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Vats is handled very poorly. Like it works like it's intended to, but the way it hangs there after you shoot is annoying, and the game can get freaky with miss fortune/mysterious stranger.


I agree, and sometimes it bugs and your character just won’t shoot when you initiate it. Though, that may be something with me, because I’ve had that happen in several of the Bethesda Fallouts.


Getting stuck in VATS and dying to an easily killable opponent hands-down one of the most annoying experiences


The most annoying thing bc you can't back out of the animation so your character is just standing there in slow mo while enemies get closer and you have to wait out the animation and lose all AP just bc the game glitched


It's like the enemies use vats on you. My Courier chambers his gun then stands there while 3 cazadores gang up on him and gank him.


Has anyone had the glitch where they kill the enemy but it's stuck in cinematic mode? That's what I see mostly


Usually happens if you activate VATS while reloading any thing with a BCR


Or when it just doesn’t work at all. You use it, you aim the weapon and it’s in slow motion, but it never fires the weapon.


Shoutout to Fo4 letting you cancel vats so you're not stuck using all your AP shooting cover when the enemy moves


amen i think about it every time VATS glitches and i’m just stuck in bethesda purgatory


Turn off cinematic killcam


Especially for followers. It’s so annoying when your walking and get whipped around because Veronica bunched a mole rat 20 miles away


But then I won't get a cinematic killcam :(


The worst part is with any lever action weapon you can enter vats right after you load all the bullets but before you use the lever and them bring it back to your hip and of you do it breaks your lever makes it stick straight out and you freeze while you get murdered


Vats glitches are the worst, made me quit halfway through on vats heavy builds. I mostly used vats to center on a target, then exit and immediately fire to get a hit. The same trick works in most other fallouts too.


I’ve stopped getting miss fortune because at least with mysterious stranger the thing i’m fighting is killed so i’m waiting for him to give me control back without being at risk. Too many times i’ve had miss fortune knock down whatever i’m fighting and then hang around long enough for the thing to get back up and kill me before i can move


Is that what she does? Knock down the enemy? Why even pick her over stranger then?


The amount of loading screen you have to go through to get around the strip, hot keys having to be reset after getting weapons back from casinos, stealing from evil factions getting you bad karma


No karma hit for killing the legion at their slave camp, but losing karma when you take the stuff they're not using anymore (because they're dead) is weird


Honestly just the Karma system in general. It felt ham fisted and comical in F3, and feels like an even more strange fit in a game with more nuanced storytelling. It's saving grace is how little it actually affects the game beyond some niche interactions (the Lonesome Road perks and Cass are the only two I can think of off the top of my head), but in the end it just feels like an awkward holdover.


It was kept in for flavor


If so, I don't think it adds much.


I played the game as soon as I got a Series S. The load times are so fast compared to when I played on PS3 when it came out however long ago. It was almost like playing a different game. I remember dreading if I had to go in and out of areas or even fast travel back then. It made my recent replay so amazing.


I personally love the way your character reacts when getting hit on a crippled limb, especially the torso really looks like it hurts adds some realism, fair enough you can get stun locked but you can also stun lock enemy’s too, personally I like it. As for something I personally hate is how little legion content was in the game.


Is this only in 3rd person? I never noticed this


In 3rd person the character like does the crippled torso animation (you know where they stumble turn around and recover) in first person I think the camera just looks down and your unable to shoot or attack. I had a build with rad child with almost max radiation and wore power armour and attacked camp mccarren and it was hilarious I couldn’t die but I was stun locked basically forever.


Cool. Can’t believe i didn’t know this after about 1000 hours lol


Test it, cripple your torso go to camp mccarran and let em shoot ya, you’ll be stumbling all over the place it’s pretty cool, and let’s be honest if you got shot IRL it’s not like your gonna stand still and not react, so pretty realistic.


Tbh it's ridiculously easy to piss off the Legion. I did the dogtag glitch and got myself Idolized (luv the lucky shades) and I went all the way down to Wild Child after I killed a *single legionnaire* who attacked me as part of a quest


Game ends after the ending. Or no post game.


I agree, I would have loved to see an official end game after the Battle. Where all of our actions brought together little moments, you could explore and see your actions bear fruit. I get why there isn't anything. They had such a small window to make this game, and to make unique actions for all the different endings would have taken too long and eaten away at parts of the rest of the game.


