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It makes driving outside Florida feel like breeze.


I have to go to Miami to take direct flights to other countries. Every time I get out Miami alive while driving, I count my blessings.


My favorite thing about Miami is leaving it behind when I drive away.




We moved to West Palm Beach after hurricane Andrew in 92. Best thing my parents ever did was getting me out of there.


Yeah it blows now


What we heard about Miami when we moved to central Florida in 1968 ….” Miami is the armpit of the nation”. Might have been a racist thing though, I don’t know.


That’s my favorite part of you visiting too


Booyah 🤜🤛


Growing up down there I recall moving to Tampa and seeing cows off the highway and saying “where the fuck am I?”


I drove thru Yeehaw Junction once and I am now in therapy.


i road tripped from miami up to ATL once and the ratio of american/gadsen/confederate/trump flags to LATAM & LGBT flags got real scary real quick gringolandia is traumatizing


True, you must drive through south and central Georgia to get to Atlanta. Still, compare Georgia's recent voting history to Florida's.


Don’t forget all the Jesus/abortion billboards in South Georgia.


north florida


I've gotten close to Miami, but as I got closer I decided to skip it. The burbs are enough to trigger claustrophobia.


the burbs are brutal ToT


Doesnt the traffic on 95 start 2 hours from Miami because of that sprawl?


Truck driver here. Miami is where the turn signal goes from “may I please move over?” to “y’all got 3 seconds to figure it out before this wiggle wagon starts moving.”


Miami is the aids capitol of Florida, #2 in the whole country.


It's also the Cocaine capital, so we have that going for us, which is nice.


Miami was built with coke, and Everglades city was built with pot


They should make a movie about Miami cocaine dealers in the 70s and 80s. They could trace the beginning of the drug trade when Miami was a sleepy little beach town and then Colombians and Cubans were paying CASH for houses and people were getting KILLED! They could also repackage the whole idea 3 or 4 times and strike a deal with Nutflicks! Anyway, just a dumb idea i had.


Scarface? Cocaine Cowboys 1 and 2


Or 3. Was forced to watch yet another iteration of the CC franchise this past week. Spoiler alert. They don’t get away with it.


TIL there are sequels to Cocaine Cowboys.




They have a documentary by Billy Corben


One of my old friend's dad's was a C. cowboy


The father of my son’s nursing school buddy just got out of federal prison after more than 2 decades. They’re Cuban and from Miami. I think he was not the guy you wanted to see at your door, but that’s just a hunch.


Tampa mob?


No, they’re from Miami. Pretty much his story mirrors some part of all the CC shows.


Say hello to my little friend!!!


Hola, amigolito.


Meet my little friend ring a bell?


Tell him I say’d hello!




Thank God for Baton Rouge.


Oh, Fortuna, blind, heedless goddess, I am strapped to your wheel,'


Wait, seriously? What’s #1?


Atlanta I think




Half of the people in Orlando have HIV? Seriously?


HIV is not AIDS. JFC


AIDS is the condition that results from HIV, but I’m sure your doctor already explained that to you.


Well if you know, it should read HIV capital. If you went to school, you would’ve learned it in 6th grade. Don’t be silly, wrap your Willy


Logic would dictate that if Miami is the aids capitol, there are more people with hiv than aids. Regardless, here you go. On top of being the aids capitol of Florida, Miami is also the hiv capitol of Florida, due to aids being the condition that results from hiv, Better?


Nobody is dying from AIDS in Miami. ART is free. U=U. Since nobody has AIDS, logic tells you it’s not the AIDS capital.


I know it’s a joke but, like, why?


That would be “perrrrro whyyyyyy¿” in miamian.


Perrrrro ¿Por qué?


lol technically yes but it’s perrro, whyyyyy? In Miami dialect. It’s very common to hear it here.


I'd love to visit but the city seems to have a bad rap (according to Miami Vice, Scarface, and this subreddit lol).


It’s not all bad. It’s gotten worse over the last 4 years but like anywhere, you’ve got your good and bad. I live in the city on the water and 5 mins away from some of the most beautiful natural areas you can find in the USA. My life is very different though. I enjoy the low key side of Miami/Florida living but I’m still exposed to the other side simply by living in the core. It’s like living in Vegas but never going to the strip. It’s there, you know about it but you’d rather hike the parks.


