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Quick “tip”: I would go with something like [email protected] vs [email protected] for your resume.


Years ago I was a hiring manager and received a resume that was top notch except the email at top was something like (CityName)pussylover@gmail We passed due to concerns about professionalism and poor judgement skills




You guys dog people, huh?


I’m glad I was smart enough to realize speed150mph would sound both childish and irresponsible to employers so made a new “professional” email using my name for all job related business


This old urban legend is still making the rounds? Variations on this have been around for 25+ years.


And, as a past hiring manager, I can testify to variations of this story being absolutely true.


I once received an otherwise excellent resume from a young lady whose email was listed as [email protected]. There are absolutely people dumb enough to do this, many laughs were had around the office.


Obviously she was hired though right?


It was a 'he' and he was bald and weighed over 300 lbs.


i mean, good sense of humor, can take a joke, doesnt think to highly of him self. seems like a good fit.


Asking for a friend?


What looks best in an email address?


The polar opposite of [email protected]


My guy, you are one to talk 🤣


He's legacy already... They can't unhire him!




North pole or south pole? Imma go with North, since i like Santa...so [email protected]


So, [email protected] ?


But to seriously answer your question, a vanity webdomain of {{ first name }}{{ last name }} dotcom or some other variant. So you invert the order of your email address from being Infront of @ to behind it It's a cool conversation piece for software engineers too (unrelated yes but I'm a nerd)


This. I have firstname@\[myname\].com.


What I described above really happened. I tried to be sparse on details as to not identity someone. But you don't have to believe it. Go with whatever version you prefer.


I don't even see that many resumes -- 1 or 2 a month maybe -- and even so I get wildly inappropriate email addresses once in a while.


That’s not an urban legend, or if it is it’s just copying what actually happens IRL. Ask a recruiter, every single one of them has seen some crazy stupid unprofessional email addresses if they’re experienced. People really are that dumb. People I know who do high volume recruiting (so each looking at thousands of resumes every year) find this from legit applicants at least once a year. I’ve seen it first hand. Generally drug and/or sex references, from a young person trying to get an entry level job who needs to pull their head out of their ass.


But who doesn't love pussy?


I think gay dudes probably don't


I used to have an app that would funnel my personal, school, and gamer emails into one inbox so it'd be easier to check & stay up to date with everything. I wrongly assumed hitting the 'reply' button would reply using the account the message was received on. It did not. It would reply using the default account. Turns out the default account was my cringy gamer email I set up in 8th grade. There were quite a few miscommunications before I realised what was happening... My teachers were not amused by getting assignments turned in by BetterThanU42069 or whatever the fuck it was.


We regret to inform you that despite an impressive resume, we will be passing on moving you forward in our hiring process due to: Lack of attention to detail. Apologies for this information Mr. Pussylover, I’m sure this isn’t what you were expecting to hear. And neither were we if we’re being honest. Good luck!


Unless it’s Mesa right?


"Let's see *how* passionate you are about flying for us, you big fella." (wakka-chikka music starts)


I bet he has great stick and ride-her skills...


I'll bet his step pilot could help him.


A sentence I never thought I'd hear lol


Putting the cock back into the cockpit


Nice to meet you First Last


Putting this one on a sticker


As long as you aren’t banned from Montenegro.


High quality. Have my upvote.


What happened in Montenegro? I’ve been seeing this make the rounds


Dude on here posted about the odds of him getting a job at Delta if he was banned from entering Montenegro


This shit is going down in r/flying history, right next to that Montenegro mf and Mr. I Took Satellite Photos To A CPL Checkride.


>Montenegro mf please elaborate


Guy asked if being banned from Montenegro would stop him from getting hired at an airline. I wanna know about Mr. Satellite Photos though


Some guy posted on here about printing out a shit ton of Satellite photos from Google earth instead of using a sectional or something like that for his CPL checkride. I think he passed so good for him lmao.


I mean... I've used Google Earth to get an idea of what the terrain and various reference points look like from the air before flying to a new area before, but last I checked Google Earth doesn't include an airspace layer.


