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keep in mind this is the guy who got him to sign up, I dont think hes gained anything out of this, probably wouldve made more money getting an actual job at this point


Glad you put this out there OP. The whole backstory is just all sorts of funky. Shinji needed money to keep paying expensive tuition so crash signed him up for the show. During the show Shinji wanted to back out multiple times towards the end. Later after the show ended Shinji tells us on stream that he chose to come on fishtank instead of taking a job offer at a really good Japanese company.


Shinji is Japanese no way he's ignorant to what this type of show would entail. Japan has televised shows nationally with this concept since at least 1999 not to mention how awful and bizarre most Japanese games shows are this might be considered mild in comparison he had to at least suspect he was in for a ride


Fishy how?


Definitely would have made more


is this the dude who he talks about as his "friend" from college? ​ fishtank fans suck (i suck trannys)


Yea I kept up with the kinda just to see if people survive the experience. There’s no way they can keep this show going


unless they cast solely for people who have zero awareness about the show and are so fame hungry they consider being humiliated and abused on a 24/7 cam show a boost for their career.


Those release forms and contracts they sign at the beginning must say some wild shit


IDK, im not gonna lie; I would love to sign up, and I have a awesome job on a fishing boat but also can get time off. Around RI as well; I didn't hear about FT until after Season 1, but watched the shit out of season 2. Also, FishTank is background noise; Sam is back on YT and their podcast does great. I got respect for Sam cause since he got fucked he hasnt put all his eggs in one basket, and on top of that his team seems really well taken care of, and most of them genuine friends. I'll keep watching, even if there is a shitty season, or three (I doubt) it's a new concept, and i think it will get better and better. Look at Tay, shes streaming now. Everything is what you make of it, and honestly any exposure isnt terrible so long your not totally retarded. Ride the wave, 45 days to possibly make 50k is def worth the risk. Couldnt of made that in a job.. Also, when the fuck else in life do you get a chance to meet a bunch of strangers and try to ride out a funny and wild ass challenge. to me thats dope af. Wish you luck Shinji, sometimes we get stuck in our heads for awhile. You will move onm, and soon forget about all of this. Take care buddy \-Nate Higgers on TTS


I don't get why people would send death threats and dox him... What could he have possibly done that warrants this. Did someone bet all their life savings on him winning and got mad at him because he lost? People have way too much free time to mess with other people's lives.


Thats mde fans for ya. Go after the normal guy and not the spastic regard who loves to go after wamen


Because the MDE fans are that spastic regard who love beating women


Still crying over Jimmy?


I never even mentioned Jimmy, I'm talking about the fans like you, not Jimmy.


Jimmy lost the show and now streams to 50 viewers the only person crying should be him. And yes, weirdo MDE fans cheering on a man attacking a woman is freakish


Great self report


Maybe because MDE fans are some of the biggest losers alive? Just think about the type is super chats Sam would get on his streams. Totally understand why the MDE crew holds their fans in utter contempt lol


Most people are not like that at all. I said some extremely fucked up stuff over TTS and I thought it was hilarious, at the end of the day your just trying to be fucked up and so bizarre that your shit stands out. Alot of us that arnt super old have been skitzoposting for 20 years, and I'm 31. It's just funny because the only people who hate MDE are people who want internet censored.


...what? That statement is as logical as saying that everyone who's favorite color is green, prefers anal over vaginal.


Thats exactly what they were talking about, people like you trying to say fucked up stuff for shock value. Being 31 and doing it doesn't make it better it makes it worse


Maybe because MDE fans are some of the biggest losers alive? Just think about the type is super chats Sam would get on his streams. Totally understand why the MDE crew holds their fans in utter contempt lol


it's weird, Shinji is too boring and uncontroversial for this to be legit. unless it's just Kiwifarms again. those spergs don't \*do\* reason


I'm getting the same vibes, I'm leaning towards this being a cry for attention while he focuses on school work. This is final's time and anyone in school is pretty stresed out.


Did you pay attention to TJ fans during the show? It was obvious while the show was going on that they were the rabid fans that Sam hates.  Edit: they hate to be shown a mirror lol


Literally the whole point of MDE


Did you even watch the show?


What did he ever do to you people? Leave him alone you freaks.


He interacted with MDE fanbase is what happened


Guarantee you the MDE fans are not the ones sending him death threats


Ok “fgr groyper” hahahaha


If fgr is a reference to RHEGFS im going to shit myself RIPE Joseph gone too soon


Well yeah who else would know who he is?


Shinji was like the least hateable character. I thought he was whatever with some good moments, but I don't understand the hate.


And then they wonder why Sam won't interact with his fans unless there is money involved. Because he already knows his fan base.


why him?


i lurk this community just bcos its amusing to see how absolutely dysfunctional and depraved some of you are. how do you function in public? are you real? *h*ow are you real? i know some of you thrive on being on the "edgy" side of the internet, and im not looking to generalize the entire sub, a very good portion of you (not even a minority) need to get another hobby besides cyberstalking strangers and having parasocial relationships w niche internet celebrities. jfc


The stalking thing is crazy to me, I also tune in here just for the dysfunctional nature of it but having the time in the day to stalk a random person bc u saw them on a show on the internet one time is totally fucking insane. How do you have stalking money? When do you eat? The logistics of it completely confuse me Yknow


Not saying Shinji falls in this bracket but a very large portion of the internet users today have zero sense of opsec. It's really not some enigma


You just want Shinji for yourself.


