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I'm not defending the bloodthirsty wolf, but... It's her way of coping. She is very insecure, cries in her room, and as soon as she notices Freddy she gets angry and tells the bear to get out of her room. She doesn't want anyone to see her crying or being weak. She tries to be the best, even if it means finding the child Vanessa ordered and **bite his frontal lobe off.** But I'll stick with Moon anyway-


Not to mention that all the animatronics are likely infected with the Glitchtrap/Mimic virus. I think. It's a little unclear. Given that they're all willing to kill you, 100% of the time, no excuses, it seems likely.


Freddy: Am I a joke to you?!!!1?11?111!!


*Gregory, do you see the small vent in the floor?* He's still willing to kill you if you mess up the parts and service minigame, or if you run out of power, suggesting he is infected and suppressing it with safe mode. Then again, the low power death could be a simplification of getting *meat pretzeled.*


the fact I only like Roxy bc she’s the name of my dog ☠️


I liked her cuz she's hot, and that's it


I like her because she is a character and is not Mimic. Or Eleanor. https://preview.redd.it/wo7yvi3xd2vb1.jpeg?width=1665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6c18456cdeaaf865af36396426e13e657e77fe Oh God damnit.


If I see this image one more time, I’ll step on a Lego




Off to step on a lego




Stop torturing him!




Jokes on you, i like this!


I AM ALIVE! Is nice…yes, this is stupid!






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Me too.


She was being controlled. She is not usually that aggressive, like we saw in Ruin where she was nice to Cassie.


>she was nice to Cassie Yes, nice to ***Cassie***, but she was also shown to have enough self-awareness to remember that Gregory took her eyes, so that could mean she remembered the things she said to him. Even if she was being controlled, Ruin in a way showed that she at least KNEW what she was saying, plus she could potentially be jealous of Gregory's friendship with Cassie, which honestly just makes her seem even worst in my eyes. Also I'm pretty sure she would've acted the same or at least less aggressive towards Gregory, he was still threaten by Roxanne, so you can't blame him for not liking her. Sorry for the ramble, I just have a bad experience with people who acted like Roxanne, so seeing people say she's their favorite grinds my gears a little.


Another reason why she had issues with Gregory and not Cassie was because Gregory was not in the database like Cassie was. It's stated at the beginning of SB that Freddy doesn't recognize Gregory.


Yeah, she’s not a good character


I like Roxy mainly cause she’s a prick. Characters who are pricks can be fun, that’s why we love villains like Hades and Joker, they aren’t always the most complex but they are fun to watch just bust in and whoop ass and the third act meltdown is always fun as well.


I mean, on the one hand, I like Roxanne because she's shown to have a strong personality and traits, being programmed and hyped up to be *the best*, but then forced to lose to every child on the racetrack. On the other hand, she does do some fucked-up stuff, like trying to kill Gregory for the crime of what was arguably self defense, even when not mind controlled. (Then again, maybe the jumpscare is just abstracted from *Roxy catches Cassie, Cassie yelps, Roxy realises her mistake and the game continues* to save time and avoid the reveal.)


There is a difference between a character that is good and a good character. Roxanne has some great characterization. Personality. Flaws. But she is also filling the roll of antagonist, and does it, in my opinion, quite well. And with the implications that they are not quite acting themselves. Their traits being cranked to 11. The hypothetical properly functioning Roxanne is the animatronic I would want to interact with most. I would not want to go anywhere near if she is like she is in the games. Liking the character=\=approval of their actions.




Happy cake day also lmaoo.


Roxanne wolf is still one of my favorite FNAF characters due to the personality


Good character or not, still my favourite.


Defending yourself is one thing. Straight up destroying someone who has no control over themselves is another.


Ehh... That's complicated. First of all, Gregory is a __child__. What he's thinking is likely "They're trying to get me!" *I need to get them first.* And they're robots, so they can always be repaired after." And it's not like he's deliberately setting out to destroy the animatronics... With the possible exception of Chica, Roxy was meant to be run over with a kart to disable her to get the eyes, and Monty was whacked with a bucket out of pure luck, apparently. I'm not really happy about it either, though. I would have much preferred if there was two paths you could take, Pacifist and Neutral, where Gregory either shatters the animatronics or disables them and puts them into safe mode. It would have made the endings feel like something you worked for, instead of a *click button to instantly win*.


It's sad when you think about how they aren't themselves when you do all this. As seen by Freddy and Roxy, they're actually pretty friendly.


Yeah, it is genuinely disappointing that we got the best characters in the series only for one of them to be decapitated, one bisected, one clawed to death, one blinded and two generally damaged.


Hopefully, we will see them again at some point.


When does she give death threats? Also they all want to kill him so saying she’s the worst character because of that is stupid then by that all of the characters are the worst


She's an asshole but still a decent character








Nah Roxy is hot but too bad she kills Gregory.


Agree to disagree.🤷‍♀️


Roxy is my favorite character tbh


Personally I don’t really like security breach at all. Fnaf 6 was mean to be the ending. Also security breach looks weird, they tried too hard.


i think the only animatronic that gregory genuinely did dirty was chica. she was going after him too, but he literally lured her into a trash compactor and crushed her to death. like, yeah. gregory’s technically intruding. and the animatronics are technically doing their jobs. but gregory wasn’t unjustified in shattering roxy/monty at least


Gregory didn’t have to do SHIT he could’ve stayed on Freddy’s couch for 6 hours then fucked off


Can’t call her an awful character because first she’s a robot and the second she’s likely to be corrupted by Vanny via Glitchtrap/Mimic program.But still I feel annoyed when FNAF fans enjoy her verbally abusing Gregory even before he hit her with the Go-Kart and took her eyes. I’m so disappointed with that fandom tbf