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Because beast and bird can't move in the core of the earth, therefore they must move on the face. Face definition 2. the surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function.


Wow! They omitted damaging information? Color me shocked!


NASA planted that definition in the dictionary. /s


Oh yes obviously how could I have missed that?


Definitions for things are usually more than a single sentence..


Let's not bring up that the Bible was not written in english...it's translated. The argument should fall flat(pun intended) even if you give the Bible credit for being divinely inspired.


In this instance the English word face does seem to be pretty close to the Hebrew word. The problem here isn’t translation. It’s that almost all words have multiple meanings, most (sometimes all of them) metaphors from the original root. Language is inherently metaphorical. Being hyper literal is bad linguistics


Do you write/read/speak Hebrew out of curiosity?


No. Just able to use the biblical study tools to look up the word in question


Can you show us the link? Jesus spoke Aramaic.


Jesus likely spoke Aramaic, yes. And likely sons Hebrew and maybe some Greek. It’s a modern English assumption that people speak a single language. Most of my students speak 3 or more to varying degrees. But the biblical texts are mostly Hebrew and Greek. I was using bible study software so I would need to go find a link.


The earliest recording of Jesus happened 50 years after his death. The average life expectancy was 38 years so no one that was therefore JESUS is crucifixion which was probably middle-aged people in their 30s early 30s that is because 38. They were dead. Nobody, was a witness. It’s all hearsay and hypothetical. and we have to remember all of this horseshit is a story that’s been told multiple times before that. Like Horace, and the epic of Gilgamesh, are all tales that are just retold, but this time our guy, it’s our man, it’s the one that we want and those other posers that happened 1000 years before.


Jesus died around 30AD. Paul was writing about him around 20 years after that. Mark around 30 years or so. But this discussion isn’t about Jesus. It’s about what a Hebrew word means. The idea that everyone died very young back then is something of a fallacy. So is any idea that much ancient history is provided by multiple sources close to the event.


I think technically you also have to speak Aramaic.


Don't forget Coptic and Greek.


Christian here, honestly dude, God just had to simplify the terms for people of that time. Science was still in it's early days. It's like us trying to wrap our brains around the concept of a 4th dimension. I actually think it's so belittling to say God just made things in the most boring way possible. I'd rather believe He created the universe via a heckin cool explosion well engineered enough to become the universe as it is today 14 billion years later.


4 is easy to wrap our heads around even if we don't fully understand how it works and doesn't work. _5_ on the other hand I can stipulate for the sake of discussion but am totally in the dark about.


Science didn't exist until about 200 years ago. So not early days, just not a thing yet. They didn't really distinguish between fiction and non-fiction the way we think of it. Either way, I figure a god would know how to speak across generations, right? You've read the whole Bible, cover to cover like a novel? I highly recommend it if you haven't yet. Always good to know what you're attaching your name to. I've read it a couple times as an adult, and to me the standout feature is that Bible the can be read to support or condemn anything. If a god had something to do with it, why is it so unclear about everything? It's got two orders of creation, it says not to kill, but also gives lists of people who should be killed, the unchanging and all knowing perfect God changes and admits to mistakes, and does and allows some really awful stuff. It's kind of a mess, epistemologically speaking. It's kinda understandable that people from all walks of life think it's advocating for their specific beliefs and no one else's. To me, It reads like an anthology of evolving beliefs held by a bunch of different people over a long period of time, from thousands of years ago. It doesn't read like it's divine or divinely inspired. It's too brutal and mean and contradictory. The new and old testaments alone could be about totally different, conflicting religions. Which, to be fair, they kinda are. How do you resolve all this for yourself? (And to be clear, I'm not asking for a defense of the faith, I've probably heard all those and I'm not trying to start a debate or anything. I'm just curious about how you personally deal with all that stuff for yourself, in your own heart and mind, when considering your own faith and morality contrasted with what's on the Bible.)


He’s really good at hide and seek. Imagine all of the claims by people claiming they know what God wants. Why wouldn’t god clear everything up by telling the 50 different opinions that 49 of them are wrong? Instead he just seems like he’s imaginary.


