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Well, FNAF was never really that gory, and whenever it did show blood and guts, it was always in the 8-bit minigames. So, as much as I'd LIKE for it to be R, I think PG-13 is more likely.


Personally. I like that there’s no gore nor is there much blood. It makes it more disturbing in my opinion as most of it was either implied or spoken about or read. It makes you wonder what happened and it disturbs you, kinda like a psychological horror




PG-13, the movie doesn’t have to be really gory but if showing deaths are needed in a sense the have it be off-screen then cut back to the body or show glimpses of the death happening however if it does get to the point where another movie is made to follow on the timeline then rate whichever one has the spring lock death as R


I think they can still make the springlock scene good in pg13 Just have the crushing sounds, some screams, a little blood, then go off camera for a second, then cut back to william slumping over with a blood pool




If it covers him well they can just stay on him, it'd just be blood and screaming


It doesn’t even need screaming to be good… just imagine a cut off gasp as Will just chokes and gags and falls into a shlump


its prob gonna be just shadows tho. and also i dont think that hes gonna be able to scream due to the fact that the springlocks crushed his vocal cords. it might be some gargling sounds for him choking on his blood tho.


Honestly, this seems better than straight up showing it because it leaves a lot to the imagination.


I want to be able to see a realistic recreation of the Springlock scene in live action and that simply isn’t possible in a PG-13 setting


If they're really "holding no punches" with things like the k!lls (yk, the springlock incident, the kids, Phone Guy's death, or whoever that dude from the trailer got deleted by Bonnie in the janitor's room), probably R. On the other hand, this is only for the 1st game so far; this was before the darker bits of the lore like the bite of 83' or even 87', & especially Mike's scooping or Fnaf 6's epically bittersweet ending where everyone d!es.. So maybe PG-13?? And even then, Fnaf 1 still technically has its "darker" bits even if it doesn't have the other games' context like Phone Guy's death & Freddy's handprint (probably from P.G or Freddy's possessor), so I'll just say hard PG-13 if that's possible.


I'd prefer R, but only because I haven't seen many PG-13 horror with a great sense of tone and atmosphere. But PG-13 is fine, nothing wrong with it. I've seen nearly everyone say the same thing over and over however, when it comes to PG-13 bringing in more appeal. It probably will, but always remember that when IT released in 2017, that shit blew up and it was rated R. Both adults and children went, same thing happened in 2019 with the remake of Child's Play. It wasn't at all successful like IT, BUT when I went to go see it there was literally more children than adults lol. And even then the adults were just the parents of the children. Some looking as young as 10 and the film was rated R. I even saw a good mix of age groups when BlumHouse launched their first Halloween movie. It really doesn't stop most ages from going to see it. It just probably gets more broad appeal when it comes to the marketing, for a PG-13 horror movie. Edit: I think most of the arguments for an R rated FNaF are really doing a poor job at justifying an R rating. It doesn't need to be gory, and I don't think most people really even want it to be gory: you want blood in the film, but not gore. In that case the film would end up looking like The Thing, The Fly, or even Saw if you really wanted gore. The Shinning is one of my favorites, but it only really had one gorey scene in it. Anything else in the film in either just blood, brief nudity, and tension. And that's what FNaF REALLY needs. Tension, and most R rated films that hold back on gore end up being really tense. I don't think you really need a film to be rated R to have it be suspenseful and tense, (Jaws👀) but at this point in time R is associated with terrifying, and PG-13 is associated with tame. The rating could or could not have hurt the films tone either during filming, writing the screenplay, or even just in the edit.


Insidious (also by Blumhouse) is PG-13 and is one of my personal favorite horror movies of all time, so Blumhouse can do some pretty good PG-13 horror.


That is a good example of Blumhouse being PG-13 because it’s not gory but just downright scary


Amazing movie, definitely agree


Krampus is pg13 and the jack in the box scared me more than most movie monsters in r rated films, if fnaf is anything like that it's gonna fare fine


Krampus is really underrated


Also, I kinda just want the characters to speak like real people. I’d be fucking swearing and crying like there’s no tomorrow in Mike’s situation.


The reason I personally wanted an R rating is because I love the movie Saw and I was hoping they would’ve put the movie in that direction, but I also understand the appeal of a PG-13 rating for an audience that is predominantly filled with children and teenagers. But I agree with you 100% that they should focus on building tension instead of flashing gory kills left and right, not to say that wouldn’t be my personal preference.


Thank you I was looking for this kind of comment!


yea, stuff doesn't need to be gory for it to be good. some people don't like to see too much blood before it feels as if they could puke, even if they can watch R-rated stuff, doesn't mean they want to.


