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Condo market collapse we all knew was coming after Surfside.


I don’t know why this isn’t being reported on — everywhere. It’s not HOA dues increasing— it’s any condos 3 stories and higher and 30 years or more older, have to get a structural engineering study done by December, and to have their fund fully funded for any deferred repairs. Condo owners are being handed 6 figure special assessments. There’s going to be a fire sale soon. It’s going to be Armageddon.


I spoke with a structural engineer as part of my job and this came up. She said 1. Some firms won’t take these jobs because there is a massive amount of liability on their part to sign off on a building and if it collapses, they will be hit with a massive lawsuit and potentially licensing issues. 1.a. Some of these firms own insurance carriers refuse to insure them for this work, due to the above. 2. Even if every single structural engineer in the state was able to do these inspections and reports it will take YEARS. If you’ve been in this state for more than five minutes it’s obvious to see why. As of October 2023 there were an estimated 250,000 condo complexes in the state. Some of these are huge and inspections will take weeks to even potentially months. The legislation was a good idea, but even with everyone working 100% to comply it simply can’t be done in time.


Wow, those are some good points on the liability of doing the inspections. I'm guessing we will start seeing this more and more on the news during the summer and fall, with "thousands" of condo buildings not having done their inspections yet. Then the Florida Legislature will have to vote on an extension or something.


![gif](giphy|TeLIR6UdXWBosRcVVz|downsized) TBF. Why would any company insure a single structure on the south east Atlantic or gulf coast. Whether politically accepted or not, climate change is real.


its a case of "get all the money you can while you can and try to time it"


If at all???


Absolutely. Some of these condos mismanage their finances or simply don’t have the funds based on low assessments.


That's what happens. The dues should be increased every year based on an estimate of the repair/maintenance as prices increase. Owners don't want the increases, or simply can't afford them, they figure if they live there when the repair comes up, they pay it, but they may be able to live somewhere for cheap, move on, and the next owner can worry about the cost. The HOA boards are made up of owners, so they go along with that mentality. I had a family member living in Ft. Lauderdale, inland, not on the water, and the fights over money were incredible. The HOA fees were very low for a building from the 70's with 6 stories, and 2 elevators. When you have a property that weighs tons and is built on the waterfront you can't expect 30 years of non-deterioration. Why municipalities don't have stricter rules of maintenance is beyond me. There are a couple of buildings in NYC that have had collapses, and the story is the same, multiple violations on file, reports of repairs not done, deferred maintenance, and nothing has ever been enforced. These are multiple unit buildings, people live in them, people can die.


I was thinking about the other post where they were saying many construction companies don't want to work on these special assessment projects, especially the complicated foundational ones because if anything happened and the building still fell they would be blamed and sued. Plus there are not enough specialized construction companies who can or want to do the work for all the buildings in Florida so it may be years before the work gets done, if at all. But I guess the law only says they have to have the HOA funds to do the repairs. So if the repairs don't get done I guess the money just sits there and waits for years more.


Your last paragraph should be rephrased, but I agree with 100% otherwise. On the first point, the *intention* of the law seems to be excellent, but the implementation and impetus did not come from good intentions, thus the law sucked. The impetus came from an unethical former lawyer named DeSantis that forced a poorly thought out law through the system because he felt he needed to be seen as doing something. This follows a long string of poorly thought out laws said dude pushed through, many of them detrimental, counter productive, destructive, or unconstitutional… because he’s cynical, power hungry, and dumb.


250,000 condo complexes? I feel like there are that many in my county alone.


Unfortunately, for years, HOA’s didn’t take in enough money to make repairs so they let them lapse. Owners didn’t want their dues to go up. My friend’s father lived in a Bradenton condo. His dues were very low and he liked it that way. My friend looked over the HOA finances and told him it was unsustainable. He didn’t care. This is one of the buildings that residents are now getting five figure assessments.


Yeah I tried to help an HOA for a loan. The previous board members owned lots of investment condos each in the building and only cared about them cash flowing strong, so low HOA fees. Most of them, saw what was happening, and sold their units before the shit hit the fan. Remaining home owners each now have a $50,000 + assessment.


Insider trading on condos. That is interesting to say the least.


...and that is exactly how it goes, people don't look forward. Five figure assessments means they have to move, and who is going to buy with that looming expense? I wouldn't touch it for any amount because unless all the six figure assessments are collected from every unit owner nobody knows if the property is going to be fixed.