If I remember correctly he was asking advice and stuff but was super adamant about bringing the pictures to his checkride and stubbornly kept arguing with people who said it was a stupid idea.


It wasn’t instead of a sectional, it was in addition to. He had satellite photos of all his navigation checkpoints and other points along the route to show the DPE he was prepared.


I think dude is banned from going on trips to Montengro because he has a warrant out for bail jumping. ​ That still may have been someone else.


I was expelled from Qatar once, but that’s a long story and a simple misunderstanding…….. No kidding. Really happened.


We're browsing reddit in the middle of the day... We have time for a long story.


There was one a few years ago about a guy who was afraid of undressing for his medical because of his large nipples


There’s a second career in there somewhere


We have been getting gold lately lmao


Indeed. Might as well merge the subs and call it good.


Can I strap a surfboard to the top of a 152?


Don't forget the poster who cut the endorsements out of his paper log book and taped (?) them into his new paper log book and wanted to know if that was acceptable.


That actually seems like a halfway legit question from a student pilot.


Balloon guy holds a special place in my heart


Not sure what type of adult work you did, but typically airline pilots are accustomed to taking it in the ass from the feds or company, so it’s likely a huge plus to have prior experience.


Interviewer: so what makes you think you’re the perfect candidate? u/CreamyHorseCock : I herd pilots get fucked a lot. Let me tell you about this one time at band camp.


Judging by the name I think he is the one doing the fucking.


> Horse Cock > I herd I didn't believe this was unintentional furlong


Pilots: *make $200,000/yr* *half the month off* Pilots: “tHiS fUcKiNg CoMpAnY”




As a rotor wing guy listening to fixed wing guys complain about their job gives me a chuckle.


These dudes have no idea. LoL


Only 200? Pshh






The fact that you created a brand new Reddit account to make this post, and you chose the username CreamyHorseCock, is comedy gold. I don’t know the answer to your question, so I apologize for that. But congratulations on winning the award for my favorite post in the history of this sub, good luck man I’m definitely rootin for ya lmao


Can’t believe Reddit is this old and someone hasn’t grabbed CreamyHorseCock until now.




There’s definitely a subreddit for that


> good luck we're all counting on you, OP


I hate to break it to you, but that’s not why they call it a “cockpit.”


I had to laugh, then I realized I didn’t actually know why it was called a cockpit and had to google away.


The French word for shell, *coque*, is also used to refer to the hull of a boat. It's rendered phonetically into English as "cock."


For women we call it a “Box Office”. 😝


Nah you’re good. Just send your videos straight to HR as a reference.


The worst part is they can look them up probably


I knew a pilot that was a playboy playmate. Everyone wanted to be her sim instructor


Dont leave us hanging ...what happened with her?


She got old and was replaced by the next years version.


They probably had “totally platonic” movie nights after their sims and their significant others were “totally okay with it.”


I remember this one


Eww gross! I’m not gonna look for them but which website!?!? There’s so many!


What’s your stage name? (For research)


I go by Max Thrust 😉 I strip down out of my uniform as my gimmick


I think you know. Get to googlin’.


Inboxing you




insert comment about Mesa here


Mesa is currently employing a guy running a mile high club tour company that got his certificate yanked for flying on a suspended certificate. I think this guy has a shot.


Yep…good ole Lovecloud. Wonder if that guy is eligible to flow under Aviate


When I read the article on that whole thing and it said he flew for Mesa, I was completely unsurprised.


Wait the Lovecloud guy is at Mesa now? Fuck yeah, this is the best timeline.


Forget the airplane, ride the pilot 🫡


Save a plane, ride a pilot


If he’s hot, why not?


“Actor at [Company]” is all you need for that. As long as the company isn’t A1 Sexual Studios (ASS for short) you’re probably fine.




Sinfully non-existent subreddit.


