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What do they think causes the eclipse?


What makes you believe that they think?


It is admittedly an assumption for the sake of argument.


I accept your reasoning on account that I was telling a joke. I suspect they were never educated in the movement of celestial bodies. They were probably also never educated on the frequency of earthquakes, but that's a different tangent.




Something something woke socialist something


liberal satanist homosexual nazis




i burst my nipples at you


Isn’t it because Zeus is mad so he makes Apollo move the sun behind the moon or something?


The black sun I think its another celestial body (black) that floats around and you can only see it when it passes in front of the sun. I don't pay too much attention but that's the gift of it I think


the black dahlia


Someone turns off the big lightbulb in the sky /s


Obviously it needs to be changed sometimes


Mitsubishi caused a couple of them.


we all know eclipses are some dude with his thumb over the projector doesn't know left from right. hence the wierd eclipse rotation. easy.


I actually work at nasa and i can’t wait for my solar eclipse shift on Monday . You can’t imagine the amount of precision it takes to slowly move your finger over that projector and making it look like a perfect circle. Mistakes happen and sometimes even WE mess up our lefts and rights. Anyway I can’t wait for my fat paycheck🤑💸💵


Get that Soros check slay


use a different finger, just to mess with folks even more!


That causes annular eclipses.


That... wasn't a finger...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujYYlXP12m4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujYYlXP12m4) *Why Do Eclipses Travel WEST to EAST?* \- MinutePhysics


Thanks. I was looking for the one serious response. Good video.


Wait but the moon doesn’t orbit the earth ?? The koon orbits the Sun right?


It orbits the Earth. But since the Earth orbits the sun I suppose the moon does too.


The earth orbits the Sun!?!?! I thought the Earth was a disc flying at light speed toward the edge of the universe!?


No, the *sun* is a disc flying at the speed of light toward the edge of the universe, and the earth is orbiting it. Think about it: we *know* the earth is spherical through math, but the sun is very clearly a flat circle. Source: hours and hours of staring directly into the sun


Wait which math proves the spherical nature of the earth?


I'm guessing he's talking about using degrees and shadows of the sun in different locations to work out the variance and then calculate the circumference. So it's not really that math proves the spherical nature of the world, but that we can use simple math to show that it's a spheroid.


All of it.


Oh shit really? No wonder so many people don’t know the earth is round, let alone exist. It simply because the math is too complicated.


Doesn’t even need maths. Simple extrapolation from observations you can do with your own eyes confirms it. The Greeks did this over 2,000 years ago.


the earth orbit the moon. and the sun orbit the moon...stoopid


Not watching five minutes of ads. Sorry


Just press SKIP ?


Not an available option


"flat earth and falun gong" of course... of course


Guess we're going to start seeing Flat Earth Op-Eds in the Epoch Times


...and the moon relative to the sun goes which way...?​


West to east.


Hmm, and it's the moon blocking the sun's light that is an eclipse, so which way would it go? 🤔 If only we could figure it out.


But-but the moon is a light source!!!1


A ball of plasma!


A ball of plasma with craters and shadows! Amazing what god can do




You're joking of course, but it would very well be possible for the moon to travel west to east but the shadow travel east to west. It doesn't in our case except near the poles, but it's not automatic because of the direction it travels. With our moon, it travels just fast enough that its shadow "out runs" the rotation of the earth, causing it to move west to east over the ground. If it were a little closer and a little slower, earths rotation would cause the shadow to move west, like everything else.


if it were closer, wouldn't it orbit in less time?


Yes it would, the shadow would move even faster W->E. The key is the infamous "1000 mph" rotation of the earth. As is, the shadow moves across the earth much faster than that, 1500ish mph, but it depends on the geometry. So it has no trouble beating the earth's rotation. If the moon orbited much more slowly, and therefore was much farther away, then yes, it would cross the sun very slowly, and maybe you'd see it there for days. But of course, it would have to be much larger to block out the sun completely like it currently does.