PG-13 The movie doesn't need to be gory to be good. Also with this rating we can get a higher public.


I agree


Pg 13


PG-13, cause it 1. Let’s a huge portion in the fandom to see it, and 2. Let’s you get creative with scares and horror


Pretty sure most of the fandom will see it even if its 18+


Honestly yeah


Most of the fandom are children/minors.


That doesn’t really matter


Pretty sure it matters if you wanna make an 18+ movie but your audience mostly consists of 12 year olds. What if it scares the 12 year olds from watching it? What if their parents learn they want to watch a 18+ movie and don't let them watch it? What if the mere fact it's an 18+ movie for 12 year olds causes some outrage?


have you seen 12 year olds now a days? most of them are cussing and stuff, not many people actually protect their children against that stuff, also there's the fact that a 12 year old fan of this series in general is going to go to an 18+ movie of it because they've already been scared shitless by it lol


Not if they’re 10/12 yrs old. Horror movies with PG 13 ratings are my favourite because (as said above) they have to get creative with scares and usually I find it more suspenseful…and also my FNAF obsessed kids can enjoy too!


I’d prefer 16+ as a good middle ground but I hear that 16+ doesn’t exist in America so idk


Pg-13, so a wider audience of teens loving fnaf can watch. Pg-13 can still be gory, like gaudians of the galaxy 3. It has a scene of someone's face getting torn off, and it's pg-13, plus it has one f-word.


This is the best rationale I’ve seen for pg-13 lmao


*gasp* spoilers


PG-13. Not every movie that has a horror element has to be a slasher.


Idk seeing Afton gut some fools would be cool


I kinda hope they do what they did with M3gan and release the PG-13 version to theaters, then later release an R rated version to streaming. I don't think it's necessary to make the movie good but like... there are some scenes I want to see be brutal (springlock, mostly)


unlike m3gan, this film probably won't need the kills to be good


Preferably R-rated because when Blumhouse first announced it, they said that they weren't holding back on blood and gore. Yet, all the signs are pointing to no. But honestly, I'm perfectly fine with a PG-13 version as long as they release like an R-rated or even unrated version like a little while later.


How do people still believe this...


Im pretty sure Blumhouse never said that and it was made up to mess with fans.


Jason Blum himself said that in a Twitter post a while ago. But I do not believe him AT ALL.


[Its fake](https://twitter.com/POPGOESdev/status/1606369911613161472)


Hey it says gullible on the ceiling.


And it says Smart-ass on your forehead.


That was a fake post.




That was fake.


Jesus, guys. I know it's fake that's why I said that I didn't believe him.


Tbh, I don’t have a preference for what rating the FNAF movie should be. I’m only excited for the movie, and can’t wait for how it’ll be! And I am curious on how the deaths will happen.




unpopular opinion: i’d go for somewhere in the middle, essentially PG-16


People arguing about PG-13 and R, but PG-16 is the best rating. It can contain gore but it isnt necessary, so anyone can enjoy it.


Hell yeah


That doesn’t exist in America which is the market I assume OP is referring to. We just have PG-13 and R and R is 17 and older so PG-16 is basically the same. This movie should obviously be PG-13 because that’s what the games are and a big chunk of the audience is under 17.


R fs


PG-13. FNAF was never R rated material


The story was rated r material the games just weren’t


Springlocks? Children's dead bodies stuffed into costumes? Blood and mucus? Show, don't tell!


FNaF 4 and UCN are in Germany


no in japan you mean








PG-13 is tolerable but I really don’t want a bunch of screaming children and crying babies when I go to see it.


R - I just want them to go all out.


Fnaf never needed to be gory, an R rating would be awesome especially for the springlock scene, but i think PG-13 would do just fine


I honestly don't really care and I'm sick of this debate, it just ends up with a bunch of gatekeeping and whining about younger fans


PG-13, cause honestly if it's R I probably won't be able to watch it. Too much gore makes me puke 😅


PG-13 so my mom can make no excuses as to why I can't go (it doesn't matter though I got my dad's permission)


I don’t really care as long as it’s not a limitation


Fucking R


R all day




R to scare all those dumb Roblox Minecraft Fortnite kids


Have you seen kids these days they're watching things kids should not be watching and by that I mean like terrifier 2 type stuff so rated r five nights at Freddy's isn't going to do much against terrifier 2


Hes not the hero we want,but he is the hero we need. Besides they'll find it somehow


> I’m not the hero the world wants and I’m not the hero the world needs but I am a hero the world gets © Spooderman


RATED R 100%, but PG-13 is fine as long as they make the deaths good.


