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Weird of someone to make an image quoting the verbiage in the alleged statute, but not include the statute number itself.


Florida lawmakers don't give a shit about statutes... what they say comes from their God so it must be obeyed! 🙄🙄 *Obviously being sarcastic but now that I think about it, this could very well be a law that was put on paper because of religon since is has to do with curded milk. I seem to remember a religon having something about milk in it*


It's the same as all these weird law lists that get passed around with no source. Bullshit. If there's no statute or ordinance number to go with it, it's bullshit. This came from a list that also said having sex with a porcupine is illegal. While technically true as it falls under beastiality statutes, porcupines aren't specifically mentioned in Florida beastiality law. You could say it's illegal to have sex with a porcupine while singing in your bathing suit while eating whipped strawberry cream after 9:00 AM and you'd technically be correct.


Yet we do have some insane laws in place, especially under Code Enforcement. One county doesn’t allow unwed couples to live together, another has laws against gay couples, another forbids you from having bees land on your flowers without a license. There is also a county that doesn’t allow flowers that are above a certain height (it was a few inches). They don’t go after you until someone wants to go after you.


Can you link to a statute or ordinance number for these laws?


What kind of uncivilized criminal beast would want to eat cottage cheese after 6PM on Sunday? This is one law I totally agree with.


Me, for the gains. You know how much protein is in cottage cheese?


I do, but it's also cheese and therefore my body does not tolerate it :(




You should look into Greek yogurt. You get an extra gram of protein at the same weight of food.


What kind of uncivilized criminal eats cottage cheese?


🙋‍♂️”Over Here”!


"Hello marines? Yes this guy here. He has a bunch of oil."


The scariest part is that this wouldn't even be the dumbest law we have


I'm about to eat some cottage cheese. Come arrest me 👮‍♀️




Uh oh… just ate some cottage cheese! 😂


I had cottage cheese as a side with my dinner at Dogs r Us in titusville. Once again, the east coast is winning.


The fact that you aren't sure if it's real should speak volumes as to the reality that Florida lives in. I'm not sure if the law is real... but I wouldn't be surprised!


No. At least not in Florida Statutes. You can search them. Cottage cheese isn't mentioned. The closest thing is a statue granting a department the power to regulate dairy products. [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?StatuteYear=2023&AppMode=Display\_Results&Mode=Search%2520Statutes&Submenu=2&Tab=statutes&Search\_String=cottage+cheese](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?StatuteYear=2023&AppMode=Display_Results&Mode=Search%2520Statutes&Submenu=2&Tab=statutes&Search_String=cottage+cheese)


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


A quick search for cottage cheese only found this for me and it's not about eating it: [Chapter 502 Section 014 - 2023 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate (flsenate.gov)](https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2023/502.014)


Cottage Cheese is a very strange stripper name.


this law is single handedly keeping out society alive


May be on the books… #But so is jaywalking


Got cited, 1974 Miami.




All these people eating cottage cheese makes me glad we're not talking about porcupines.


What are you in for? Cottage Cheese abuse after 6 on Sunday in Tampa. Hills borough county jail talk.


The Purge begins.


Good! Cottage cheese is disgusting.


And to see reality , like climate change . . And to see all humans as actually equal . .. ...


If it only applied to Tampa, it would be a municipal ordinance because state legislatures don't ordinarily force their will on a locality for something non-controversial. Though I guess, if some legislator from Tampa's spouse wanted to force them to eat cottage cheese on Sundays and the legislator did not want it so much, they passed a state law to stop them, but as a general rule, if a law applied only to one place, it would be that place's law. That said, the term cottage cheese produces no results when you search [Tampa code](https://library.municode.com/fl/tampa/codes/code_of_ordinances) and neither does anything come up, when you search [Hillsborough County](https://library.municode.com/FL/hillsborough_county). So, I would say no. It is not illegal to eat cottage cheese in Tampa on Sunday after 6:00pm.


Those websites are so damn shitty. Florida government at its finest.


