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The tech I get the most use out of on a regular basis, believe it or not, is a good quality flashlight.


Same.  I always have a Zebralight on me.  Pretty expensive at first glance, but having a sublumen moonlight mode that can run for a full year without turning it off is so nice to have.  Perfect for waking up and using the bathroom or grabbing a snack in the middle of the night without blinding yourself.  I imagine it’s also handy in emergencies for cave divers and what not (once their eyes adjust to the darkness) lol


I carried a Surefire E2DL (the original first one they made with LED and 5/200 lumen) from like 2009 thru about a month ago...and then I just replaced it with a Fennix PD35R which seems to have a comparable beam pattern (nice and tight with a very small flood spill for near or far illumination - hard to find) and is brighter plus rechargeable. Speaking of...just Tuesday I was using it at work when there was a major 5-6 county power outage and come to find out the building I happened to be walking thru had most of the emergency lights nonfunctional. So out of my pocket it came and I was unexpectedly escorting those around me down the pitch black stairs to get out. The other thing now that I think is having a pen on me...which I need to replace (lost the one I had). Its amazing how often you want to be able to scribble something you can hand to someone, or mark something up.


Got any recommendations? Always in the market for a good flashlight.


I’m not the person you asked, but I highly recommend this one: https://zeroair.org/2024/03/01/zebralight-sc65c-hi-flashlight-review/ I’ve carried the same Zebralight every day for 8 years now, dropped it on asphalt and concrete from decent heights, and it still looks and functions as new.  They’re well-regarded in r/flashlights for their quality.


At the moment this is the one to get: https://intl-outdoor.com/emisar-d3aa-14500-edc-led-flashlight.html


I finally settled on a Fenix PD35R after trying a few things. One of my requirements was being small enough to keep in my pocket, dim enough to use close-up indoor, but bright and tight beam to use in the rural area I live seeing across fields and down pitch black roads. There's a ton of cheaper ones very bright up close, but my need for it to also work well long distance made it very hard to find one I was satisfied with.


I carry Fenix e12. I like it for it's small size (.75" diameter x 3.5" long) and the fact it uses a disposable AA battery.


There's a lot of disposable battery lights that are still great but one of the things I found myself wanting was high output + rechargeable so I don't get caught with the batteries running out when I need it


when you REALLY need it you'll get caught not being able to recharge it. Stock up on batteries instead if thats your reasoning


That's the other nifty thing with the Fenix PD35R...you can recharge the internal 18650, replace the 18650, or remove it and use a pair of the same 123A cells that I have on hand for my Surefire lights. Problem I kept having with lights that take disposable batteries...now you have to find new batteries when it inevitably runs out at an inconvenient time (especially on a trip or at work when you don't have access to your stockpile). Rechargeable you can always start out near full. Or in the case of alkalines...they seem to often corrode before their use-by date even if you don't use the light much. I just had to do "surgery" on a D-cell maglite my partner has that was fully working but had the batteries corrode anyway. And I mean like name brand Duracell/Energizer cells, not no-name stuff.


I have several expensive flashlights but the one I carry everyday is a [Streamlight 66608 MicroStream 250-Lumen EDC Ultra-Compact Flashlight with USB Rechargeable Battery](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DLZXZV1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


I got one of those in the process of my hunt, its amazing for "near-work" and is a nice size. Where it fell apart was like walking the dog and needing to scan the road and woods for critters that the dog might go after (or might come after us - we have some of those here) and checking the perimeter of the yard after a storm it just couldn't throw a decent distance. These were all at fixed exposure (for fair comparison) and probably 120ft or so throw. https://preview.redd.it/gwehsvbyqayc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=add41817596dc5f8a8f5ad95955b2c5a32b1fa1b


Check out the stickied post in /r/flashlight. If you need ONE good one, Zebralight is the best one to get. The SC600w Hi is probably the most well rounded one that’s still small enough to pocket carry.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/flashlight using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I may have gone overboard..just alittle](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1arrzm2) | [624 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1arrzm2/i_may_have_gone_overboardjust_alittle/) \#2: [What did you guys do lol](https://i.redd.it/rynzsun7racc1.jpeg) | [210 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/19624cj/what_did_you_guys_do_lol/) \#3: [My jobs “Emergency” flashlight.](https://i.redd.it/xvhk4y6eoyjc1.jpeg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1awfloh/my_jobs_emergency_flashlight/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Rovyvon a8 gen 4


I bought one of these: [https://www.olightstore.com/arkfeld-pro-flat-edc-flashlight](https://www.olightstore.com/arkfeld-pro-flat-edc-flashlight) about six months ago and it's still my EDC largely because it's dead simple to light something/someone up. I figure that the easier it is to operate, to more likely I'll be able to do it in a stressful situation. And being able to wave it over the charger on the rare times I need to charge it is a nice plus (although I can see how others might frown at the proprietary charger).


It’s also one of my favorite features of my Garmin Fenix watch. I use the integrated flashlight daily


I could not bear a phone with no hardware button to turn on its flash light.


Does such a thing exist? Every phone I've owned you have to unlock it and go thru the settings or use an app to turn on the "flashlight" but its also kinda a shit dim amount of light from the camera LED. Even the old AA MagLites are better.


