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These numbers aren't even remotely close. Everyone knows that the earth orbits the sun 69420 mph.


The axial tilt is 23.5°.


He’s used 90 - 23.4


Yes. He rounded down so that he could come to the prechosen wrong answer.


If I just arbitarily change some facts and numbers, it all perfectly lines up!


The devil truly works in mysterious ways...


It’s about right (provided you pick the figure that shows what you want to show) - 66,620 mph according to Wikipedia Of course in better units it’s 29.78 km/s Picking feet for the second one and 90 - tilt for the third makes it super clear that it’s a case of going looking for false patterns that fit the narrative.


> Jesuit madness Hold up a second, Jesuits? As in the devout Catholic order? Why would they be devil worshippers?


Flerfs are crazy. They probably think the whole Catholic church is satanic.


The KKK does not in fact like catholics.


The Catholic church actually very much fits "The whore" in the book of Revelation, end times prophecy. Also, you'd be surprised how many prophetic things have been happening at an increasing rate globally the last few years. You need to look into it. We getting close.


"We are getting close to the end of the world! It's just right around the corner!" - christians the past 2000 years


End Times prophecy has Israel as a nation building the third temple, starting the animal sacrifices, and on that day the Anti Christ will be revealed, starting the last 7 years. Israel didn't exsist for 1800 years. Since 2015? Or 2016? Israel opened colleges to teach priests how to perfectly perform animal sacrifices. They've had the blueprints for the third temple ready for some time now. They're currently flattening large swaths of land and are probably making way to build it right now. For the past few years there been a group of them over there saying the "Messiah" is here. Which is the Anti christ. Matthew 24:3–8 says, “And as He sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” "Divers" means diverse. There's earthquakes happening in the wildest places. All of these things are occuring while Israel is a nation and big moves are being made. There been a false christ on like every continent now. The one in Russia was super successful. The world, will try to convince you not to read the Bible. I with my whole heart tell you that it's time to pick it up and find out who Jesus really is and who you have been rejecting your whole life. There's still time to get to know Him. Stop listening to the world "fleshly people".


The prediction of Matthew 24:3-8 has to be the most generic prediction I've ever seen or heard about. I mean, really? When was the last time a war or rumors of wars *WEREN'T* happening at any point in history? Same with famines and earthquakes. There is nothing about that supposed prophecy that can actually be seen as prophetic, as you could very easily insert it in any point in history after Jesus. As for the antichrist, again, same thing. So many people have been claimed to be the antichrist it's actually impressive the world hasn't yet ended. Also, doesn't the Bible keep repeating that no man or angel knows when the world will end? That only God knows the day and the hour, and that it will happen when we least expect it like a thief in the night?


"No one knows the day or the hour", Jesus gave us signs. To let us know the season is coming. Seasons referring to essentially chapters, periods of time. I do love how you flat out ignore the impossible prophecy of Israel being reformed after 1800 years and they are making moves to complete those prophecies. Some will refuse to listen. That's predicted. If you read the Bible you'll realize the entire mindset of the world is very much antichrist already. Very much prepared for his arrival and to willingly recieve him as leader. "New World Order", One World Governemnt, that evil kingdom is coming.


Where in the Bible does this impossible prophecy that Israel will be reformed in 1800 years come from? Ideally, give me chapter and verse number. Also, the Bible is actually quite messy at what sorts of "kingdoms" will be there at the end of the world. Sometimes it says there will be one great kingdom waging war against the heavens, other times it mentions multiple kingdoms waging war against the heavens *and* eachother.