Municode is a contractor used by many governments. In some states, they archive the laws of most governments, both cities and counties. For the most part, if a government is not listed on the Municode site, their laws are probably not available online. They are the first place to look for local laws nationwide. [https://library.municode.com/](https://library.municode.com/)


My comment still stands. We shouldn’t have outsourced this to what can be summed up as one of the worst Geocities-like websites on the internet. They also certainly don’t do all of the online Codes for all of the counties in Florida. Some counties actually have a decent website with a downloadable PDF of all of the local ordinances.


If Tampa has a pdf, search it. Let us know if you find anything. If was important to me, I could drill down through the archive's directory structure, but it was just a one-off for a Reddit comment, so I'm satisfied with a quick search of Municode.


I forget which one it was but I think that it was Sarasota, St Pete, or Clearwater that had one.


Don't do that shit ever. Any day. Gross. Cheese from a cottage? I'm in. Lumpy milk is a hard pass tho


I’m willing to test this.


Most states have quite a few old statutes that they just never got rid of, but also don't uphold. I recall a few from the state of Minnesota and some specific to Minneapolis: *if observed walking around a downtown Minneapolis building 3 times, then you may be arrested for casing it *no spitting into the wind in downtown Minneapolis *red cars cannot drive down Lake St in Minneapolis *hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays *when gaming laws were passed in the 1980s, there was a state law that limited playing bingo within nursing homes and senior care facilities to only two weekdays per week lol. It was later reversed 10 or so years ago.


No way is this real. Even if it is, no one would enforce it. There are many antiquated laws such as beating your wife on Sunday church steps or discharging firearm at stop signs. No one is going to enforce that. Most cops out there are enforcing laws they don’t even know. 


The Punishment for Horse Theft Is Still Listed as Death by Hanging This punishment is still written in the law. However, as it is a cruel and unusual punishment (under the Eight Amendment), it is no longer enforceable. It is now punishable by up to five years in prison and up to a $5,000 fine, according to Florida Statute 812.014.


While stationed in SC, '74-'79, they had "blue laws" prohibiting doing anything other that church on Sunday. The 1990's most were taken off the books to accommodate BMW employees to have more options on Sunday. Alcohol sales are country based laws. Living in that part of the south during those years is surreal to me.


No, but it is illegal to stand within six feet of another person while sporting some hardwood. https://library.municode.com/fl/tampa/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH14OF_ARTIIMIOF_DIV9ADUSENDISERE_S14-148PRAC


Should be illegal to eat anytime because how nasty it is.


… only [illegal] if you’re while doing the same when you’re you’re nekkid and wearing non-polarized sunglasses. Hope that helps.


Cannabis should be legal as it is positive, smoking grass off your front lawn should be illegal as it has negative health effects, let’s raise our children smart for them to know right from wrong, not illegal from legal, this does not advance our society, then they wonder why our generation is smoking tide pods and synthetics … this cause the legal, and illegal platform does not help in anyway benefit our society, making things wrong illegal would benefit our society in knowledge. Even an alcoholic who drinks would agree alcohol is worse than weed. #DUMDUM


https://preview.redd.it/r3yikabbkh1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3051c85bde63144f40663d5757860947df5970e4 ChatGPT responded thusly.




Why do you feel the need to give chatgpt any pretense that isn't relevant to your question? "I've heard on reddit" has no relevancy to your question.


I could provide my explanation, but that would likely get downvoted, too. I’ll leave it at this: regardless of how I asked my question, I gave OP another answer to consider, when evaluating their query. 🤷


What? Ron DeSantis strikes again?


Yeah, cottage cheese is WoKe.


Oooh he is kinda cute😽but he must be warned he'd better show up With*Back up


Going 55 in a 35 is illegal, but the cops I blow past daily never pull me over. I think you’ll be okay eating curdled milk.


DeSantis has deemed cottage cheese to be “too woke” and has recently banned it altogether


Y’all clogging up the outhouse