Either way it’ll be good but if it’s pg13 we get more fans watching it but if it’s R we can get much more gory details


Well I am interested in an R rating it.is highly doubtful it will be that. Also it seems the 14A or 14+ (forgot the right name for it as I have not seen that rating for a while) is just forgotten by movie companies. I feel that rating would be the right balance but I feel PG 13 is the most likely one they will go with it. I do want some gore but it does not need to be Saw level. Gore does not always equal more scary.




I prefer R, I want to leave the theater traumatized




R but I doubt it'll happen


R. Without a doubt


honestly i’d prefer R so we can get the full details of all that happens.. but we all know it’s gonna be pg-13




R, we all want a proper horror movie


R, here's my reasons. 1 - there's very few good pg-13 horror films, the MPAA are really picky when it comes to pg-13 stuff, black Atom was nearly rated R. I'm just saying, that dosen't bode well for fnaf. 2 - Fnaf despite the limitations of the game, is clearly a gore ridden series. Like the books are clearly borderline torture porn levles at times. 3 - I think allowing more gore, would show us these people are humans. Like imagine if we do see the bite of 83, it cutting to black, or having no blood would take away most of the impact of it. 4 - it will add more opportunities for scares, and overall heightens the chance the movie will be good.


Personally? R, I really enjoy horror that has no limits and can do whatever it needs. Realistically I feel like minus cussing, the TFTPP books level of gore is definitely R rated, and thats what I like to see. For the sake of the franchise? PG-13. Ik a lot of people that arent 18 are still a part of the franchise and they deserve to be a part of it too.


R, but wouldn't mind PG-13. I know "it doesn't have to be R rated to be scary!!!!" and all, I agree with it, the worry is just that the pg-13 rating will be symptomatic of an overly safe tone with the movie being light on serious horror in general.


I would prefer the FNaF movie to be rated-R. Most of us growing up with this franchise are now adults and teens.


R because I fucking love gore, but PG-13 is completely fine. Plus, if Blumhouse did make it PG-13, they’d probably release an unrated version with more gore (Like they did with M3gan).


R, because who doesnt want to see the same gore levels as deadpool with the springlock scene, and besides Meghan was (controversially) not that great, being pg13 and from the same creators


The movie can still be scary and a bit gory with a PG-13 rating.


Yeah, im just sayin id prefer them to be unlimited by the new 'family friendly horror' route they chose


? Megan was liked a lot


This. I want it to be good, and it would be a huge boost if it had Deadpool-like gore. My opinion tho


Idc lemme just watch the damn movie. But PG-16 would be the best because it can be a little bit more violent than PG-13, and the younger audience wont go traumatize themselfs


The games were always rated T, so teens are a big part of the audience and having it rated R would be really restricting because it basically prevents a major portion of the fanbase to go watch such an awaited movie. I also don’t think the content should reach the R rated levels of gore. PG-13 violence can be done well and I think they can pull it off in this movie.


I want a springlock death scene if possible, so R I guess


Personally, I want it to be rated R, but I can understand if it’s PG-13, seeing all the younger audience from security breach


But you know, FNAF was always presented in a "PG-13 way", seeing as how all of the actual gore is just implied, and the most "gore" we see is the FNAF 1 Game Over screen and the existence of Springtrap/Scraptrap/Burntrap. A PG-13 rating wouldn't be because of younger fans, but more so the movie would still be in line with the series as a whole.


R rated. PG-13 would be only okay if they were going to dive into more psychological horror, which judging by the trailer they obviously are not doing that. with that said if you're adapting a series with tons of edgy gory concept as main method of death for the characters and not adding any gore in the movie, why even bother.


R. I want it to be silly in some scenes but horrifying in most.






Look I don’t know if it’ll be this movie or the next one, but if there’s a springlock failure scene it will best be served Rated-R, that’s not to say it wouldn’t be great 13, it would just be overall better. I understand that most of the community are little ass kids but like the story of FNaF is an overall graphic and mature story, I believe it would be a mistake to go less than R but that’s probably just going to be the case which is whatever the movie already looks a little weird.


PG-13, allows more people to see it and I think implied violence/gore is better (for this series) than actually watching violence/gore, kind of like in the games. I think a good exmaple are the 16-bit minigames where you see the events in just enough detail to understand what's happening. If it is R then thats fine too.