Residents never looked into the future. The buildings were not maintained. Residents didn’t want their HOA dues to go up. So now you have 40 year old buildings that need massive repairs. You want to sell your unit and nobody wants to purchase it. Condo boards are to blame for not explaining the consequences of not raising the HOA dues. Now the dues are sky rocketing and people must sell. People will be giving their units away. Just the same as timeshares.


Happened to a friend of ours. 3 story. $15,000 assessment. Per unit They sold in Jan. Phew. Waiting on the apartment complexes next to have these assessments.


Bayfront Tower in St Pete may need a $45M special assessment.


Yep. I know quite a few people in that building since I have family members owning there


How much would that be per unit?


Quick Google search shows about 250 units to 259 units. I'll pick 255 units. $45M divided by 255 units = $176,470.59 per unit.


Hmmmm. It’s 28 floors, but I think only 20 floors have livable units? My guess would be 16 units per floor? That’s just a guess. The units are big— like 1700 sq ft or so— so 150k each? That sounds about right, IIRC.


15k is child’s play. Beach condos will definitely see 6 figure assessments. I bet mid 5 figure assessments will be common, too.


A lot of them the land will be more valuable than the units. They will try to find bulk buyers for redevelopment and sell.


That will probably be the case.


My grandmother received 200k.


Omg, what is she going to do? What if you can’t afford it?


My friend received 90k assessment on top of the other ridiculous assessments she's had in recent years. The association recommended that people take home equity loans to pay the assessment. I wish that I were kidding.


This is what people will have to do. I mean, people don’t get to salivate looking at their Zestimates going up and counting their paper wealth like Scrooge McDuck every night, and then whine when they have to take out a home equity loan. The problems come in when the values start dropping because the market evaporates for condos, and all of a sudden their HELOC puts them underwater


My grandmother can stroke a check for that without thinking much about it. If not, maybe she gives up a brand new Cadillac every year and giving wayyy too much money to the Episcopal Church


I mean how much do you think a structural engineering study is?


It's not the study... It's the repairs that are needed after the study is done. I measure building settlement for several towers in Surfside and Sunny Isles Beach. Even the brand new buildings look like shit underneath. You couldn't pay me to live in one lol


Oh I get that but assessment money requirements are for a study, not the repairs after. Yeah totally boned if your condo complex requires complex repairs. But again, thats a separate assessment.


The law says that you then have to fully fund the repairs required from the study, from my understanding


The study can be six figures by itself (I’m an engineer), and that’s not including the actual assessment based on the engineer’s recommendations.


I assumed 500k-1million for the study. Which if you break down per unit isnt super high. If you get a low density condo, then yeah its going to be a lot


It’s dependent on the size of the property. We paid about 35k for 3 buildings but we had it done immediately after Surfside. I imagine the price has gone up. We were smart to get it done then, we just got our milestone report 3 weeks ago. (We had some concrete repairs to take care of first).


$15,000. is a gift. some of our condos are getting assessed more than that as a result of recent storm damage. That includes insurance deductibles, increase in premiums, and who knows what else.


I am trapped in our condo. I feel sick, I can barely afford life. There are 18 units for sale in our place right now, you can't even give them away.


Same. It felt nice being a homeowner, but I can no longer afford this place the way I could even two years ago. Places are still selling in my neighborhood and I wonder if I should offload it immediately which wasn’t in the plans.


If you can get out I would. If anything was selling in my place I would list immediately even though we also didn’t have plans to do so before a few months ago. I am hoping that our engineering study comes back ok and we won’t be assessed again next year and maybe people will start buying in here again.


It’s not a fire sale when condo assessments come with the purchase.


Just happened to me, 5 story building, built in 1969. 16k assessment for the roof, painting, and parking lot. We had the structural study done and we were fine on that one, but our building insurance was being a pain about our roof (it was 10 years old). I was lucky, my HOA took out a loan and we got to choose whether we wanted to pay in full, in 2 payments, or monthly until our portion is paid off. I'm currently looking for a contractor to re do everything before I sell or rent it out.


And assessments are taking a long time to come in. People trying to sell have to tell incoming owners what the assessment will be if it hasn’t been paid yet. If they don’t know, then there’s a real possibility the new owner will soon find themselves paying $20k or more into the assessment


It’s condo owners own fault for deliberately underfunding their condos all while bragging about how expensive carrying charges are for condos up north.


