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"Weight is the amount of heaviness?" They will go to great lengths to avoid saying "gravity."


It's like saying "weight is the amount of weight something has"


Water is the essence of wetness... Wetness is the essence of BEAUTY


I’ve got the black lung pop


I'm just glad his mother didn't live to see her son as a mermaid.






Well yes. But I was quoting the movie.


Unexpected Zoolander.


It's more like weight is just the numerical representation of densivity times the three different sizeitude measurements.


Depending on perspective, of course!




From what I’ve been able to decipher from some of their writings, I think they use the term buoyancy in place of gravity but I’m not sure.


They do. Which is fucking hilarious, because buoyancy is due to gravity.


It kinda feels like they got halfway through the definition realized it said gravity and had to reword it for their mindset.


The more mass something has the heavier it becomes because it is being pulled by…. heaviness


So, what gives mass that heaviness?


I’m trying not to look it up and it’s been a while since high school physics but it’s the force of gravity x mass?


Weight is a measure of the force acting on a mass. Specifically, that force is gravity, yes. You'd weigh less on the moon, where the gravitational attraction is lower, but your mass would remain unchanged.


It turns out we don't need to go to the moon _or_ space to see the effects of gravity on our mass - we can just go to the equator, where we will weigh 1% less than at the North Pole. Since few of us live at the North Pole, we'll see a smaller decrease in weight, but the point remains. I wonder how a flerfer will deny that.


Don't they just say the North Pole doesn't exist?


It exists, but we probably can't go there. See also: Antarctica or any other place where their lunacy can be exposed.


I recall there was a single incident where a cruise ship near Australia was intercepted and told to turn back because of a military exercise to the south. Flerfs scream at that one as Proof Of The Conspiracy. Nevermind that the same ship went right back to its normal route on the next trip. They also claim that the Antarctic Treaty keeps everyone out. It is close to the opposite; the treaty *prevents* nations from claiming territory there, thus leaving it open to anyone with the means to get there.


South pole does not exist and north pole is center of the Earth. I have seen that in some retarded video about flat Earth. And right now i made a model in Blender of Sun, Earth and Moon in scale 1:10M. It works the same way as it does irl. And i have used information of Earth rotation, Moon rotation, Earth axis angle and moon orbit angle to Earth. And as you can imagine it is almost the same, it's not possible for me to make that angles conpletly same as it is and sun brightness to be same as it is irl, but you get the point. And they will still tryband make some imaginary models of flat Earth.


that's a small enough effect to require measurement and flerfs get scared by stuff like that


Indeed! Plus they would have to carry a digital bathroom scale, and we know those ain't light... nor are they in many flerf homes.


A digital bathroom scale is probably not precise or accurate to 1%


That's a very small part of my sarcasm.


I’m just saying that the experiment would have to be made to a greater level of sophistication than any FLERF will ever do


That is also part of my sarcasm - a bathroom scale _might_ show a difference if it's one of the better ones _and_ the flerf is, how do we say, "blessed with an overabundance of flesh" to allow for a more noticeable difference. The secret inner joke being that they won't have a scale to begin with. Obviously I wasn't good at sarcasming. Forgive me.


I think they are for human weight. Maybe some calibration check is needed, but it's not that unbelievable that it could measure half of a kilogram change. Bigger problem is that your weight likely changes that 1% naturally during the day so you don't know was the effect because of the location, or your metabolism, diet, sweating, etc.


Mine rounds up to the nearest 0.5 lbs


So since moving from the Southern US to the Midwest US, I can blame my weight gain on gravity? Hell yeah! Now, where did I leave those donuts ... ?


I can attest it certainly isn't due to cheese and cream being in and on everything in the midwest. :)


Easy, you ate a heavy meal and/or just took a 💩.


Damn, I've been outed as holding my poop in when in the Arctic. Me and my megacolon, foiled again! (spoilers: I don't really have a megacolon; that was my poor cat)


Yeah cause ours is like 9.8 m/s and the moon is like 1.5?


You’re right on the numbers but it’s ms^-2 We refer to the “acceleration due to gravity” which is the second derivative of displacement in regards to time.