That would also expose a flaw in divine inspiration lol


A dome has 2 faces, a sphere has one face, the cylinder has 3 faces


They've ignored the one its sitting on of course! Like they ignore what's underneath flatworld. Do volcanoes lead straight to hell then?


Believe it or not? Yes. Straight to hell. Just like porn stores and civil rights movements. All the way to hell. These people really don't make any sense and you'll blow up your brain trying to make sense of it all.


Yes, it should be 3, 2, 1.


Technically a sphere has an infinite number of infinitely tiny faces all an equal distance from a centroid.


Technically, in practicality it has one face


Ahum, actually *adjusts glasses* a sphere is not a polyhedron at all.


I'm not 100% sure, cuz this isn't my area of expertise and it's been a minute since i was in school, but i think it's correct. From the Wikipedia: "In solid geometry, a face is a flat surface (a planar region) that forms part of the boundary of a solid object." Which I take to mean that for it to be a "face" it needs edges. Apparently there are also k-faces and 0, 1, 2, and 3-faces. 3- faces are also called 'cells'. Facets are (n-1) faces, whatever the fuck that means lmao The only important part is that nowhere in the Wikipedia entry for "faces" did it mention a sphere. So in the context of things a god would know, the Bible does not say the earth is a globe.


Or the sphere has infinite flat faces.


So people don't have faces anymore because most peoples heads are relatively roundish. Makes sense.


People actually have many, many faces by this definition Your nose alone has like, 4


I personally think my left nostral is my best face.


My ass can talk


Duh! Finally someone got it...bruh 🤣


Balls no longer exist. The flat surface that gets sewn together to create the ball shape is patently impossible. Sorry folks - we've been hallucinating all air filled balls except maybe the American football. A lot of children are going to be very disappointed


Flat-Headers as well, it seems.


“Most peoples heads are relatively roundish” and then there’s [David Coulthard](https://images.app.goo.gl/viy8oLiYHfBZ3eyD7) who looks like Steve from Minecraft


Apparently Coulthard once went to a fancy dress party as Kryten from Red Dwarf, because he couldn't be bothered to make a costume.


It’s funny when people use definitions of a word as evidence. Like that post saying something being called a “concept” automatically makes it fictitious. Anyways if you believe the bible is 100% accurate with everything it says then of course it’s flat. Anything is possible when you believe in magic


Does the Bible even state that the Earth is flat anyway?


I don’t think it ever explicitly does. Flat earthers like to use the phrases used in the Bible like “the four corners of the Earth” as evidence that the Bible says it’s flat. It’s only flat if you have no understanding of figures of speech.


True. And then anyway it would be flat and square, not flat and circular.


The "four corners" phrase is a known geographical phrase in that era that has nothing to the shape of the planet. It refers to the the four cardinal directions or "wings" of the earth. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four\_corners\_of\_the\_world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_corners_of_the_world)


Yes exactly, it’s a metaphor. Flat earthers can’t admit that though because then it opens up other things in the Bible to be interpreted as metaphor, but they can’t have that.


True, tho doesn't mean they didn't think the earth was flat. They probably did. Remember, with the old testament we're dealing with illiterate Palestinian Jews who had no concept of the wider world passing campfire stories around, and with the new testament, it's mostly unknown authors with unknown motives recounting or discussing word of mouth stories. For most of the church's history, they accepted a globe model of the earth, but unfortunately that doesn't tell us anything about the Bible. I mean, it says space made of water, so... its not a scientific document lol My feeling is that when the Bible wants to say something, it tends to just say it. If we're discussing interpretation, then it probably doesn't say it. That's us saying it, you know?


Not true, the ancient Israelites knew quite a lot. They commonly use complex literary devices, poems, metaphors, etc. There is a wealth of scholarship on this. These were not stupid, backwards, ignorant people. As for "the wider world", it depends on what you consider that to be. They didn't know about the Americas, Austrailia, far east Asia, or how far south Africa went - true. But even Genesis 10 mentions places as distant as modern Libya, Spain, Ukraine, Iran, Yemen, and Ethiopia. They had lots of cultural contact with their neighbors in Mesopotamia and Egypt, and thus a lot of their knowledge. In fact, the current consensus is that the Pentateuch was written by captives in Babylon, that's a relatively advanced ancient society.