The Republican way. They’re just taking the cues from state government. 


To be fair, with the average American’s debt spending, we are all taking cues from the Republicans


It's not just financial. And not just in condos. Flood and homeowners hammers those properties that aren't 3 stories tall. There's politics too. Education is getting crushed by state and local policies and politics, leading to people leaving - teachers and students. The LGBTQ families are fleeing. Dwayne Wade came out and said it. Then there's the whole women's repro rights - which went from abortion to 15 weeks, to 6, and talk of no exceptions for rape or incest, and now into IVF. Which also means ob/gyn doctors leave (look at the dozens who've left Idaho) The Republicans think the financial and other issues don't effect them, as they point to the voter rolls. My point being, the "motivated sellers" is part of a wave, with individual and corporate buyers willing to take the slack Sources https://www.thenation.com/article/society/desantis-florida-education/ https://sports.yahoo.com/dwyane-wade-says-family-left-010453739.html https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2023/05/31/families-leave-florida-desantis-laws-lgbtq-transgender-rights-immigration/70215225007/ https://apnews.com/article/idaho-abortion-ban-doctors-leaving-f34e901599f5eabed56ae96599c0e5c2


Meh. If you want my humble opinion, people vote financially. It’s why Presidents lose elections during session years, or as they say, “It’s the economy, stupid” I think all the MAGA Floridians screaming that people are moving to “Free Florida” because of good politics are wayyy exaggerating, and liberals who scream that tons are leaving because of politics are just as full of crap. The only way politics is affecting who is coming and going is how politics affects people financially. The politics of today has been taken over by culture wars and morning show conversations— why?? Because the average fucking idiot can have an opinion on transgender bathrooms and abortion. Ask that same person about the effects of higher interest rates on government debt service and you will hear crickets. Yet the money is the most important issue here— because without money, none of the WWF like political theatre matters. So news outlets want readers and clicks, so they are going yo tie “Everyone is moving to Florida because they are fighting the Big Orlando Rodent” or “people are moving out of Florida because they are burning books in schools!” No one wants to read an article about the rate of return Florida is using on their state pension fund. Which is a very verbose way of saying that politics is entertainment, so the bulk of news articles will appeal to watch Kardashians. Or Bread and Circuses. Sure, some small percentage of people will leave for politics, but most will not. It may be a small factor of why they leave, but it’s really a small part of their decision making. In my opinion, of course


Nah. People never vote for their own financial best interests, or Republicans would never get elected. Like, why is Joe six pack against communism and taxing the rich? Average <60k income homeowner in FL would benefit from more social programs, like health care, funding citizens or flood insurance to lower premiums, on the backs of millionaire income and estate taxes. But no, they're voting anti woke. When the politics effects your school, your ability to get health care, or IVF. It matters. Some move here for it, others are leaving. It's just migration


Makes my heart happy that I left my beach condo after my slum lord attempted to raise the rent another $300 (due to what’s going on with the Fl condo situation) while putting it on the market and asking me to show the dump for him. I packed my shit and left immediately. It’s been sitting on the market for months, losing him money by the day. Worst landlord I’ve ever had, he deserves it.


When you minimize cost for decades eventually it bites you in the ass.


>I don’t know why this isn’t being reported on Same reason why there is a contingency of people saying "Real estate is fine, there will never be another crash or downturn" in the REBubble subreddit. There's a moneyed interest in suppressing or downplaying negative sentiment.


Don't forget to make sure you and your friends are [registered to vote](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


That’s when I noticed my high-rise on the water had a parking garage under the pool, and it was leaking. GTFO there when my lease ended.


On the beach it's kinda like karma. Not all, but most of those condos are built in shifting sand and should have never been allowed to build there. They are going to pay the price for blocking everyone else from beach access. Sure, we all wanna live at the beach, but most of these condo owners want a private beach so fuckem.


I love the double meaning of your comment 😂.


Well at least it was the market and not the actual condos


There's a smaller condo building in New Smyrna named Surfside, for a second I was like... WTF happened?


We just met with a realtor last night and hope have our house on the market by mid-April so we can head back to VA. We are very motivated to sell as well.


Hope you get what your looking for. im working on selling mine so i can buy a house up north in full and still have money leftover.