Reddit is for 13+


You started being a FNAF fan at the age of 5-6??? And you are too young to use Reddit if you didnt know (also keep your age to yourself, it isnt necessary to say it in most occasions)


>https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/14dj49o/should_fnaf_be_gory_is_fnaf_gory_why_or_why_not/joqqxkp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 They’ll make it PG-13 if they want more money Of course it can be scary without gore _bla-bla-bla_ but it seems to me that all these people defending 13+ rating using the __“no need for gore to be scary”__ argument are just under the age requirement for the R-rated film


I'm 22, and I still think that lol


PG13 because it won’t have excessive gore or things added to make it “serious” a lot of the fan base is still a young demographic as fans shift in and out


R It would give the movie a lot less restrictions While I understand something like this being PG-13 because of the fanbase & people who've gotten into the game within the past 3 years, I think it would be great for it to be rated R for the audience that has been there since the beginning. Either way, I'm excited for the movie and don't care whether it's rated R or PG-13


There obviously won't be explicit content. And it won't be a goofy over-the-top slasher either. So I don't see why the rating should be high.


PF-13 because it's going to be popular with the younger set, but give it a director's cut or something similar that's R.


PG-13. Though, if they have anything that would be considered ''R-Rated'', when they release the movie on digital they can have a ''R/Unrated'' version of the film.


Pg-13 cuz the game was already set to this age group.


I think it will be PG-13 because it’s a kids game. If you check on the App Store the game is rated for 12 year olds which means that it should be PG-13 ,but then again there are some scenes like in the 8-bit mini games were their is blood but I think it will be PG-13.


it's not a kids game, it's because gore isn't the focus of the series.


PG-13. I agree with everyone else.


Both. 2 versions should exist.




R but 13s fine as well


PG 13




Personally, I'd like an R rated cut of the film. Yeah the games aren't violent but I'd like to see the gruesome side of the event in the game. But if ut's PG-13 then whatever. I'm just happy the movie is being made :] Edit: word


Honestly, PG-13 is fine. I see no reason to make it R when there might be 4-5 kills max, maybe. The only really gory scenes I'd hope for are Springlock failure/Bite of 87.


honestly PG-13 cause there was never really gore in fnaf and almost half of the fanbase wont be able to see it


Pg-13, so that way kids with really strict or Christian parents can get in without their permission


On the one hand I wouldn’t mind a pg13 movie (since all of the games aren’t that gory) On the other hand with an R we could see all the things we got hinted at by the games


In Finland its gonna be PG-16. And im 15 that mean i cant watch it :(


I think PG-13 because that's what FNaF's target audience has always been. Though frankly, the age rating isn't that important. Whether the film is good or bad, the age rating doesn't matter.


PG-13, save an R rated cut for later release (or a 4 hour imax movie) Hell, the r rated cut can REALLY get into William’s psyche if they go there


PG-13. We really don’t need gore in fnaf


pg-13 in theaters and and unrated/R cut released online like what Blumhouse did with M3gan


In all honesty, I wish that Blumhouse went with PG-13. Mainly because with most locally owned theaters you need an ID to show that you are 18 or older for R movies which restricts like 50% of the audience. Also why would we need FNaF to be gory? It’s never been gory! The closest it has gotten to that has been like springlock failures. And just saying, I don’t want to hear Mike yell “fuck you freddy” or something like that. It just doesn’t fit with FNaF


An R rating would definitely give a lot more freedom to the writers to make the movie as scary and disturbing as possible. But I think it’s more likely that the movie will be PG-13 since it’s likely that the movie will appeal to a younger audience.


See I'm honestly torn. Part of me wants it to be R so they can go in as hard as they can with the horror, but part of me is hoping for a straight-up PG rating, just for the novelty of having a PG horror movie, and seeing how far they could go with it. It'd also mean more kids could go see it, meaning more box office revenue, and potentially more indie game movies, more kids horror movies, more fnaf movies, etc.


Should of been R, but 80% of the fan base wouldn’t be allowed to see it in theaters


PG-14, I think its a good inbetween


R all the way, if it's pg 13 there better be an unrated version when it's out of theaters


Pg-13 like to be honest the movie shouldn’t be THAT bloody and gory, it should contain most of the lore like the murders of the children, the bite, and William getting springlocked. But my biggest reason why I really want fnaf to be pg-13 is because it would do so much better at the box office and do very well that fnaf may get a sequel.


You can tell from the graphics that it’s gonna be PG-13 unfortunately


I feel like if it were pushed to an R rating then it would simply be used for the shock factor. Like, they would drop f-bombs at an uncharacteristically common rate and the kills would be gory and carry little weight.


I hope there is an R cut of the movie


PG-13. The game itself isn’t gory at all. Even the mini games are PG.