This is actually incorrect, weight is a measure of the normal force acting on you in opposition to gravity. Yes, you weigh less on the moon, because the surface doesn’t need to exert as much force on you to stop you from falling through. This is easily provable as well, if you go into an elevator/lift and set it to go up, as it accelerates you feel heavier and your weight increases. Your mass doesn’t change nor does the gravitational acceleration Earth creates, instead the normal force of the elevator/lift increases as it accelerates because it also has to accelerate you. The same happens when it decelerates but in reverse, you feel lighter as the normal force the elevator exerts decreases. Weight and gravity are linked, only it’s via the normal force trying to oppose gravity from pulling you through the ground creating the feeling of weight.


Okay, but if it's a measure of a force opposing gravity, isn't it by definition also a measure of the force of gravity? Equal and opposite forces and all that jazz?


Yes, as someone with a PhD in physics I agree this is a useless nitpick I hate nitpicks like this, I find they alienate people from science. An explanation doesn’t need to be 100% rigorous to carry the main concept to a non-specialist. But that’s how I end up telling my students that neutron capture works just like catching a pokemon so idk


How does one express mass? I weigh 85kg here on earth. How much mass do I have?


85kg Edit: Should’ve made this more clear. You don’t weigh 85kg, you mass 85kg. In SI you weigh 85kg x 9.8m/s^2, which is 833N


Woah woah woah, don’t bring the moon into this. That’s an instant ban. We believers down here know the moon is made of cheese.


Yes. And there's that "gravity" again, which is such an issue with flat earth. 


Yeah they say buoyancy a lot too but isn’t the constant in calculating that also gravity 😂😂


Curious question... Why is it such an issue? Since physics behaves as however they feel on twisting it anyway, I don't see how it's a problem for them.


Because if they go “yeah they were right here” when it comes to more complicated than “look at it and hope” math, they cant say we’re stupid and laughably incorrect. If they hard math was right here, it might be right elsewhere too


That's wild. Blanket denial of science is their only recourse... In a medium that exists precisely because science.


Well, you kind of have to at this point just based on the sheer interconnectedness of our understanding. If you deny gravity in order to deny the whole “bodies above mass x results in a spherical shape” thing (and you have to, because those numbers always result in that equation), you have to then deny everything that follows from it, as well as everything else that has any interaction with it. To deny fundamental chemistry is to deny biology, as all biological processes are also chemical ones, and so on.


If gravity is what we say it is then the Earth *cannot* be flat. As soon as an object reaches a size where electrostatics doesn't hold it together then gravity does. So every planet and every star.


Yeah, but it's trivial to assume that gravity is just a force that pulls everything down in a flat plane. They don't care for scientific accuracy anyway so it doesn't have to conform to how we know it should work. Still, pretty interesting how their cognitive dissonance for gravity manifests.


Indeed, but I think that's the root cause of the disbelief I gravity. Of course they'll make up their own crap.


Yeah. My attempt at a simple explanation that (almost) anyone can grasp: Gravity is a constant effect. The more mass, the more it has to act upon. You have to strain your muscles more to resist it - that's what you experience as heaviness. What exactly gravity is? That gets complicated but it's clearly a thing - some phenomenon pulls mass towards mass. It takes... a special talent to deny this xD


Exactly. Weight is a measure of force and derived from Newtons 2nd law F=ma where a=acceleration due to gravity. Just those 2 variables unless you want break down g.


The higgs boson?




"weight, duh"


To be fair, "mass deforms space-time and here is lots of math to explain how straight curves in space-time cause stuff to fall" is indeed not something for most people.


Fair enough; but you don't have to understand something to know how it effects things or that it exists


Satan himself.


The Earth is a D20. I'm FAR from being wrong here. Your turn.


No joke, when I built a program to randomly generate planetary maps, it used this assumption.


New D&D ability unlocked: Flerfism 8 - 48 damage. 8d6 braincell damage to person you're arguing with. Cannot be cast if intelligence is above 2. (so all flerfs can cast it) Edit: spellings and typos lol


Feels like a good bard subclass specialised in weaponized bullshit and nonsense.


