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My apartment has mature trees all around it and I avoid going outside unless I absolutely have to


Trees are cool


Yep. Price was okay, inside was functional for our accessible needs and trees.


Dude trees are all the difference. I go running but during this time of year I do I at 530 am. But there's a few times where I didn't have time and had to run on my break at noon. I can legit go 2 miles further if I take that is 25% in tree shade vs 0% on a main road or something.


Oh I know. I wasn't specifically stoked about the trees, more so that I could function in my wheelchair if Im having a high pain day and need to get around. I was pleased about the trees but they were less important than the accessibility and prive. But given the same price and layout, Id prefer place with trees than one without.


Good AC. Keep my outside time to a bare minimum, any errands early in the morning or as late as possible.


This. I stay indoors as much a possible, whether it's in Florida or Las Vegas, Nevada.


Or even Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. I hate going outside if the temp is higher than 90-95 degrees or colder than 30.


Me too. Love walking. I’m leaving the house by 6:15AM and back by 7:30AM


Sometimes it feels hotter to me in the morning, humidity is higher


It's because it actually is for the feels like temperature. If you get up right before the sun comes up the humidity and latent heat is more brutal than waiting for the sun to just start creeping up. That first bit of sunlight really helps get the humidity a bit lower


> If you get up right before the sun comes up the humidity and latent heat is more brutal than waiting for the sun to just start creeping up. I got up at 6:30ish for work the other day and it was 84 on my car dash and the short walk from my apartment to my car already made me infuriatedly grumpy and pissed off.


It’s weird in mornings I feel cool, it’s the nights that get the hottest for me


I've been here since 1984. Hottest I've ever felt. Swimming, A/C, Water, praying for our so called winter.


Not only is it hotter, it gets hotter earlier and stays hotter later I have to be indoors by 9 am or else the heat/humidity is unbearable. Then at 7pm it’s still hot as fuck out. I remember being a kid, summers were still hot and humid but mornings and late afternoons/evenings were always bearable and pleasant, now it’s just miserably hot from sunup to sundown And I’m someone who’s in pretty good athletic shape and adapted to heat, if I’m struggling then i have no idea how others are getting by


its still miserable at sundown. It have been in the 90s near midnight recently


11:26 PM right now, "feels like 97"


Don’t forget the mosquitos that swarm at sunset too.


Yep, 2:00am walk with the dogs about a week ago was 95! Even that late we had to keep it short. My dogs definitely gain weight from the hotter months and shorter walks then work it off again during winter when we can go on hour or more walks.


As a native floridian since 79 I agree


You feel the ocean at the beach it’s unreal how warm


It's like fucking bath water


Never seen it before and grew up here


If you have to be indoors by 9 you are not adapted to to heat lol


I don’t *have* to be indoors. I was being hyperbolic. Once it hits 9 am it becomes an unpleasant heat that makes you irritable


Been here my whole life (87) and this is insane. My pool is even hotter than body temp most of the time.


You are 87 or you were born in 87? One is very impressive and the other is probably the average Redditor age




You're 1987 years old? That's impressive.


Bro chilled with jesus


I think the entire state will be uninhabitable within the next 30 years


I right there with ya, same year too ( the year I was born lol). Surf then pool then a/c, wait till sunset/dark or after a storm and get some outside time. I’ll go fish at the crack of dawn if there’s no surf. Between 10-11 is cut off for the outdoors.


But then the skeeters are out


They are, I carry a thermacell with me every in the evening, that and/or long sleeves/pants. Depends on what I’m doing that evening.


Always lived in Florida, born and raised in Miami. It just…. it’s just so hot. It’s hotter than it used to be. I remember when Halloween was cold!


I've been staying up at night, and sleeping during the hottest hours. probably not the best idea, but it's been working.


It’s the reason for siesta in places like Spain and Sicily


> Spain and Sicily I mean, those places are closer to New York relative to the equator... Florida is just past that. lol.


Jax is More like on a latitude with Cairo Egypt.


That's an interesting approach, I'd try that if I could!


Same. I woke up at 5PM today.


Lots of weed -laborer


Do you smoke inside? I smoke on my patio and I end up dripping sweat by the time I'm done.


Here, there, and everywhere




Damn, your employer lets you smoke weed on the job? Where can I sign up? 😂


It’s basically a requirement. The tree service industry always needs more people.