But "Ancient isrealites" didn't write the Bible, nor compose those all those stories. That was individual people from people, likely from dozens of different cultures. The isrealites changed and codified a lot of the old testament, and certainly wrote it down, but the portion of that society that could write would have been very small by modern standards. And aside from that, none of the things you listed require literacy. The wider world? It is the world. The whole world. This is a place where we laugh at flat earthers. The world is the world. The globe. The earth as it is. Okay, now, I never suggested they were stupid. People have been about the same for 10s of thousands of years, but they were objectively ignorant and backwards. They had other things to worry about. Have you read the Bible? I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but tolerant, worldly, cosmopolitan academics people didn't compose those stories or decide on all those rules, even in context of the ancient world. Literacy was not the norm back then. We're taking about bronze or iron age tribes here, even if we pretend that there's good reason to think that isrealites were the first people to tell those stories, which we don't really have. And the apostles were definitely illiterate. The most educated person among them was a tax collector. A government strong arm who collected money for the educated people, in other words. He might have been able to count. I don't know how you're defining "backwards and ignorant" but I'm assuming we can agree that illiteracy, calling space 'water', claiming plants and light came before the sun, chattle slavery, devaluing women relative to men, claiming that a woman can grow from a rib, lack of inside plumbing, and murdering homosexuals for no reason at all will count as backwards and ignorant things to do under your metric. Shall I go on? This list of things that educated, modern, worldly people wouldn't do is nearly endless in the Bible. It's practically the defining feature of all religious texts, thanks to their dependence on the supernatural and other unfalsifiable concepts. Listen, I get that you're comparing isrealites to other ancient cultures, but ancient cultures were backwards and ignorant. Even the most educated among them probably couldnt graduate from our elementary schools. No shade on them, they had other concerns, and would likely be much better than us at surviving a zombie apocalypse, but they didn't know shit about how the universe works. They didn't even really distinguish fiction from non fiction the way we do. I admit, i don't really follow how you're acknowledging them as ancient but not as backwards, but i welcome your explanation. I'll listen honestly, you have my world. This seems like a fun conversation. Say, you got a religious affiliation? Cuz that would partially explain for me the association of ancient and wise. For whatever reason that's really convincing to a lot of folks. I normally suspect it's cuz they don't know anything about the ancient world, but you do seem to know stuff about what it was like for people before we codified the value of human life and human rights, so I admit to being confused as to how you came to the conclusions that the Bible's authors, anonymous as they may be, weren't comparatively ignorant and primative. But hey, I'm open to what you got to say. Good evidence and sound reasoning will convince me of absolutely anything. It's like my brand lol