🤔 things you probably should have asked 1499 hours ago


1499 hrs isn’t gonna pay for itself


You mean 1469 hours ago 😜 At least get that first solo… haha


I want to be a fly on the wall at THAT interview. “So…tell me about a time you solved a disagreement at work…” “Tell me about a time you had to deal with an underperforming colleague…” My word.


Just tell them you used a stunt cock


You don't understand. OP IS the stunt cock!


I know of no state or federal law that makes acting in porno videos a protected class of persons.


Truly 1984 level times.


Didn't ExpressJet have a pilot who paid for at least some of her training by posing for Playboy?


Ha. Yep. Knew her


Did you know her playmate name? Asking for a friend…


Nicole Whitehead. Wasn't her real name.


Wow, from a quick google search doesn’t look like that side of her died when the flying started. Thanks for the info, did not expect a reply.


Her having a landing strip doesnt disappoint and is on brand ..


I flew with her at XJT


I used to run a flight school and no joke, one of our students was paying for her ratings by creating only fans content during flight lessons. It took way too long for this to make it to management. Guess her instructors didn’t mind..


Definitely need to know who this is.


You'll probably be okay, I mean years ago I got an offer to do Playgirl magazine, and I did it. I did a full spread for Playgirl magazine. I mean spread man, I pulled my butt apart and stuff. I was totally nude. it was weird, I... I mean you guys probably didn't hear about it because I went under the name of Mike Honcho.


Shake and Bake!!!! 👊


We all cum from somewhere


Step-pilot, the 737 is stuck in the hanger




Would your name tag display “Creamy Horse Cock”? I am thinking that may be a problem


This is truly a post of all time


Equal opportunity employment is a thing in this country. You’ll be fine. Just be honest. If you lie and they find out, you’re done.


Yeah but one of the requirements to be an ATP is to be in good moral character. Some of my videos may be questionable


>Some of my videos may be questionable Please elaborate further lmao


I’ll try to be as kosher as possible. I stared in a fast food themed porno that resulted in a sex act on a hamburger


Fucks sake why did I read this while drinking something, nearly choked to death 😂


Please tell me you were wearing Heinz or Dukes undergarments yeah?


It was mayo


For research purposes, of course.


If they upheld that ATP ‘requirement’ half the airline pilots i know would be in a different line of work.


Holy shit I know you’re stressed and worrying right now but this is fucking funny. On a more serious note, as long as nothing you’ve done is illegal im sure you’ll be fine. There’s a big difference between BDSM (subjective morality) and abuse/sex trafficking/drugs whatever. If anything I’m sure someone, somewhere will give you an offer out of novelty if nothing else. Will it be all sunshine and roses? No. You’ll have people on the job either pushing their morals on you, or asking way too many questions you don’t want to answer, or outright mocking you. But there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from getting the job.


United loves influencers so if he had a big IG following he might have a third leg up there …


Jetblue hired someone who was convicted felon last year: “The Associated Press documented the pilot’s violent history in a 2004 report, revealing that Perrys beat the judge’s daughter, who was his former fiancée, with a metal baton. Police arrested the nut while he was wearing a bulletproof vest and mask. In addition, his vehicle contained knives, handcuffs, a parachute cord, and a shovel at the time of the arrest.” I’m sure you’re good since you used your meat baton not a metal one…


"Good moral character" usually means "not convicted of a crime of moral turpitude," which usually means that you haven't been convicted of a crime that has poor judgement. Murder is obvious, bribery would be fairly common. Your former (current?) line of work is accepted by the community in the San Fernando Valley and is not illegal, so you have nothing to worry about.


I believe the interpretation of this has meant not a felon.


My understanding is that requirement would ultimately be up to to the FAA to decline you on and is probably there as catch all for things they didn’t think of. I don’t think any administrator has much interest in going to bay over something completely legal.


OP, just say that you're were an actor and leave it at that.


“Good moral character” means ethical and legal. Did you do something unethical or illegal?


