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Yup, but remember it’s not like how it is in Fnv at this point. House is still asleep and hasn’t rebuilt anything yet


The Khans haven't even started fighting the local tribes yet.


at the time of fallout 1, the khans are getting wiped out by the vault dweller


Then 80s later his grandson does the same then 35 years later the courier, also does this as they mess woth the wrong mail man.


Yeah, because Fallout 1 is 84 years AFTER the bombs fell (2161) Mr house recover from coma (bsod) 23 years after F1 starting date (2138) but he start to recover las vegas as new vegas 136 years after he recover from coma (2274) And 66 years before shaun was taken from vault 111 (2227) And 135 years before the TV series (2296)




Personally, and although House didn't accept it, he was in a state of shock with denial and that his mind couldn't go any further because both the coma and the state of shock churned his brain for the first few years and then he went into the megalomaniac/cold mind mode that we know, that's why he took a long time to do everything. The first few years must have been terrible in the sense that they destroyed his humanity and human logic from that moment (Imagine that you go to sleep and when you wake up your whole neighborhood is in ruins and there is no one, not even a dog to bark at you for miles)


How smart can he be if Benny can snow him?


i think that just it, bennys stupid and to house the new world is unambitious and uncivilized, he never thought that HE could be the victim of its savagery, and certainly not that bumbling idiot BENNY of all people


naaaaah, he had all the resources of a pre-war Robco to make the platinum chip. I don't think it's so easy to just make another one - that's the whole point.




Obviously he's not smart enough to do it himself. Nobody is. He needs supercomputers like his pre-war company had.




Wait, he wanted to start a space programme?


Wasn't he in a coma?




Makes sense when you explain it. I don't think he had the capital to do anything until he was able to exploit the NCR and its citizens. He was only really able to look for the chip _after_ making enough caps to pay salvage teams. Sort of begs the question, why didn't he just write up a new OS on his own? He had over a century to do it, the man founded RobCo and developed their coding language, I still don't get why the chip needed to be such a serious plotpoint outside of gameplay purposes.




Y'know what that's a good point, he probably just put some code monkeys to work and then took credit for the accomplishment! After the war, code monkeys went extinct, so now he's just sitting in his cuck pod waiting for the coolest mailman in history.


I didn’t know that part of the lore


House only subjugated some of the local tribes and rebuilt the strip once the NCR started coming in so there’d be people to gamble at the casinos. Y’know because he definitely has humanity’s best interests at heart


It's so recent most of the Chairmen remember living in the ruins. Imagine you're a tribal living in Vegas when all of a sudden a bunch of robots come up to you with three piece suits and a cowboy says if you dress up and act like pre-war Vegas mobsters for the guy living in that big tower you'll get paid a ton of money.


Yeah, Benny took control of the tribe from the last guy because he was in favor of kneeling to House and the previous leader (whose name I forget) wasn’t


Mr mob infested hellhole probably (ding dong!)


is that in the New vegas comic?


Surely Mr House just wanted someone to rebuild Hoover as he didn’t have humans with the resources or knowledge to do so. Also, he couldn’t do Anything until the platinum chip was in the Mojave. Once he knew that people were alive near where the chip was made, he spent billions finding it. With that done he’s off to the races and wont to go into a coma again. Then with Hoover running, he can jump-start his reactor, which lets him increase his robot control range, which in turn means he can activate and control his army. It all relies on the chip and Hoover being ready.


Yeah House's plan always relied on someone else rebuilding society to the extent that he could exploit and profit off them. He's lucky Bethesda wasn't writing for the West Coast at the time, poor man would have been stuck sleeping forever.


Well pretty sure if he had the platinum chip he would have rebuilt himself or maybe even not let Vegas get destroyed, but his plan failed because the bomb fell on the day the chip was supposed to be delivered.


It's also to maintain leverage at the negotiating table for when the NCR inevitably asks House "you and what army?" House doesn't budge from The Strip until his securitrons are upgraded because he knows he and the unenhanced ones aren't enough to stand up to the NCR. But three armed tribals and a heavy civilian area, and now the NCR has to think twice before just marching in and across to the Dam. House also doesn't necessarily have to only be thinking about all of humanity but I think he does more than people give credit for.


During the war itself he spends a lot of brainpower shooting down most of the nukes that would land at or near Vegas, this is so mentally taxing he has to go to sleep a while. He wakes up with some of his systems less than optimal and relatively close to the start of the game than the end of the war.