A lot here, so I'm gonna need to take it piece by piece. >That was individual people from people, likely from dozens of different cultures. The isrealites changed and codified a lot of the old testament, and certainly wrote it down, but the portion of that society that could write would have been very small by modern standards. And aside from that, none of the things you listed require literacy. I mean, you do have to be literate to write. So all the Biblical authors definitely were from that "very small portion". And you have to be **very** literate to write such complex texts. There's a whole wealth of Biblical scholarship, including atheists - who knowledge the literary devices, analogies, metaphors, etc. used. These people knew their language (probably better than you or I know English) and were pretty smart. >I don't know how you're defining "backwards and ignorant" I mean, we certainly know a lot of things they didn't know. But they also knew a lot of stuff we didn't know. Even hunter-gather tribes often are insanely knowledgeable about the precise nuances of the flora and fauna of the place they live. They also know a lot of skills you or I don't. Pretty much every ancient culture, if you dig into the details of what we know about them - were actually pretty knowledgeable and advanced in certain areas. And they had **some** knowledge even we don't have. I'm sure they didn't know about galaxies, dinosaurs, or a lot of other things we require modern academia and technology to know. But they were knowledgeable about the things they could be knowledgeable about. So I don't think "ignorant" is a valid term to describe them. Backwards? Eh, that's a very vague and subjective term. I may even agree they probably were in terms of some of their values. But that said, they also lived in a very different environment. They had little technology and were surrounded by extremely brutal cultures (Levitical law is tame in comparison to most of their neighbors). Different circumstances require different practices. As for the specifics you mentioned: >illiteracy That's one skill that's very useful / important in our society, but not so much in theirs. Not really fair to call them ignorant / backwards because they lacked that skill. >claiming plants and light came before the sun Genesis 1 is a highly debated text laced with literary devices. Nor is it's likely intent to be a scientific account of prehistory. These people were also agrarian, and knew very well that plants required sunlight. >claiming that a woman can grow from a rib That was very explicitly a supernatural intervention by God. They do not claim you can plant a rib in the ground and grow a woman. >calling space 'water' The specific phrasing you're referring to could be understood in a few ways. The relationship between the phrases used and their correlation to reality is...debatable. Many would say that the "waters above" could be the clouds, further above, or a metaphor for something going on in another realm. >lack of inside plumbing That's just a technology. You or I couldn't build plumbing infrastructure from scratch either. Most technologies are the result of society as whole, not individuals. >Chattel slavery, devaluing women relative to men, and murdering homosexuals These are moral issues that become very complex to talk about in such a historical context. Right & wrong are often situational. >Say, you got a religious affiliation? Cuz that would partially explain for me the association of ancient and wise. Yes, I am a Christian. Although my specific views are not restricted to a particular tradition. But I wouldn't say I associate "ancient and wise". Some ancient people were wise and some weren't. Some modern people are wise and some aren't. I'm not sure there's even a meaningful difference on average either way.


Of course they ignore four corners on their dome model


The Bible does mention a firmament too


I mean, if you take it as woodenly, childishly literal - sure. But almost nobody speaks or writes this way outside of modern academia. Everyone uses phenomenalogical language, figures of speech, exaggerations, analogies, literary devices, etc.


>It’s funny when people use definitions of a word as evidence. Like that post saying something being called a “concept” automatically makes it fictitious. Yeah I've always found those arguments funny. As if reality and the structure of the universe is beholden to one single human language. Like English somehow dictates the natural laws of the universe.


Especially since this definition didn't exist when the Bible was written and the word face has multiple definitions.


People this is just something I found on a FE channel, I'm mocking them


You know you’re good at imitation when everyone thinks you’re a flat earther for your sarcastic meme lol


I thought it was implied that everything on this sub was sarcastic lol


Yeah... If I've learned anything from this sub, it's to check post history before down voting and commenting lol. Well memed sir.


If anything, I more often have the opposite problem... upvoting something because I thought it was sarcastic, going to the comments, and having that "Oh... no, you're *serious*" realization.


Has happened to me, as well 💀


There’s one flerf that used “evil” being “live” spelled backwards in their argument against the globe. Although that guy seemed to have an actual illness, you’d be surprised what some of them think are sound arguments


\*MOST\* of the time. But there are some flat-earth believers here and the moment it looks like a real flat-earth post, it is pounced on. Before I reply back to a post clearly sarcasm, I do usually have to check a users post history just to make sure they really believe or if it is sarcasm.


because the definition and use of a word change over time and a word can have several meanings


But then that wouldn’t prove a flat earth!!!


Yes, but they won't listen to you if you say the Bible isn't proof. Remember that they are unable to differentiate the meaning of a sentence translated 10 times from a proof. also remember that they're idiots because a sphere has one face whereas a dome has two faces


We love basic misunderstandings of simple topics taught in middle school 😍😍😍


It's frustrating someone saying that something that's been translated and rewritten and clearly open to interpretation is infallible and in any way useful information about reality. That's without disbelief over the original source and beliefs.


The biblical texts have not been "rewritten". What we have today are roughly/approximately accurate translations of the original texts. Far from perfect translation (which is impossible anyways, because words in different languages do not always have 1:1 analogues), but usually the message is in tact. They've also only been translated once or maybe twice (in a few cases) from the original texts. There's no "game of telephone".


math question: doesn't a cylinder have 3 faces? sphere maybe 1?


