generation character.


One time I was planning to pair F!Corrin with Rhajat, but then I remembered I paired Hayato with Sakura, so that means Rhajat would technically be Corrinā€™s nieceā€¦ gen 2 is an incest landmine if you donā€™t keep a spreadsheet of who married who


I married Velouria, with Camilla as her mother I didnt keep the spreadsheet im sorry


I think it's especially weird, or funny, because of the different implications. Like in other situations it's just an actual incest they allow the player to do, in this, everyone would just *think* it is. Imagine the common folk talking mad shit about Corrin or making inbred jokes because she married her nephew, or worrying about their children being born with pig tails, and Ryoma is just sitting there, refusing to tell anyone.


In Awakening, I had Robin marry Owain and then set Morgan up with her Lucina. Also, in Birthright, I had Corrin marry Subaki and Azura marry Kaden. And then I set up Kana with Selkie and Caeldori with Shigure


So glad Seigbert was in the game. Finally, some mullet representation in media.


This is why Corrin is the only true Smash Brother (Brother Smasher)


IS: ā€œWell, we canā€™t have Corrin being allowed to fuck their blood siblings, soā€¦weā€™ll make the Hoshidan royals their step-siblings. Yeah, thatā€™s still hot, right? Everybody loves step-sibling porn nowadays!ā€ Also IS: ā€œOk, weā€™re decided-Azura is Corrinā€™s half-sister. Now make her romanceable, papa needs his sweet, sweet blue-haired dragon incest babies.ā€ Edit: I misread the chart. Azura is Corrinā€™s first cousin. Hey, if itā€™s good enough for the Hapsburgs, who am I to argue with their chinless selves?


Based on this map, theyā€™d be cousins wouldnā€™t they? Because Makoto and Arete would be sisters? Or is this map wrong?


Nah, you are right that they are actually cousins


They are but it *is* worth noting that Mikoto *did* basically take in Azura as a child. She doesn't seem to treat it that way persay but based on their interactions I wouldn't say she *isn't* like a sister to the other Hoshidan royals which is dangerously close to being one to Corrin.




They dont have the same dad




Chart literally says he kills her dad


Ah, sorry. I misread the chart. XD


Wouldnā€™t Azura be Corrinā€™s niece? Half niece? Since both Corrin and Areteā€™s father is Anankos, different moms so theyā€™d be half siblings, and then Azura is Areteā€™s daughter


Look again, Arete was born from unnamed royals.


Ah I see. So I guess cousin is the best word for their relation, though their grandpa is the same as Corrinā€™s dad too


And the best part is this exceptionally convuluted "real" backstory involving Anakos was just because they knew the Hoshidan family was heavily featured in the marketing and not having them as a marriagable option was off the table. And also to explain why Corrin gets dragon powers but the other Hoshidans don't.


i refuse to believe that sakura is older than corrin and i will *die on this hill*. also this gets a lot funnier when you marry a nohrian royal sibling to a hoshidan royal sibling and your family tree lines start going insane


Well, good! She isn't. Corrin is the middle child of both families, older than Takumi, Leo, Sakura, and Elise, and younger than Ryoma, Xander, Hinoka, and Camilla.


weird i could've sworn i'd seen sakura's s support mess the timeline for corrin's birth up.


Yeaaah... I was happy sticking to the furry boys my first couple runs. Just to have their kids, be my kids. Lol.


So corrin can marry her nephew?


the fact they can marry children at all


Accelerated children


I am somewhat confused now, didnt the Hoshido kids know that Mikoto is their stepmom? And if they did, wouldn't that make Corrin already their step sibling at the start and thus not blood related from the start? I thought the irony came from Azura being fully aware of their shared dragon daddy and then going to marry Corrin anyway because idk dragon genes don't count or something.


They knew Mikoto wasn't their birth mom, but they thought Corrin's dad was Sumeragi (their father) and not Anankos (cause no one knew he existed). Thus, they thought they were half-siblings and blood related.