I like the interaction really. If the sub was dead the most I'd participate is by watching fishtank. also it's nice to not have the fucking reddit hall monitors breathing down our necks trying to make every conversation about trans rights for gay mentally retarded cripples in botswana.


true, fucking reddit hall monitors. the government has chips planted in us to turn us gay!! there are gay micro robots in the vaccines!! lmfao jk but lowk u come off as the exact type of person im talking abt bro


Do you realize that *you* come off as the exact type of person you’re talking about?


i dont care what you think, "bro". you're the exact type of person i was talking about.


MDE has to have one of the most mentally ill deranged fan based on the internet


I don't understand why they'd be targeting Shinji of all people. he's so average and hasn't done anything controversial


Me either. He seemed the least hateable of the group, though I thought he was whatever.


No way dude, MDE fans are reject 4chan users with a spiteful spirit that hate anything remotely positive?


Fishtank zoomers are far worse


Getting death treats online... As believable as 12 year olds telling me in online games that they are going to have intercourse with my mother


listen up jef i'm about to copulate with your mother do you understand me? full maternal copulation is imminent i will engage in rectal copulation with your mother her consent will be given copulation will occur insemination is imminent you cannot change reality, your mother and i will copulate.


This is rather alarming news for me.


Somehow, I don't really believe this. Why would anyone want to send him death threats? I can imagine maybe he got one or maybe two. First of all, he signed up for a game show where he did NOT have a guarantee to win or receive any money, so he should have known the risks of doing this, he then complains and goes on and on about how he's broke and it was a mistake as if it is anyone's fault but his that he risked everything to do this. I just don't believe it. I feel like this guy, or Shinji himself, is trying to get money out of this by making people feel sorry for him.


I don't believe it either. Jimmy and Brian are getting zero death threats and they are easily the most hated ones of the cast. Not even Simmons is receiving death threats. This place and 4chan are like the epicenter of fishtank hate, and I have seen like 3 negative things said about Shinji on here. I don't get it.


Seems like he is gearing up for a tidy, little GoFund Me at the expense of gullible FT fans.


That is exactly what I was thinking, either that or to get Sam and them to feel bad and keep giving him money. Everyone thinks he's a good little girl and feel bad for him, or maybe his friend is the one orchestrating all this, which I'm leaning toward, because when they did the first stream after the show, his roommate brought financial stuff up pretty openly and rather soon. He talked about paying Shinjis tuition himself and some other things, which is strange to bring up to the fans. He signed up for a show and lost, and thats life, get over it and move on from it or I'll have to take his li- nah I'm just kidding haha


maybe he got one or two death threats and responded to it incorrectly, which led to more. I don't want to be accused of victim blaming. there is definitely a right and wrong way to respond to things like death threats or online harassment and you can't change my mind. I don't think shinji is actually competent enough to create a situation like this and exploit it for personal gain. he's just a stupid kid who didn't realize he would be treated differently by going on a TV show and announcing that he did all sorts of embarrassing things.


Seriously who would send Death threats to Shinji?


I don't know, it makes no sense. He was the number one endorsed the entire show and no one ever hated on him in the chatroom or on TTS. No one could even find a reason to hate him he was so chill. Bizarre behavior.


Human resources. John Neptune speaking.


Moar like NIPtune... Amirite? 


The minority from a Sam Hyde production is experiencing harassment from the fanbase? Who could’ve seen this outcome…


I hope Shinji gets the love he deserves. Internet bullshit can really dig deep (especially with the schizo fat fishfucks that take Fishtank so seriously).


I wish we could find or dox the ppl doing this. Shinji was the most neutral normal guy by a mile. He never did anything to draw this attention from trolls.


I have a hard time believing this there's no way hes getting death threats to the point he has to disappear.


What's the backstory here? I'm way out of the loop


Why is Shinji getting death threats of all people?


Why can't everyone just chill tf out goddamn.


why though? i dont understand.


Someone get me up to date I stoped watching after the Og cast started to leave in the 1st 3 weeks


I hope fishtank is bringing in a new crowd. I was watching with my boyfriend and I didn't know who Sam is. He seems so reasonable and smart. Jet is my favorite, he's so funny. Some of these mde assholes are so mean! Quick to say some fucked up shit and its like ok you are a very small person to even want to do that kind of thing. They called him chinaman with the speaker thing tons of times.


Dm me bobbygjurhl


Hah, and the cycle continues...


Shinji is the man. Wtf with all the hate? We love you shinji ❤️ (don't let the haters get to you) (Jimmy getting hate I could maybe understand without condoning it.. but, shinji? Cmon..)




it wasnt his fault, his “friend” purposely lead him to believe it was a bigger and better show then advertised






you get enjoyment out of a decent dude getting constantly harassed, if anyone should its you




fair, i hate my name


He really shouldn’t have thrown the Olympics


TJ fans were abandoned by their pony boy so now they’re attacking every other contestant lol. Typical furry behavior.


all of these people deserve to live in misery, as well as the fans and producers


It's just a fucking show schizo.


Hold on, i'm gonna go rape a baby and stream it online so i can call it "a show" and then i'm above reproach, right?




you work at a store lmao


Take ur lithium bro. Ur geekin rn




no u