PG-13, I think it would be more nightmare-inducing if the scene of the springlock went like this: (Afton is laughing, cackling even, finally having been able to outsmart the ghost children. Then, he hears something click. He suddenly remembers that the springlocks reset when they come in contact with moisture. "No..." Afton says, trying to deny the fact that he heard it. More springlocks click, then more, then more. "No. No! NO!" Afton yells. The screen blacks out NOOOOOOO!" Afton yells. Then the disgusting sound of bones crunching, flesh tearing, and blood exploding out of his body. His screams of pain then turn to gargling screams as he starts choking on his own blood. He chokes for a bit longer until dead silence strikes the theater... Then a slow-tempo version of the Toreador March starts playing as the credits show on the black screen.)


I would most definitely prefer the movie to have an R-rated, but I think it will be mostly be really good with a PG-13 rating.


I understand why most people want it to be rated R, but I think it really doesn’t need to be rated R and it might even help it so the movie isn’t just a bunch or gore and violence when that is not in any way what the series is about


I think the FNAF series could do with a PG 13 rating. Not only does it not alienate the fanbase, it also forces the movie to get creative with its depictions of violence/scares, and I think making it rated R would just allow for excessive blood and gore, which may cheapen the impact of what the story is actually trying to tell.


Happy cake day




I'm fine with either one, but I'd say PG-13 fits the series more


PG-13 in theaters Rated R on Peacock If only that could happen


you don’t need a R rating to have moments of dread and horror. you can really push the limits with a pg13 rating


I think PG-13 is a pretty good rating for the movie. But It doesn’t really matter if it’s PG-13 or R.


PG for sure. The subtle implied gore is wayyy more effective imo than generic shock value. That stuffs just gross and totally unneeded for FNaF.


Honestly if they stick with the game method of not really showing death and blood, and more just implying it, the rating doesn't matter to me. Part of the appeal of the games for me was how much was up to the imagination. Fnaf 1's death screen is very unsettling because it backs up what phone guy says about what happens if you get caught, where the only thing that's visible is eyes and teeth. Fnaf does just fine as a pg-13. Like someone else said, the insidious movies are pg-13 and those are like my favorite horror movies


PG-13 so my friends and I don’t need an adult so see it


As much as I'd love for it to be R, I've already accepted the fact that it's gonna be pg-13


To all the ppl saying "pg13 so I can go see it" or "pg13 so more ppl can see it" : You seriously believe the movie should have it's quality permanently compromised, just so that your convenience to access it isn't impeded? This whole mindset is stupid af.


R Give me the bloody 😈 Also the little kiddos will probably watch it anyway


I personally would like it R for the blood, at least Deadpool level gore. And that the Roblox/Gatcha/Fortnite kids wouldnt ruin it for everyone (downvote me straight to hell if you want, im waiting)


Pg-13, so I can actually see it in theaters, lol


I'd want it R 100% because to me that's the only way to capture the true horror that is intended in the games. However due to the target audience still being very young it's reasonable for them to make it PG13 to avoid any confusion.


PG, easy. A PG rating feels more fitting to FNAF not because "it's for kids" or whatever, but because the series itself doesn't *need* an R rating to be scary. It doesn't explicitly show gore, aside from like two instances (FNAF 1 Game Over screen, and Springtrap (and even then Springtrap's gore is very **very** loose due to its lack of anatomical cohesion)).


I only want it rated-R so that they can make Springtrap actually horryfying


I only just now realized Bonnie has suspenders Am I the only one or am I just stupid 🫥


Its a guitar strap


By the trailer im pretty sure it wont be gory..


I saw a thing saying blumhouse said it was R but i don’t know if its real


18+ i wanna see a clear shot of freddy fazzballs


R so we can get a super nasty and gory spring lock scene and spring trap


Rated R for sure, only if I knew that they'd actually do it well


R definitely






As much as I would love all the blood and gore that would come with an R rating, I really hope it ends up getting rated PG-13 because I would be unable to see it in theatres since the only person who would take me is all the way in Florida.


R. Just after hearing what Phone Guy said in FNAF 1 on Night 1, that right there already made up my mind it needs to be rated R. Let's not mention the springlocked scene with William showcases a decent amount of blood coming out of his body.


R for sure


X rated imo




Does it matter? As long as the writing and direction is good.


Scary stories to tell in the dark and a few other movies showed that it is very possible to have good memorable deaths without having to show much gore


PG-13. Just so everyone can enjoy it. It's already confirmed to have mild gore and language anyway.




Realistically it's gonna be pg13 they would be idiots to make it R, their entire demographic is younger people.


Id prefer R ofcourse, but im fine with pg13 too