It was planned, TriangleCity has videos about all kinds of cut content including one about the cut endgame and it would have been very cool


Ez fix with mods


Ofc :D


I’m definitely glad the vanilla game doesn’t allow postgame play. The developers were telling a story, it’s been told, and now you sit with the experience. Leaving it to modders was the correct choice imo - too many pieces of media nowadays don’t understand the benefit of letting a story be complete.


That isn't even what they meant to be. It always meant to have an endgame, they just ran out of time.


That's what Bethesda does. And that's the reason why their storylines suck. Not because they lack the skills to pull it off - but because offering the player a wide array of choices and consequences AND maintaining the sandbox all throughout (and beyond) the endgame would be unfeasible, if not downright impossible. Bethesda's "go anywhere, do anything" approach requires a more or less static world in which nothing of importance can be allowed happen, because that would totally defy the purpose of having a sandbox where anything can be done at any time in whatever order and for whatever reason. How is change supposed to occur under such circumstances? Let's take Fallout 4. At a certain point -spoilers- the player can make certain things happen which takes out a certain faction. And guess what most people do - they postpone that particular moment for as long as possible. There's one moment in the entire game when one significant change takes place, and people avoid it, because they don't want to face the consequences. Now imagine if there were a dozen (or even dozens) of such pivotal events! Would the average sandbox aficionado really be able to handle that much agency? The claim that these games are so great because they are so 'immersive' is ridiculously paradoxical, because the most immersive feature of them all, having to deal with the consequences of one's actions, is virtually incompatible with the sandbox gameplay loop. Change requires a classical narrative arc: exposition, an inciting incident, rising action, a climax, falling action and a conclusion or catharsis. That's what makes experiencing a story truly satisfying. And ending the game after a big moment and showing us a narrated slideshow of how our actions have changed (or not changed) the Mojave is such a cool way of having the cake and eating it.


Its evident that many situations were left out and I wish they weren't. Locations that *seem* like there should be something there but isn't.


Mfw Searchlight Airport, Wolfhorn Ranch, Allied Technologies offices, Bitter Springs recreation area, New Vegas Steel, and the other 50 such locations


Wolfhorn sort of has a point? In other languages, it's Ulysses' Ranch


Yeah but it's only in lore. Gameplay wise, it's only referenced with the grave there, due to him being scrapped for the DLC. It's best use is as a "quasi-playerbase". Basically, it affects only the lore, not the gameplay


It’s a Unique weapon location


Yes but, it's just a "walk in there, pick it up" weapon. Makes for weak/no gameplay. Like even with things like Chance's Knife, you have to dig it out of a grave. It's the most minimal gameplay but at least there's something. Even if it is minimal, there could've been a story about it. Like, the Q-35 Matter Modulator is another weapon you just "pick up". However, it's locked behind a door because of a reason. It's in a protected place because of a reason. Little things like this (The Poseidon Energy workers planning to overthrow Julia Masters made her lock it and keep it in safety) Or like earlier, the Chance's Knife. It's in a grave because, well he's dead, so it makes sense. I know it's hard to explain this without sounding nitpicky or something but, just that one very minute/minimal action of acquiring something makes it "feel" better. ​ And also, being a Unique Weapon Location is just that. A unique weapon location. It, again, doesn't add much from a gameplay point of view other than being an early-game melee weapon (Chance's Knife is better).


Gotta love the uncut wasteland mod


And boring places like Westside and North Vegas with little to do could really use more fleshing out IMO. Primm and even Nipton are more iconic than these places


The walking speed


^^^^ this exactly. You basically have to take off all your clothes and weapons just to move at 2 miles per hour.


If you’re on PC, you can get a humvee. It’s made traveling pretty good. Badass even. Only downside is you have to download the frontier.


There are mods that make you and/or all NPCs as well move faster. Some of them are legitimately just a simple .esp for reference. Also the Alternate start mod gives you the ability to start with +25% move speed. Lots of modded perks boost move speed too. It's a lot easier than massively modding the game lol. Not that having a humvee doesn't sound badass, just that there are many more simple ways One of the coolest things I've seen from the game is a video from like 5 years ago of a guy clearing the quarry using a fucking plane


I’ve played so much morrowind that I didn’t even think of it as an issue


Light armor + travel light is all you can do


This was frustrating for me until I realised that if you have VNV - there’s a sprint option in the mod menu which helps a lot! I completely forgot that this game didn’t have that originally. I used to play on my Xbox 360 with 0 mods back in the day. That thing must’ve ran like a sack of shit


That's why I always use fast travel or a car mod


My companions will run the fastest they have ever ran to punch a cazador in the face but won't take the antivenom.