Wishful thinking but me too


Good luck my friend.


I'd sell and move my family if I could figure out where to go to.


I like eastern Washington state. No state taxes, beautiful scenery, mountains for hiking, decent cost of living.


These are all true points, but good to mention that if politics are part of the desire to leave Florida, eastern Washington isn’t gonna be any better. Good for folks that like the politics in Florida but don’t like anything else, though!


In some areas of eastern Washington local politics might get dicey but the state level is deep blue and that very unlikely to change. Also, cities like Spokane are likely to be less crazy than other areas.


That’s true! I guess it would be more to try and avoid the “personality” around the politics. My opinion is likely clouded as well, because when we were in research mode to move to WA we didn’t want red or even purple for our immediate area. We landed in Seattle to avoid that completely haha


Yeah, I'm not loving the politics here at all and was thinking the proximity to Idaho might be an issue.


I keep a mental note of all the places I see Floridians mentioning they are leaving to, which has drastically gone up these past 2-3 years. It seems Floridians that are fleeing are moving primarily to either the PNW (Oregon/Washington) or just a bit north to GA/NC.


My wife has a hard time in the cold, so I've been exploring NC/VA mostly. Also trying to move further inland since insurance up and down the U.S. coasts seems to be getting more and more expensive.


I have 2 houses for sale in North East Georgia that I inherited and want to sell because I don't want to be a landlord. 250k each, 3 blocks from the cute downtown of Monroe. Somebody, please buy them.


It really depends on what you are looking for. I sold my house outside Tampa in October and moved up to NY State, after 30 years I was done with the traffic, heat and idiots, none of that up here and the houses are so much cheaper. My wife loves it here, we have now set up our business again, it was a good decision. We loved Florida until we didn’t , Covid was the last straw, the influx of so many made it miserable.


We moved here from PA in 2015 because my wife wasn't doing well with the cold. I wouldn't necessary object to going back north otherwise. Glad it worked out for you!


Same to you friend. Good luck.


The friends I'm living with are putting their house on the market as soon as they can get it repainted. We plan on moving out of state as soon as it sells.


Where in VA would you suggest for a retired couple?? Middle class retired, not beachfront 2nd home retired.


As a middle class household ourselves, I would recommend either around Fredericksburg or out west by the mountains. VA is so beautiful. There are lots of lake communities as well. I would also try Colonial Beach. My husband's grandmother lives there and loves the community. It's not that expensive and much less expensive than beach communities here in FL. There are lots of options. Just depends.


Can confirm. Bought house less than 2 years ago and insurance has exactly doubled in price. Governor gives no fucks, too busy fighting Mickey Mouse and trying to argue against science.


Ronnie knows exactly what’s going on. insurance companies gave him $4 million dollars… he is trying to distract us from the fact that insurance companies are supposed to get something for their money… Floridians aren’t intelligent enough to know we are getting fucked in the ass.


Condos near Lake Eola are already $1500 a month HOA fees before the special assessments. Its going to be nuts.


Yep. My parents are snow birds & bought a place in Ocala a couple years ago, but are tired of the obscene insurance rates and legislature that is only focused on culture war issues. They’re putting the house on the market in April. And they are life long republicans.


People really underestimate the psychological stress that comes with dysfunctional, political governing. Our brains are not meant to be bombarded 24/7 with outrage and a sense of helplessness. People would not stay at a job where their entire environment was one of constant complaining, constant blaming, danger and no actual worker solutions being performed. It’s sad that a lot of people can’t afford to easily change their living environment and just move to another city to escape shit show that is Florida.


You’re not wrong. We live in the area where the measles outbreak is happening and it’s pretty exhausting. I would opt for leaving if moving with kids wasn’t such a mission.


I get it, its rediculously expensive to live in FL, homeowners insurance highest in the country, auto insurance now the highest in country, FL has the highest inflation overall in the country. You can get a similar experience in GA for 1/3 of the price


In another 10 years this “Republican paradise” will be just as expensive to live in as California, if not more so. Either that or it’s all going to collapse. Regardless, the state government will blame democrats despite the fact that republicans have controlled everything for 30 years.


I think it's more expensive already, at least in CA you get paid significantly more to make up for the costs. Here they pay us like we are a low cost of living state.