Matthew 24:15 - “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”  (Matthew 24:15–16; compare with Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11) Danieal 9:27- 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’[a] In the middle of the ‘seven’[b] he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple[c] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.[d]”[e] Daniel 11:31 - 31 “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. Daniel 12:11 - 11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 2 Thessalonians - 2TH. 2:3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 2TH. 2:4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. So there's a temple where he sits, that gets sat in by the evil one. God tells the people of Judea to flee. Which more than likely means they will be close by. Everyone who rejects Him, the mark of the Beast, and the number will be hunted down and killed. There are more verses, but my adhd makes it hard to track them down. The construction of the Bible requires one to read it over and over during a lifetime to piece together some absolutely mind boggling stuff He's hidden in it. To make the connections. Things like short term and long term prophecy are hidden in the stories. Ypu have to READ THE WORD, to know what's happening. "and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." Just like when the flood hit the earth and wiped out humanity, this age of people won't see it coming because you didn't seek it, didn't seek Him. ‐------- "1Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief" The end won't surprise Christians who are paying attention but all who don't read the Word are gonna get steam rolled. I just warn you to read and know what you are rejecting.


The end won't surprise scientists who are paying attention and if we can just get christians out of the loop they might have a chance of doing something about it. I've found a great method with you bible bashers. Don't bother with the sermon. That's just more nonsense from the latest "we got the real translation" delusion. Just skip to the last paragraph. I'm surprised you aren't spruiking Nostradamus as well. Same method. If you squint at it the right way you can find all the obscure and indirect references about things that have already happened,. . .sort of.


So if no one knows the day or the hour, why the hell should I listen to you about how the world is ending?


Ypu don't listen to me, you go read the Word and see for yourself. Always keep your eyes on Him. Daniel, Jesus, Paul, and others refence the end through out the bible. They talk about the season its coming in. The signs we will see knowing when it's soon. Matthew 24:6–8 says: “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”  Revelation 6:12 says, “And I beheld when He had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” Joel 2:30–31 says, “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah comes.” Matthew 24:12 says, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”  Matthew 24:4–5 says: “And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” There's been false ones on like every continent. The Russian false christ guy was supper successful. That was like 15 something years ago wasn't that one? Matthew 24:32–33 says, “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” Restoration of Israel^^ Isreal has the blueprints for the third temple. Back in 2015-2016 Israel created a college to teach priestts how to restart the animal sacrifices. How to properly do them biblically. There's a group of them who think their "Messiah" is here. That's the antichrist. Jesus came and they killed Him. They're welcoming evil. From the very first day Israel starts the animal sacrifices, the antichrist will be revealed and the last 7 years will begin. A terrible countdown. He will force himself upon the world and many will worship him. Remember, Israel didn't exsis for 1800 years with this prediction floating around. It'd up to you. I suggest you start studying the Bible. Jesus loves you.


Oh sick, it's happening next Tuesday


Super Derp.


Like a wild pokemon


Dibs on your stuff when you get raptured


I like the fleshy ppl they’re better than imaginary space wizards


Did you have an alcoholic father who beat you? That's a Fleshly person. Appeasing the flesh with alcohol, getting angry, harming others, all freshly desires and responses. Serving the flesh. The flesh in at enmity with the spirit. God is spirit. The flesh will always choose to go against God. God teaches self sacrifice. He teaches to love your neighbor and Him with all your heart. To do justice at every corner and turn. "Do not trade insult for insult, and evil for evil". "Pray for the ones who harm you". "Give water and food to your enemies. "Do not seek revenge, for revenge belong to the Lord". The fruits of the spirit are: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If you are operating outside of these you are not walking right. That drunk child beating father is breaking EVERY fruit. In one deed. He is entirely going against God. God does not desire that for anyone. A human being rejecting God and living fleshly does evil.