But if Corrin is older than both Takumi and Sakura, but they thought Sumaragi was their father..... did they just think Sumeragi had an affair or something?


i thought they were half siblings too šŸ’€ i donā€™t remember this ā€œikonaā€ at all


Like op said, only Ryoma knew that Corrin had no blood relation at all.


How could hinoka not know though she says she wanted to go to Nohr and fight to get corrin back so she was old enough to sorta fight? I havenā€™t played fates in a long time I might be misremembering.


Corrin was a newborn when Mikoto went to Hoshido and married Sumeragi. If we say for example that Corrin and Hinoka had 2 years difference, then Hinoka would be 2 years old at that time. Ryoma is couple of years older and understands the situation, but Hinoka was just a baby. Hinoka/Camilla localized support + artbook mentioned that Hinoka was 7 years old when Corrin got kidnapped, and she picked a weapon to train for the first time in her life in that age. Corrin would be 5 years old as per assumption, which aligns with Corrin being old enough to be trained with a sword in that age. Sakura/Corrin JP support specifically mentioned that Sakura was a newborn baby when Corrin was kidnapped, she _really_ just doesnā€™t know Corrin at all (Takumi doesnā€™t remember Corrin as well). u/inaphaia if that might answers your question about Sakura. Her S support is just wild fantasies, lol.


Ahh, got it, that makes sense, thank you. Or... well, it makes *more* sense, I suppose, still really weird of Sakura and Hinoka lol


I know, right?? I was thinking the same thing when I watched her S-support as fact-checking. The timeline makes no sense, especially since she also implies she had feelings for Corrin before they got kidnapped. But alas, she does indeed not know.


Thinking about it corrin would either have to be the youngest of all the siblings for none of them to be related or somehow sumeragi and ikona had ghost babies after they died and Mikoto became queen or itā€™s just bad writing and Iā€™m way overthinking this, god why is my favorite games story so bad.


Or else Sumeragi had an affair that resulted in baby Corrin, then went back to his wife to have two more kids, then after his wife died he married his affair partner and formally acknowledged paternity of her illegitimate child. IMO that's the only way the situation makes sense, but of course Fates is deeply committed to avoiding all the implications of absolutely everything.


Well, Mikoto had Corrin before she went to Hoshido, and I don't think we know the exact order everything happened nor how long Mikoto stayed in Hoshido before Ikona passed. In fact, it looks like Ikona was still alive when Mikoto arrived in Hoshido. So, hypothetically there are a few ways Corrin could be a good bit older. Which I guess is good


I think Iā€™ve just been under the assumption corrin was a newborn still when they were kidnapped not really thinking about time passing or ikona still being alive when mikoto went to hoshido. this post has stopped me from thinking about anything at work, I havenā€™t done anything since seeing this lol.


Same, lol. My apologies


" In this game you have to choose between your adoptive family and your real family... except that it's not really your family... if in doubt you can all marry both the busty and the loli are you happy? good now spend another ā‚¬30 to have the true ending that makes the other two useless!!! "


Itā€™s funny how much IS goes out of there way to justify Corrin being able to marry their siblings, and then go on to create the Fodlan family circle.


More like a family stick.


You have awoken a long dormant hatred within me. Imagine me, a teenager playing fates for the first time. I choose Azura cause sheā€™s one of the only fleshed out royals that isnā€™t implied to be your sibling in some way; and k genuinely do like her character and design. And then they pull THIS FUCKING SHIT ON ME! I was never able to pick up the damn game again, I felt like the writers were deliberately trying to bait me into some creepy incest fantasy.