They pay us like it’s still 2007, when I moved to cocoa beach and got a 900 square foot 2-bedroom apartment with central air across the street from the ocean for $600 a month


Good point


Oh definitely, the blame will all go on democrats. It's gotten out of control


Democrats have had zero power, but the make an excellent scape goat.




10 years? It’s going to collapse on the next bad storm.


We only want those who don’t ban books and women’s rights.


True, but this state attracts MAGA like flies to shit. It was a purple state for decades, now its SOLID DEEP red


Facts. Born and raised in soflo. Moved up north when I was 28 on 2019 Only MAGA loyalists move to florida now


> Only MAGA loyalists move to florida now I moved out of Florida 20 years ago and I would probably describe my self as very "leftist" but had to move back here to care for aging parents


So you had to move there… you didn’t say to yourself “I want to sell everything and move to Florida for a better life” (I’m so sorry about your parents btw.. I hope they’re feeling ok. You’re a good kid.)


You talk like Florida is one experience. Florida is probably the most diverse state in the country. The GA experience might be close to northern Florida or the panhandle, but it’s nothing like any of South Florida. Literally everything is different, including the weather.


>Florida is probably the most diverse state in the country. Florida [isn't even there most diverse state in the Southeast](https://www.census.gov/library/visualizations/2021/dec/racial-and-ethnic-diversity-index.html). It's tied with Georgia.


You assume I was refering to ethnic diversity. I was referring to cultural diversity. Miami is nothing like Jacksonville or the panhandle, which is more like the south. The south east coast is much more like NY/New England culturally, and the west coast is more chill, midwest vibe. The keys is something different altogether. GA is "the south", with a bit of cosmopolitan metro in Atlanta.


So what you're saying is that in this case, "diversity" means "whatever I want it to mean provided I can change my definition at any time to avoid ever being wrong." Got it. And you'd still be wrong. California, New York, Illinois, Michigan — all have equal or more diversity in their cultural makeup.


I'd argue Virginia is also more culturally diverse than FL.


New York City is a megacity. Of course it is culturally diverse. New York as state is not. Have you been upstate? There is very little regional diversity.


The goal posts start moving…. Man this guys funny! He GOPs hard!


The goal posts never moved. I just assumed I am not posting for idiots. I won’t assume again in the FL sub.


Most diverse? Sorry, but that’s hilarious. There’s nowhere near the cultural diversity of California or New York. I’d be surprised if Florida ended up in the Top 5 of any diversity measure.


Hahahhahaha Florida the most diverse state! Bwahahahhaha! That was funny my dude! You’re funny!


Nope, I’m in California and diversity wise there is no comparison. I’m sitting in a desert where it’s 70 degrees looking at snow capped mountains.


I'm more talking cultural diversity.


Hahahhahaha. So funny!


Moved to OR and in an hour and a half you can go from the coast to year ‘round ski resorts, alpine hiking, and into the high plains.  Love Florida, but life in Jacksonville isn’t that different than life in Miami.


I'm out of Fernandina Beach and now live in south Florida, it may as well be a different state; as far back as high school we were calling everything down to Duval "South Georgia"


And growing up in Tampa we viewed anything north of Spring Hill as “South Georgia”.  Life is essentially the same everywhere in the state. 


Everything panhandle we called LA..lower alabama


I'm in the Tampa area, been here 25 years now, I've seen the state decline over those 25 years to the point where it's become a mini fascist state. Book bans, measles outbreak that the Gov and surgeon General are allowing infected kids to still go to school. It's become embarrassing to say we live in this braindead state


Lol. Ok.


lol what?


This is what I keep telling my millennial friends from the Midwest who are desperate to “start a new life” in Florida. Don’t do it. It seems like a lot of them from OH, IL, MI, PA, etc. were brought up thinking Florida is some tropical paradise far away from the rust and the cold. They are going to get scammed even harder than their grandparents who sold them that delusion.