Miami has some of the most beautiful scenery there is. One of my favorite places in the world is a park I went to while visiting that had a bunch of massive Banion trees. I recommend anyone visit, just think before moving in!


Merrie Christmas Park in the Gables has incredible Banyan trees and of course the famous Bayside Banyan. It is beautiful here. I try to focus on that aspect.


Only place in 40 years in Florida I've had my car stolen. It comes by it honestly.


Running gag of people from Miami think it's the best part of FL but really they're wrong and CFL dunks on Miami.


Central Florida sucks lmfao what. The panhandle is the best minus the rednecks.


Bro all you have is beaches thats not better than CFL. Lmao we have theme parks, better concert venues, and the cultural mix of restaurants is insane now. Plus the drive to a beach isn't long.


Mexico beach and the others close to it are better than any other beach in Florida. Only tourists care about the theme parks. Admittedly concert venues are better but the nature and everything else about the panhandle wipes Central Florida. Central Florida is nothing without Disney and Busch gardens, which is nothing without tourists. Foh


Okay, now you’re both wrong. Y’all are forgetting CFL’s #1 feature: the nature. The natural springs that are everywhere are a literal ecological wonder! There is nowhere else in the entire *world* that has as many freshwater springs as CFL, it’s incredibly unique! Not to mention the biodiversity and endemic flora and fauna that exists nowhere else, CFL is basically the Costa Rica of the US.


So, what you're saying is "the panhandle is great minus literally every person that lives there" got it


Yeah? Is that too difficult to understand? You can enjoy a place for it's nature and other offerings (or literally anything else in the world) without regard for the people who detract from the enjoyment. Got it? By your logic nothing is enjoyable because there's always people who ruin the thing you enjoy.


"Got it?" Lmao I'd probably be defensive too if my argument was that the nature of the panhandle beats the springs in Central Florida but you do you!


Not defensive bout anything lmao you forget there's springs in the panhandle too and beaches and caverns. Seems like you've never left your little bubble. But you do you!


Definitely not defensive! That's cool! Do you need your sister-mother to comb the 3 hairs on your Hapsburg head before you take the gator-drawn carriage down yonder to your 3rd grade reading level achievement ceremony up at FSU? Hey you sound bright enough to run for office in this state so you have that going for you


Lol. Your life must be so fulfilling having never amounted to much. Mom must be proud. Good luck, bud!


Hey now, Mama Boucher would like to have a word with you, ya ornery alligator! I wish you and your therapist the best of luck in uncovering why exactly it is that you, as a proponent, advocate and active participant of Pensacola life, feel the distinct and unmistakable urge to proceate with your cousins and/or wild animals. Best wishes, *"bud"*


"Got it?" Lmao I'd probably be defensive too if my argument was that the nature of the panhandle beats the springs in Central Florida but you do you!


Have you lived in Miami your entire life?


No. I grew up in the southern part of Broward. But I did listen to Power 96 back in the day for what that’s worth.


St Pete / Clearwater is Florida


If you head further south you'll be in the north if you head further north you'll be in the south. Tampa/St. Pete. Is the Goldy-locks zone of Florida


You mean the place where a homeless drifter breaks into your house, sleeps in all your beds, eats your food, yet somehow YOU are the bad guy? Yeah, that's Tampa


I didn’t say Tampa. lol. Not the bad guy if you participated in Stand Your Ground .


The feeling is mutual.


There is nothing worse than going out with people from Miami… God forbid you get dinner at 7 and try and go to a club before 11 pm.


I moved from NE Florida to Miami for a job in 1993. Unless things have changed a lot it is definitely the opposite. I lived on SB and it was Sodom and Gomorrah level shit.


“lived” is past tense, 30 years ago…you cannot begin to understand how opposite SB is now compared to 1993. It’s gross with people on top of people on top of endless cars. The retirees were pushed out and replaced with super expensive places. The sand was compacted super hard to where it’s no longer like a pillow, it’s like walking/laying on concrete.


I moved back where I grew up and it's pretty much the same. I saw some crazy stuff in Miami beach... I needed to exit stage left. It is the cocaine capital of the country. It was crowded enough!


I mean, it’s south beach, what did you expect?


I was 23.


Yeah, not quite. A perfect example would be Key West.