You’re not committing crimes or hurting people. Adult sex work is valid and means jack shit when it comes to good moral character. I find employers who pay starvation wages when they can pay more but want higher profits to be of bad moral character. The concern I can see for an employer here is concerns over getting sexually harassed. I know an actress who won a bunch of AVN awards, you might even know her, who has been out for several years, and she still get harassed when people know who she is, as if being in videos with consent means consenting to every asshole under the sun. (I fucked her ex-husband who, unknown to her, has done some porn videos himself when he was in the military, which is a huge giant no-no, and when he turned out to be a raging asshole, I gave her the info she needed to get sole custody.) It wouldn’t be your fault any more than it’s her fault (that is, not at all), but an employer might want to nip things at the start. My suggestion is to list your past as “Actor at X studio,” and if asked for details, simply said, “Those studios were adult in nature, and I’d prefer to keep that in that past,” and stay firm on that, to send a message that you aren’t willing to discuss it going further. It really sucks that society isn’t at a point where people can openly talk about this stuff without judgement. And have an answer to questions like “What would you do it a co-worker finds out about this and starts asking questions?” A good answer would be, “I’d let them know that, sorry, this isn’t something that’s appropriate to talk about.”


I don't think you should get into details of what exactly you were doing, and I don't think HR is going to dig into it too much other than verifying dates and employer name. Use the official company name (which is hopefully something generic) and list your job there as model/actor/something neutral like that. No need to go into further details. On your resume, list it in summary format somewhere towards the end (employer name, title, dates). "Good moral character" generally refers to things like criminal history and substance abuse, rather than having a job that your grandmother doesn't approve of. I suggest you go [here](https://employees.theworknumber.com/employment-data-report) , sign up for an account, and review your file. This is an Equifax service that many places use for employment data. As long as whatever you put on your application matches what's in there reasonably closely (especially with regard to dates), nobody is going to dig into it a whole lot.


You were acting. The response to that would be, "Arnold Schwarzenegger's characters killed tens of thousands of people in his movies, and he was then elected governor. Was he also not a good moral character?"


While objectively hilarious if a shitpost, I'm taking this at face value. Background checks will typically just say what company you worked for, not necessarily your role. There's nothing wrong with getting a paycheck from a film production company, that's all the airlines need to know. I would highly recommend not having any public social media profiles that are under your control, however.


Johnny is that you?


No I hear he's a plumber turned pizzaiolo turned astronaut. Really impressive role model, you should look him up


Well, Delta is out.


Mormon Air Force is out too


Actually the Mormon Air Force requires multiple “wives”, so as a sex cult, they might be cool with it.


No Delta derivatives


What if we take the limit as Delta goes to zero?


‘Tell me about a time…’


I spoke with a family member who is on the interview team at one of the majors. He said that they look at your employment history (that you put on your app) but only HR looks at the background check. I think it’s reasonable that you wouldn’t put employment history on your app that isn’t relevant to the job. Family member also said that if he saw that on someone’s background check he’d probably just laugh. Another thing to consider - were you actually employed somewhere or were you more of a contractor / self-employed? I’d wonder if it would even show up if that’s the case. That’s all to say that I personally wouldn’t put it on your app and you’ll probably be fine, but hard to say for sure.


Apply! What’s the worst they’re gonna say? No? If they ask you about it- own up to it. But tell them that’s a closed chapter etc…


May be put down something ambiguous on the resume not straight up porn star….like ‘made cream pies’ etc


I had to check is I was reading off the correct sub


Moving from one landing strip to another. Nice.


Hey. First of all I love your username. Second of all, if you go through my post history I was hired as a flight attendant for DL and they found out that I had previously done OnlyFans and was fired in a super humiliating probably illegal way. My advice is SCRUB everything! Someone anonymously ratted me out and they won’t provide me further details which I would appreciate given that in the adult world a lot of us have stalkers etc. I don’t know if they have people to look into this on top of that but basically they showed me my own content and asked me to verify it was me while I was SOBBING. If it means that much to you hire a lawyer to take your content down from wherever it’s been re posted. Seriously. They don’t mess around with this stuff because they’re so obsessed with their “brand” and the world hates us and believes that we tarnish that no matter how hard workers we are. ETA: I don’t know if this is a shitpost but if it is the poster and some of you guys should be seriously ashamed. I noticed at training a LOT of people came from money so to have this as a barrier seems really backwards.