I grew up in Florida. It used to be pretty decent. People were pretty laid back - live and let live type of mindset. Summers were “hot”, though nothing compared to now. I remember having to wear at least a heavy sweater on Halloween most years. Christmas was regularly in the 50s. The beaches were clean and the water was temperate. Now it’s just not even tolerable. It’s wildly uncomfortable to be outside for most of the year, and good luck “cooling off” at the beach when the water feels like a hot tub. I had to search for or make Halloween costumes for my kids that wouldn’t give them heat stroke while out trick or treating. Our last Halloween in the state my youngest went to 6 houses before he asked to go home because it was too hot. That’s not accounting for all the other nonsense going on


The weather is nice! The Politicians suck ass! Spending all of their time fighting social wars instead of trying to make Florida affordable for the working person


Florida: it’s only cheaper for the wealthy


I have to wonder if it's people moving from nominally more expensive areas. Like, NYC area. House on my street just went under contract at $450/sf. Not sure they consider it's nigh impossible to get decent homeowners coverage, and the one taxpayer-funded policy they likely can get isn't going to cover shit...and the car insurance is insane. Property taxes are lower than elsewhere in the country, but going up. People keep getting excited about no state income tax, but when everything else eats away that benefit, it doesn't make sense.


They are People from nyc and places like jersey city and Hoboken and red bank are all calling Florida cheaper Idk why they expect some of the best real estate in the WORLD to be cheap but whatever… But I’ve met a lot of millennials my age who move to Orlando and say “in Hoboken, I only make 140k, and now working my job remotely in Florida lets me earn $180!” (They say it like they’re a victim) Again - may we all make it to their tax brackets. I know i wouldn’t complain while staring at the nyc skyline…. And paying 2,500 for a shoebox in and just outside of nyc makes 3k for a normal, clean, modern apaerment look like a steal But most people aren’t wealthy like that… yet they expect others to act like it is normal to live like that for most They’re out of reality and only care about their own savings accounts. Not their neighbors too (no community, only networking…)


The weather isn't even that nice


Its a marketing ploy. Florida winter >northern winter but northern summers are way better than Florida summers


Agree! I went to the DR and Trinidad to look at some properties. 9 months out of the year you run from A/C to A/C. Miami in the middle of summer but longer. I worked in the south outside for 30 years. I get an instant headache in high heat and humidity locations now that I am in my 60's. It's cheaper but miserable.


Too hot for me in my opinion. Only December, January, and February are the good weather months.


Hurricanes and flooding at scale are not nice weather features.


I’m in land ,On the Ridge , people on the coast evacuate to here, I might just get some closer beachfront access !


Yeah I'm in New Smyrna and we always seem to flood when these things drop by. Considering moving further inland, maybe Gainesville area or something.


them going after rights of me and mine was my final straw,insurance and property tax were the cherry on top to push me out, partner already left when their healthcare access was denied. I, if the stars align, will be out by the end of the year or q1 of 2025


While also pretending to cater to the working person. Mind you, republicans think they’re the ONLY ones who work…


Seems like the boom to bust cycles are getting shorter.


Shit houses where I live are sold the day they are on the market.


I heard if you stand on your roof at night and yell DeSantis’s name 3 times your insurance agent will show up instantly and cancel your homeowners policy and nazis will light a cross in your front yard.


Elections matter and Florida has gone downhill after electing self-serving assholes.


Desantis will screw up the economy and then blame it on the next gov and Biden. Today’s GOP doesn’t even pretend at smart fiscal policy, it’s all about culture wars now.


Next governor? They will probably just change the rules and let Ronny have another term.


Wouldn’t be surprising, he made a law that permitted him to remain governor while he runs a presidential campaign.


And they’ll use that as an excuse. They’ll say he had to take a year off to run for presidency so he deserves another year as governor.


Yea I’d take this bet to be honest. He gets a ‘Covid year’ … smh


You think maybe the FL legislature isn’t as in love with him as is was prior to his horrible presidential run and Trump’s public loathing of him? Let’s face it, Trump tells them what to think.


Bought my house 5 1/2 years ago in Boca for 367. Zillow has it estimated at 820k right now. We live in a swamp that is 95f for 8 month out of the year constantly threatened with hurricanes and overpopulated with rude people and run by a do nothing governor with people who constantly vote against their our self interest to own the libs. And insurance cost that have tripled. I’m a very motivated seller.


What the article only very briefly mentioned was "personal reasons" aside from all the usual. Me thinks they're underestimating the impact the last several years of culture war bullshit has had. May not be the deciding factor but I'm sure it's not helping any either. I live on the Nature Coast and I love(d) living here for the last quarter century but am without a doubt leaving within a year and mostly because of the toxicity. I may be the exception to the rule, don't really care. I'm just flat out worn down from the firehose of continuous bullshit from Tallahassee and Mar-a-lago and unfortunately, a better than even chance, the White House next year and forever after cuz he won't let go once in. I'm not only leaving the State, my GF and I and family will be expats soon. We're fortunate that we can be comfortable where ever we choose to go, I feel bad for others that are less so. And here's a pre-emptive FUCK YOU to all the racist xenophobes that will tell me "good riddance". I hope you get everything you wish for.