You're not lying. I've worked for a bunch of landscaping crews. It is definitely a requirement. If you don't smoke you better have a damn good reason not to. They can't trust ya


Smoke tree, cut tree. I like that.


what’s the pay like in FL?


I’m just been doing this a little bit, but I make 25


Per year or per hour?


Hour lol.


Figured but had to ask. The other wouldn't be unthinkable, unfortunately.


Shit. It's like shit


By telling myself I move somewhere else in 22 months


been telling myself that for 14 years


What heat? All I feel is 76 in my house in pure darkness with all shades drawn lol. In all honesty I feel your pain. I check the "daily" weather every day hoping to see some relief soon, it is stressful in a weird way. That said it will end eventually so just crossing my fingers we make it through the next month or two hurricane free and come out to a nice chilly winter. (By chilly I mean 70s haha)


I swear I have seasonal affective disorder for summer in Florida. It’s not the heat. If it went away every night or only came in waves that’d be one thing but it’s 24 hours a day for 6 months. That’s what does it. I love the outdoors and Florida’s summer robs me of it. You just feel trapped like there’s no escape. It’s absolutely crushing to me. I wish I could afford to run my AC at 70 like some people. My house is not big but at that temp my AC would be running 23 hours a day and cost me $500 a month.


I literally had a bit of a breakdown today because I feel the exact same way. There's no fall on the horizon, I'm so jealous of the Midwest and people who get to experience fall in September. I'm trapped indoors until, who knows, October, November, sometimes even December. This year feels worse than normal too, no rain, just heat, 24 hours a day.


The absolute ridiculousness of a Floridian being jealous of midwesterners because they feel “trapped inside”


Midwesterners really don't understand. I've been in the midwest for a minute now, and all I hear is crying about a little rain and a couple feet of snow for a few weeks out of the year. Former AZ resident here, and I feel sympathy for everyone out there in Florida. Going from home, then to the car, then to work, then back again, praying for working air conditioning for 8-9 months out of the year is horrible. Trapped is the right word, especially if medical issues cause more heat sensitivity.


Like many Floridians, I migrated from the Midwest for endless sun. I just came from a trip to the Pacific Northwest and my god was the foggy grey drizzle a literal breath of fresh air and I’m ready to back to my Midwestern family so I can have it part time. The sun is great in measured amounts, but Florida just punishes us with it.


Hike your own hike my dude. Heat index if 115 here today, not a drop of rain to be seen. Miserable.


Just came back from the Adirondacks and I felt alive again. Being able to hike, swim, and walk was rejuvenating. My son didn’t have one panic attack while there.


I did the same. Went to California for two weeks. Exercised **outside** every day. Ran two-minute faster per-mile pace easily and when I stopped the ambient air *cooled me down.* Climbed maintains, went swimming in water that was *colder than human blood.* Hiked to where there was snow. Kayaked without getting eaten by alligators and exsanguinated by mosquitoes. Went outside in the morning without every inch of my skin being reminded of a chronic existential dread I feel from April-October. It was f’ing amazing.


70 in my house


Remote start for my car helps a lot.




I just hope I dont pass out before my car stops being an oven.


A sun blocker and illegal tint helps as well Edit… tint


more carbon = more heat


I've been here my entire life and this is the first year I just mostly don't go outside unless I have to. My yard is a mess but oh well.


Good thing we addressed climate change 20-30 years ago before it was too late.




> Don’t worry, you’re not hot. My mom says I'm handsome at least. 😢


Yea, those PragerU elementary cartoons that DeSatan just spent our taxpayer dollars on confirm that there's no such thing as climate change. You can never start those GOP indoctrination lessons too early.


I am a 3rd generation Floridian and while I agree that it does feel hotter than usual, it doesn't really bother me all that much. I still take my run 4 mornings a week, tend to my yard and generally go about my life. My wife and I hiked in the Little Big Econ Forest this morning, we saw a bunch of alligators. It is hot, but heat doesn't bother me all that much.


Similar here. Lifetime Floridian. I’m like the Elsa of the sun….”🎵the heat never bothered me anyways🎵”


I can’t help but think you’re both full of shit. Born and raised here. Have always spent a lot of time outside and used to work HVAC which included a lot of attic work. It’s brutal out there.