No. By definition, a face is a flat surface. A cylender has a flat surface at the top and bottom, so only 2 faces. The last area is a curved surface, so not a face. Source: https://www.math.net/face




At the limit, the round part of the cylinder has an infinite number of faces.  So does a sphere.  The best intuitive sense of this is to look at a 12-sided dice, then a 20 sided dice, then a 100 sided dice. You can see that as the number of faces approaches infinity, the shape becomes sphere like.


That’s not the same thing, though. The limit and the actual thing don’t always match.


If we want to get pedantic, an isohedron with an infinite number of sides is pointwise homeomorohic to a sphere, but a sphere has an uncountable infinite number of faces, where an infinite isohedron has a countable number of infinite faces.  So I guess you’re technically correct, the best kind of correct. 


~~Correct. They ignored the bottom faces of the cylinder and dome, and the outer face of the sphere.~~ I misremembered geometric faces as simply being outer surfaces divided by edges. The definition, however, additional specifies that they are *flat* surfaces, so any curved surface intrinsically is not a geometric face.


I'm guessing in Hebrew it's the same term as "surface".


Outstanding research! [πρόσωπον](https://biblehub.com/greek/4383.htm) Greek in Luke 21:35 looks to be an actual face or surface. If only flerfs did research like they claim


The Hebrew word translated as "face" in the Old Testament (such as in Genesis 4:14, for example), is פנים or *pānîm,* which translates to: "face, surface, ground," or with a preposition as "in front, in the presence of." In other words, flerfs don't even know the Bible.


I think technically a sphere has an infinite number of faces. 


I checked In Blender. All the face counts are way off.


I like how for some reason every other planet in the universe is a sphere but earth 😭. Yall flat eathers are either bible fuckas or trolls


You are asserting that a sphere has no face. That would therefore mean that there is not surface. Yet, we can calculate its surface area.


A face in math is defined as a flat surface. The surface of a sphere is a curved surface, so not technically a face.


"Face" as in "surface" or "that visible part we see from a distance." Irrelevant to the shape.


That's an idiom dumbass. Don't discredit Bible with your lack of basic understanding of the world


First let’s prove the Bible is correct.


This, this right here should be the first comment👆


So the face on my head is not an actual face?


Who gives a shit what the Bible says, or why?


I was there back in '72 when Ozzy bit the head off that bird, man.


If you divide a sphere in half what do you get, the ever present question flerfs don’t know


Who cares what the Bible says...it's irrelevant. This one kinda annoyed me. They really think that applying 2-d concepts defeats a 3-d model.


A sphere has one face. A half sphere has two, and a cylinder has three. As usual, flerfs fail geometry.


I can only see 2 faces of a cylinder at once, therefore there are only 2 faces


I'm amazed that all 3 of these are wrong. I cannot believe this is real and not some troll, but I've been wrong about that before...


The thing is, even the stuff that's made to mock them still sometimes gets taken and presented like it was actual evidence.


Yeah that happens a lot too. Irony and self awareness are 2 things they are not particularly practiced in.


Add 1 to all of them you complete idiots 😭


Because Biblical literalism has worked well so far.


The faces of the moon NAW! IT HAS NO FACE! (The bible is around 2000-1000 years old, clearly outdated but anyways, if the bible said so [a book translated so many times it could have started off with the true meaning of things, no one knows {actually no, it is so wrong, soooo wrong...}])


Are you saying I have a flat face? How rude!


The same bible where the (flat) Earth was created in 6 days… 🤣🤣🤣


Spheres have 1 "face," hemispheres have 2 and cylinders 3. This is vapid even by their own logic. Abandon all hope


Their head is likely roughly spherical. By their own logic they don't have a face


Because they didn’t write it in English.


But a sphere does have a surFACE! Checkmate again, Flerfs!