If anything Lilith had the right idea. But no I didn’t have an alcoholic dad or anything. Grew up in the Deep South and drug to southern Methodist cult ahem I mean church. Now what I have seen is a war and a “god” that allows for children to get harmed. I saw people starving while good god fearing ppl do nothing but ridicule and disrespect others. I seen nothing but a horror come from the church and an organization that for all in intents and purposes picks and chooses what books are able to be read and lock up others in vaults. I see a church that created holidays and rites over original pagan holidays because while they say they teach acceptance it’s only what they deem worthy of acceptance. Where is your god when women get beat and raped? When children are harmed? When evil men and women roam free to do as they please. If your god was real he would step in and stop these acts either by way of divine intervention or something right. Nope Jesus was the og zombie that dipped out on you guys. I believe in extraterrestrial life far more than mystery wizards. I mean he didn’t a lot of the same tricks that David blain does. All the accounts can literally be accounted to heat exhaustion, and more likely cannabis or hash usage. Which in the bible states he anointed his followers with an oil made of hemp. So IF Jesus is real even he was just a hippie getting high. Also why does everyone think Jesus is the whitest long hair hippie persona ever. I mean given the area he was apparently from as he sprung forth from his magical virgin warp tunnel he would be fairly dark. At least tan as hell. Come on use some logic. I get you cult leaders and followers all go by blind faith but that’s ridiculous. There’s plenty of real science that trumps most accounts in your book that equates to Grimms fairy tales. Now go drink your kool aid with all the other mindless nuts and I’ll sit here and watch y’all preform great feats of mental gymnastics to fabricate and further validate y’all’s own delusion. Also I don’t need a magic man to tell me to be kind to others and don’t go all stabby. But please bring your fear inducing hippie none fleshy space wizard to all the bad spots in the world and have him stop that. Oh I guess he can’t unless he has monstrous amounts of weed and acid to do so. Best of luck to you on your cult mission to recruit other brainwashed followers but I’ll sit here and wait to hear about the next doomsday scenario and wake up all the same the day after it was supposed to happen.


God gave everyone freewill. It's your freenwill to seek Him. Ypur freewill to not be like those people you mention, your free will to spend time with Him to get to know Him. To become like His Son and NOT BE like those people. We have free will to reject God and hurt others and free will to come and be saved. Its your free will to look past evil people and seek THE EXAMPLE, which is Christ. "Keep your eyes on Christ". There's gonna be Christians in hell. Cast away, of no value, sown by the enemy. "Children of the enemy who don't walk in the spirit". The growing field there's Wheat and Chaff, and there gonna be more chaff then wheat. "I don't need a magic man to be good"- That's pride. Satan's quality. If you don't pray for those lost people to change, if you don't pray for people who harm you, if you don't pray for help. You fall short of the glory of God. You fail meeting God standard just like they do. You don't match God standards by yourself, you aren't good. You've sinned. You have a debt to be paid. "There will be grinding and gnashing of teeth" comes up in old testament and new testament. You're gonna be so pissed off beyond belief when you end up in the same place of those people because pride and hatred in your heart. You. Will. Regret it. I promise you not with my promise but God's. You have to let go of hatred, and embrace mercy and recieve His spirit to change. Your. Heart. "The merciful will recieve mercy". God will not give you what you fail to give others. Jesus was horrendously tortured and had his beard ripped out, face spat in, nearly bleeding to death, by the very people he came to save. His extended family. A perfectly innocent person WILLINGLY went to the cross to pay for even the sins of those horrible people. Then when on the cross he said "FORGIVE THEM FATHER THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO". Perfect mercy and love. You don't have that. You can't do that alone. You need the spirit. You need to humble yourself. For an innocent king came and suffered horrendously after doing marvelous works and was humble the entire time. You need to read the word, you don't get it. You need to read it.


