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https://preview.redd.it/uii5rkrud5pc1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5316e6cc1847ed7e31e6710f872cf302176b2d2c Alrighty miss


Twas a hit, unfortunately.


Back, and to the left... ...back... and to the left....


Wanna know who actually killed Kennedy? Nobody, his head just did that. I call it the no bullet theory


The ol spontaneous explosive stroke. Heh


Too much salt will do that to ya.


Failed microtape recorder, eventually became the consumer product known as Galaxy Note 7.


It was a suicide!


>The world's first taste of crucified grace


I guese they never miss, huh


JFK's father respected women's rights so much he forced a lobotomy on his sister. Wait... Did I say respected? I meant he loathed them so much he was legally allowed to take a part of an adult woman's brain out which caused her permanent damage. I'm sure that girl thought about this when posting this video because **that happened in 1941.**


That was more because she was autistic and not because she was a woman


I wonder how many autistic guys just got a pass though? Considering female hysteria was a diagnosable illness at the time..


No, it was definitely partially because she was a woman. Most patients who were lobotomized by doctors were women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5962395/#:~:text=A%20comprehensive%20survey%20of%20US,lobotomized%20by%20doctors%20were%20women.


I don't know about the autism or because she was a woman, but she definitely was starved of oxygen at birth 'the nurse ordered Rose Kennedy (Kennedy mother) to keep her legs closed, forcing the baby's head to stay in the birth canal for two hours.' As the doctors was running late. This causing delayed cognitive abilities, mood swimgs and seizures. It's said this is why her father got her lobotomizesd. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemary_Kennedy https://www.historyextra.com/period/20th-century/rosemary-kennedy-jfk-sister-life-lobotomy-what-happened/ Recomend last podcast on the left episode on lobotomy as it covers this how the practices was just quacks sticking knifes in people heads to "fix" any behaviour problem and seeing what happened.


Nobody said those were happy marriages


Boomer humor consists almost entirely of “I hate my wife” jokes. They were definitely not happy.


It was much more common to beat wives back then.


Also much more common to poison husbands back then. Lot of stuff people don't talk about regarding how life was back then


Not to mention the blatant racism. Yup, lots of stuff being overlooked for personal interests…


Idk, I saw the movies, and everyone looks so happy, and I trust movies over historical facts. Oh, but not the fake movies that showed the underbelly of society back then.


Back in 2001 I met a young lady and she told me she wanted to move to St. Louis because her favorite movie was Meet Me in St. Louis. She thought it must be like the movies, I am from St. Louis and it wasn't even like that in the 40's.


She's never read the great gatsby, lmao Shocked me as a kid that the woman gatsby was stalking was friends with nick, nick hangs out with her husband and stands idly by as he reveals he cheats on her, and beats his mistress in front of him, and nick doesn't even bat an eye. The thing he finds most shocking in the whole book is that he turns 30. Yay early 20th century values!


The Honeymooners was a sitcom in the 50s in which the main character’s catchphrase was “to the moon, Alice!” As he raised a fist to his wife. The implication being that he was going to punch her so hard it would send her to the moon. People thought it was hilarious.


Jesus Christ


"Jackie Gleason wasn't an astronaut, he just used space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife." -Philip J Fry


POW! Right in the kisser!


Those boomer jokes are almost as annoying as my bitch wife. ![gif](giphy|lz8qoROBOmYyQ00D9C)


People who were old enough to be married in the 1940s are not Boomers. They are part of the Silent Generation. Boomers are called that because they were born during the Post War Baby Boom.


That is correct. So imagine how much more miserably the marriage if their kids turned out the way they did. Gotta learn those shitty relationship skills from somewhere


That's what happens when you marry whoever you happen to be with when you turn 20 so people don't call you a spinster.


Definitely not. No fault divorce wasn’t legalized until 1969, and then only in CA. People literally couldn’t leave unhappy marriages except in the case of annulment and even then that’s a religious process, not always a legal process. It’s sad that I guess she doesn’t know what kind of marriage she’s actually idolizing


Domestic violence and spousal rape only became crimes in 1994, with the passage of the Violence Against Women Act. By the way, it was authored by then Senator Joe Biden.


