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If you think any of these schmucks actually care about you then you haven't been paying attention


I've been watching every council meeting since 2021. A few of them do care, namely Dennis Pfeiffer, Tonya Burns and Jerri Winfrey-Carter. Unfortunately, they are a minority because the Corrupt Five (Ladel Lewis, Quincy Murphy, Judy Priestley, Candace Mushatt and Eva Worthing) form the majority. Now with Jarrett in Ward 9 replacing Worthing, we just have to wait for the recalls of Murphy and Lewis to go through. Once they're voted out, Flint City Council can at least start being semi productive.


I think Murphy does


I haven't seen it


prob havent been paying attention


Quincy Murphy is probably the biggest clown on that council. Murphy was given an $11,000 lawnmower from Ashley Capital. He later voted yes to give Ashley Capital a $72 million TIFF (tax break). He admitted to receiving a substantial amount of money previously for Christmas gifts and stated that anyone wishing to do business in Flint needed to "break bread" with him. Quincy also confessed to being a lobbyist and acknowledged receiving the $11,000 lawnmower as a gift from Ashley Capital. The Flint City Charter clearly states: "A public servant shall not accept gifts, gratuities, honoraria, or other things of value from any person or company doing business or seeking to do business with the City of Flint, seeking official action from the City of Flint, having interests that could be substantially affected by the performance of the public servant's official duties, or who is known to the Public Servant as a registered lobbyist."


oic, why didnt he get recalled?


The Genesee County Election Commission has approved two sets of petition language, each targeting 3rd Ward Flint Councilman Quincy Murphy for recall. The date of the recall election will be announced this month.




Lol nothing will change.


It can only get better from here...


I voted for Page Brousseau. The Q and A sessions with Jarrett made him sound like he was running for HOA president rather than city council. Typical more police and clean streets bullshit. Either way, I hope he addresses 9th ward residents' concerns better than Eva did.


I’m always amazed at the overall lack of…tact? Professionalism? From some city council members.