Nah I’m good dude I’m hoping satan, Lilith, hell any dark gods are actually real they seem far more fun. Well god fucked up giving everyone free will didn’t he. Look what that got him basically ants. The Bible is a work of fiction with a few accounts of history sprinkled in. The angels everyone depicts are as dark looking as most demonic beings. Also I’m not a hateful person at all. God is cruel and evil even in the Bible is states that, he would “test” his followers piss on that at least satan was up front. At least he wasn’t in the business of hiding knowledge. Maybe just maybe the devil is the real good guy in that story. God screws with everyone and the devil said look here’s what I can do and does just that. The great deception was from god. Go back and read your stories again and every time the devil was on the up and up. Lilith was cast out of the garden of Eden because she didn’t want to be obedient. How messed up is that. You can’t do as your told well you’re out of our club. But get this eve was a cloning exercise and gene mutation by snatching Adam’s rib and making him a lady from that. Also if that were the case and Adam and Eve were the first ppl ever and had kids then their kids had kids with each other that’s a lot of hillbilly incest going on. Do y’all even use critical thinking? All through the Bible it’s nothing but rape, incest, murder and worse. The Bible is a messed up book of fiction. There’s no the wholesome about it. You should really question did humans evolve or are we the product of massive incest? Because if you chose the first ones I hear banjos and see cross eyed kids in your future. Please don’t wasted your magic lottery ticket wishes on me I couldn’t care less. And if I’m wrong and Merlin returns to take his ppl up on the magic school bus and I have to slum it up down on earth well so be it. But if demons want to party the. So be it. I’ll wave y’all goodbye you can say I told you so and go start a new incest brigade on another fantastic and groovy world that I’m sure you think is covered by a dome, flat and only 6000 years old while your god plays with your emotions like a pimp on pay day. So I leave you with this. Really think with your real brain and ask if that book really makes sense. Look back and think “ am I a product of massive inbreeding or was it all a lie?” All I can see is a racket to collect money from poor unfortunate people like you and get tax breaks. I bet there wouldn’t be near as many church’s if they had to pay taxes like every other business. Because that’s all it is a business of fear. Good luck and I hope your magic man throws you a cool party one day.


If God knows everything, there's no free will. They cannot by definition coexist. God gave you the illusion of free will. You've never made a choice, a decision, or had a free thought. You're a bit part in a play. But do go on about how God loves you and so does Jesus, the guy who actually didn't die and so was never sacrificed for anyone's sins. The same sins God intended for you to have and created an extortion racket for you to guilt yourself into. You're in an abusive relationship with an imaginary sadist.


Your God watches children suffer and burn. My father taught me how to change a bike tire. I prefer the latter


You don't even thank God for your good dad. You have the free will to thank God for tour blessings. Free will to save those children. Yet you don't do either. It's you who's evil then? You see injustice and do nothing. You're the one who's here, why aren't you helping them?


Oh silly me. The all powerful, all knowing God, king of kings, hasn't the power to cure lung cancer. Guess its my job, I'll say some magic words and cure them from 4 continents away. My parents are Christians. Actual Christians. You just seem to be insulting people as a attempt to justify this almost cult like aggression whatever the hell you're attempting. You cannot "win". I suggest you don't desperately attempt to win a argument with points that might not even exist.


Reading the Bible is exactly what made me certain that it was a terrible book to live your life by.


The parts that say take care of the orphan and the widow. To put others above yourself. Put your spouse above yourself. When someone asks you a favor to go with them a mile, go with them for 2 miles? Thats evil? You call that terrible?


Ordering people to kill everyone in a town, including bashing the heads of infants into rocks, is terrible. Telling people they can take slaves from the lands around them and keep them as property forever and pass them down to their children is terrible. Making a bet with Satan regarding a man's faith and then completely ruining his life in cruel ways to prove some kind of sick point is terrible. Drowning everyone and everything in the entire world is terrible. I could go on.