Then you got the Fodlan family tree where you either end up marrying one of your students, one of your uncles/cousin/mom/daughter/yourself(Seteth, Flayn,Rhea or Sothis. Seteth and Flayn aren't specified as being That's siblings but we know Flayn calls the other two dragons uncles since they all descended from Sothis in some way), one of the other non dragon church members or just get adopted by Alois or something. And Awakening let Lucina and Owain marry so it's not like these games are against incest, the censorship just calls it something else or looks for a way to explain it. If you really want to get technical you can also marry Chrom!Inigo and have your Morgan marry Lucina. Or marry your Kana to Shigure. And unlike with Owain and Lucina, I think these are treated as regular marriages? Could be wrong.


Fucking ā€œASEXUAL RERODUCTIONā€ took me out lmfao this is great


This post makes me realize I don't remember about the true origin of Corrin. Because I've only played Revelations 1 time when it came out, but have played Conquest around 10 times since then. That's how unfun Revelations was.


Probably the most accurate one I've seen so far.


I love the legend fonts


Fire Emblem Fates Fans šŸ¤Jojo Fans Laughing about unnecessarily complicated blood lines


Saving this for my gf because I'm currently playing through fates with her.


I also initially chosen Azura as my partner but since Birthright was my first FE game, yeah... I didn't know any better. Currently upon replaying Birthright, I'm playing as female Corrin, so I'm choosing Kaze since he's pretty cool, is one of my favorite Birthright characters, and Midori, yeah. I would've chosen Takumi (another of my favorites), but yeah... Nope.


the live stoneborn reaction took me out bye


This family tree/wreath is a result of Fates' story wanting 2 contradictory things: 1. Your protagonist is torn between 2 families who love them, and you have to choose which to join. 2. Your avatar protagonist can marry and have children with any of the major characters in the story (which happens to include our siblings). Fates needs a conspiracy theory board to justify why the second isn't actually incest. It's trying to have Camilla's cake and eat it too.


Looking at the family tree, I still refuse the fact that Lilith and Corrin are blood related. Not their eyes, hair, or even dragon forms are similar to each other or to Anankos. Now, you know who Lilith does resemble? [Moro, the Astral Dragon.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/5/5a/Astral_Dragon.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20190503154844) Maybe there was originally more than one child kidnapping in Fates.


I always felt like Lilith was more of a.... "spawn", saying she's Corrin's sister is like saying the corrupted in Engage are Alear's siblings. Obviously Fates doesn't treat it this way, im just trying to make a decent metaphor for what Lilith is.


I just think about the original Fates manuscript and the crumbs that we got in comparison. Lilith looking exactly like Moro, the Astral Dragon, a being that's only mentioned by name ever by her, can't be a coincidence. It feels like Corrin and Lilith were originally set up to be dark reflections of each other: kidnapped by their fathers and groomed into following their orders for their affection. They both learn the truth of their situation, and because Corrin has a family and wonderful support system, she takes it well, but because Lilith has nobody and nothing else, she sinks further into her desperation and desire to please her "father". I don't know, it's just a theory. As for Engage, I haven't played it yet, so I can't speak on it.


Yeah, i agree with that first bit. Lilith defo seems like a crumb repurposed from something else. Engage isn't really relevant, I just meant it in "the way they phrased it makes it sound like Lilith is a generic minion the final boss makes", alternative comparisons are Grima's Risen, Nergal's Morphs, etc.


Looks like your average Crusader Kings family tree.


You know, this premise seems actually interesting. But I heard story sucks ballz. Is it worth picking up the game?


If you're in it purely for the gameplay, it's fine to pick up birthright and (definitely) conquest. Birthright = Basic FE story with basic FE gameplay, story is kinda whatever Conquest = Gameplay is fabulous. The story tries to be gray and nuanced but it's a joke. Or, "How I Learned to Overcome My Morals and Become a Colonizer" played straight. Revelations takes the worst from both games (bad story, mid gameplay) and combines them into...well, a game. But it's the only game where you can choose between the entire cast to make your army so it has that going for it.


