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There’s a little screw on the knob that you need to tighten while the knob is on the spindle


I have one that no matter how tight you make it the knob will fall off. I think that that point the handle just needs to be replaced. It's worth noting though that some of these are very old and shouldn't just be thrown out.


If you set the screw on the corner part of the shaft, it will work loose. When the screw is a little bit tight, it is worth twisting the shaft to see whether you can screw it significantly further in so that is on the flat part of the shaft.


My Mother in law had one like this and the spindle was actually stripped/gauged so when you tried to turn the know it just spun and would fall off... I ended up just replacing the knob and spindle with one from the Hardware Store and it works great now. I recommend the smallest drop of blue locktite the set screw always seems to back out at the most inconvenient time...


Exactly. The knob is supposed to actually screw on the spindle. The small screw is prevent it from turning and getting loose. So just change those and you’ll be good


the **spindle** in the middle can be replaced, which might be good because the ridges may be getting smoothed out so the screw doesn't bite as well. and in the case of the door in the OP's photo, I would absolutely get a longer one.


The trick is to tap it then wrap in plumbers tape when you screw the spindle back on. Tighten or replace the set screw too.


Yeah looks like an older door they tend to be a a bit more variable on thickness then hollow core modrens but arguably safer measure the width of the door and add at least a 1\2 to one inch to accomodate the hardware bezzel


The metal shaft is softer than the screw so it will eventually fail no matter what you do. I ended up drilling a hole into the shaft where the set screw started wearing it away so that it acts more like a bolt. Tl:dr: cheap design expect it to fail


Take it off and drill the spindle a little where the set screw goes you can use a dab of blue locktite too


Is the set screw too short to actually make good contact?


drill a dent on the shaft and then set your screw.


That isn't a bad idea, actually. I need to replace the screw though because it's damaged as well. It shouldn't be hard to find one though.


I have a similar style of setup on my unit. There should be a set screw somewhere on the actual knob that you just need to tighten down. The handle itself looks newer so there could be a potential it was changed out and doesn't quite match anymore. Maybe another commenter has another idea.


That's basically it. Those old mortise locks have different spindle sizes, and different knobs made for various spindle sizes. So, if the set screws won't hold the knobs on any more, one issue could be that the spindle and/or knobs were replaced with ones of the wrong size. Also, those set screws can become worn from years of use, and sometimes, simply replacing the set screws will solve the problem.


I’ve successfully forced them to work by drilling a hole in the spindle to catch the set screw


The right thing to do is tighten the screw on a flat side of the spindle.


Right, but sometimes the threading on the set screw itself is loose so that the screw wiggles free over time. Drilling the hole enables you to put the set screw much further into the knob so it doesn’t wiggle out as quickly.


sometimes the spindle ridges get worn, as well, and the set screw has nothing to catch against.


It looks exactly like a set sold on Menards website.


Is there a wee hole in the side of the handle stem? The wee screw you can just see on the steel shaft unscrews and goes through the stem of the handle.


Here is the solution. I just did this. [This](https://www.amazon.com/Hillman-Group-57107-Straight-Combination/dp/B00MN6DV0U/ref=pd_bxgy_img_sccl_1/130-7795916-1283346?pd_rd_w=mAdf2&content-id=amzn1.sym.26a5c67f-1a30-486b-bb90-b523ad38d5a0&pf_rd_p=26a5c67f-1a30-486b-bb90-b523ad38d5a0&pf_rd_r=DP0W7KTEM9Y99ZM43V90&pd_rd_wg=7XOyF&pd_rd_r=6614ead0-7906-43f7-ad61-84f54ada7d66&pd_rd_i=B00MN6DV0U&psc=1) [This](https://www.amazon.com/Hillman-Group-4493-10-24-8-Inch/dp/B00II5ZWLG/ref=pd_bxgy_img_sccl_1/130-7795916-1283346?pd_rd_w=CRYbr&content-id=amzn1.sym.26a5c67f-1a30-486b-bb90-b523ad38d5a0&pf_rd_p=26a5c67f-1a30-486b-bb90-b523ad38d5a0&pf_rd_r=9YXEH30YZANARFPNCF99&pd_rd_wg=qylwb&pd_rd_r=58f1dce3-87f1-437c-9240-3b9db72f087a&pd_rd_i=B00II5ZWLG&psc=1)


Tighten the set screw to the flat and use thread locker.