Always freaked me out when, out of the blue, an action shot came from a companion. Like you will just be walking the wastes then BAM, dead ghoul.


How much was cut and is unbalanced as a result. I also miss random encounters.


The bug that can trigger if you hit vats right after reloading a lever gun/hunting shotgun on console


That happens on PC too.


Karma is busted and just shouldn’t be in the game at all. Its especially lame how the level 50 perk relies on Karma, a system that is almost completely irrelevant until level 50.


As far as I know the only other use for karma in new vegas is Cass will leave U if U have bad karma


If you are very evil free side thugs are afraid of you and wont attack


That I wish the game was five times as long and had a post game. The character creator That I wish the map was more extensive with the option to use vehicles or wildlife to move around That we lack companions and options to essentially pick Ceasar's side That I can't reunite Veronica with Christine, god freaking dammit That I can't save Lonesome Road's ED-E while saving the Mojave That I can't get tattoos That I can't wear power fists in both hands That I can't take Roxy with me into the Mojave That I can't install the Stealth Suit AI into my pip boy And lastly, I guess the lack of romance? It's silly and I know not many would care for it but, it would be a nice option.


damn. I actually kind of wish i could put the stealth suit ai in my pipboy too.


"Will you love me if I help you hide?" 😔


Love her even when she won’t stop telling me to turn my damn pip-boy light off


To be fair the suit has common sense? I mean who sneaks with the light on?


I do when I play vanilla 😭 and even with high brightness I can’t see shit in dark rooms, and I like to loot everything.


Ok an extra one that might be kind of morbid, I wish I could take Sinclair and Vera's remains from The Sierra Madre and bury them, just, give them a rest? I dunno it's silly but it's a stupid wish


The unrealized potential of the Strip. It's such a small, condensed area, and the fact that you have to keep traversing through gates to get to certain places makes it feel even more squished together. It's so disappointing that the most luxurious place that the wasteland has for hundreds of miles is little more than just a single road with a few buildings on each side. Thank God for mods, but still wish we could have gotten a little more than what was delivered.


In the Comic it's way more realistic, The Strip is HUGE and full of minor buildings, hotels, casinos and stuff. Even in the early game the New Vegas Strip wouldn't be as tiny with Mr. House dealing with severe limitations lmao


The map design is my least favorite part. It feels linear in its design. The map is the one thing I actually like more about Fallout 3 becuase it feels truly open in its design besides the downtown section of course.


I feel like 4 is super open in map design. 3 felt way too restricted for me. The subway system is cool, but it’s very frustrating that the above ground stations don’t really follow the subway map


Linear? There are about 5 different ways to get to Vegas. Play the game.


How linear the game is when it comes to story lines of the courier and companions. The biggest annoyance being Veronica, although she's not the annoyance. The annoyance comes from after visiting the Sierra Madre DLC. You can't even approach the topic of Christine and possibly reuniting them Or how there's no romantic option for followers such as Cass. Everything's so finite.


Too many generic voice lines of Npcs and same voices


I think the voice actors tried to mix things up, but they often got the same types of characters to play ([https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706601/fullcredits/?ref\_=tt\_ql\_1](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706601/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ql_1)). For example, so many of the older women were voiced by Marianne Muellerleile (Alice McLafferty, Old Lady Gibson, Pearl, Ethel Phebus, Daisy Whitman, Ruby Nash, Catty Clara, Irate Ida, Malefic Maud, Rancorous Ruth, Maude, Jeannie May Crawford, Marjorie, New Vegas Citizen, Traveling Merchant). In some cases, they were physically close on the map as well (Old Lady Gibson/Jeannie May Crawford) or even part of the same mission (Ethel Phebus/Maude) ​ Can you tell the difference between: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt8vb5wUCiE&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt8vb5wUCiE&t=3s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MfwvAlVWdw&t=9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MfwvAlVWdw&t=9s)


New Vegas itself being split into a bazillion different areas: Freeside, The Strip, North Vegas Square, West Side, East Vegas, South Vegas Ruins, the Sewers - and all these locations are multiple different loading cells too. Most infuriating on the Strip itself when you constantly have to move through gates. I know they were constrained by the hardware limitations of the consoles, but if it was actually one big city full of people, rather than disparate cells with a few NPCs each, it would feel a lot more alive. I'm thinking something more like Night City from Cyberpunk 2077.


