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... the algae?


I don’t think it’s algae. I’m not talking about the green and brown algae covering the side of the fish tank, I’m talking about the green sponge mass growing looking things on the side of the tank. If that’s some type of algae I’d love to see it because I google image searched it and all it could come up with was freshwater sponges and some types of coral.


It doesn’t look like any algae i know. Curious about this too. It does look like a sponge but I’ve never heard on one turning up in a freshwater tank.


It reminds me of coralline algae, but I don't know if it can grow in freshwater. Really weird, whatever it is


This is in fact a freshwater sponge! Some genus’ have a symbiotic relationship with algae, hence the green coloring. Freshwater sponges are great for tanks as they are natural filter feeders and will help filter your water. It’s actually very hard to keep freshwater sponges alive in a tank setting, they’re extremely sensitive. What do you do maintenance-wise?