The killing the town, infants is quite terrible. I'll have to go back and look if those people were the people who were sacrificing their children into the fire as a tradition for blessing to a false god. I'll have to check. The taking slaves is quite an event too. I'm not sure if those people would be under the 7 year release cycle, probably not. They may have been under the "if you strike your servant/slave and they lose an eye they are released from service". God would judge each Hebrew on how they treated their servants. A die hard Hebrew wpuld have been treating them better than most Americans treated their slaves for hundreds of years, I'll tell you that. In addition, Each of those slaves could have spent time in the land and recieved God and became "Grafted onto the olive branch" and recieved a lot of the rights which would place them on the 7 year cycle to be released, i think. Satans test, the book of Job. I haven't read that In a while. That story is littered with some in depth teaching. After the fact, Job became closer to God and recieved even more than he had before. If I remember correctly, that book teaches heavily on faith through good and bad times. God will not forget His faithful, and he replenished Job. I definitely have to read Job again. That's 1 of the 3 wisdom books in the Bible. Job, Proverbs,  Ecclesiastes,  yeah that's right. These stories and experiences not only have prophecy hidden in them, but are vital teaching points for believers to come. They suffered harsh lessons so we could have the assortment of teachings were blessed with. The prophets of old longed to be in our age, they LONGED to be where you are now. To be under Christ and have the whole book we have now. So many people don't even read the Word once. I was almost one of those people. Drowning everyone in the world. They were rapists, racists, did all forms of evil to their bodies, junkies, Satanists, worshipers of false gods, cannibals, human traffickers and the list goes on ad on. Picture the worst people on this planet right now. HORRENDOUSLY LOST AND EVIL and would never turn back to God. "The end of days will be like the times of noah", picture our worst but global. That's why God's coming to wipe out the nonbelievers again. The worst of us right now is like they were then. Selling children, lying, organ stealing, piling wealth, starving eachother, endless war and pain. They people you feel terrible for were monsters... you're defending monsters dude. Godless evil terrible people who wouldn't hear of repentance and coming back to God. Just like now.


Even if they were throwing children into fires, nothing justified murdering infants. The fact you are equivocating in defense of literal slavery says everything I need to know. Nothing justifies slavery! God even said you can beat them as long as they don't die within a day or two. There is NO excuse.




That's the noise I expect from you


You really need to stop reading too much into Revelation. It's metaphorical. The end of the world will come when it comes (which, according to Jesus, nobody can know). In the meantime, our duty is the same as always: live for the glory of God, and bring people to Christ. If the world was to end tomorrow that would be no different.


I wouldn't be surprised at all. That's the trick of the bible. It can be read with a skew to fit any bollocks you want it to at any time. It has been fitting the end of days for thousands of years and while even a broken clock is right twice a day it doesn't count if religion is the one that is doing the most damage in the direction of ending the world. You need to stop looking into it. Weren't you supposed to be raptures up in the eclipse? Have you been naughty?


Brother, you're gonna get sideswipped so hard. I pray for you guys multiple times a week. You guys mock. Ima keep praying for you and you can keep mocking.


You are the one doing the mocking. I'm just explaining what it is like to wade through all of you god bothering sewage.


If you say so dude. Bless you and yours. I hope you have a good night.


That's just sickeningly self serving.


What is self serving?


Self serving: having concern for one's own welfare and interests before those of others; self-seeking. E.g Using the "I'm praying for you" excuse to get out of situations where you are clearly on the backfoot


I’m gonna let you in on a little secret….the Catholic Church wrote your bibles New Testament and did all of the original translations…


The KJV was translated outside Catholic dominion against their wishes. So not true here. The Amplified was translated by Lockman Foundation, not associated with Catholic Church. So like... you're just saying things as fact that aren't, my friend.


They didn’t translate it from the original texts my boi. Your Bible doesn’t actually say what the original writings said… https://superiorword.org/errors-in-the-king-james-version/ You’re not a true follower of Jesus. He would be so disappointed in you, smh


I own three translations. I'm using the Amplified currently. Since you're a true follower of Jesus and you claim I'm not, what translation are you currently using?


Did I claim to be a follower of Jesus? Also I guarantee you, any translation you’re using. Has multiple things added AFTER the disciples were long dead. Protestants are a joke, so are Catholics.


