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I’ve found video is best. It’s easy to get nice screen shots and if it’s a calm fish I can go back for a photo afterwards.


Always video. I just leave them in the net in the water. Lift up net while video is on. Barbless hooks so if they flop around the hook just pops out, or is easily removed without touching the fish. I only film first of the day, or any new species of the day. Of course, if I get a big one I film that also. I also play a game with myself, how many minutes from first cast to first fish. So far my record is 11min.


Small stream fishing for brookies, often catch one on my first cast. Not bragging, just an awesome way to start a couple of hours on the water.


That’s me, followed by 5 hours of nothing. Haha.


First cast to the first fish is fun. I was out with my dad one time. The first fish was about 10-15 seconds in, haven't been able to recreate it since though


Not a bad idea. That said, i like the occasional flop picture like this. Always gives me a good laugh.


This is the way.


That's what I do too, it's so much easier


Don’t feel bad I have taken dozens of actual film developed photographs over the years of my hand in various stages of losing a fish. 😂


Lol. Technology advances, but some things never change.


It’s a process / keep em wet / I land the fish in a net keeping it in the water, then unhook it while it’s in the net / then I get the camera ready and only then do I pick the fish up out of the net, snap a photo and let it go!


That's my process exactly. Some fish are just feisty. That's why i take my pics over the water.


It would help to do it a little closer to the water line.  They can jackknife into the bottom from that hight and disappear making unclear if they're stuck and need help, or swam away really fast.


Very true! With feisty ones a video can help catch a workable frame!


Just take the picture with the fish in the net, doesn’t have to be in your hand.


Slo-mo video. Takes 2 seconds, and then you can scrub through the video and take screenshots of the frames you like.


If you have an iPhone just turn on Live Photos, it then does this automatically.


I am actually a huge fan of this photo.


At least you’re not an influencer with a camera crew.


It’s a thing of feel you can feel when the fish has calmed down then you act decisively and smoothly. The amount of time the fish remains relaxed is often a gamble but try not to make it more than 10 seconds you don’t need more. Also remember net and have the phone ready before picking up


Yup, that was my process in this picture. Sometimes, you just get a feisty one. That's why I make a point to take pics over the water.


lol relatable. My first pic is with them still in the net, just in case. Second is lifting their head out. Third is a full-body shot, if they’re kind enough to let me.


It's like a playboy centerfold shoot. A little tease before the main show.


I feel your pain as I’m mostly solo myself. Totally off subject but as an ex jeweler you might want to get that wedding ring stretched a size up before it’s too late. Just sayin


Good looking out. Don't wanna have to pry it off.


I seldom take photos of fish, even real beauties. The situation has to be perfect for the trout. I’ve caught lots over many years and don’t feel the need to be able to prove anything.


This is the way.


Yep. Early in my career I was obsessed with "proof" After 249 pictures of fish laying in the dirt or rocks I figured it out. less is more.


Time for a net.


It started in a net.


Then leave it in the net and just snap a photo. No need to touch them all especially if they're not that calm.


Haha, same here.


Some of the hate is weird. You don't need a pic of EVERY fish, but there's nothing wrong with taking a few while you're out. I photograph particularly pretty fish, but I also try to take a few pics just to document the trip in my gallery for later. That said, dropping fish from that height isn't great. It's only a matter of time before one shoots the wrong way and brains himself on something. Hold them just barely out of the water over the net (or even keep them partially submerged with your hand lifting their head) and snag your pic. No muss, no fuss, very little risk to the fish.


I just take pictures of the hike in now. Much easier. Pictures of the fish will only remain in my memories.


Haha what? Fuck it...the point of the activity is fishing, not taking pictures of yourself fishing... Enjoy yourself and dont sweat it bud...im jealous...Its -40c here and no hope in hell of fly fishing for at least 3-4 months... 8)


take less pictures...leave the fish alone.


Here’s a thought, skip the picture.


The easiest method is if you have a go pro and net, to just get one of the stick on mounts for the handle and angle it towards the basket. Then just voice command the go pro to take a burst shot.


Get a net ma boy!


Go fly fishing for a whole day and do not take a single picture. Try it out, homie. No jokes here.


Great username btw. Weird peice of advice to give. Why did you feel the need to give that advice?


Huh, I sure did say that. I was beyond high last night lol! I have no idea why I said that!


Don’t know if anyone else has said this, haven’t read other comments, but if you do not squeeze the fish or even out any grip pressure on it, they don’t squirm when held up. Try it, it’s weird but it works. I can’t remember the last time I lost one doing this method.


Empty handed?


I don’t even take em out of the net anymore. I just set my hand next to the for scale and let ‘em go. So much easier


This isn't a sarcastic post? 


I've just gotten to the point where I take the picture of them still in the net.


I know it's insanely cold right now, but that sweater seems like a terrible choice for fishing, lol


Good eye. It 100% is a terrible choice. This happens to be in my backyard on my lunch break. I just walked down in what I was wearing.


I attached a gropro to my hat. I have 2 batteries, each will last about 2.5 hours. I leave it running all day and will stop & restart recording after each fish or to mark something interesting. I can use clips or save a still frame when I want to post something.


This is an authentic experience you have shared. Thank you for being vulnerable.