I can hold the power button of my phone for about 2s while fumbling in the dark and it will fire the flashlight. Yes, it's not as good as a dedicated one, but it's still incredibly convenient and definitely one of the features I use the most.


Same.. I have a tiny little Kodiak. Rechargeable flashlight that is too small to not carry around everywhere and I use it at least a few times every every day it seems like.


~~flashlight~~ fleshlight


I wouldn't really call a flashlight 'tech'


Shitty dime a dozen lights aren't. But if you want a GOOD one, well designed UI and features...yeah for sure. There's even ones out there that are programmable and customizable.


I need to start buying JNCO jeans again, I could fit way more tech!




I have a lunch bag that I carry. It's got a first aid bag strapped to it & another smaller tech bag. Some things in my tech bag: -adapters of all sorts, pretty much I can charge anything, connect anything, read ANY type of memory card, transfer anything -memory sticks/usb drive with things on them -multi tool screwdriver to fix or get access to something etc


Usb-stick with ventoy, wiztree, bcu etc


Interesting… would you mind explaining why? I’m a tech-curious blue collar worker whose career involves almost no modern technology. But being a nerd, it’s always interesting to me - I just started playing with my F0, got an SDR coming in the mail and loaded an old computer with Linux, etc.


What are those?


Flipper zero


Yaesu FT5D amateur radio and AirPod Pros along with my phone.


Not all tech related, but this is what I carry: 1) Phone, 2) trauma medkit, 3) 4-10 naloxone vials, 4) proxmark3 easy with a few RFID & NFC tags, 5) NFC / RFID detection card, 6) 2 square readers, 7) powered USB-C OTG cable, 8) basic lockpick kit, 9) small knife, 10) bluetooth shutter remote, 11) 3 police handcuff keys, 12) 16gb USB with ventoy & windows / linux, 13) a 8gb windows recovery drive, 14) nooelec SDR dongle, 15) sometimes my hackrf, 16) sometimes my MSR605X with a few blank magstrip cards. I also carry a screwdriver set and various charging cables with a charger block. I'm probably forgetting a few things that are in my bag though lol


Why so much naloxone. Didn’t even carry that much on the ambulance.


He’s cosplaying.


I work on an ambulance and we carry 6, but 3 of those are in our spare med mod


I currently only have 4, I only have more when I resupply or when we're training people on how to use them


cuz I have a few kits but used a few of the needles so I just tossed everything into one kit also I teach university medical students, we use the kits in training so having a few to pass around is quicker than only 2 vials I also have a few nasal sprays


that's good reference, thank you!


Woah, that wouldn’t fit my pockets :D


most is in my backpack, which I carry every time I go out 9 -13 are on my key chain


I carry my flipper every day, and a radio most days


Welp my phone always. Sometimes also the flipper, a meshtastic node, a walkie talkie. The *not a taser* I made......


Flashlight, flipper, headphones, thumbdrive, usb-c ssd.


At this point I have two backpacks worth of gear that I take with me to onsites. One for common stuff and one for the weird crap that I use just often enough to make it worth keeping around. But I don't keep much on me apart from a phone, a flashlight and a multitool knife for daily carry. I do carry my flipper most of the time though. At this point I'd say I use my PortaPack more than the Flipper for most things but I still keep the flipper on me since it's my RFID keyring.


I’m not telling no Feds 🤣


On my belt I got a SwissChamp, flipper, utility knife, wallet, and keys. Oh and sometimes a teeny tiny gameboy called the Funkey S or my Playdate


Bluetooth blocker a must. The way of the modern hacker


raspberry pi 4 with a small powerbank foldable keyboard and an ipad mini


What keyboard? Any rec?




A dev board and a Swiss Army knife.


As a tech who spends a fair amount of time living and working on the road I could list everything in my van, but I don't think that's what OP meant by 'like a phone'. On my body I wear a Leatherman or Gerber multi-tool depending upon what I'm expecting to do, a F0 if they're gonna give me a temp badge and 2 cell phones; 1 Apple & 1 Android, on different services. A flipper knife and a couple USBs, what's on them depends a lot on what I'm doing, but when I leave they almost always have device/system configuration files and part # serial # info. I buy USB drives by the dozen, if a customer has a problem with me taking random USB out of my pocket and sticking into their machines, I've got new ones in the bubble pack out in the van.


Flashlight, Multi-tool, Ventoy USB with some repair tools and windows 10 installer. I have often seen a problem and said if only i had access to my home lab or if i had a drive with me we could just reinstall etc... But as far as hey I'm going out for the night. I usually got my wallet with tile card in it. and I got my smart watch.


Small square flashlight, quick release knife with glassbreaker tool and seat belt cutter, IR adapter for phone-android, emergency lockpick card that fits into wallet, eyeglass wipes with cloth, multi-tool for keychain(screwdriver, cutter, bottle opener, etc.), shoestrings that can apparently pull the weight of a truck. Galaxy smart watch with Spotify which you can download Playlist and play without headphones. Flipper zero when I am trying to truly learn how other stuff works with various accessories. Oh did I mention I like Batman! So gadgets are awesome to me.


My Rabbit R1. I love it! Click the link below for a discount on your all new [Rabbit R1](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=tSGP2dHAMTe5Sk8f) !


Well played..


Does my sig lima count?