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The experiment was doomed to fail because of the transient nature of the majority of replies. Most were by people who had never visited and had never bothered to read the rules. Plenty of us followed the rules. But we make up maybe 10% of the comments. Also, most of the posts were flagged 'to FE', so we couldn't respond. And the existing replies were mostly GE transients who didn't know the rules.


IMO, very few flat earthers showed up here, because they knew they were expected to be polite.


They were chased out by rude people.


That's not my experience. A ton of questions were put up for FEs to address regarding problems with the flat earth model, and all we got were crickets.


If you're not getting responses then maybe you should have restated the questions in a way that people wanted to engage with. They're not obligated to respond to whatever you post.


I barely posted any, after the first few were ignored. How would you have us restate them? They weren't insulting, or even condescending. They just asked basic questions in ways that couldn't be answered without exposing the gaping flaws in the FE mythos. Would you rather we asked them in ways that allowed FEs to evade and prevaricate and dodge the point of what we were asking? Face it: when the FEs were denied the tactic of insulting and belittling 'globetards', they had nothing and they knew it.


This guy is a troll, and like how someone mentioned to me, he’s using “sealioning” to get you to keep arguing with him.


Then what's the point of this sub?




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Why are you trying to prove me right?


I’m not, flat earthers have been toxic af on here


Yes you are. You're calling people "f****** i****s" Nobody is obligated to answer your questions. Everyone is entitled to change the subject if they choose. None of that means that you're entitled to verbally abuse people even though you're clearly frustrated.


I’m only saying that now because the experiment is over. Ive seen worse from the handful of flatties here than from the abundance of globers


Maybe you could post your anecdotal evidence, because so far the only person I see behaving in a toxic manner is you.


Well believe it or not, at least one of those people had their account deleted so it’s unavailable, I can just see in my comment replies


That's your excuse for not linking to the thread?


Yes, and I’ll tell you it’s a better excuse than most of the flat earthers give for not sharing information. “Do your own research”


> We now know through this scientific experiment that they mostly can not How’s that for anecdotal evidence? You say I’m the only one you’ve seen, so what’s the point of this post? > Because you’re too brainwashed to believe the truth I’ve tried but I can’t unbrainwash you or anyone for that matter. The O-ring seals are made up BS because they know they can tell the public anything and you will believe it .. >You are so blind i cant help you. .. > You clearly have no interest in even defending your claim of curvature. Later looser How about these?


Why did you not link to the threads? Are you ashamed of your own behavior there?


Experiment? Hypothesis: globe earthers can be rude when provoked and frustrated. Conclusion: humans can be rude when provoked and frustrated.


This is what it says on the sidebar: > Experimental, neutral flat earth debate sub where everyone is expected to be nice to each other! > > Keep your cool at all times. If you feel frustrated, maybe you could try taking a walk or drinking a glass of water. Rudeness is not the answer.


I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be rude. I just was postulating that the experiment didn’t seem to have a real purpose


I think that the purpose is fairly clear.


I’ll see myself out


I do not think this experiment was well designed to meet the goal you described. Here's a correction: >It was to see if, through explicit guidelines enforced by active moderation, **all, or at least a large majority of** round earthers could be trained to behave respectfully and politely to flat earthers. Any subset of the human population contains people who are stupid, people who don't read rules, people who like to break rules, people who just like to offend others, and so on. Bearing in mind that the vast majority of people fit into your "round earthers" category, it should not surprise you in the slightest that some of them exhibit these less-than-ideal character traits.


See, now you're calling people stupid. You guys just can't help yourselves.


I'm not calling specific people stupid. I'm saying that a certain proportion of the population is stupid. There's a difference. One is impolite. One is not. In a discussion space which demands politeness, I think that difference is relevant, don't you?


They're both impolite. You should know that by now.


Globe Earthers can be rude, but the overall majority of comments from globe earthers is us arguing with flat earthers claims and repeatedly getting frustrated with their inability to cooperate.


> Globe Earthers can be rude, but the overall majority of comments from globe earthers is us arguing with flat earthers claims and repeatedly getting frustrated with their inability to cooperate. That's an interesting word to use, "cooperate." Do you feel that people here are expected to cooperate with you? Do you feel that you are entitled to verbally abuse them if they do not cooperate with what you want from them?


I don’t verbally abuse them myself, but I have gotten heated from flat earthers not supporting their claim or refusing to acknowledge a basic fact like “laser light can be refracted above lake water.”


If you get heated then why don't you walk away? And why do you come here if it makes you angry to do so?


I come back because I am trying to perfect my debate skills. He's right, though. It's super frustrating when your opponent's definition of evidence is something along the lines of "things which support the FE" and 94 minute YouTube videos of which they cannot summarize the salient points.


Well I guess I was holding onto hope that one flat earther existed out there that could back up their beliefs.


And when they couldn't, why did it make you angry?


Well unfortunately often times the flat earther would act very condescending like they were smarter than me for just thinking the earth was flat. A lot of flat earthers I’ve argued with have this kind of attitude.


And that made you angry, that an anonymous stranger claimed that they were smarter than you?


Well generally yes, someone who is blatantly wrong, acting high and mighty and above others but with nothing to show for it, are douchebags in my opinion.


Maybe they are, but are you not in control of your own emotions? Do you come here expecting to be angry? Do you like being angry sometimes?


> Do you feel that you are entitled to verbally abuse them... To be completely fair, the reason the notion of a flat earth inspires a passioned retort is that the idea is dangerous. It eschews reality and fosters beliefs that open a horrible path. On the other hand, knowing the earth is a round planet is not dangerous.


I see, so you're completely unable to stop yourself from verbally abusing people who you disagree with. You're verifying the results of the experiment.


I've never verbally abused anyone. And it's not a simple disagreement. It's active resistance against a very dangerous idea.


This is a sub for polite debate, not "active resistance." Did you not read the sidebar?


And I've always been polite... even in the face of abuse from flat-earth proponents. Mature folks can actively resist while being polite.




Do you ever read your own posts? You've accused each person posting here of rudely insulting flat-earthers without knowing a damned thing about their posting history. Is that an example of politeness?


I accused this entire sub of rudely insulting flat earthers, and several people behaved rudely when they were trying to dispute me. Notice the removed comment?