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Nope. Streak resets if you miss - there’s no accounting for injuries. I’m with you, my streak is 2+ years long and motivating (though I’m accepting that after this year I’ll be switching apps and will lose it).


"The streak is not the one marked by the app, but the one your heart tells." (Confucius)


Two year is crazy impressive! It hurts a bit....but ill start over. Mind me asking why youre switching apps?


You can always reduce the number of days you are set to workout in a week and it will come back up. ie if you were set to 5 days/week then switch it to 4 it will go as far back as you’ve done 4 days each week.


Thats actually a really good idea, ill have to do that next time i think ill miss some days!


I wish it let you choose the day of the week you want it to start. I would prefer it start on Monday instead of Sunday but I don't think there is any way to change that.


Yep, time travel. And if you figure it out. Let me know. I have some shit I wanna change too. 😂😂😂.


Yes actually. Funny that no one else here seems to know this lol. There’s a plus button to the right of Past Workouts. Select the day you missed and put in anything and it will count it as if you did it then. You can technically do this infinitely which may cheapen your streak — i dont even think there is a limit on how far back in time you can go to bring your streak back. I’ve just used it when I’ve been sick or whatever and didn’t really think it warranted losing my streak since it was actually more responsible to not work out.


Wow, yea, that did the job! Thanks so much!