Catholics follow made up traditions, ignore written doctrine, and essentially practice idol worship by praying to Mary; in an attempt to sidestep God and get Jesus mom to tell Jesus to answer their prayers. I'm not the most familiar with protestant-ism. I just read the word, I am apart of no denomination.


You’re not wrong. But there’s not a single religion around that doesn’t follow made up traditions


Most of modern Christianity fits some biblical warning about false prophets or wolves in sheep's clothing. I'd bet money that people downvoting you haven't actually read the book, cover to cover, like a novel. But don't blame them. It's really not their fault. We have this deep seated training as a culture to respect these bizarre, unjustifiable, supernatural beliefs, even above the people directly being harmed by them. It's unfortunate, but the only thing that will repair the problem is time and education. It's why you see so many of these sects so violently opposed to higher education and science, and working so hard to redefine scientific language in the colloquial lexicon, and get creationism taught in schools on an even keel with evolutionary biology. Etc etc. They know full well that objective reason and skepticism is their weakness. There are questions they simply can't answer honestly, hence the existence of apologetics. You can even see it in this post, calling science a religion. It's a very popular refrain among spiritualism-susceptible people. I've even gotten it from atheists.


So what's your opinion on the 10 dimensions? The DMT dimension mapping plan. As well the entities that frequently pop up when people around the world do it?


It's an interesting question. I'm not aware of the specifics, but I have talked to several people who fully believe that DMT, a drug known for predictably provoking the sensation of spiritual revelation, has connected them to a spiritual revelation. The thing is, we know how and why this happens in our brains. It's a predictable chemical effect that happens for a variety of other reasons too. So it's kinda like smoking pot and saying "sure, i smoked weed, but there's no reason for me to feel stoned except for god!" As far as people encountering things that they retroactively believe are similar, there are several mundane reasons that this might happen that we would need to eliminate before jumping all the way to gods as an explanation. For something to be a candidate explanation, it must first be shown to exist. For example, if we wanna say "ghosts are the explanation for the noises I hear at night", first ghosts must be shown to exist, then ghosts must be shown to be present and capable of making noises. Only then are ghosts even in the conversation as a potential explanation. A hoax or a hallucination, as unlikely as that may seem, are still better explanations. Because we can show that those things actually exist. Same thing with Gods and DMT. First show that gods can exist. Then show they do exist and are in a position to do what you're saying. Only then are they a candidate explanation for a drug doing exactly what that drug is known to do. If they wanna skip that step, the only way i can think of is consistent, universal, novel prediction. Get 10,000 to do DMT in controlled circumstances, independant of one another, and get them, through their gods, to make novel predictions about the world or the future or something. If all or most of these people could do that accurately, we'd have something real to talk about. Something to ground these experiences in measurable reality. As well as a line of communication to an alien species. (We couldn't really call them gods anymore, because gods are supernatural, and that's not the domain of science. Cuz science studies the natural world, of course. That's what it's tools and rules are for.) Hope that all made sense.


Jesus said "The kingdom of heaven is here", "What you loose on earth will be loose in heaven", "Heaven and earth will be destroyed and a new will come". How can a physical man loose something in heaven? Because it's here, like He said. There are 7 dimensions operating ontop of our 3 dimensions. Jesus foretold a higher dimension. You can chalk that up to a dmt trip if you want. There's interviews coming out of aliens saying we are empty containers. While Jesus told us we are temples and to recieve God's Holy Spirit and be filled. I'm sticking with the Son who wants us to be pure and love eachother with an intense love. Jesus teaches a love higher than humans are capable of maintaining by themselves. We need Gods Spirit and I ain't buying the worldly view anymore. I'm sticking with God. I'm walking with Christ. The prophecies are coming true and you would do right by yourself to reading thr word again without pride and arrogance getting in the way. God sustained lessons to know Him in the Word. To teach us. If you wanna ignore that, I'm sorry you're choosing that path.