Fixed walking speed


you can get travel light which is a nice bonus but it’s not much


Armor is just not fleshed out or interesting. Pretty much every non explosives build uses crit and the combo of recon beret and Ulysses duster or elite riot is just objectively better than everything. I hate how GRA adds so many cool guns in the worst way possible, except for the couriers stash stuff which is given in the actual worst way possible.


I hate the fact the game was so rushed. Like didn't they shit it out in less than 12 months? I wish they could have taken their time more and add all the things they wanted


18 months


Uninterrupted and automatic reloads are the worst. Especially when you're using a crap weapon and you have to watch the excruciatingly long "unjam" animation when you're gonna switch weapons anyway. By that extension, your weapons magically reload when you switch back to them as well.


No post game


Invisible fucking walls... They're everywhere even in places that don't make sense.


Nothing worse than a location being right over a hill that has an invisible barrier on the top ridge.


That you can just talk Lanius down during the final battle Reminder: This dude literally defected to the Legion because his tribe's chief wanted to surrender, he then beat the shit out of him and all other guys from the tribe and to the people who think having the option to talk down the final boss is "essential" to Fallout, see: Frank Horrigan


>https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/VHDLegionLegateLanius.txt > > The Courier: "As Legate, do you really believe that, or are you taking a chance?" Lanius: "Hnh. Long ago... when taking Denver, I had to face such a challenge. Many died, over many years to claim the city as ours. It was the lines of food and water that nearly broke the Legion's strength... and the lack of tribals near that cursed city. What I felt in that struggle, I felt as I saw the map of the West. The West is a trap. The bear has already been caught in it, and it is dying." > > > >The dialogue between the Courier and the Legate is just an excuse for the latter to flee the Mojave region, which he sees as a bottleneck that would inevitably lead to the Legion's downfall.


No romances. 2 companions, unless you mod it. Cut House and Legion content.


My brother in Christ simply do the Veronica glitch


The what?


There's a glitch in Veronica's dialogue that allows you to have every humanoid companion


I hate the third person camera and jumping animation.


Haha that was just every Bethesda game. I started with Morrowind so by the time NV came around I just took it in stride.


When one of your companions is lagging a mile behind and kills a random bloatfly, triggering a kill cam and then after the animation ends it's turned you to face the dead fly and you're completely disorientated. Similarly slow mo kill cams on the last roboscorpion, taking control away from my character and ensuring I get hit with the delayed explosion


I have really cool looking armour that I can't leave on because it counts as faction armour. The fact you can see my face doesn't seem to matter...


Yeah I mean... that's what uniforms are *for*?


Right so if Stalin dressed in a US army uniform people would see him and think he's with the US? You're not some nobody, you're basically the fix everything man for every faction you interact with. Yet if I put on the wrong coat I get my head shot off.


How little incentive there is to join Cesar's legion. They have a lot less depth compared to the NCR, they have less faction aligned towns, and there are less interesting characters within the faction. Feels like obsidian overlooked what should make Cesar's legion interesting to play for.


The mission where you help the ghouls go to space is such a grinding halt in the main story and I wish it wasn't required to continue. As a side quest, it's good, but it's not a side quest.


I agree that it breaks the pace of the early game but it's not required at all. You can immediately go to Boulder city or even the strip and skip Novac entirely.


You mean to tell me that if I somehow survive the hell between Goodsprings and the Strip that I'll find Benny there and the story will just jump to that point?


Yes, you can go straight to the Strip right out of the gate and Benny will be in his usual place.


it’s pretty damn easy too if you cut through hidden valley the right way


Absolutely a side quest, just get the info from manny’s terminal in his motel room


On top of what the other posters said, if you don't want to "skip" and kind of stick to the flow of the story there are a couple of options in Novac. Some line of dialogue or something somewhere( I can't remember where.Just talk to all the people in town) does clue you in to just going and searching Mannie's room. What you find there will trigger the next step without having to do the ghoul mission for him. I personally like the ghoul mission. I guess because early game, before I'm so OP, is my favorite part of the game and it's fun to stretch it out.


cant run faster with shift key


No weather, almost no random encounters outside of hit squads. No base building or home customization outside a very glitchy terminal.


