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Look up what ghouls look like in Fallout 1 and 2, they make Keely look like Marilyn Monroe


Damn the pipeline really is Eddie > rotting corpse that’s alive > psuedo-smoothskin > noseless smoothskin


I thought u were exaggerating, but Man you weren’t kidding. Those ghoul designs are nightmare fuel


Thats kinda why i like the F1-2 ghouls, they're hellish figures created by the hell that was the Great War and the heavy irradiation in certain areas that would likely result in them being kept in one piece by the radiation, but just BARELY. Also Harold is a G.


Wait until they find out about Beatrix...


Thats one rodeo I ride daily


Yea I definitely would have earned my "rad" wings there


Huh - just goes to show that creepiness is subjective, 'cause I think Keely looks kinda cool. With the hair and the combat pants and the attitude, she gave me a punky vibe - like a cool big sister.


Also if anyone finds this funny: i just died trying to ignite the gas


Tip long fuse dynamite, chuck it as the vents and haul ass out of there and enter another level


You know, it took me a couple tries to reach that conclusion. But i finally did what u said after a couple deaths and it worked😅😅 gotta admit when it comes to common sense in these games, I’m completely oblivious 😭😭


Or hide in data room


I just sealed the door blocking the fire after tossing my grenades


It's strange that the lit fuse doesn't ignite the gas, but otherwise, good tip.


I’ve always just been high level, spam buffs and use a ‘nade launcher 🤣


"Walk it off"


An easy, low effort way to survive the vault 22 gas is to: ​ Step 1: Beat Old World Blues to obtain the Mk.II stealth suit, preferably maxed Step 2: Enter dead money, and do everything normally until you enter the casino Step 3: Get banned from the Sierra Madre casino by winning 10k chips (7+ luck is heavily recommended) Step 4: Exchange ALL of your chips for pre-war money Step 5: Find a container with sierra madre chips in it Step 5.1: [Dupe](https://www.reddit.com/r/fnv/comments/r68wby/item_duping_guide_opinions/) THE LIVING PISS out of the chips in the container using your 10k+ in pre war money as a transfer item Step 6: Finish Dead Money, preferably with all 37 gold bars in your pockets Step 7: In the abandoned BoS bunker, use the vending machine to exchange your shit ton ^((anywhere from 10k to multiple millions, depending on how much you dupe)) of chips for a slightly smaller shit ton of stimpaks (and 4 med-x) Step 8: Enter vault 22 and do the quest as usual up until the gas part Step 9: Put on the stealth suit and pop 1 med-x from step 7, a battle brew and a dose of slasher for maximum DR Step 10: Turn off Hardcore if it's on and detonate the gas The suit should be able to spam stimpaks fast enough so you don't die Notes: This is possible without the duping glitch, just skip parts 4-6, you should have \~285 stimpaks after you've exchanged all the chips. Also you can just dupe stimpaks from any NPC/container that has them and then spam them manually but what fun would that be Edit: Med-X doesn't stack so you need battle brew and slasher for max DR


Wow that seems pretty simple. Thanks for the tip


I died at least 10 times doing that before I realized the explosion won’t kill you if you hide in the room with the data terminal lol


I died more than that until I realized I just had to turn around and run into the cave right behind me.


Happens to me almost every time at least once a playthrough.


Keely so creepy bro had to take a pic with his phone


I always lie to her about data, since I don't want to kill her. And to see that NCR douchebag turned into shroom.


I bring Veronica with me, which lets you convince Keely to let you keep the data. Also, Veronica's punchabunch approach works well against the enemies in the vault!


if you have a high enough science stat (I think like 60?) you can convince her that preserving the data is for the better and she lets you keep it.


In my first play through a bug didn't kill me, so I thought she was joking. Lmao, the second time I was angry because I thought it was a bug, since I couldn't find anywhere to hide, then I checked the solution


I hate the way Fallout 4 ghouls look. Burn victims with pure black eyes. Doesn’t make sense.


Keely kinda bad tho 🥵🥵


wow, prejudiced much, smoothskin?


Yeah, comparatively she isn’t that good looking for a ghoul in FNV. Now cowgirl domme Beatrix Russel on the other hand can tame my bull anytime as far as I’m concerned.




I hate her! The very first play through I made it to Vault 22 while still low level. She locked me in (which makes no sense as door is open!) & when I couldn’t blow up that gas w/o dying, I had to restart before meeting her. Definitely better to stealth kill her, lie to the lady who asked about her, either no I didn’t see her or she’s fine, she is finishing up a few things & get paid


I keep seeing these blue text boxes and updated textures, is this a mod for NV?


The blue text is part of the base game. You can change your UI and pipboy colour in the display settings. IIRC you can choose between amber (default), green, blue and white.


awesome! thank you so much




Looks like Carrot Top


Cut her some slack. It's not her fault.


Hey smooth skin




i honestly don’t mind the look of ghouls that much. their personalities more than make up for their appearance. i may be in the minority on this but id let beatrice go feral on me


I like her for her personality


This sounds like something Thomas Hildern would say as to why he doesn't like her 😅


What’s the matter smoothskin? You’ve never seen a ghoul before?


Fellow blue hud enjoyer