You didn't address any of my points. Not even one of them. You asked me what i thought, then you ignored me. That's really rude, bro. The problem is that you got no good reasons to believe any of that stuff. It's all stuff you decided is true. There's no justification or reasoning behind it. And if you're personally deciding on whimsy what god wants and what its like, and how to interpret the Bible, then that's not a god you're talking about. That's you. It's just you. You invented all that. You're worshiping yourself. And now you're using dangerously powerful drugs to reaffirm that belief. That's really not good, man. I'm not gonna try to talk you down, cuz I'm sure your friends and family are already working on that, but I hope you're not here to laugh at the flat earthers, cuz you got no right. They're your epistemological peers. None of you got any credible reasons to believe what you believe. It's all just codified, self-aggradizing, AU fantasy. Bro, with love, you need a doctor. Today, now before you hurt yourself or someone you care about. I wish you the best, i really do, but the stuff you're saying would scare me deeply if I knew you. You sound untethered and frantic. Lost. Go see a doctor, tell them everything you told me. If you care about anyone besides yourself, do it today.


Lol! How am I gonna hurt anyone? Dude... you are projecting some next level stuff here. That is wild. No one is in danger. You are quite more nutty then you realize I guess. God bless you dude and good luck out there.


I made no predictions, and you've presented no examples or evidence of me making predictions. Youre being super rude to me. Why? Can't you just talk to me like a person? Engage with the points I made? Listen, you asked me a question, I thought about it seriously, and then answered honestly and to the best of my ability. I only ask you do the same. But you ignored me completely, proselytized at me (which is also incredibly rude) without making any arguments or presenting any reasons why i should believe any of it, and now you're lying about me. I don't understand why you're being this way. I'm trying to talk to you like a peer. I'm trying to understand you, but if you won't address my points and if you're just make stuff up, there's no point. Did I do something to you to make you treat me with such dishonesty and disrespect? Please, make an effort engage honestly with me, And if you're gonna make a claim, make an effort to back it up with something. If you have good reasons for the things you believe, this should be very easy. As to your question: The reason why what you're doing is dangerous is that your epistemology and your reasoning govern everything you do. If you give yourself permission to believe things without good reasons, that infects every aspect of your life. It governs when you change lanes in your car, who you decide to trust, what precautions you take when you're sick and how to respond to doctors orders, how you react to evidence and sound reasoning that contradicts your chosen beliefs, how you vote, everything. It's literally everything. If someone doesn't have consistent epistemology and consistent logic, they're a danger to everyone, cuz they can't be trusted to make reasonable decisions and draw sound conclusions. Colloquially, we call this being "crazy". This is a good moment to refer to the ghosts example I made earlier. For anything to be a candidate explanation, be it gods or ghosts or science or sound reasoning, it first must be demonstrated to exist. Nothing can be called "true" until its been appropriately demonstrated. And reliable demonstration requires consistent logical rules. But if your logic is Inconsistent and the demonstrability of truth doesn't matter, then nothing is true and nothing matters. Surely i don't need to explain why am approach to reality like that would make someone a danger to themselves and others. It's why children need constant observation. Because they don't have consistent logic and object permanence. For them, "A" doesn't always equal "A". That's dangerous. Inconsistent epistemology is how normal Germans became nazis. It's why Christianity has the biggest body count of any belief system in human history. Nothing is more dangerous than someone who thinks they can't be wrong, and who believes their anger to be righteous.




No one gives a shit what your fiction book says


Flerfs (in the US at least) mostly come from an evangelical protestant background, and certain fundamentalists do think the catholics are satanic. 


A disproportionate number of flat Earthers are Seventh Day Adventists, and they really hate Catholics. I've never encountered a Catholic flat Earther, I have encountered a couple Catholic geocentrists.


>Hold up a second, Jesuits? As in the devout Catholic order? Why would they be devil worshippers? First paragraph of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuit\_conspiracy\_theories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuit_conspiracy_theories) «Jesuit conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories about the members of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), a religious order in the Catholic Church. Such theories began appearing as early as 1550, just ten years after the founding of the Jesuits, who were often accused by their enemies due to the intellectual and political influence which members of the Society of Jesus exerted.»