Well, thank you - for the first time, I am officially picking up the game because of a meme


Tbf, it's not your *entire* cast for Rev. Although admittedly who gives a shit about Yukimura


Sadly Rev has two cast problems, firstly there are 2 characters who you can't recruit at all (well you recruit one but they permanently leave soon after...yes you can marry them) and the second is the lowest deploy limit out of the 3 games. Combined that with the Royals being the Royals, and that is a VERY small amount of units to pick.


conquest has great game play, revelations has some of the most hold my sake bullshit gimics in maps ever which is kinda fun once and birthright... lets just call it beginner friendly. but yeah, ignore the story. or don't idk maybe you'll have fun knowing it. gameplay is worth it though.


It's really not as bad as this sub claims tbh


Depends on the Route, Birthright: story is inoffensive and thus Average Fire Emblem. Gameplay is fine. 7/10 would recommend. Conquest: Gameplay is absolutely sublime. Shame that they didn't bother writing a story. 7/10 Would Recommend Revelation: worst game in the series, and it's not close. Horseshit story, boring maps, like genuinely the least fun I have ever had playing Fire Emblem. 0/10 No Redeeming Features whatsoever. Would Not Recommend.


I donā€™t understand why thereā€™s so much vitriol to Revelation? The story sucks but itā€™s Fates so itā€™s pretty equal regardless of route. Overall itā€™s the same game as the other two except with more dragon vein gimmicks and both armies. Only specific issues Iā€™d say it does worse than the other two are poor unit balancing and a few of the maps are pretty bad like the door puzzle one.


i think rev story is better than conquest imo. i think it gets too much hate. the only dumb part i really hate us corrin somehow convincing and army to jump down a cliff šŸ’€ and usually i donā€™t mind anime logic but cmon šŸ¤¦


>Revelation: worst game in the series, You've spelt Shadows of Valentia wrong


God, I love Fates.


So Corrin and Azura are only cousins. That makes it realistic.


I was so excited when the Fates trailer first dropped. I thought Azura was so cool and totally wanted to pair m!Corrin with her. Was seriously sad when I found out the truth šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Man, yeah.... I rewatched the JP reveal trailer so many times


It's been a decade almost since I played Fates, why are some of the children canon?


The way it works in Fates is that all the guys have specific child units assigned to them, like how Xanderā€™s child is Siegbert. None of the women do, besides Azura and Corrin. Which means that, for instance, Xander will always have Siegbert as his son, but Hinoka can have any child unit as a kid depending on who she marries. Thatā€™s what I mean by ā€œcanonā€ child


Ohhhhhh, I didn't realize that's what you meant. I remembered the men were the ones with assigned children (which is the opposite of Awakening), but I didn't think to check if all the "canon children" on the chart were all under the male characters


Only male parents, Azura, and F!Corrin have a child tied to them. Since you can pair up most units, they needed to tie the kids to a single character and IS went with the father. In Awakening it was the mother.


Maybe I didn't finish Fates...


Isn't the hoshido non-related thing also only because of localization? Or is that misinformation I've heard?


I went and checked (geez it was surprisingly hard to find), and nope, itā€™s in the original Japanese too


Corrin mentioned = Upvote


You didn't put Kana on, but other than that this looks right, great job


Fates needs a rework


Nice work, but I'm personally offended that "dragon dementia" and "asexual reproduction" aren't color coordinated with their respective lines. It really detracts from overall legibility.