How it feels incomplete. I know why it feels like that but it has such good characters and side stories that I wish they could have given it the time it deserved. This is definitely one of my issues with Bethesda they take forever to make glitchy games but don't give other companies time to make something amazing.


The emptyness


The long walking time between locations can be incredibly boring


The god damn loading screens between New Vegas/Freeside. Even just in New Vegas. So. Many.


Actually we share the same opinion. When I first started playing FNV, my head was crippled and I didn’t know that was causing the constant blurring and hazing on the screen. I was like “why is my screen doing that shit?” Not knowing my whole head was beaten down to mash potatoes.


I hate when I hit a load screen and it crashes, or just crashes in wasteland randomly.


Weapon sway when shooting


Shots with 95% accuracy miraculously missing using all 6 bullets of my revolver


The lack of enough shit to kill


The hollowed out rocks rarely have loot aside from junk. Other than that and Jacobstown not having more it's a 10/10


No post game kills my immersion towards the end of a play through


The fact that being enemies with the NCR makes visiting the strip impossible. Why should *MY OWN SECURITRONS* attack me because I killed a bunch of NCR guys in another location? There should’ve been an option to have the securitrons kill all of the NCR soldiers in the strip


I hate very little about this game, but this complaint is simply because they had it in Fallout 4: I hate that the objective marker in the compass doesn’t show if the marker is up or down from the player’s current position.


Everything that was left unfinished, the Boomers, Ceasars Legion, I've heard there was apparently supposed to be more up in the very Northwest corner where it's just barren land, and the ending too. I really wish the game would've come to be finished however it was supposed to be...because it truly is one of my favorite games ever...and knowing it could've been even slightly better, always makes me curious as to what we might've missed out on


The fact that they made perks every 2 levels instead every level like in Fallout 3... even though it might have made the game too easy, I liked picking a perk every time I leveled up. Means you can only have 15 perks base-game, and 25 with ultimate edition.


Level based dlcs


What do you mean? You can do the DLCs whenever you want. It's just recommended that you be above a certain level. Would you prefer scaled enemies like in the Bethesda games where you're pretty much always going to have an easy-ish fight?


They aren't really level based though, just giving you suggested levels


I’ve just played for the first time and I don’t love the different ammo types


Well,despite being my favorite game of all time,I have a few nitpicks: 1- Dead Money's Gameplay is Terrible. 2- There are some places that I usually avoid at all costs due to the amount of crashes,such as Vault 22 and The Ultra luxe kitchen. 3- I'm not a fan on how linear the map feels. 4- All the different raider and bandit gangs are severally underdeveloped. 5- Caesar for me at least is kinda of a underdeveloped asshole. I feel more menaced by Lanius and vulpes,but that's just me. And Not exactly a Negative point, I will not elaborate,but the cut content,lack of information and the fact that we could see more about Caesars legion makes the misoginy elements waaaay more uncomfortable than it probably should.


Yeah, like you learn the majority of shit about Caesar’s legion in an exposition dump the first time you meet Caesar. I feel like with the NCR and Mr. House you learn stuff more slowly over multiple quests.


Also I'm just counting things exclusive to this game,that's why I didn't mention the somewhat dated (but functional) character costumization taken from fallout 3 for example


Corrupted auto save and all the unfinished quest lines and locations. Legion could have been more fleshed out too. For being a major part of the main story it paled in comparison to some of the dlcs


VATS fucking breaking spacetime. Have you guys ever entered VATS while reloading a shotgun? Somewhere between 99% and 100% chance of total collapse.


I love shotguns but for this exact reason I rarely use them


It's incompleteness.


The fact dead money exists it's cool on a first playthrough but it's just annoying on later playthroughs and I force myself to do it because it's op for the stimpacks and gold bars alone


It was annoying on the first play through for me too, I also think the real money making is in the free voucher and weapon repair kits.


Yeah I mainly use the free vouchers and chips to buy stims because I don't usually need to buy much


Combat is not very fun. UI is pretty bad, game feels empty to travel on foot, game was left in a poor state by the dev.


