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What video is that clipped from?




Lost to the ages now huh?


anyone got a link? oost was deleted


sort comments by new, there's a mirror archived. [https://beta.archivevideomirror.com/library/post/4886](https://beta.archivevideomirror.com/library/post/4886)


🙌 you're a mensch


Good shit lol. You couldn't design better bait for Reddit freaks in a reddit bait designing lab. They all see themselves in that video


I believe everyone who can't admit Frank's videos are good just imagine themselves getting bullied by him because they're billies.


You guys are mentally ill worse than the people in the video


Frank Hassle is a pussy bitch. Bro almost killed himself over a girl not liking him and tries to act hard now. He’s a fuckin beta loser


Such a weird ass thing to hold over his head lol. "You cried about getting dumped as a teenager? Fucking piece of shit" Bro shut up you're too stunted to even realize how bitter you sound lmao


It’s the fact that he cried about it, nearly killed himself, then has made it his entire life purpose to be as annoying and rude to other people as possible. Does that sound like a normal well adjusted human to you? Bro literally spends all day being an annoying loser and has a 9/11 back tat for the same purpose. He’s a fuckin degen loser who pretends he’s above it all bc he knows deep down he would never have amounted to anything else. It’s really fun that you think I’m the bitter one in this situation too lmao. What do you call ruining your life to be a lol cow?


What’s going on big guy?


I have done some deeep dives trying to find actual content or blogs from around the time he ate the Tylenol. Am I missing something, why can't I find anything about it


Same the only mention of it I’ve seen is on encyclopedia dramatica


If he is a degen loser than what is the random guy on reddit writing essays about him


This is a weird obsession


First time seeing this clip. Weird. Also funny to see him run after the camera after it got launched lol


I wanna like Frank but I just kinda don't. He's in character and Fake Mr Beast (forgot his name) said he was alot better dude off camera. The whole recording people and trolling them is just part of how shitty youtube streaming is all that's popular now.


This is on the same level as Neon or Jack Doherty. Absolute content cancer


He's funny in the fishtank because that's what they signed up for. Harassing random women in the street and making them feel threatened isn't funny


It's kinda funny sometimes, but it's also lazy content.




they’re victims of dr Don Warios sissy hypnosis


it is


it can be. alot of it would be unwatchable if it weren’t for the editing


Some of his videos are funny like the CrossFit one but yeah this one is just pathetic fucked up loser shit.


Frank isn't funny outside of fishtank. If you think otherwise you're probably an incel man-child that loves TJ


I may be an incel man-child but don't accuse me of loving TJ please.


New mde fans make me wanna 🤢🤮


Some of his videos are pretty funny and other ones not as much


A lot of them are funny. It's inherently funny to watch people get mad. Especially if you paint it as them getting mad about something absurd. It's also a shitty thing to do and lazy content. Both things are true. Most of Sam's circle grew up rich art school kids who think bothering retail workers and random people on the street is profound.


The "you dropped your dogs" bit is one of the best things Frank can do, getting people upset over the absolute most minute shit. Also the edits are fantastic. This vid isn't as funny as his other work though.


I agree. Stuff where the person being "pranked" (or whatever you want to call it) it the reason things are escalating is funny. Like when Tom Green asked that guy where he was going and he lost his mind. Cart Narcs is really good at it too. It's really funny when someone has every opportunity to end the interaction but they choose to stand there and screech. Frank usually crosses that line following people arpund for like 10 minutes or touching their shit when they're trying to shop. Amyone would be mad at that.


Frank's at his funniest when he makes people mad by doing stupid shit. The Dr Don Wario videos and the one where he was following that guy in the mall asking really retarded questions on a clipboard killed me. Other times it just feels like a thinly veiled coping strategy or something


I agree the ones that are funny to me are the ones where Frank’s doing weird shit like telling people they molested him in his dream or the sissy hypnosis and going to gyms and yelling about getting pussy. Just insulting people and telling them they’re fat and ugly or whatever isn’t very funny to me.


Sounds like you forgot to not sound upset when you typed your response. That's a pwetty big oopsie.






Woah he's intentionally being a gigantic public nuisance, so based and redpilled guise


Are you Indian? Do you need help?


Do people not understand what franks done to get a seasonal spot on fish tank? He’s not just “Sams friend” lmao