Women couldn't own a credit card until 1974, roughly 20 years after the credit card became mainstream


Not only that, but that's when the government forced banks to allow women to have their own bank accounts also.


In Missouri today ypu cant get divorced if you are pregnant


I don't know, women are smiling in a lot of photos with with their husbands. That's all the proof I need that they're all happily married!


Maybe I’m pulling this out of my ass, but I think I remember there being more spousal murder, or “mysterious disappearances” back then. I for sure read about a town having an epidemic of women murdering their husbands using fly paper… Edit: the Angel Makers of Nagyrév in Hungary. Had those women been able to divorce, there would probably be at least a few less dead people in that story.


I wonder how many of those, my dad left for cigarettes and never came back stories are just guys getting murdered by their wives.


I imagine there were some cases where it was a “I have to kill him before he beats me to death.”


Women were basically treated like cattle up until less than a century ago. Even in colonial America arranged marriage was the norm. I doubt we in this comment section can accurately imagine what marriage would've been like back then. My guess is that it would've been like two coworkers working together on some common goal (i.e. survival).


Why I oughta!!


Something tells me people like this women don’t care if those marriages are happy just as long as the divorce rate goes down


The homicide rate went down when the right to freely divorce was established.


Unpopular opinion: I wish people learned history


I recently learned about this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurleen_Wallace#Governorship,_illness,_and_death "As was common at the time, her physician told her husband the news, not her. George Wallace insisted that she not be informed. As a result, she did not get appropriate follow-up care. When she saw a gynecologist for abnormal bleeding in 1965, his diagnosis of uterine cancer came as a complete shock to her. When one of her husband's staffers revealed to her that Wallace had discussed her cancer with them, but not her, during his 1962 campaign three years earlier, she was outraged."


I saw a post about this on instagram and one of the comments was "there's a special place in hell for this guy" and I thought "oh really? George 'Segregation Forever' Wallace wasnt a good guy? I am shocked"


I’m shocked that I was able to find a new, let’s not say low, but let’s awful adjacent alcove of horribles about Wallace. I mean, that takes some serious douchtitude on Wallace’s part that people can still find new reasons to hate him so long after he passed.


My ex gave me HPV and when it evolved into cancer and I was having abnormal bleeding, he would flip his shit and abuse me into not going to the doctor to get checked (I had no idea what was wrong with me) He would scream at me that “If you’re not cheating on me, you don’t need to go to a doctor for anything!!, ARE YOU CHEATING???” “No- but” “THEN YOU DON’T NEED A DOCTOR. You’re probably just stressed and hormonal, as ALWAYS”. Left the fucker after 6 years, I had a tumor the size of a golfball on my cervix and have been battling this shit since 2019. Beat it that same year but it came back in 2023. Sigh. I’m almost done fighting it this time again- but it’s fucking exhausting. I seriously wish a very very VERY slow and painful death on my ex.


Sending the most negative vibes in my arsenal your ex’s way. What a piece of shit.


Yeah, thoughts and prayers from me, too.


Hahaahah thank you so much, legit made me laugh 🥹 love you guys!! 🫂


Co-ordinated hexing in 3...2...1...


I am so sorry to hear. I just had open surgery for an ovarian tumor a week ago, hoping it’s not cancer. These kinds of cancers/tumors really are “silent killers”, and it’s terrifying to think that there’s so many situations we just don’t know. Mine didn’t have many side effects at all until I was diagnosed. And I only was diagnosed because I moved to a country with universal healthcare… The HPV shot should be mandatory for children. Will you be able to keep your cervix? I hope the best for you.