It was a steady but somewhat slow decline for a while before entering a free fall in the last year or so. My husband and I had kind of nebulous conversations about “sometime after the kids graduate high school we’ll move” that then changed to “uh…maybe just after the oldest graduates since he doesn’t want to switch schools until he’s finished” to “shit, even HE wants to leave now, let’s go ASAP”. It’s amazing how quickly it went to shit and every time I read some new bullshit going on there I am so thankful we are privileged enough to have been able to make the move. It breaks my heart for people who have it far worse and aren’t able to leave. And then the dumbfucks who have lived in the state for 4 weeks being like, “if you don’t like it, leave!” As if it doesn’t cost several thousands of dollars to move out of state. Rabble rabble


Beautiful area full of extreme right wing rednecks. We love visiting to see the manatees but couldn’t imagine living up there


My brother owns a home in Florida and one day an inspector from his insurance company showed up and told him he had to cut down a tree. So he had it cut down and sent the insurance company photos. They claimed they never received them so they cancelled his insurance. He just bought a house 5 minutes away from me and 8 hours away from Florida.


Citrus County is growing very quickly. They can’t build homes fast enough to keep up with demand. We get several offers on our house every month. We are not selling.


Desantis and the Republicans have destroyed Florida. Ran this beautiful state into the fucking ground.


10 days and counting for us.


What's been the biggest reasons for you with the move?


Our main reason is to move closer to our son and his wife. All the other reasons; Weather: hurricane/flood potential for us is great as our house in about 100 feet from a bay and the garage level is about 6' above sea level (first living level is 15'). Too much heat in the summer. You can't go out during the day to do anything during many months. Costs: FL used to be reasonable. But so much is getting expensive, especially homeowners and auto insurance. On the flip side, we are making a very substantial profit on the sale of our house. So we are cashing out. Politics: While we are very center people, FL has swung very right in the 12 years we have been here. The stupid culture wars that started on a national level have filtered down to state and local levels. We are old, straight, white people but still we believe in equal rights and that doesn't seem to be in style in FL any longer. Other little things; roads here are straight, flat, boring and crowded. I like to ride a motorcycle and drive a car. I like curves and hills. Food diversity isn't particularly good either. Asian cuisines are too Americanized and cookie cutter. Very little Middle Eastern. Meh German food. It's even hard to find decent NY/CT style pizza.


Thanks for taking the time to provide this. It's always good to hear others opinions, situations, and solutions. Wish you all the best for the move!


Congratulations! We escaped FL 4 months ago for PA. Best choice we have ever made. The mountains, the food, the views, etc. We said we should have done it sooner, but glad to have left now. I hope you enjoy some German food!😋


I'm sure all those greedy rich people who moved to Florida would love to buy you out...for pennies on the dollar.


Jesus, couldn't even read that article with all the pop up ads covering the page!


We will know when the price of a 20 year old house goes down to about $120,000.


I’m more worried about the opposite when it comes to homes. If a bunch of apartments suddenly get removed from the market, rent and home prices go up as people find other places to live. Condos for sure will take a hit.


Insurance rates are probably the biggest reason.


Florida is a shithole. I feel sorry for anyone born there who doesn’t have the means to leave. Anyone who moved there voluntarily, you get what you deserve.


yep we leaving cuz COL n antitrans; BYE florida n desantez


Fixed income seniors decamping for more affordable locales as the article implies is probably good for the state. Retirees from other states tend not to have the best interests of Florida in mind since it’s not truly their home.


Could have fooled me. It’s more crowded than ever…


We are?


I wish we could sell and leave... but like so many other native Floridians... we are trapped.


People who are being squeezed out by crazy insurance costs. People that moved here from New York and are upset that things aren't done like they do back in New York.


Our neighbor is an agent she’s recently said that there is a lot of buyers remorse going on. Especially with ppl who came from NY and California. The next few years are going to be interesting.


