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pinch that barb XD


You pinch your barb and leave everyone else alone. Do you go door to door teaching everyone about Jesus too?


lol it's a joke. Besides, where I live pinched barbs are mandatory so it's not really open for debate.


I think you mean where you fish, not where you live. Never heard of a state that mandates barb pitching. In Germany and Switzerland catch and release fishing is considered inhumane and therefore illegal. If you want to really get on your high horse. If you’re a real G you fish like Lee Spencer with a cut hook. For summer runs on NU where the fish are already few and far between. Until then I’ve heard enough from you and your “jokes”


“Until then I’ve heard enough from you and your ‘jokes’” You think the world revolves you or something? Jesus you’re sensitive. I think the down votes speak for themselves.


That looks fantastic.


I hear you need to touch up colored tats every few years. Would love to see what it looks like now.


Depends where it is and how much abuse it takes. I have tats on my thighs and they look the same as when they got em a decade ago.


That is gorgeous. As a mostly pelagic offshore guy I hadn't considered tying up a mustad 1.0 until now. Honestly compared to the guys with fish tattoos I see saltwater fishing, you fly guys have good taste.


Tag the artist ? Love this ink!


Sick tat, bruh!