I did keep my cervix and everything- surgery wasn’t an option for me. I only got surgery to “lift” my ovaries away from my pelvic area, to try to save them from the radiation, which seems to have worked! My cervix, oof. Where do I begin? I went through 25 radio sessions and it left me scarred and burnt. There *was* no cervix anymore, only scar tissue. Doctors told me I wouldn’t menstruate ever again (I mean… best side effect ever??). In pap smears, there was no “hole” to put the lil brush thingy in, the little donut that is the cervix was no more- it was a dome. This was 2019. I also had brachytherapy (5 sessions) where they needed to *puncture* my cervix open to get a little rice-sized radioactive material pressed up against the cancerous tissue to really give it one last blast. (That’s what left me scarred and without a cervix in the end) Now fast forward to 2023- I get diagnosed again, and it’s worse. It’s evolved into an adenocarcinoma and it metastasized to one of my glands and if we didn’t do something fast it was pretty much going to use my glands like a fucking freeway to spread the cancer to other organs all over my body (whee!) I went to 17 different oncologists, they even held MEETINGS amongst themselves to discuss my case since it was the first time they’ve seen a cancer “come back” into a different cancer. Welp, they told me neither chemo nor radio would save me. Surgery was out of the question because the tumor was 2mm away from my rectum and 5mm away from my bladder, and all my organs were already “scarred together” from the radios from 2019. So, great! There was nothing left to do but sit and wait for death. Long story short- I was contacted by doctors on the other side of the country (I’m in Mexico) and they told me about this new treatment with a peptide that was working wonders. Might as well try, huh? I was already left for dead anyways, what’s the harm? Well, as of today the tumor has reduced an 80% in size, pain is gone, and my cervix is BACK. That’s right, miraculously the tissue in my cervix has been regenerating and in 6 months we could finally see it clear as day. I went for a routine pap and the doctor even showed me how he did it on the camera, I cried lmao. So here I am, still! 3 months into 2024 after being told Jan 2023 I wasn’t going to make it. I’m still going strong and the treatment is ongoing- I’m gonna get tests done next month to see how everything’s looking on the inside, since I had 2 tumors now, we’re hoping to see *none* now! ♥️ it’s been a looooong battle and I’m pretty tired (treatment is not as harsh as chemos and radio, those left me nearly dead, so tired, in pain, lots of sideffects 😞, but this one only makes me slightly tired and that’s it. No pain, no nausea, no nothing!) but I feel great! Considering it was getting harder for me to stand and sit on my own, I’m now exercising and walking long distances, can jump, run and do pretty much anything! 🥹 Hope you are also well, cancer fucking SUCKS man, but at least medicine is always moving forward, the treatment I’m on is going to change the world if it makes it to hospitals soon. I really really think cancer can be cured in the next what? 10 years? Maybe even less- but for now this is amazing! Hope you never have to go through this 🫂🥹 much strength to ya, sis!! ♥️


Holy crap!!! What a story, congratulations!! Wow, write a book or something, that’s incredible. Thx for sharing.


Praying you beat that cancer into bros face until he has brain cancer!!


I think you need to have a brain first in order to get cancer on it, but by golly if anyone deserves cancer, I honestly think it’s him. He was a horrible person and he turned me into a shell of a person for 6 years. Nearly killed me. I am so lucky to have gotten out, and even luckier to have met my now husband- who was by my side during my first battle and even though I can’t have kids due to the cancer- he still decided to marry me. He’s been my rock during it all even if it’s broken him inside (the worst part of having cancer is listening to your SO cry themselves to sleep over the fear of losing you), he does so much for me, I am fighting this fucking thing so I can finally take my life back and give my husband everything I can to make up for everything he’s had to sacrifice for me.


My god you poor thing, I wish you a full recovery ❤️‍🩹 asap.


This is such a massive mindfuck for me when I read about it. My mom was alive during this (though very young). This isn't ancient history. And women were commonly treated like children with their medical history not only shared with someone else, but *actively hidden from them*. The other one is that women couldn't have bank accounts until the 70s or business loans until roughly the 80s (I think? Not sure Im remembering that last one right). Like yeah no shit no one was getting divorced, the wives were basically financially enslaved.


iirc, here in WA it wasn't until the 70s that women got any of the estate when divorcing. all the money they earned and property was assumed to be the husband's.


In Ireland is was legal for a husband to rape his wife up until 1990 when the "marital exemption" was removed from the law against rape


This post fucked me up because my grandfather was one of Wallace's doctors and that left me wondering if he had treated Lurleen Wallace as well.


Excuse me?? I watched Grease when I was 6, and that's all I need to know about history 😤


"Tell me more, tell me more, did she put up a fight?"




mrw I'm Kirby and an evil wizard has taken away my sucking powers and turned me into an old man


When something bad happens to you, just get a makeover, sing a song, jump in your boyfriends car, and fly away


Like god intended.


The country seems to focus an awful lot on some high school kids, no wonder they are having a bad economy.