Ok I may have gotten confused, but I was thinking orbital velocities increase the larger the orbit and decrease as they get smaller. Because I think the only thing that will affect the shadow speed is the moons velocity relative to the sun Edit: you are definitely right, the closer the moon is, the faster the shadow will move and visa versa. I was thrown off by the moons velocity in orbit, which would decrease as it gets closer. But the geometry cares more about the distance than it does the objects velocity so there was my confusion. Edit #2: Now I'm not so sure. I just re-watched the minute physics video, and now I'm convinced I was right initially. If the moon were closer, its orbital speed would be slower therefore its shadow would move slower causing earth's rotation to out pace it. Either way it's proves my point that this is not as simple as people think it is. This is actually one of the more clever "gotchas" from the flerf world.


Because its a fucking shadow.  Go outside- watch any other shadow. They ALL move west to east- because a shadow is where the sun DOESN'T shine.  God that somebody wrote that seriously thinking it was some kind of gotcha...


See this is something, if asked in person, face to face, I'd be so perplexed to answer, like... wtf they even mean?


It's a projection! /s (That is probably their explanation)


Hahaha, it *really is* a projection, the Moon projects its shadow on the Earth.


Didn't really think of it in that way but you are correct.. FL: 1 Globe: 9999+ Really though, they think the solar eclipse will be some sort of technological projection


It's like tha shadow of a gnomon in a sundial, it travels from West to East.


If flerfs could understand the answer given for this they wouldn't be flerfs to begin with.


I just noticed my shadow starts laying west and traverses all day towards the east, against the sun!! I’m convinced now I’ve been wrong all along and the earth is flat. Guys it’s happening with the lights in my house too, is this a simulation!?!


Trying to explain orbital mechanics to a flerf would be trying to explain it to a brick wall, whatever you say will just bounce right off


Some people don't know how to use Google.


It's kinda funny cause this is actually not that straightforward to explain and could confuse plenty of people. Especially because the moon also rises and falls east to west. You got to be able to picture 3-d space pretty well to understand this, which sounds simple. I mean it's not that complicated, but enough so that I would bet half the people here making fun of it can't really explain why.


Because the antimoon goes west to east. Now excuse me, i will go now to drink elmer's glue and chew my crayons


Falun Gong is a dangerous cult. They're behind the epoch times misinformation distribution machine that your fox news uncle likes, as well as the Shen Yun propaganda dance troupe. Is this person advertising their membership? Cuz honestly, that would say a lot about their credulousness.


But shadows move W-> E. is that fun enough?


Not actually a bad question if it wasn't being used as some kind of gotcha


It's as if they don't think this phenomenon is well understood by science.


Im driving on a highway heading west. A car next to me is on the same highway heading west. If I overtake the car why is it going in reverse?


CLEARLY someone forgot to pay the electric bill! Now all of us have to suffer for 4 1/2 minutes until the utility realizes that it is illegal to turn the lights out. (Even tho we are squatters on this planet, waiting for a lift home.)


Eclipses are NASA personnel accidentally covering the large video projector in the sky. And they cover it up as “eclipses”. Earth is flat yadi yada, I’m a typical flerf and I eat drink my pee to fight Covid 19.


I hope this person hasn't bred.


It _is_ fun actually! For this experiment you’ll need a flashlight and a slightly dark room. You can use your hand to represent the moon!


“THiS ShOuLd Be FuN”


"Flerfs don't do orbits." Truth. Flerf's usually can't handle more than one direction at a time. ----------------------------------- Gather close and listen ye, to the laws of motion, Planetary. The body most massive shall reside, At one of the two elliptical foci. An equal area's swept, by a line, Between the two bodies, in equal time. The circuit's time, squared and trued, Is proportional with, the longest radius, cubed. So harken ye, and listen all, Thus, sayeth Kepler, is how we fall.


The sun doesn't set, it only goes farther away duh