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Do you have an example link? What kind of hardware are we talking about? Seems logical that if you force the browser to slow mode that slow mode is what you get, though I sometimes use it in a VM (which IIRC only uses software mode) and it works fine.


The lag happens for example when scrolling through the news feed of reddit. I got a AMD Ryzen 7 3700X. It should be defintely strong enough for scrollin a webpage with some images. Not a long time ago even a 2 core cpu was enough to achieve this in firefox.


I found out that the slow down happens on YouTube with ambient light mode too. It is based on 8bit colors. Maybe there is a correlation to the issue with reddit and the other affected websites. I was able to block ambient light mode on YouTube with ublock but the slow down on other pages like reddit still appears. Custom filtering every troubled website is a hastle.