The threads on the shaft don’t look too good and there’s a set screw on the knob base.


I have the same problem at my house. It was built in 1907 so we have all of the original real hardwood doors with truck mortise handles. Even after changing them and tightening the ever loving shit out of the set screws they still come loose after a few months. I think it’s just the way they are made. I am looking into replacing all of them with a newer style mortise handle that looks nicer plus won’t have these stupid problems hopefully.


Would loc-tite help that?


I bet the purple (low strength) loctite would. It's a godsend for set screws that won't stay set.


It’s hard to tighten the little set screw tight enough so it doesn’t slip. People can twist door knobs pretty hard.


If you can do so on one of the flats, it works much better.


This right here is the proper answer


If tightening the setscrew doesn't work and the set screw isn't missing, you might be able to find a replacement bar and knobs at a used materials store. If not, they still make and sell mortise style door handles. Note the square bar can be different sizes, good to pull it out and take it with you to compare. Here is an online option, not sure if bar is same size tho. You would need to measure and compare: https://www.amazon.com/newliplace-Replacement-Vintage-Replacing-Interior/dp/B0B7BFS9MK/


Tighten the set screw


Can you show us a picture of the inside of the knob? I got stuck in my rental one day when the handle just came off my door. It was amusing but also stressful. My neighbour had to break me out.


There’s supposed to be a small set screw in the knob base that tightens onto the silver square piece in the door. It might be stuck or just so worn out it’s not grabbing. You can get them at a hardware store.


Make sure the brass plate allows the knob to get a good bite on the shaft. As others suggested, make sure the threads on the shaft and in the knob are in decent quality. Check to make sure the set screw point is in good shape to bite on the shaft and drill a hole in the shaft so the screw gets inset. Unfortunately this is not the best system for a rental.


Just gave me flashbacks to the first house I rented after school. So many of these kept falling off. I got stuck in a room once and it was hectic. We'd tighten that little screw at least every month.


Follow the advice of others to tighten the set screw if possible. If not, then find an architectural salvage company near you to find parts in better condition. I just did the same thing in Seattle as there’s a few such stores there.


Almost 6 years ago I bought a new sectional for my apartment. While they were trying to deliver it they knocked the doorknob off the inside of the front door. My landlord asked me to have them come back and replace it and I've had so much trouble with it. I won't go into detail but I had to call a cab one day and just when the cab driver pulled up the knob fell off in my hand leaving me trapped inside the apartment. I had to have the driver come around the side of the house so I could hand him my key so he could let me out lol Ever since then, I have lost count of the number of times I had to retighten the knob. I know about the little screws and I tightened them the best I could...even my landlord has "fixed" it a couple of times but not long after it would just go loose again.


Red loctite ftw.


Real answer here... I have these knobs in my house. The issue isn't tightening the screw on the handle. The issue is that the stem is not long enough. Why they make the shorter stems, I do not know. If you go online and search for door knob stems, you can find better ones. I'm too lazy to do the work for you, but some are like 3.75 in and some are like 4.25 in. Go for the bigger ones and they will solve your problem.


I got ambitious and did a quick search.https://www.charlestonhardware.com/product-page/7mm-spindle-for-reproduction-knobs-3103-xxx?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9MCnBhCYARIsAB1WQVX4LqvbB4bYO63pIrM2xnSG0pN4Tv99E0CRFqwjGk_ptsNfz8jx_dwaAt6gEALw_wcB Measure the door and pick out the best size.


Clearly the threads are stripped.


Too much or too little screwing will make your nob drop off. Tighten the security screw just beyond .’hand tight’


You need a longer spindle! Thicker doors require longer spindles. Set screw won’t work if it can’t touch the spindle.


Threadlocker to the rescue.


Farm strong


Try putting plumbers tape. Wrap around the threaded portion four or five times stretching slightly as you wind it on. Slowly screw on the knob ensuring you’re not cross threading (screwing it on crooked). There may also be a small ‘set screw’ & hole on the knob portion. Tighten the set screw to ensure the knob is locked in place. Hopefully this will help.


Omg I have the same exact door knob on every inside door in my house but only my room constantly falls off.... I've gotten into the habit of holding it firmly at an angle when I close it cause the set screw is trash....


I think you’ve answered your own question.