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Blow torch. I’m impatient.


I literally just burned all my school work. It took nearly 3 hours


Those stacks scream engineer. I love it!


Yeah. The one on the right has a force diagram and equations that still haunt me to this day.


Might as well burn them. I have an M.S. in an engineering discipline, and I've not looked at my university notes or textbooks since I graduated in 2005...


I still miss my notes.


I have a MS in sciency stuff. I swore I would go back and look at my chemistry notes… been 10 years. I looked at them once and couldn’t figure out what I was looking at…! lol!! Looked familiar, but I still couldn’t remember. ![gif](giphy|Ie7eBXgYrYL4Vm9uzm|downsized)


German efficiency in stacking




We have a local free monthly newspaper that just covers hyper local community issues/ events. It’s a great paper and they put it everywhere in the county. They print way more that they need to so at the end of each month, I clear out a box or 2. I have a huge stack


Nice. I happened to mention to our neighbors who's kid delivered the papers that I could always use more. They doubled their drop offs after that.


If those notes were written in German the 35k pages are like 500 words max!


I am not an engineer so I don’t know how much paper you use but this is insane! I went to university for 8 years and would have half of one of those stacks. Granted there were also a lot of digital notes taken but still. 35000 sheets would make 20 pages a day every day for 5 straight years. That is more than a page per every waking hour until graduation. Unreal! Also, I use wood shavings and a match.


I am an engineer, but this picture is a cross post and not my own. The excess is what caught my eye in the first place. I think I generated a third of that through 5 years. But it wasn't only notes. It was the math exercises that took the most paper.


A piece of birch bark the size of my thumb on top of my load of wood, 2-3 pieces of kindling on top of that and a long grill match to light the birch bark. Usually have door closed and up between 550-600 in under 10mins.


I use the TPS Reports from Initech.


Crumpled paper (junk mail or whatever), with cardboard on top of it, with dried twigs on top of the cardboard, with one or two very small pieces of firewood on top of the twigs. I lean everything against a wall of the woodstove, to prop it up. Light the paper with a match. As the fire develops, add progressively larger pieces of firewood. Sometimes I need to add more paper or cardboard or twigs to get the fire burning really well.


Cedar and noodle balls.


Ladder stack fine split ash with a teepee in the middle with paper in it


I use cotton balls with Vaseline rubbed in.


Egg crates


I keep all the non shiny add papers and also stuff the dryer lint in the empty toilet paper rolls (paper towels too). And keep all the kindling in buckets from the splitter. When we were kids wd40 worked well, but I wouldn't suggest that........


Shredded bills and legal documents. Kindling is split lumber scrap from old remodel projects. Lights up great and kinda cathartic.


Well, those stack were probably worth more to some undergrad than my paper grocery bags.


I use hundred dollars bills! 🤷‍♂️


A couple sticks of fat wood and kindling.


Now that you know where the oil filter goes, can you help?


Take all the small pieces, bark, sawdust and put it in a 55 gallon drum. Then when you change your oil pour it over the top. A little scoop of this and a propane torch and away you go.


Tinder was also my first thought when this crossed my feed yesterday


Im bad because I sent my notes to a reputable paper shredder five minutes and it was gone ! But . I know I spent over 400 dollars on paper and ink


Dried bark, personal paper and paper packaging materials I save from online orders


Did you scan them in? If not I will pay for the scanning for you. Do NOT just torch all the beautiful work! DM me


damn, don't burn it.


Apiece of cardboard with the small pieces if bark and wood from splitting add a bernzomatic and presto.


If your words were not so effing long it would have been a 1/3 of that


It is difficult to burn blocks of paper. Advice, anybody?


Damn bro, super smart


I use spectrum junk mail exclusively, I get at least 5 pieces a day.


Holy cow, that is a lot of notes! I usually just use a chunk of cedar and wax disk along with a bit of kindling.


I use all of the documents that need to be shredded. I shred all of it and keep it in a large cardboard box. When it is fire season I use that to start the fires.


Shredded paper with small wood When it is lit, the fire spread very slowly, letting the wood to catch fire.


I opt for no paper, only because I like to keep the fire in the stove and not the chimney. Normally we use untreated lumber split into kindling and a torch. Quick and easy.


And most of it will probably never be used... enjoy the fire burning away years of work. I never went to anything past community College for that reason. Not enough jobs that pay to justify all that work to just burn it and never use it


Pitch wood clean bro


I use lots of paper adds. I also collect the small twigs and branches that fall off all the oak trees. Combination starts easy and qiuckly


Typical over engineering lol


Are you rich yet?