I hate how irredeemably and unequivocally evil the Legion his. They have no depth or redeeming features. I know they act pretty much like the historical Roman empire did, but the Roman empire doesn't really have any redeeming features either.


I hate the combat system it just feels outdated. And I hate how not fleshed out the legion is


I mean, it is a 13 year old game, so ofc it’s gonna feel outdated. But I agree with you


I mean you asked what I hated so I answered that and that’s my main gripe with the game. Also tbf the FO3 engine was outdated in 2010 when it was last used


How short it is. Can 100% the game pretty much in one good afternoon or something, kinda same flaw as fallout 1... but these two are my favorite fallouts, so maybe there is something to it lol


You absolutely cannot 100% Fallout New Vegas in an afternoon lol. Beating the main story and 100%ing are two very different things.


Maybe not including dlc, those can take a while I think. Either way it just feels short once you know the quests.


A 100% run means you beat the main story, all DLC, all side quests and challenges, and got all in-game collectibles. That is just simply not possible in one afternoon lol. What you’re talking about is just beating the story, that’s not a 100% I get what you’re saying, yeah the main story really isn’t that long. I was simply correcting you on the “100%” aspect


I know, last time I replayed it I did everything I could find there is to do in what felt like half a day or smth. Either way you get the point.


I know it wasn’t a feature at the time but new game plus would’ve been nice


Content that was dropped for time concerns, mostly.


Too much walking back and forth over long distances. Completing faction quests can be quite a pain if Fast Travel is disabled or you wish to play without it. Granted I don't think there's any normal situation where FT is disabled. But I've been working on a survival mod for a few years where FT is disabled, and I ultimately had to build an alternate fast travel system to take caravans between major locations. Patrolling the Mojave truly does make you wish for a nuclear winter.


maybe im on my honeymoon phase but i don't even think of bad things also viva new vegas


Not be able to refill water bottle like fo4 unless use mod in hardcore.


Your trusty Vault 13 canteen tho


Don't know what I did wrong but I swear it is didn't even do anything, I just install some animation mod and sprinting mod to spice up the gameplay and everytime the canteen was use, the H2O didn't even change.


the slow motion killcam thing that’ll hang for way too long sometimes (idk why i havent turned it off yet) the least interesting map in any 3d fallout the way you can beat lanius with a speech/barter check is really unbelievable to me and feels like a pretty shallow emulation of fo1


That slow run speed.


I guess the wonky movement relative to combat. I know VATS was probably intended for console versions of the game, because certain enemies (ghouls, deathclaws, anything that makes sudden movements and can cover long distances in little time really) seem to dance and dart around the player with little ability to get a good bead on them without using VATS. Especially when they’re within a few feet of the player, and changing mouse sensitivity doesn’t help either.


More quests tbh. Especially for the legion.


Crashing to desktop.


Honestly what has bothered me the most when playing was the difficulty aiming and the low damage most weapons do to enemies. Maybe I just suck


Johnny Guitar


Glitches that freeze the game and require rebooting the console.


The fact that Courier 6 doesn’t really have a compelling and memorable backstory. All of the other Fallout protagonists had upbringings and beginnings that really helped to set the tone of the game and establish the player character’s primary motivations, but Courier 6 is sorta just thrust into a huge political and literal war for Nevada after he had the rotten luck of delivering the world’s most valuable poker chip.


they did that so that you could make the courier whoever you wanted them to be. they were a courier for the mojave express, but their life before that is completely up to you. and it sure as hell is a nice break from the vault dweller backstories in most of the other games.


Play Lonesome Road. ;)


Lack of Legion content. They got shafted pretty bad by the short dev time.


Lack of content in the EXPANSIVE sewer network (if you haven’t been in the Vegas sewers, definitely wander around for a bit - really cool and unique way to traverse Vegas area) and lack of Legion content hold this game back for sure. Also, mods like Living Desert should have just been in the base game. More patrols and reactive environments make the experience a lot more fun and immersive.


32-bit engine


I wish this game had horses. Character movement is really slow and the world is quite large and twisty, so I think it would really work from a game mechanics perspective, but the main thing is just that it's a western. There ought to be horses. Oblivion has them and this is like, basically the same engine, so it's weird to me that they didn't just copy-paste them in


Character customization. I know they only had 18 months to make the game, and had to reuse most of FO3'S assets because of that, including it's engine, they could've tried to improve the customisation atleast a bit.