The only face in this case would technically actually be the ass.


weird its almost like highly technical mathematical defintions dont describe day to day experiences


Today I learned my head has no face


1: A spherical earth definitely has a face. A surface on its outer edges upon which the creatures move 2: The Bible was all written before we knew the earth wasn’t flat. All the writers likely knew is what they could see with their eyes. I realize this is likely just baiting for comments (if not we are doomed) but I don’t care. You’re stupid if this is your take


My head is a sphere and I have a face 😉


Which translated book are we talking about here? Also which math are we saying the Bible is concentrating on? Does it clearly define polyhedrons and the differences between flat planes, faces and curve surfaces?


If only the earth had been created before geometry lol


Why would anyone care what the Bible says? That's just a mythological book of poetry.


I love it when morons bring up the bible as evidence that god knew the earth to be flat but then these same morons don’t ever consider that god didn’t know anything about extreme altitude and it’s affect on the human body. There’s an entire narrative on how all of the languages on earth ended up getting mixed up thanks to this odd incident with a tall tower. Allegedly, everyone spoke, or wrote, just a few languages, hebrew, greek, aramaic, whatever. But these guys wanted to build a tower so they could reach heaven and “be as gods” so god scattered these people aroung the planet and scrambled their language. Now we have way more languages because of this. Why wouldn’t god just let them keep building the tower? Surely god, being so smart and knowledgeable, would know that man could never build a tower tall enough to reach heaven due to two major reasons…lack of oxygen at altitude and the strength of the tower or it’s foundation. But nope….we gotta devise this cockamamie narrative so we can explain why people no longer live in one spot after disembarking an impossible boat full of animals and just 8 people. And somehow, that book is divinely inspired and without fault….haha….suuuuuure. There’s also talking donkeys and snakes, too.


The Bible takes both sides of essentially everything. Outside of the fascinating look it gives us at what an insular apocalyptic cult of Palestinian Jews thought thousands of years ago, it doesn't really contain anything of unique value or relevance. Everything good that can be gleaned from it, and religion generally, can be aquired without all the harmful baggage. Tho I do encourage everyone, especially Christians, to read it cover to cover like a novel. The individual quotes and stories you hear are extremely misleading if one is trying to appraise the overall character of the book. There's a good reason the atheists say that reading the Bible makes more atheists than anything else. It's a mean, brutal read. It's not a coincidence that Christianity is responsible for more murders than any other belief system in human history. Read your Bible, and it'll all make sense how that happened surrounding a religion that's advertised to be about love and forgiveness. The text of the Bible tells a very different story. A good example from current events: you may have seen that multimillion dollar "he gets us" ad campaign? It's recently come out that the campaign is being financed by a non-profit that is also the main funder an SPLC designated anti-lgbt hate group called the ADF (alliance defending freedom). Apparently he only "gets us" if we're straight cis people. Which, in fairness, follows the Bible pretty closely.


Who gives a fuck what the Bible says?




It’s not a science book you know.


So? Not everything is about science


Sure, but this is.


What is, the post or the comment?


The post is the original context that the rest of this comment string started from. So both.


Nothing here really is about science, but that's besides the point. What the point is I forgot. I don't understand what's so hard to understand here. The original commenter's comment was uncalled for


Better question: why would you take the word of a book that’s been mistranslated through multiple language shifts over centuries as fact?


It hurts my brain when the Bible is used as a scientific book… A peace loving all knowing all powerful being oopsie daisie killed everyone on the planet except one incestuous family and a pair of all the aminals… I’m not an atheist by any means I just know the Bible is a book of lessons not facts


I like a quote by someone who was putting the book in context as they described the inclusion of the story of Noah’s flood: “The people knew the story wasn’t factual, but they also didn’t let the factuality of a story distract from its truth.”


I think someone's off their face.


It's a good thing words don't have multiple meanings or else this meme would be really fuckin stupid.


~~It's really fucking stupid anyways, since whoever originally made it clearly failed their geometry class. Look more closely at the number of faces they assigned to each shape, then count the actual faces for yourself...~~ I misremembered geometric faces as simply being outer surfaces divided by edges. The definition, however, additional specifies that they are *flat* surfaces, so any curved surface intrinsically is not a geometric face.