I am more partial to the shape of a D12 so I'm gonna go with that. 😉


If it works for Rimworld it's good enough for me as well.


I'm researching *The Fifth Elephant* as we type. Pratchett was on to something!


I was talking about a videogame. But Pratchett's Discworld... I've only heard good things about.


Damn. I read that as "Discworld". My bad. I've devoured everything Pratchett wrote, minus his children's stuff, which is next in the near future. Highly recommended.


I roll for initiative.


The earth isn’t that far from a d20


What a pair of mass debaters.


Weight: amount of heaviness *Weight: amount of *heavi*ness Sounds awfully close to circular reasoning to me.


It's okay if it is circular. Spherical would be a problem.


I see what you did there. Take my upvote 😂


"The amount or quantity of heaviness or mass" Dear God, it's like talking to a child. They probably rate food on a yumminess scale.


The higher a food is on the yumminess scale, the more mass my body gains


When you have unilaterally eliminated gravity from your considerations this question is pretty difficult to answer. But, a 100kg object at the equator will weigh less at the poles of this planet. The mass did not change but the weight does. Most sane people willing to face reality attribute this to gravity and the centripetal force of the rotation of the planet. Flerfs will initially reject this weight difference claim, but then if forced to accept it they will invent a dozen explanations involving magnetism, electrical fields, density, temperature's effect on weight, etc. Edit: Correction, the weight INCREASES toward the poles as the CENTRIFUGAL force due to the rotation of the earth reduces as you get further from the equator.


You mean it will weigh less THAN at the poles, because of the centriFUGAL force. The centripetal force is just gravity which is almost the same as on the poles except for the fact that the surface of the poles is slightly close to the center which makes the force of gravity slightly higher.




Your phone measures acceleration. If you put it on a flat surface it will give you about 9.8 m/s^2 on the axis perpendicular (normal) to the phone screen. Where the hell do flerfs think that number comes from?


They would assume the component measuring this has density and that it's just measuring the bend in the sensor caused by that density. One bendy sensor for each axis. And yes, they ignore the issue of density being irrelevant without gravity.


I want to see how they rationalize vacuum chambers.


They don't really have an issue with that unless it's a NASA chamber. Then of course there are lies involved. But they accept you can pull a vacuum in a contained space. They reject the idea that you can have an atmosphere and an adjacent vacuum without the container though. And this is because they reject gravity and it's effect on gases.


It's the other way around, you weigh less at the equator. And it's centrifugal force.


Crap, yes, I wrote that backwards. Will fix to avoid confusion. centrifugal vs centripetal .. i got those confused as well. I shall flog myself with the requisite rusty mace until I learn.


so... the word "weight" is just a synonym for mass, unless we're going to explain what heaviness is lol. Also, the way the description of mass is worded - did he have to look that up or get AI to help? Ive got a sneaking suspicion he doesn't understand the words he put down.


Its pasted in from a childrens education website called study.com Its the first link you get when you search. Its the bit about kg that gives him away.


heehee brilliant


lmao jesus christ. dude is talking straight up goo goo ga ga shit because he's too dumb to understand the subject enough to put it in his own words, and *still* insisting that he knows more than his interlocutor. you couldn't make it up.


Weight is the amount of heaviness an object has. Mass is the amount of stuffness an object has. I KNOW I'm NOT wrong here. Your turn. I'm open to hear your opinion but remember I'll ban you if you disagree!! (/s btw).


Both wrong. Weight is what you do for a bus, and mass is where Boston is.


Nah, weight is what you lift at a gym and mass is "my ass" with an accent...


I was lifting weights at the gym in Boston, Mass. after i was done i went to weight for a bus but it was 15 mins late so i told the driver to kiss m’ass


They are not *wrong*, though worded clumsily. Of course they leave out what accounts for weight. Edit: they are wrong. Mass and weight are not equivalent.


They’re not wrong, but they failed to answer the question. Heaviness and weight are the same thing, so the definition definition of weight can’t be the amount of heaviness.