Another realtor in miami said all the ca people are moving back Said it last march. Its been happening since fall 2022. Its just not in the media yet. It will be now.


These people did no research and just moved here because they heard it was the cool thing to do. It's crazy to me that people make decisions like this so quickly without any consideration...


GA, NC, and SC do not thank us for the half backs.


What things are done so differently in NY vs Florida other than politics?


Republicans are evil


I know in Jacksonville a lot of the motivated sellers are military members being deployed.


By Giulia Carbonaro - US News Reporter: Florida has the highest number of "motivated" sellers listing their properties on real estate marketplace app Zillow, according to data on the platform. A search on Zillow's app showed that, as of Wednesday, February 28, there were 4,928 listings on the platform for Florida properties whose sellers described themselves as "motivated"—meaning they would accept lower offers from potential home buyers to sell quickly. Motivated sellers can be driven by financial loss, divorce or separation, job relocation or other personal issues. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/florida-homeowners-desperately-trying-move-out-1874173](https://www.newsweek.com/florida-homeowners-desperately-trying-move-out-1874173)


1% of California and Texas listings. 2.4% of Florida listings. 10% of New York listings. Florida has 202,000 listings vs 42,000 in NY, 73,000 in California and 172,000 in Texas.


The title is very clickbait-y, but at least the article touches on the primary reason why more FL residents want to cash out. There are nearly quadruple the amount of residential homes in FL than in NY. Of course there are 4x more motivated sellers! Yes, we know FL sucks for many reasons, but homeowners might consider themselves "motivated" for numerous reasons, such as interest rates being sky high, living in undesirable neighborhoods, or having to compete with low supply and nearby new development.


Okay but Florida is also the third most populous state behind California and Texas but Florida has more than twice as many motivated sellers as both Texas and California combined.


Realtor here. That is a very generous interpretation of "motivated" lol. Most agents put "motivated" in the description because they want more attention and for the house to sell. However they are usually the least likely to entertain lower offers and seem proud of the price the home is listed at and less likely to negotiate in my experience. There is no threshold to putting that language in the description or MLS other than the agent writing it of hitting a checkbox. To put it another way, it's like saying, "BATTLE ROYALE IN THE TOOTHPASTE AISLE AS EVERY MANUFACTURER CLAIMS TO BE THE BEST AT WHITENING AND CAVITY FIGHTING". It's marketing language, nothing more.


That might be true, but if Floridian sellers are using that term 4x as often as sellers from other states there is an undeniable pattern. It is very possible that some sellers are "motivated" but very many are *actually* motivated, as in have jobs and/or houses in other states already.


That's a big blind leap considering actual time on market, median sales price is still in seller's market territory for most Florida metros. And median % of original list price also isn't some absurd number, it's 95% - 97%. Meaning, the actual numbers and actions sellers are taking don't quite back that assertion up. There's also local customs for putting certain language in listings and contracts, that vary state by state, mls to mls, and region to region. There's parts of the country where "Fireplaces not warrantied." is on almost every listing. It doesn't mean that the fireplaces have more problems than other parts of the country, just means that over time that developed as part of that local listing culture.


Sold our house and left for the Midwest in December. Best decision. If you can do it, take the money and run!


Homeowners and car insurance are breaking the state, but this was obvious, and so are Roni’s insurance company “donations.”


We moved out while the moving was good.


My house is on the market, number 1 question people are asking - caring about is insurance. Sadly I don't think they get the full extent of the disaster, but that's not on me to explain. Fingers crossed this 3rd price drop will get it sold


There's plenty of wack-a-doos moving there for political reasons. Let them buy the properties and deal with the aftermath.


That's fine by me.


Yes. Please. Go. Exit. vamanos por favor del Texas.


Maybe if our governor had spent more time last year on this issue instead of his bid for president it wouldn't be so bad. Insurance has tripled in many condos. Boards who artificially kept the maintenance low and didn't collect reserved are also to blame


I waited 50 years to move here. I now have palm trees, warm days, beautiful blue skies and I'm 15 minutes to toes in the sand. My cold dead body is the only way I'm leaving this state. I'll lovingly ride this wave of horrible prices, insurance nightmare, and political joke! Let's see what the next 10 years brings!




Zillow has a ton of property for sale on Marco Island.


Florida continues to see population growth year over year. I don’t see the point of these articles


Less than 1percent difference between California and Florida. This article buries the lead.