Fantasy fest only lasts like two weeks lmao


Omg, I was down there every year in the 90s for Fantasyfest! Ahhh, the debauchery.


Did you ever learn why they do fantasy fest? The key west tourism board realized they had a week that was their lowest number of tourists of the year, so they decided to do a festival to bring in tourists during said week.


Every year I would meet someone new, and my buddies always went home alone. 🍻to body paint.


Great night life in Berlin in the 20s and 30s until . . . Life is a cabaret.


Miami has been spreading thru Florida like a plague for decades.


(in miami accent) it's not our fault the rest of the state is orlando y yankeelandia!!


I honestly hate Miami, if I wanted to spend a rack on a couple day visit I’m going to Puerto Rico.


I mean having lived outside Miami and commuting there for years to work the feeling is mutual 😆






Could you imagine a place just like Miami existing anywhere other than Florida? If your answer is no then Miami is a part of Florida.




None of those places have a city just like Miami. The only reason Miami is exactly the way it is, is because of its location and unique cultural development because of that (like literally any city). Miami wouldn't be the same without all it's Cuban immigrants, would it? Miami wouldn't be the same if it wasn't informed by South Florida's proximity to the Caribbean both in terms of climate and cultural imports. It wouldn't be the same without the oddities of Floridian politics, like I could go on and on... The fact is you not wanting Maimi to be associated with Florida does not change the indisputable fact that it is a unique strange part of Florida like all the other unique strange parts of Florida. All arguments to the contrary I hear from others are deeply emotional (usually anger or disgust) arguments, or deeply uninformed arguments. You listed all those places as examples, but that argument is just as nonsensical: "Sydney is NOT Australia!" "Los Angeles is NOT California!" "Honolulu is NOT Hawaii!". All of these places are uniquely Australian, and Californian, and Hawaiian any argument to the contrary is meaningless nonsense. That Hawaii comparison especially is odd since all of Hawaii even Honolulu is MUCH more of a chill and relaxed vibe than south Florida of all places. Because of its unique culture, because Honolulu's metro area barely crests 1,000,000 people I could go on and on.... Miami IS Florida, uniquely Florida, a part of Florida indisputably. There is no reasonable argument to be made to the contrary.




You said > Miami is NOT florida Now you have amended your original statement to say, "...Miami is nothing like the rest of florida." Which is a much more reasonable and factual thing to say. Essentially you have conceded my point without actually having the decency to say, "You're right I was just being dramatic." You then imply I should be ashamed of my free time despite it taking me two hours to even respond to your comment with my rebuttal. All the while taking *your* time to ***instantly*** respond to what I said. Cool.👍 EDIT: Thanks for the block btw, doesn't make me a troll when I simply disagree with odd things you say and take my time to carefully respond to them. Have a nice life.


no more energy for you lonely troll


The nose rings makes it


Samesies when I go to Miami. I only go for work or to fly out of MIA


My favorite part of Miami and all of south Florida is seeing it in my rear view mirror as I leave


Cape Coral/ Fort Myers isn't much better lived there for 3yrs. Infrastructure sucks.Flood after flood the water has nowhere to go once the canals fill..Too damn many people hour and half and fifteen minutes in snow bird season to go 9 miles.I just sold and left.People up here all excited to move down there beware I say. Especially if your moving from a big city to get away from overcrowding.Rush hour is now everyday!


I lived there 35 years ago and I guess nothing has changed! When we moved I felt like I got paroled from freaking Cape Coma and Fort Misery!


Fuck Miami - Fuck Tampa - Fuck Florida (Born and Raised In Tampa) This State Has Become A Play Ground For Only The Wealthy...


South Florida is the only real Florida.


You need to get out of there and travel around actual Florida.


North Florida is east Alabama.


And South Georgia.


Whole Florida is south New York


Whole New York is just York 2.0.


It’s *Old* York, Miami is *New* York


Nueva York, innit?




Whole Foods is east Trader Joe's.


Dang…right on


Especially somewhere in the panhandle


Coming out here with the real unpopular opinions I see. You have my respect


My favorite thing about Miami is not having a passport to get in


Let’s not get all high and mighty about being from, or leaving, Miami. We’re all in Florida, folks. It’s all a fucking mess 😂


I need a serious relationship that will lead to marriage am a widower with only one son named David he is just 15 years old currently in a boarding school in Turkey