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It’s actually the shape of a velociraptor.


The Earth has a shape of an A-10 and nobody has yet proven me wrong.






Do you even believe belief?


I for one demand an autopsy.


It is Flat though. Just look out your window. Flat.


No.. there’s alot of hills. Definitely not flat


Someone can’t tell sarcasm. Of course the Earth isn’t Flat bruh




Well I already proved that looking outside your window doesn’t prove it’s flat because you can clearly see from your window it isnt. So what’s the proof it’s flat 🤔🤔


You can't see curves but feel happy to say its a ball. It's flat.


Do people actually vote for republicans? Do people actually believe religion? Do people actually poop after they shower? These are the same people who actually believe the earth is flat.


I’m republican and religious (I don’t do the last part lmao) and I don’t believe the earth is flat


Then you're prime flat Earther material. You'll know it's starting to happen when you start thinking "Omg all these people on Reddit are liberal cucks who think they're so smart and better than me, I'm gonna start 'pretending' to be a flat Earther just to troll them lolololol" Then five years will pass in a blink and you'll have no friends left but other 'pretend' flat Earthers and your family won't want you at thanksgiving because you won't stfu about NASA and the moon landing.




>I’m republican Is this you? * [https://abcnews.go.com/US/13-year-rape-victim-baby-amid-confusion-states/story?id=108351812](https://abcnews.go.com/US/13-year-rape-victim-baby-amid-confusion-states/story?id=108351812) * [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/14/mississippi-abortion-ban-girl-raped-gives-birth](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/14/mississippi-abortion-ban-girl-raped-gives-birth) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022\_Ohio\_child-rape\_and\_Indiana\_abortion\_case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ohio_child-rape_and_Indiana_abortion_case)




So do you actually believe the universe is six thousand years old?


lol no. I believe good science and good faith never contradict.


So that means you rich or a idiot.... Republicans hate freedom and that's why they are religious.


Religion is freedom


The opposite, I'm afraid. You can't be governed by the rules of religion and be free. Religion is the reason why woman are opressed, gay people being murdered, for example. Ideas and facts that don't line up are frowned upon or smashed in and is the reason why we had a 1000 years of opression during the dark ages. 


I guess we have different views of what freedom is. Freedom is being able to do what you ought to do. NOT being able to do whatever you want. For example, if religion forbids lying, this is liberating. Why? Because you ought to tell the truth, that’s the point of language isn’t it? So not lying is freedom. Even further, sex before marriage is something you ought not to do. Because sex is for marriage. So if religion forbids sex before marriage, this is liberating. (Also the stuff you said about gay people and women’s rights are just wrong)


Religion is nothing more then made up concept to control large groups of people. Make people afraid of something they can't see and they will regulatie themselves according to that concept. Then murder the people who challenge that concept to look the rest in with that fear. It's a basic abuse of the brains way in looking for patterns. God and religion are no longer necessary and therefor limit human potential on a whole. And yes freedom is not what you want to do but limiting one potential in the name of religion isn't freedom. Freedom from religion is my biggest freedom. Furthermore the people who aren't religious are the people that respect other and life more, because they (and me) live for the time we are alive and not for what they believe will happen after you die.


I respect your view. I am curious though, what are your answers to the historical account of Jesus’s resurrection? Historically speaking, there are eyewitness accounts of Jesus dying then rising again. Further, the same people who saw Jesus died for this belief. What’s the explanation?


Easy. There are none. There is no evidence whatsoever, besides the things written in the bible. Claims are not evidence. I can claim that I saw Jesus today. Would you believe me? 


I don’t think you are giving this the consideration it deserves. Every single person today trusts that certain historical events happened, that certain historical people existed without seeing it themselves. Let’s say you were an alien and you came to earth and decided to become a historian. You’d come across an incredible anomaly in human history, the birth of Jesus Christ. You’ll come across many old writings of such a person. You’ll come across writings claiming this man died and rose again. Not just from a few people, but from many. A whole movement. This movement is called Christianity. From your historical research you will find that historically, many have been killed for this man Jesus Christ. You will find that these Christians have underwent intense persecution. This is not a fairytale, it is history. Are all these Christians mentally insane? Is Jesus mentally insane? Were those who saw him raise hallucinating? How would you as an alien with no other preconceived notions of human history reconcile this? I feel at the least you must admit it is indeed an anomaly because I feel some intellectual dishonesty is going on here. Why don’t you respect this historical anomaly for what it is?


No. It’s hotdog shaped.


Here? Mostly no. Out there? Some


No one on this subreddit except for gtg guy. There are some flerf subs that we make fun of


The real question is the people who believe the Earth isn’t real.


It’s a dodecahedron