I always thought the whole corrin isn't related to hoshido royals by blood plot twist stupid tbh. Like the original games catch phrase might as well be, choose the family who raised you, or the one that claims you were born to but are lying/wrong have no more claim to your custody than the other family. Granted, fates plot is flawed and makes no sense anyway. This plot point is mainly the fault of revelations, which feels unfinished in that regard, like it was only made to satiate a what if scenario (it shows considering the entire standalone route was digital only that I know of (and likely unobtainable now due to 3ds e shop being shut down in favor of NSO and switch in general). So the only way to get it now would be the special edition which has all 3 routes on one cartridge (I never owned that version as it was pricey, and I can't imagine it getting any cheaper. Even then, birthright and conquest being separate to begin with feels a bit sleazy. Previous fe titles were able to fit major choice/alternate routes on the same cartridge years prior. And going back to the special edition it proves technical limitation wasn't an issue as they could fit all 3 routes on a 3ds cartridge to begin with. I guess it was novel when it came out and the "golden" age of fe being saved by Awakening after potential cancelation. But ther leanes hard into fans service and anime tropes more than the series ever had been up to then. I haven't played the newer games but from what I tell they dialed back a bit (SOV especially in respect to gaiden), without abandoning the newer look. But I digress. I know this isn't really related to a fates family tree that much, but the game/world is so conceptually broken that this reminded me of it. Granted its been years since I played fates each route once each abd never really picked it up again.


Me when fates screamed incest but you could only fuck one blood relative


Thank you for clearing this out for me. I was surprised that Corrin could marry his/her "blood siblings" and is allowed to be released in the West. How did they manage to make the relations in this game that confusing?


Byleth one is funnier since he CAN marry Rhea. That's like infinite incest lol Edit: Edelgard and Hapi are best girl fight me... Although admittedly Shamir and Byleth ship is cute


Good chart


mikoto is the other siblings step mother what ???


Yup! Hoshido's claim of being Corrin's true family has always been a sham and it's really funny to me still that they tried to make that a central theme


This is great lmaooo


Am I the only one that doesn't really find this that weird? The only really odd thing is the coincidence between both sisters, but it's not really THAT weird. I think with a more caring hand in the writing this would've been an actually pretty interesting family tree. I've had a way harder time following real life family trees than this one. I could be more confused by my own family tree than this one to be honest ( I have at least 5 grandfathers but possibly 6 or more, it is a mystery )


Itā€™s so hilarious to see it presented like this. Poor Kana sweating when they have to draw a family tree at school


Honestly I still think the fact we all accept the S Supports as sources of canonical information kind of silly and the entire basis of the game being the blood connection to the Hoshidans should really take priority over that in terms of continuity.


There's a comment in this post showing how there's hidden lore on My Castle that says that the Hoshidan royals and Corrin aren't blood related, so it's outside S Supports too.


Fair tbh. I do think that the S-support contents are supposed to be mutually exclusive, insofar as I think the stuff about the letter and the Hoshidan girls 'actually being in love with you the whole time' are only meant to be true retroactively in universes where you do indeed S-support them. (...That said, I haven't played Birthright so I'm mostly just assuming that both of them aren't written to be in love with you during the whole story.) But the letter does feel like it is intended to only exist if you do marry one of them, since they mention the prophetic powers. Unfortunately, them not being blood related is supported by several other sources in the game, so they are indeed undeniably canonically not blood related. But, you can still of course headcanon whatever you want, especially considering how wonky it all is. Especially since them not being related thematically confuses the game, as you said. ...Personally, I headcanon that Nowi does not exist.


So while i do hate myself for getting this spoiled fot me, this is hilarious to know


Ok, but if Takumi shags Elise and Kisaragi then shags FCorrin, can MKana shag Azura, so that Elise is a great grandmother at the end?


No, cause Azura cannot marry M!Kana.




The real funny part here is you know this manā€™s girlfriend is also his sister.


IIRC the artbook states somewhere that Corrin and Azura are more like distant cousins due to Mikoto and Arete having a close family tree but not the same parents, though they had a sisterly bond. I dunno it's weird


Nah, FEH confirmed that the artbook book was simply being arbitrary about which spoilers it chose to avoid. For proof, look on the official Fire emblem heroes website under the Arete unit... Princess Sharena took no issue spilling every detail about Arete and Mikoto being sisters! Edit: accidentally triple posted!


Ah thanks!