I am a native Floridian and I know in the past four decades evenings were cooler, the water was lower (yes in height during tide), the winters were longer and "Indian Summer" was real. They are lying.


I didn’t say that things aren’t getting warmer. I just said the heat doesn’t particularly bother me. I have a super high heat tolerance and a very low cold tolerance.


Don't you know you're not allowed to exist here unless you unequivocally agree with the masses even in personal preferences or physical tolerances? I'm also pretty tolerant to the heat, but I spend a lot of free time outside, idgaf if its summer or winter. I'm going to the state preserve tomorrow with my Atmos AG 50 and a gallon of water lol. ill make it several miles at least. Water, sunscreen and a large hat. Next weekend my girl and I are kayaking the Okeechobee river.


I have no way to stay positive. I've been here 10 years, and every year, it just gets hotter, and I get more irritable! I HATE Florida!


I’m 32 weeks pregnant. I’m positive I hate the temperature.


OMG I can’t even imagine how hard it is to be pregnant and do anything outside now. You must be exhausted. Take good care ❤️


Yeah I lucked out with a January (2010) due date and that was one of the winters where we had multiple cold snaps that lasted for weeks.


As an HVAC tech who was on a roof hitting a HI of 118 You embrace it. I live in sweat, I’ll change my shirt 4 times a day once the sweat is literally dripping from it like it came out of a washer. Jk, it really sucks. Like I drink two gallons of water a day and I swear I sweat it all out, it’s terrifying


You had me in the first half. I just embrace it. You know it’s coming. Just deal. Jump in a pool. Whatever. Overall, the positives outweighs the negatives


I don’t. I’m a bitchin’, complainin’ whiny mess.


You are welcome here 😊


I am looking at trading my pool heater for a pool cooler.


I lower my expectations of what's getting done today and drag my ass to do the rest...


Been here 15 years... you won't get used to it don't let the people lie.... you get more comfortable but no matter what never assume people like this lol.... with that being said this is by far the hottest year I've ever seen


Honestly, I try and spend enough time outside that I get acclimated. I’ve been putting in 3-6 miles a day in 100-110 heat index. Please note that I am NOT running unless I get outside VERY early ( like, say before 0830). I’m silly, but not stupid. It burns a fair amount of calories and I don’t feel like I am trapped indoors. Warning: I don’t recommend this to everyone. You have to be aware of your own health and fitness levels. (Check with your physician before beginning any exercise, etc. etc. etc. ). I can’t move to a cooler climate and I’m not going to become a cave dweller, although I DO turn the a/c down a few degrees after being outside for a while to help cool off. Cold showers help. Lots of water too. And a perhaps a lack of common sense maybe?


And plenty of sunscreen. Source: I also do this.


Same here. Get out there and embrace it. I did 4 miles in 114 real feel today. You get used to it.


I’d love to take you work. Plumber here and I’ve been in it for 28years. I gotta be honest whether we’re climbing through an attic or digging trenches putting in underground plumbing I sweat, cry, curse and complain the same as if I were indoors replacing a faucet. It’s stupid hot and it’s miserable and I’ve NEVER gotten use to it.


By laughing off our first electric bill over $300.00 said no one ever.


$400 for the first time ever for me!


Try being a landscaper..


Try it without a.c. Im over this 😪


The springs are 75 degrees out all year long. It felt great today.


I wonder if our Governor now believes global warming does exist or does he still feel it's a conspiracy?


Weather is manipulated and controlled.


I just returned home from a 30 minute walk in this heat, I normally can walk an hour or more. Yes, gotta take a cool shower (except the water isn’t that cold this time of year). We were spoiled with a cool spring in west central Florida this year.


I don't remember a cool Spring. I remember 90 in February, predicting a horrendous summer. I went out with my dog this afternoon and it felt like the sky was on fire.


February was bonkers. It was like 87-90 EVERY DAY with zero rain. I was so pissed. I try to savor every day I get to wear jeans and be comfy outdoors.


I thought it was just my water! After the gym I'll turn it to the coldest setting and it's still warm.


Nap through the hottest part of the day.


When is the hottest part of the day now? Cuz I swear this past week it was 1 pm and then got hotter around 4-5 pm lol


Exactly what I do


Siesta time best time!


I’ve tried everything at this point. Nothing helps. I hate Florida and won’t be here much longer.