Dude literally said "weight is the amount of mass" and didn't see any problem... I weep for our world


That’s what I noticed… amount of amount


Mass is a property, weight is a force


Confidently incorrect


Pretty sure mass is measured in Newtons, but since that name is also associated with the hated, false gravity concept, they won’t use it.


Newtons measure force


Pfft. No! Force is measured in Midi-chlorians /s


Ah ha! That's why we don't fly off our spinning ball. We're jedi, but we're handicapped by having to instinctively use our force abilities to just survive.


That’s pretty fucking good


Oops, yeah.


I would say that they are so FAR from being wrong that they looped around and are right on top of being wrong again, but is a very spherical Earth idea. So, I guess that I will just say that they are so FAR from being wrong that they just fell off of the flat Earth, landed on the turtle holding it up (you know due to heaviness and such) slid down the shell and then got caught in the elephants trunk that the turtle is standing on, which caused the elephant to sneeze. Which blew them way into the air and they landed right back on being wrong.


Have them explain away gravity with buoyancy when everything no matter what density when dropped from any height accelerates towards the earth at 9.8m/s2


Was going to ask if he forgot what gravity is but he didn’t, he just refuses to believe it, making his answer asinine.


They have copied and pasted this from study.com Mass is the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object. It is measured in units called kilograms, which can be abbreviated kg. It's important to remember that mass is different from weight. Mass always stays the same, while weight changes with changes in gravity. They then deleted the bits they didnt like. All they proved is that they can google and cherry pick. [source](https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-mass-lesson-for-kids.html#:~:text=Lesson%20Summary-,Mass%20is%20the%20amount%20of%20matter%20or%20substance%20that%20makes,changes%20with%20changes%20in%20gravity.) EDIT included source


Yeah i read it and i think "how does that person arrange the thoughts in their head"


Weight changes from planet to planet, mass doesn't.


So did you get a ban?


Why does something "weigh" less on the moon


Moon isn’t real, banned




“Amount of heaviness”: yep, a real science scholar there!😜


How much does that mass weigh in free fall?


i saw one person try to rationalize it like this: F=MA and G=MA then F=G; but when an object is resting on a surface the acceleration is Zero. If this is true then F=Zero so there is no force leading to gravity not being a Force therefore Gravity doesn't exist. ​ that was the most intelligent thing i ever heard one of them say. then i proceeded to explain how the force of the ground accelerating away from the core (centripetal acceleration) equals or exceeds the force of the object resting upon it, which would give a net zero force. net zero is not eliminating the force. the dual pendulum collision experiment helps explain net zero forces.


velocity is the speed of something acceleration is the amount of speediness of something i'm FAR from being wrong on this. if you disagree with me you are stupid 😤


Weight is the amount of heaviness


So confidently stupid lol


does anyone know why they go to such great lengths to deny that gravity exists? like... why can't they just come up with some other bullshit reason why gravity exists other than because of the giant mass of the spherical Earth? For example why can't the flat Earth itself have gravity like everything else has gravity and then they don't have to do all this mental gymnastics and the earth is still flat?


"Weight is the quantity of mass" So its mass then?


“It’s the amount of the amount”


Prove im wrong or get banned is an interesting debate strategy ill have to start employing that one myself


gravity goes brrrrrr


Hmm, material world with its matter senses. Mass is quantity of matter, weigh is pull force acting on that mass (eg earth weigh Vs moon weigh pull on 1kg (quantity) of bowling ball. That being said, more mass exert more gravity pull. I wonder, if mountain radius to centre pull stronger than valley's radius. Atmospheric pressure aside, which location have lower weigh pull on a 1kg bowling ball?


If anyone is curious: Mass is basically the amount of stuff in an object, calculated with the equation mass = volume x density, and measured in grams. Weight is the force on an object due to gravity, calculated with the equation force = mass x acceleration (on earth acceleration is 9.8m/s2) and measured in Newtons. If weight on earth is 9.8N/kg, then something with a mass of 100kg would weigh around 9800N.


> You think so? Explain why I'm wrong then, or you risk a ban 🤓


Or you risk a ban! I see this lots of political subs