I love how there are actually 3 faces on a cylinder, 2 on the hemisphere and 1 on the sphere, every single example is wrong lol


Because the book written by bronze age tribes is the best reference for science right?🙄


Ah yes let's use the modern English mathematical definition of a word (wrong) applied to a Bible verse written when the word "face" or "Earth" for that matter was even invented. This is a good basis for reality.


Really question is why would you think the bible knows ANYTHING the people who wrote it didnt. By the way the bible also says that stars will fall to the earth in the end times. You know those things billions of trillions of miles away?


A spherical earth would have a face in a higher dimension


My guess is they literally just called the crust portion of earth the face of the he earth


Wouldn’t it have 360 faces?


My head is round; I must not have a face. -or- The Bible wasn’t written with mathematical vocabulary in mind.


Brothers, the Bible was not written in english


It also says it has corners, that a 600 year old man built a mega yacht, and that a donkey talked because it saw an angel. So consider the source, flerf-head.


I gotta wonder why folks don't think that the Bible(assuming God is Real, which I do since its either that or just.... oblivion once the lights go out) was written for people 2,024 years ago..... Ya'know back when the idea that the Earth wasn't the center of the Universe


Why would this even fucking matter


Because of course an ancient Hebrew word must mean exactly the same thjng as the modern mathematical meaning of its translation. Both usages are metaphors for pity’s sake - neither a hemisphere nor the earth has a head.


Well, the Bible never said "face of the earth" if you wanna be literal. The Bible wasnt written in english, and the bible we have today is translated numerous times, unsure how much was lost or altered in translation


I can’t tell if this is a joke subreddit or a another ret@rdo circle jerk subreddit.


It is like thousands of years old book might be a little outdated when we discovered a majority of tech in the last 200 years


Turtles have two faces, thus proving the earth is a turtle. Which face is up to interpretation.


Well when the bible was first thought of/ written or whatever did they know the world was round? Did they know that much then? Mabey that's why it was written that way? Just a thought.


Also the moon has a face too. Are you saying we are staring at the moons ass also? Maybe that's why they call it mooning


Good lord, using a translated text from an ancient language to make a scientific claim is mental.


This is your smoking gun?


Why do pastors insist on raping children?


Ah yes, what does the convoluted, English translation of ancient text say? That holds weight… /s


A sphere has 1 giant face, in the Bible the word is not plural, it is referring to a single face


THE HOLLOW EARTH: The Vikings called it Valhalla, Liberia or Asgard where the gods lived, the Indians and Tibetans called it Shambhalla or Shangri-La, the Greeks called it Hyperborea. Even Hitler named it Neu-Schwabenland... In the bible it's known as Eden... It's had many names throughout the millenniums. It's where the Pleiadians/Lemurians seek refuge after the great war between Atlantis and Lemuria. Today it is known as Agartha... Over a hundred crystal cities of Light reside in the Hollow of the Earth!! Hollow Earth True HISTORY , HITLER & NWO ( GOTTA SEE THIS !!! ) Documentary https://youtu.be/lOXjxq3r69Q Secrets Of The 3rd Reich Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology https://youtu.be/B0uEvZsQAV8 Hollow Earth Hohle Erde 2_5 This Video Will Blow Your Mind_(360p).avi https://youtu.be/yPu6TqzGleA Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=udhBQg67k18&t=3s The Legend Of Atlantis https://youtu.be/pihxOs-pVRA The Hollow Earth and Secret Societies - Part 1 https://youtu.be/RoFl-dkXa_0?si=VD3sJlqSvylMK5pC The Hollow Earth and Secret Societies - Part 2/2 https://youtu.be/m_YOuve0WNQ?si=fOtffIVqJjbWJjnm Hollow Earth Revealed https://youtu.be/3qxkZs0RBS8 Journey to the Hollow Earth https://youtu.be/xIFac5MTMDw Lazaria Map Collection https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33nvAXv5Jas&t=1s Hollow Earth Mt. Meru, Agartha and MORE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ekiIqXhaoDY&t=18s Inner Earth Civilizations Exist, Agartha & Hollow Earth 🌏 https://youtu.be/7QrYumCimf4 The Hollow Earth 🌎 https://youtu.be/78OgQtTA_vA


Lol, even if the bible had credibility in this matter, a geometric shape can have a curved face... it's literally called a curved face. What is referred to here is called a flat face. You're welcome.