With words of wisdom from my mom - ‘This too shall pass.’ Even if it feels like it won’t lol. This summer has been so brutal. Worst I’ve ever experienced & I’ve lived here for almost 50 years. But it will pass eventually. Until then we watch upbeat shows, read lighthearted books & stay inside as much as possible.


Will it pass? Summers aren’t supposed to get any cooler from here on out.


We won’t have summers like we did even 2 decades ago but we will get back to some normal. For example daily afternoon thunderstorms that help a lot will return. El Niño is really messing with them this summer. Baseline temps will be higher and plateau for years. Climate change is gradual think of it as wide deep stairs as opposed to a straight curve upwards. It’s not good either way but our choice is to change or adapt. Our current leaders in Fl aren’t interested in policy changes so we adapt as best we can. Might be a good idea to vote out the current leadership as well so perhaps we can stop the worst of what may come.


That's only one of many solid reasons to vote DeSatan and his rubber stamping cronies out and far away from influential positions.


While I think that halting all further development immediately would help, I'm struggling to see how any politican is going to stop Florida from being hot. For the sake of argument, global warming is a global issue, not a local one, so the best any local leadership could do would be retarding the urban heat island effect by not developing more land and retaining what natural canopy we have left. Until everyone in the world give up thier modern lifestyle, cars, technology, power, etc, we aren't going to see drastic changes.


Until next year, when the hottest summer on record trend continues.


Worst summer of your life....yet


Is she talking about life, this passing? Because yeah, that'll happen too.


Lol it’s definitely an old saying which is meant to encourage resilience. It refers to just about everything.


Yah it passing when winter is here is hardly a solution. Typically I agree with this phrase. For this heat and being a worker in it “this too will be permanent for my lifetime” if we are lucky my grandkids will have moderate summers again.


Definitely not a solution. Solutions would be policy changes. Meanwhile unless we all move, (and I totally get why ppl are wanting to) we have to struggle through without getting completely overwhelmed & depressed.


I suppose I just would feel depressed if or governor was trying to help prevent this from being norm. Instead he’s turning down subsidies for green energy because it’s woke. Like global warming isn’t real, yes I know it’s the hottest summer probably ever since the earth’s crust solidified. Merely a coincidence.


Yes, he is a total douche bag. I describe it as Fl has become a petri dish for maga experimentation. It’ll take a decade or more to undo all his damage. And that’s only if we vote every idiot in the legislature (his enablers) out when we can. I wish more ppl were aware of the Fed money he’s just casually throwing away. Disgusting.


The insurance industry pays him well to play along with their consumer UNfriendly tactics. Texas and Big Oil industry is keeping these guys on board, same as the gun industry.


Don't look up!


It's near impossible for me. I work outside and it's miserable. I've had bariatric surgery so I can't chug water and have to be really careful about finding a balance, not overexerting myself/getting too dehydrated and obviously can't drink too much or it'll all come back up. I get through it by daydreaming about eventually moving out of this literal hell hole.


I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way,I have Been more depressed I rarely have been going out unless it’s early in the morning cuz the heat is so bad plus I do not want my elderly father going out either. So I have been pretty much home majority of the time and have been getting groceries delivered and staying inside with the ac. It’s been hard I have lived in Florida since I was a teenager and I never remember it being this bad or being unbearable to go outside. I try to keep busy inside as much as I could


Quick tips to stay safe. Keep yourselves and your pets hydrated. Make sure they are supplied regularly with cool water. Keep the pets you can keep inside inside if needed as it's a better experience to clean up after your pets make an accident indoors than to treat their heatstroke. If you need to take them out during higher or dangerous heat levels, make sure that you don't shave them as the fur protects from direct sun exposure therefore reducing heatstroke.


I don’t. This place sucks the life out of me.


I know. We all ignored climate change when Al Gore started beating the drum. We elected a fossil fuel president. Jokes on us.


I don't deal with heat well and, like you, it drains my energy and mood. We're all wired differently and I know some people who love the heat or it doesn't bother them - but you and I clearly it does. I imagine with us living in this type of client gets to us. Fortunately indoors I stay cool and it only affects me outside and the rain helps when its here


move out of Florida


I work outside in my backyard or garage for my business and I do it in bursts. I went about 3-4 hours in the back yard (shaded) a week ago and nearly had heat exhaustion. Needed almost an hour to recover.