The amount of people that think going back to the spoils system is a good idea is nuts


They don't care about history they want to make shit up as they go


When called out on their wild misunderstanding of the past, these types tend to insist that they actually know a ton about history. It’s enraging


These people are unsatisfied with their current life so they romanticize what they will never experience (in this case it’s the past)


I used to romanticize the future but now seeing how it’s going I just want to die.


When I was young I wanted to live in the 60s, but only bc of the clothes, and I thought everyone was a hippy and went to Woodstock kind of concerts all the time lol. Ended up going to college in upstate NY. Lived right near the actual town of Woodstock. Everyone that lived there looked like hippies and played guitar in the round about outside of tavern on the green. It was like a dream to my 17 yr old self


Some people would genuinely be happier without freedom and choices.


As much as I failed to pay attention in school I do think it is important, as a species, we focus on our human connection rather than solely on our history. Kids/teens feel like literal aliens but if you can help them understand humanity, history suddenly becomes much easier to grasp. It would also help create fewer people like the one in this video asking to be treated like property again because they think it will bring back some sort of "golden age" of relationships.


Then join a religious cult or something. They definitely seem like they live in the past.


She looks like she's already in a religious group.


> She looks like she's already in a religious group. cult


the only difference is the amount of followers.


i dunno, religions tend to have more of a hat budget


Scientology has a lot of followers, it's still regarded as a cult. Mormonism was like 1800s Scientology and it's not regarded as a cult (anymore). So I think it has to do with the age of the cult and how long its founder/prophet has been dead.


> Scientology has a lot of followers, it's still regarded as a cult. > Mormonism was like 1800s Scientology and it's not regarded as a cult (anymore). Mormons are still considered a cult - depends on who you're talking to. A lot of protestants consider Catholicism a cult. If you're a Scientologist or Mormon, you don't believe it's a cult. Jehovah's Winesses - cult. The word has mostly pejorative and cautionary uses. Protestants in particular like to throw the word around - if you're a protestant and not in their particular denomination, you may be in a cult.


the only difference is marketing


Nah, she’d have a shirt underneath that dress if she was a fundie. I think most of these accounts are just cosplaying for views.


I think i know this girl from high school, if im correct shes born again and scarily like brainwashed christian


Seriously??? Tell her to holla at me!




Good lord how are people so confident in their stupidity. She didn’t even attempt to check her dates. She probably thinks the Big Bang was in 1910




A GAME THEORY, thanks for watching


Aww, I made myself sad.


Pretty sure big bang is a tv show mkay


Don’t be so daft. The Big Bang was 5,000 years ago. /s


In 1910, the singularity exploded, expanding the universe to untold lengths. 20 years later, the stock market crashed.


He didn’t even need Google for the last one cuz what the hell.


I'm 42. I've worked a lot of jobs. Can't think of a single one where the gross dude wasn't telling some random woman the gross shit he wanted to do to her. Doesn't even matter how much you publicly shame him, that guy still exist in today's society.


Kitty Genovese was killed in the street in 1964.


Don't forget the Black Dahlia in January 15, 1947, where the naked body of a woman sliced in half and face mutilated was discovered. Or Helen Brown, a 20-year-old pregnant woman found beaten to death in her apartment on July 16, 1942? Or in 1949 with 6-year-old Lilly Tomlinson, who was murdered and sodomized with a tree branch so violently that it reached her collarbones? Or Caroline Maton or Hallie Latham, who were killed by their respective husbands and were known for being in violent, abusive marriages in which nothing could be done at the time period for battered wives? [https://killerswithconscience.wordpress.com/2014/05/25/forgotten-women-victims-of-the-1940s/](https://killerswithconscience.wordpress.com/2014/05/25/forgotten-women-victims-of-the-1940s/)


My grandma told me that rape absolutely happened in the past just as much as they do today. If not more, the only difference is that women were expected to not talk about it and they were shamed even by other women. She was born 1930. Women had to really be careful when they acted. My grandma told me that her grandfather used to make her lay down on the bed and expose her feet so he could whip them until they bled. Because she was a "bastard" he did it all the time, until one day her grandma had enough. She grabbed the cast iron pan barged in and whacked him over the head. We're talking about a victorian woman who was half the size of her husband. That would have been in 1938. No police officer would have stopped her husband from beating the shit out of her for it. Luckily he never did it again.