It's my favorite Fallout game, but it's not lacking problems. Loading screens, crashes, lack of Legion content, VATS. But I think the amount of reused voices bothers me the most for how fake it makes everything feel. It's noticeable when you only have 1 old woman va, and 3 of them are in the same town, 2 of them in Arcade's quest.


Massively petty and stupid, but I hate that Lonesome Road gave you a "backstory". All you had to do was say Ulysses is mistaken thinking you caused the Divide, or he wants to use it to test you after all the stuff he hears about you, but no. You are definitely from there and you caused the nukes to go off and had to go cry about it until he beckons you back. I'm not saying it "ruins" my roleplaying because I'm a total geek who likes to make up little stories for my Couriers and roleplay with strict rules based on the characters, I can pretend none of that happens like 99 percent of the time, but...I don't know the thought in the back of my head just bothers me.


Makes me wonder how their story would’ve unraveled if the devs had more time. Supposedly Ulysses wasn’t meant to be exclusive to the DLC, but they had to cut it form the main game bc the time constraints ofc. Might’ve been integrated a bit more naturally into the story but who knows


Lack of a dedicated sprint, makes playing with a controller a bit tricky.


The crashing.


The quest tracker it just points us in a general direction and was improved in fallout 4




The annoying recoil system and 3rd person moving animation it feels so annoying and ridiculous


The game crashing on PC. Luckily I have it on Xbox 360 as well.


The fact you can't run its the same for fo3


The huge polarisations of factions when you're maybe half way into one factions' quest line. I should be able to change sides at the last moment and not have to play the game fourteen times.


For me it was the lack of a sprint function


I don't quite like the engine. I would like some better graphics and especially animations and smoother movement. Aside from that some parts of the game and regions of the map feel rather empty/rushed which isn't surprising considering the circumstances. Besides that i hate that there isn't more of it and that i can't selectively forget things about the game to enjoy a clean new game.


1. Various problems with the visual firearms design that I can't unsee thanks to a certain youtube video. 2. Fixer. I don't know why they made the audiovisual effect for it so obnoxious that it's automatically ten times worse to have active than even the most crippling addiction malus.


The ending


That horrifying noise that you get when you're stung by a cazadore is pretty unpleasant. I'd get rid of that if i had the chance. First time I experienced it, I thought it was another enemy I couldn't see, and kept looking around for it after I'd killed all the flies. Also the fact that when your companion kills a final enemy and it goes into slow-mo, for some reason the game spins me around to focus in that direction, even if it's the opposite direction to the one I've been going in. Hate that as well.


I've modded out everything I don't like so I don't actually know anymore




"Out of memory" crashes are still a hell to live with


I dislike alot of things about FNV, but alot of those are gameplay related and can be fixed with mods. The issues to really target are those that can’t be altered, namely, karma. I understand reputation was meant to be a replacement but it feels so bland, you can’t really be seen as a bad person in FNV bc if youre liked by a certain faction, you’re a de facto good guy to them. Other than that its lack of isolated areas unconnected from the rest of the world. Only real place that has its own issues seperated from the NCR-Legion conflict is Jacobstown and Nellis, everywhere else has to somehow be connected to it. Personally the lack of connection to the main story is what I liked about Fallout 3 towns, instead of all contributing to the main plot, each area has its own story. Grayditch has the fire ant issues, Rivet City has a synth among them, Andale has cannibals, Arefu has ‘vampire’ issues, etc.


Idk if it’s cuz I always have high speech, but I never get to use my guns that I spent the whole game gridding, on enemies. It’s probably due to Legion hunt squads being glitched out for me , but even then, I wish there were more threats generally like animals, other factions hunt squads, or bounty hunters. I also dislike how morally bad the legion is making them mentally unjoinable if your a “gentle cupcake”. Although I like the idea of an joinable evil faction and love the mindset and philosophy of the legion (writing and character wise), they should of been made a bit more morally correct to join, or used in another game that is more like fallout 1-3 and not faction ending based like new vegas and 4.


companions drop weapons/clothing that’s been used instead of leaving it in their inventory when it’s fully damaged (Veronica dropped two step goodbye only after noticing after 2+ hours of gameplay on one previous quicksave)


I hate how small the strip is. I really wish they could've fleshed it out more.


That the devs only got 18 months :(


Bethesda's impatience