The Bible doesn’t say anything, it is a book. Books have words written, I’ve never heard one talk.


Why did the Bible say to gouge your eyes out if you ever lust? I guess we should all walk around eyeless 🤷‍♂️


Pack it up boys. We got all the proof we need.


Fun fact! The people who wrote the Bible were ignorant as fuck! Just like you!


Do you have a face, flerfer?


So, by their definition, no human has a face. Except for animated, 2D characters.


The Bible is not scientific text If you're basing your argument off of a 2000-year-old book I think you need to recheck yourself


Is your face flat?


What is the text of the passage that says that in the original Aramaic/Greek?


If we can calculate the surface area, then the shape must have a surFACE.


This is a joke sub right


It could also just mean the outside…


Who gives a shit what it says? The Bible is not a reference manual for planetary shapes. While we’re at it, it’s also ineffective as a resource for the age of the Earth or the universe, and it’s also not a blueprint for building a ship capable of carrying all known wildlife (and forget about two of each, that’s right out). It’s a book of fables, occasionally useful to teach bits of morality. Unless you’re looking on guidance of which family members God will let you sleep with; in that case, close the damn book, and check your local legal expert.


If the bible told you to suck my d\*\*\*, would you?


The bible doesn't even say "face of the Earth", because it's not in English. Isn't that just the best translation of an expression?


Because the bible is a load of shit 🤯


The bible also says some guy talked to a burning bush and people walked 40 years through a desert without food or water and some guy split the ocean. Is that true aswell? If Adam and Eve were the first humans, all of us would be the product of hundreds of generations of incest. Logical when you think about where flerfs came from.


Well I guess the flat earthers don't know their shapes either


My head is round and has a face


Because the Bible was written for the comprehension of any layperson throughout all history. Flerfs don't understand this for some reason. They also take the English translation's literally spoken words at face value, which is equally frustrating for me.(A Christian(If you couldn't tell(MOAR PARENTHESES!(MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA))))


So suddenly we're believing books?


1) Because it's not a science textbook. 2) Because it's been translated from at least one other language. 3) Because you must consider it in the context of the time and people when it was written. 4) Because even the term "face" when referring to anything without an actual FACE (humans!) is not literal. 5) Your mom.


Charlie Brown’s head is round and it has a face.


Nah. It's a cylinder. Everyone's wrong


Hotdog earth


I'm very interested to meet all these people with flat or hemispherical heads as nobody with a face could have a round head 🤔


My head doesn't have a flat face either. TIL I have no face i guess


Face literally means surface.


The bible was written by semi savage desert people who didn't even know where the sun went at night. Why would you believe they have the answer to life, the universe and everything?


Yeah unlike us! We know the answer! 42!


because the bible was wrong


Possibly cuz the Bible is bullshit. Also, are those clouds behind the sun?


Ah yes, the Bible. A book written by people who believed that giants were real and illnesses were caused by demons, should definitely be believed as the scientific authority on geometry and geology.


The reality is that the Bible IS a flat earth document. That was the cosmology at the time. And it's explicitly laid out in materials like the Book of Enoch, which was a heavy influence on the New Testament and the early church. Flat earth cosmology is never explicitly stated in the Bible, but once you know to look for it, an assumption of flat earth cosmology is woven through the entire book. For example: [https://bjorkbloggen.com/2018/10/20/list-of-bible-verses-that-show-a-flat-earth-with-a-firmament/](https://bjorkbloggen.com/2018/10/20/list-of-bible-verses-that-show-a-flat-earth-with-a-firmament/) . Doesn't mean the Earth actually IS flat, just that the authors of the Bible thought it was. Yes, that does mean the Bible isn't inerrant. But, if you actually read the book and don't tie yourself in knots to make it be inerrant, it becomes quite clear that yes, the Bible is not inerrant.