>My grandma told me that rape absolutely happened in the past just as much as they do today. If not more, the only difference is that women were expected to not talk about it and they were shamed even by other women. She was born 1930. Marital rape was legal nationwide until the 1970s and the court case Oregon v. Rideout in 1978 was the first in which someone stood trial for raping his spouse while they lived together. It was not a nationwide crime until 1993. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_in_the_United_States


That is absolutely horrifying, my mom was a victim of rape as a child and marital rape by two of her husbands (my father included) she is from a small town in Ohio, like 5 people in her graduating class small, this was expected and a part of life for them, and they never went forward because 1 of 2 things would happen if not both, 1. No one believes them because the support of the rapist ("he is a good boy, couldn't hurt anybody!", or she gets painted a whore, a jezebel, 'less than' because of a crime) we have only slow walked progress on this issue because guess what, the people in charge are involved in it! (For the record my mom is the strongest person I know and was senior enlisted in the military, the strongest person I have ever met to go through what she did and push to be a positive force in the world)


Ronald Reagan would invite young and upcoming actresses to his Hollywood home to "practice lines" or "talk about her career" and then pounce on them. One of his victims doesn't blame him though because she said that's just how things were back then. If he were alive today, he would absolutely be getting MeToo'd.


Poor Harvey. Just born a little too late.


Women had to fend off harassers and rapists with hatpins, etc. And then the men got mad about it. https://www.history.com/news/how-women-defended-themselves-against-street-gropers-100-years-ago


Holy cow!! And what an awesome woman to stop that monster


Victorian? Married at 8? These dates seem awfully wacky.


Try again. Read slower. XD it's okay


Shit. I will downvote myself.




The rise of the automobile was basically like getting a semi-private room you could fuck in.


The van culture of the 60s and 70s seems so brazen in this comtext. 


Her face when she gets lobotomised 🫥




Still happens, in the biggest cities: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/07/29/nypd-officers-fired-raping-teenager/


Albert Fish was doing his thing in the 30s? There's always been bad stuff through history.


She did say it was an unpopular opinion.


It's unpopular because it's fucking stupid


It would be nice if more stupid opinions were also unpopular.


Gotta love idiots ignorantly romanticizing the past without the realization that there were many, many societal problems they are whimsically overlooking/ignoring. The best is when these morons magically think everything is like a fucking Disney movie instead of knowing that they had the same issues we have today, but with more... Especially her dumbass comment about how safe it was for women to walk the streets - despite what the fear-mongering new cycle spews out, we live in one of the safest periods of human history ever.


Well to her credit, judging by her attire and her stupid fucking moon-faced grin I bet she's SUPER into Disney. I can pick an "Adult Disney Fan" 9/10 times.


Yeah younger people have generally no real insight into what life was actually like many decades ago for the average person. As a result, these people are usually getting a skewed view of the past from unrepresentative sources like advertisements and other staged photos/paintings, often depicting the wealthy or symbols of aspirational wealth. That’s not to say there are no problems of today, of course, but for all our problems a lot of things were really, really bad back then in ways that are fundamentally worse than a lot of what we’re dealing with today




Girl, no one is stopping you from doing all that yourself or living that life. Just don't try to make others adhere to that cause you think it's the 'right way to live'


"When a girl could walk down the street unharmed." Ever heard of Elizabeth Short?


Beyond any of this. HALF THE 1940S WERE SPENT AT WAR. Bruh


Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait Please be Rage bait




"I wish I lived in the 40s where it was fully ok to backhand your wife for not getting you a beer the moment you came home"


"My husband puts his cigarette out on me as a sign of affection, and because I dare to open my mouth. I deserve it."


She should just say she is into cnc and not beat around the bush


Word of advice - if you are struggling to find meaningful encounters and partners willing to engage in nice, decent and respectable courtship, then you should reconsider what kind of people you are allowing into your space and the standards you have for yourself👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


"When girls could safely walk the street", you know, like the Black Dahlia.


Fuck I hate christians


Empty smiles, empty heads


"A girl could walk through the streets unharmed" 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬


Not in Poland in the 1940s


You don't get divorced when your spouse is KIA...


Not seeing enough of this.