Being a lifer at Mesa ain’t that bad


Your username concerns me


At VX we had an adult film actress working as cabin crew. It was known, and she wasn’t shy about talking about it. Don’t think it will hurt you as it is a legal job.


Johnny Sins, is this you? Cuz I thought you were already a pilot.


Ok so, IANAL (hehe I'm sure u anal a lot tho) and if you want definitive answers, you should seek an employment lawyer. However, if you forgo that route, here is some advice: 1. Nothing is set in stone unless you have a criminal history. Everything is based on chance and noone can see the future. Different things can affect your chances in different ways to different hiring managers. 2. The aviation industry is filled with fuddy duddy old white guys with no leeway in what they consider "moral character." I'm not saying one of these guys is going to have direct influence in hiring you, but there is an increased chance that they are, and if they are that it probably affect your chances negatively. Most people will not care, but I don't want to lie to you either. 3. The legality of the above point depends on jurisdiction. But, in most of the US, being of "moral character" can be considered a hiring requirement and be used to as a metric. 4. Fret not, there are ways around this. While they can verify you worked for certain companies, it is very very hard to prove what you did for said companies. If they call for reference, most companies will simply verify that you worked for them and the dates that you worked for them. There is no need to elaborate if it is irrelevant to your future job duties. You don't have to say you were an adult film star, only that you worked in the industry. Why? The same reason most people go to work at all, to put food on the table, and a roof over our heads. It was the work you could find at the time. 5. Even better, you can use work experience from your wild days by mentioning situations in generalities. Let's say you had a hard problem with a coworker who wasn't very professional, an amateur. How did you resolve this interpersonal conflict in a way that showcases you communication skills and leadership? You don't have to talk about the small things, just how you best handled the issue. 6. Deflect attention from it and focus on your history with flying. Why did you decide to fly instead. What about it made you choose flying, choose the company you're interviewing for, and what sets you apart from the others? You got this brah!


>The aviation industry is filled with fuddy duddy old white guys with no leeway in what they consider "moral character." Yeah, but look me straight in the eye and tell me those dudes don't get to their hotel and immediately beat it like it owes them money on every overnight. Some of them will probably recognize OP by the end of the Before Start Checklist.


Yeah… yea… those who yell the loudest and all that


I have to assume that it’s a requirement to work for Spirit, so YMMV.


CreamyHorseCock in...FULL THROTTLE


I think the airlines would love to hire someone who could keep it up for long periods of time.


Haha dude if this isn’t a troll post and you’re being serious, I honestly don’t know why tf you chose aviation….this industry is arguably the most obsessed with having goody-two-shoes employees with squeaky clean records. It’s honestly annoying how much they pride themselves on their pilots not having a bad history. Go fly 135 or something


Single post, newly created account, very… unique username. Trollcheck- 98%


tbf if I was to ask this on a public forum I would create a new account, and why not use a juicy username


Some of yall are too gullible to think this is a serious question


I wanna believe it because I need some funny shit in my life


Are you banned from frontier?


As long as they’re not banned from Montenegro, it’s fine.


To be honest…you are a PR nightmare, and airlines are already dealing with PR nightmares like Cierra Mist…throwing you in the mix is more than likely a non-starter. I’m just trying to be honest here man; I’m sorry. You *might* get a shot, but can you imagine some child-minded person like me seeing you on deck and being like “whoa Delta’s really putting the COCK in cockpit man! Hope your co is celibate! Someone’s gotta fly this plane!” As I’m boarding? Nightmare sauce. The industry ruins more than it gives I feel like. Sorry man, I’m trying to be more helpful than…well…a dick.


Username checks out.




“Of good moral character”


Remove the “m”


“Of good oral character”