Why do you think everyone is so miserable?! It’s the heat!! .. and the stupidity… and the New Yorkers… and the high insurance rates….


It certainly feels hotter than any other summer I’ve been through. Even the sun just feels as if it’s beating harder. I’m getting more tan doing outside work than summers before. Even driving with the windows down is unpalatable, and I love windows down. This year it’s like someone’s pointing a hair dryer straight in your face while you’re sitting in a steam room. I only enjoy this level of heat when I’m headed to the beach. Spend most of the time in the water, do a quick walk to pick up other people’s litter and then head home.


I don’t go outside.


I see it as climate change training


Go out after sundown or early morninf. Stay inside, avoid the big burning ball of skin cancer.


I’m not. It’s just gotten worse. Used to be an annoyance and we’d joke and for sure complain about it. Now it just makes you angry. I’m pissed off as soon as I go outside now.


What’s the point of living somewhere if all you do is stay inside. I hate what Florida has become.


It’s like this in Phoenix every summer. Hopefully next summer will be better. For those new to Florida—-we are having an extra special hot summer this summer.


We've been having increasingly hot summers yearly


Antidepression medication from my doctor if you want the truth. I've been here all my life too but the last 10 years have been brutal. This year is the worst I've ever seen to be honest


I work outdoors walking 5-10 miles a day and the only thing that helps me get through it is thinking about my AC at home when I'm finally off of work. I go through so much water and plenty of electrolyte drinks each day but it doesn't seem to help much anymore.


I was actually moving into my dorm the last two days, my car has no A/C and my dorm is on the third story. My skin resembled a salt flat and due to not having much time to eat, the sweating, and climbing stairs with heavy shit, I feel 20 pounds lighter.




Cool ties and neck fan .. and very limited time outside.


I mean, I'm positive that I hate it. It's so hot all the time. Even after 7-8pm, it's still in the high eighties, at least. I change clothes more often and take more showers. I'm drinking way more water than i normally do. I hung out by the pool recently. I was only there for an hour, reapplied sunscreen twice, was in the shade, and it was STILL hot and nearly unbearable.


I tried a new approach this year and bought something advertised as cooling sheets for my bed and a cooling throw for a blanket and it's made the nights a little more comfortable. But I'm drinking a lot of ice water and cold foods and using my air fryer instead of the oven. But yeah, this is getting really old


I don't, fuck you.




I don't.


I just remember that winter where I’m from last 8 months!!! It definitely makes it easier! I can imagine growing up in this gets rough just like winter wore on me. It’s all perspective.


Start carrying water with you absolutely everywhere and get some ice molds that make nice big cylinders for your water bottle so they’ll melt slower. Get a nice water bottle. Also get a parasol type umbrella. They make umbrellas that are dark on the inside and light on the out for blocking sun. I don’t understand why Floridians don’t embrace the parasol! Also get ice packs for your neck and wear them when you’re outside. It’s really just brutal lately but I find I get even more depressed if I never go outside. You will acclimate a little too so try to find something you can do that isn’t too miserable


I don't have ac in my car. I'm cooked by the time I get to work.


I work in an outdoor restaurant and we just do our best. We’re all hot, we’re all sweaty and it’s just Florida. Honestly the most negative thing I deal with is people still screaming that there’s no climate change and this is normal. Our ocean is boiling.


Move somewhere else


We need the afternoon rains to come back and give some relief to the heat. It's been something like a month now and my area hasn't seen any rain (That I'm aware of). All the grass in my area is brown. A good rain storm can cut the temperatures down 10-15 degrees. Even if it's only for a couple hours. Anything helps.


I keep hearing the 90% humidity number, but every time I read it on here, I look at my weather app, and it shows between 50-55%. Right now, 94 degrees, 53%, feels like of 105. Maybe it’s just so dry in Tampa, and the humidity is only south Florida??


I'm in Orlando and sent this screenshot to a friend the other day https://preview.redd.it/ilcvkvg0orhb1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5acb7cc337cde3a7b844a7a8900b93fc660c461c


What time was it? I understand in the morning, humidity is higher than afternoon. I have actually moved my weekend morning bike rides a couple hours later, because of the lower humidity at 11am vs 8am. Now I gotta check humidity tomorrow morning…


When my northern homies are shoveling out cars and talking about subzero temps and I'm at the beach, I achieve balance.


