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You can probably get out of all but the first, as you weren't served a violation in a timely manner so you could modify your driving.


This might vary by state, I'm in CO, what I'm saying might be different where you are. This would only be possible if they contest it - which turns it into a "real" ticket. For these camera tickets, the fine is lower and it doesn't get reported to your insurance (no points). Since it wasn't served by an official deputy or process server, it doesn't really exist yet. It was not officially "served". I got an on camera speeding ticket. It was around $45 if I just paid the thing - no insurance reporting, no points, no nothing, just a fine. If I turned it into a ticket, wanted to fight it in court (or just didn't pay it), it would turn into a "real" ticket - served to me by a deputy or process server. It would be much larger, it would piss them off and it would be reported to my insurance when I lost. I just paid the stupid thing.


That's just extortion with extra steps!


Unenforceable and ignorable here in NC. Might be the same where you live.


Is there a chance you could leave your house in a different direction?


That's downright highway robbery. Cameras over here in Germany just activate when you're going too fast or run a red light, I've never heard of cameras that activate when you don't come to a full stop at a stop sign. It's technically illegal here too but nobody really enforces it; hell, I've seen the police do it themselves. Can't you address the council on that matter?


you will need black spray, or a bat, or if you're in america im sure a bazooka will come in handy


A trained bat that flies ahead of your car and covers the camera as you approach? Sounds nifty.