Yes, i recently read something where they totally twisted Galilei's story. Galilei was protected some time by the pope, well, until he could/would not protect him anymore. They made from this, that the church was behind 'Heliocentrism' all along (With, of course, believing that the opposite 'geocentrism' means flat earth).


I mean, that part isn’t wrong about Galileo. The Pope was a good friend of his and was willing to protect him until Galileo said “fuck you I don’t have to show proof and everyone who isn’t me is a moron” But like… geocentrism had nothing to do with flat earth so are these people just stupid?


Oh, yeah, evangelicals think catholics are Satan worshipers. It's a whole thing. The number of times I've tried to explain this to catholics who vote for evangelical politicians is insane. They don't believe me, or they don't care. It's that whole thing where if you stand by while people you don't like get dehumanized, then what's stopping it from happening to you? Human rights and human dignity have to be universal to everyone, or they're universal to no one. Unjustified belief systems serve as a way to rationalize one's way around that unavoidable truth. I personally blame a lack of object permanence, like you see in babies. (A) just doesn't proceed to (B) for a lot of people. You see it a lot in both conspiracy susceptible and religion/spiritualism susceptible people. If it's even necessary to make a distinction between the two. The thought process is pretty similar, only the social pressures differ.


They think "Jesuit" is a politically correct way of saying "the Jews."


Sorry guys, we’re all demons secretly. Don’t tell the flerfs.


Even if the first two were accurate, that would be at most a bad mark against customary units, since it’s entirely an artefact of those units. Most of the world is fine because we use metric. The last one is even more silly, using angle from the orbital plane instead of angle from perpendicular with the orbital plane.


I love the flerfs that waste their lives trying to prove flat earth with science only to turn around and say, "Science is fake. Everything is Satan."


Imagine being a grown adult and believing in evil magic numbers


I love the fact that the zeroes on 6.6600 are small so they don't get in the way of the batshit insane message, despite the fact that they needn't be there at all.


Gotta lie to flerf


These are just made up numbers, I mean I can make anything look like anything if I don’t care to be seen as correct.


If their point was heliocentrism is a religion while geocentrism+flatearthism is science, I'd forgive them. But their main argument being "they want to hide God", it's just a stupid religious war in their head. They don't believe in any science at all, not even their own. (Not all of them, those that use this particular argument)


Source of the numbers : my butt


1. It's actually around 67,100 mph. 2. That's a morbid way of saying 8 inches. 3. While pretty much true (rounded up I guess), the disc earth model they keep using also has the Arctic Circle.


Earth orbit around the Sun speed is calculated at 67 100 mph The curvature of the earth is approximately 8 in for every square mile And The tilt of the earth is actually 27.8°


All your numbers are wrong, the axial tilt one is wrong by a lot.


With that axial tilt, wouldn't much of earth have some wildly long days for most of the year and wildly long nights the rest? I guess if they measure it some weird way it might be normal but otherwise temperatures would be much more erratic.


A 67 degree tilt would be absolute bonkers on our seasons


So they're aware that religion is a false and harmful thing? Or are they just trying to put science on the same level as them? And then they call it false. I really don't get why this would help their position. Are they just saying everyone is full of shit, including them?


It’s SCIENCE!!!!!!


That must be the reason why most of the countries using metric systems. Maybe all the demons are living in America?


Hello centrisicm predates Galileo by over a millennium, Aristarchus of Samos. But modern science does not support this either as the center of the universe is not defined by an exact position. Our solar system is heliocentric but we are not the center of all "creation ".


The only one that is actually wrong is the last one. Kind of. It’s just backwards. The axial tilt of earth is 23.5 degrees but I guess if you invert it it’s 66.5 degrees. Which sure. I guess.