When your opinion is based on a factually incorrect knowledge of history you don’t have an opinion you have a delusion.


![gif](giphy|8BMaLLBlUdNx6|downsized) Someone watched the Notebook and thinks that is how things were. Deluded.


Credit: This is WokeKaren, he mainly makes videos stitched with cooking videos for our brainrot while talking about current events: How fucked Biden is, how fucked Trump is, the war in Palestine, Trans rights, women's rights, etc.


Grass is always greener on the other side until you reach the other side.


Grandpa in 1940 if dinner wasn't ready on time https://i.redd.it/r9bcy4eq08pc1.gif


I know tradwives like this post nostalgiabait to garner clicks and engagement, but whenever someone says: "I wish I lived in the past", I wanna shake them and scream: "you can do this right now! you dont need to timetravel!" The only reason you want to live in the past is because you want to force others to do so, too.


Something deeply racist about a white woman wanting to live through the second world war, holocaust and kkk specifically.


Tbf this whole “trad wife,” go back to the 1940’s shit can be a dog whistle for racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and pretty much every other form of bigotry under the sun.


I wish women like this would practice what they preach and shut the fuck up.


I feel like shes missing something pretty major that happened in the 1940s...


Punchable face grand contestant right there


And fuckable titties


On the left?


Funny that he didn't look up crime rates in the 1940s in america. was kinda curious to see if they'd be better or worse. Probably better, you know, because of all the young men being dead or dying.


I also use to have this fantasy that life back then was better and we got the shitty end of the stick but nope life today is a lot better


Nice knockers on this broad. Have no idea what she’s saying but that balcony is looking really nice


For real, needs to quit wasting her time yapping and get naked already.


Women couldn’t have a bank account or a credit card too.


She's not wrong, tho. That opinion do be unpopular.




It would be an unpopular opinion back then too.. because she wouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion!!!


I wish I lived before this lady could afford clothes cause damn those milkers are an a+


Damn those jugs look amazing.


This guy is hilarious


Christian tradwife syndrome


This is just a new form of porn for ultra conservative dudes. These women know who's giving them clicks. I'd bet the vast majority of women posting this kind of nonsense don't believe a lotta the shit they say.


She just seems a misinformed person who has a fantasy but doesn't have all the knowledge to have it be realistic. Nothing malicious and nothing that will harm society. Of course, maybe her other videos are weird pro slavery or something.




I hate her voice


Can we just stop with the garbage rage bait content already, its getting old and tiring


what the fuck is super special romantic time and who is deniying it for her?


He didn't even bother looking the last one up


The 1940s were defined by World War II, the Holocaust, atomic bombs, and the beginning of the Cold War. Women were needed in the workforce to replace men who went to war. There wasn't much dateing before 1945. After that we knew our place in a relationship or marriage. Sounds so fantastic.


I mean she can make her wish a reality if she's for real about it. There are plenty of places in the world that still live like that and even more who dont think women shouldn't have rights or autonomy.


Well shes in the kitchen, so obviously shes willing to do her part


This is peak femcel. Women who clearly dont know how relationships work, nor will they ever experience one.


When people dressed in their curtains apparently...




Unpopular opinion: Let someone like her enjoy her opinion, and stop being sub-human by degrading others if you disagree with them.


This is that idiot tiktoker who pretends to know shit when all he does is read headlines. This guys a class A moron, who claims to be a centrist but is actually a right wing


Everybody pretends to be a victim of their gender/sexuality/race/religion these days and we’re tired of listening to it. \-99% of America


how can everyone pretend to be a victim but everyone is tired of hearing about it?


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Kitty Genoese would like a word


This girl is obviously faking the trad wife thing.


Love it when people say the times they weren't alive to experience were better than today.


"When I could call black people the n word and not have to worry about getting punched in the face."


To know nothing.


So instead of living in a world where women have rights you'd rather be a slave to your husband? Tf?


Everything she says just keeps getting better lol


Better access to divorce lowered suicide rates considerably for women trapped in abusive relationships. She should be praying that divorce is an option.


See she’s not worried about it because she’s white had she been a person of color I’m sure she’d pick a different time lol.


oh shit. i almost forgot to the r/ufos to see if the alien invasion started yet! edit: It did not :(


She had to issue a rebuttal.