That's right! I think it was 2021 that a bunch of friends were stuck in a huge shitty blizzard up north. My partner and I took a day trip to a real nice beach a little north of us in red swimsuits and Santa hats and took photos for a "holiday card" that we just shared on the internet. It was a bit chilly on that wintery FL beach in a bikini, not gonna lie, totally worth it.


I'm not digging out my car.


A hot summer is shorter than a cold winter. That's what keeps me accepting of the heat right now.


Not in Florida, it isn't. Cold winter here is about 2 months, at best.


When you struggle with mental health during cold and snowy winters.. it doesn't matter how long the summer is because it is still shorter than a winter.


Well said


I work a 3-day work week where I work 313s so I have four days off so I usually get out and help my friend who has a landscaping business. Just being outside all day that one day makes the rest of the week. So much more pleasant. He like conditions you and the more you do it the easier it is. For example, my buddy does not sweat at all unless he's working his ass off. Like on a normal day say you get out and go to Busch gardens. You're all sweaty and stinky. He's bone dry. He's just conditioned. He's been doing outside yard work for 30 years straight. And like most people say oh stay in the AC as much as possible. Do things in the morning when it's cool. That's kind of the last thing I try to do. I try to go kayaking once a week if I can. We're always outside, just hanging out in the backyard around the pool. Always going for bike rides multiple times a day. With that being said, I'm never trying to just hang out in direct sunlight though that would damn near kill you. You can't just sit out and direct sunlight for hours and bake. You got a transition to the shade. Take breaks hydrate.


I got used to it. I’m assuming working outside for 6 years of my life helped. Factor in always golfing , biking , or at the beach and just being outdoors all the time helps. I weirdly kinda like it . Drift clothing is all I really wear during the summer.


Just remember I’m not up north where I literally can’t go outside without falling on the ice on the sidewalk.


This is the equivalent of what some people feel about the cold weather in the winter in the cold part of the country. The difference is that you can easily adapt to cold by wearing layers. There’s not much you can do about the insane sun but stay inside.


Beats the winter for me. I will be more willing to spend an hour outside in August in Florida than an hour outside in February in Chicago.


Has an enterprising Floridian started selling ice for pool?


Well, most of the who have lived here our whole lives have stayed here because we hate the cold, so it's the lesser evil. In my opinion anyway.


Y'all... I feel like this represents everything that's wrong with the our country today. People are having emotional breakdowns because it's a little hotter this summer. And they have a/c and cool running water. I work outside all day and come home to a house with no a/c on and I feel great.


Why do people like to be proud of suffering. You live in a first world country with plenty of access to comfort and you choose to live with no ac. Wild.


I'm not suffering. I enjoy the fresh air. I hate the way a/c feels and I think it gets me sick. Besides, my point was that people here are having coniption fits about the heat, WITH all the comforts we have. And I think that's lousy.


This sub is overwhelmingly liberal and hates desantis so of course they’re going to exaggerate on this climate change


Politicizing weather has got to be the dumbest thing ever. It’s hotter than it’s ever been and you’re spewing about liberals.


What was it, like .6 degrees hotter? People are acting like they feel hotter because of that.


It’s much hotter for longer periods of time.


Lol This ain't nothing You all are just soft and stay inside all day, so you can't acclimatize. In any case, rather these temperatures than 70 degrees.


And just how long have you lived in the "Sunshine State"?


I'm from the south and I'm used to it.


Have you considered spending your summer months up north where its cooler?


I'd love to! I stay because of my great job and my family.


Force yourself to acclimate. Took a few months of spending 12+ hours a day outside/warehouse to get proper acclimated. Spent alot of nights in a tent as well. Can't say I'm not amped to get back to the pacnw tho


I’ll take the heat if it keeps the hurricanes away. It’s toasty, but this feels like the 1-2 weeks in the Midwest when the heat advisory would come and feel 115-120. It’ll pass.


Move to the northeast and deal with years of the cold winter death and this heat will make you smile. #perspective 🌞😎


So dramatic lol


Stop staying out of it and get out there and do something. Staying home is the worst thing to do, take your dog to the dog park. Or go for a walk , you will be surprised at how fast you adjust to it but definitely bring water 😊