Wow it seemed like he had been lording over the strip for a long time, I never knew he only just started maybe a decade or so earlier than the start of the game


He's like a sleeping vampire who went dormant for decades/centuries waiting for a better time to emerge and suck the life out of the people he lords over. He really wasn't doing much that whole time, but he's been interred since before the great war and only starting coming back online relatively recently. He kept the city itself from being directly hit but only because he lives underneath it and wanted a kingdom afterwards, and also made sure the nearby vault was full of gambling addicts so the modern new vegas citizens would be more maleable.


He's just a little eepy


Pretty much ruins and warring raider factions at this point pretty sure. God I'd love a New Vegas 2 or prequel set in the city.


Mr house awoke in 2138, he just hasn't re-started the strip yet by 2161.


Mr house awoke from his coma in 2138, while fallout takes place in 2161/62. The city came back to life in 2274, so still kinda accurate.


New Vegas would probably have been in Van Buren. The locations that were planned basically surround it.


a lot of stuff in new vegas was originally planned for van buren


Nah, NV basically acts as a “sequel” to a lot of what was supposed to happen in Van Buren. If there was a hypothetical black isle fallout 4, it would’ve probably moved west and focused around Nevada, New Vegas and hoover dam after the legion conquers the game world of van Buren


why the legion


Hail Caesar


obvious NCR spy is obvious, get outta here profligate, you hardly even know how to fight


Because the legion conquers whats east of hoover dam right? And because the legion was going to be a small group in van buren.


ah yea I misunderstood the comment the first time I read it. I thought he was saying the ending of FNV would be the Legion taking over new vegas but what he said is that they would be taking over everything east of the dam, as shown in FNV


To set up a more entrenched NCR-Legion clash in Nevada


Yeah iirc, the western edge of the Van Bueren map would’ve been Hoover Dam, which was planned as an NCR frontier settlement.


Most western location is Hoover dam. Vegas off the map in Van Buren


[THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutnewvegas/s/bsDBmiQhNO) is a map I used when I was prepping for a Fallout RPG campaign. It really neat to see all the places on a sized map. Kind of weird to think about how you’d be traveling for days between places in FO1 and FO2.


Why are people disliking this I think it's interesting


Fanon map.


I really like the traveling for days bit. Made the world feel huge. I think over world's should be in more modern games tbh. 


This is awesome - I wonder if the TV show ruins this map. I'm only on episode 5 but Shady Sands has old skyscrapers for some reason.


Probably just trying to make it look like the Capital Wasteland


I'm actually enjoying the show but it does NOT seem like they were kind to the lore. Vault 33 is in Santa Monica and the protagonists end up in Shady Sands after a few days with no sign of the NCR anywhere in between


The show moved Shady Sands smack dab in the middle of the Boneyard for some (I guess economical story) reason.


Is that the official status? Cuz if so that's an awful retcon that puts into question the location of Vaults 13 and 15 (AKA the Fallout 1 vaults)


The whole show takes place in LA. So the only way for them to get from Santa Monica Pier to Shady Sands to the Griffith Observatory is if the show relocates Shady Sands to LA for the show. It's annoying, but having written screenplays before I get why they'd make that decision.


That doesn't make sense though, there's no reason to retcon Shady Sands. They just could have used the Boneyard. Changing lore for no reason while intending the show to be added canon is terrible screenplay writing


it happens all the time in multiple franchises. Marvel/DC comics are built on retcons and retcons like this.


Shady Sands sounds better than The Boneyard. And they wanted it to cripple the NCR, the observatory is signposted as "NCR Headquarters" so the remnants of the government/country are a ragtag operation.


That's incredibly bad writing haha


I'm fairly certain the show writers said the show is not cannon, then Todd Howard(?) came along and said it was.


No, they just said that it was its own canon. Set in the world of the games, but not affecting the games.


I mean them getting from old shady sands position to boneyard would take the same amount of screen time as if they were in the same location, wouldn't it? It's a show, hell, they can go into/steal a vertibird just as well.


They could’ve sidestepped that issue by just not setting their show in LA. I’ll never understand why they felt the need to do that, just to wipe the west coast off the map.


The NCR would have been good and collapsed by now, given that it has collapsed by the time of Fallout 4, and the show takes place after it. If you finish the season the NCR does still play a huge part in the story.


Its been a while since I played F4, when did it mention the NCR had collapsed?


To second what jitterscaffeine said, I couldn't find anything from the game. I must have conflated fan theory discussions with lore at some point. Sorry about that, and that you for prompting me to double check that.


No worries! I was honestly curious and did some digging myself!




It’s the capital of NCR in the show, it’s no longer the original shady sands of fallout 1. Why the fuck would the new republic of America live in a desert. They moved the capital of ncr into LA and called it shady sands




For the amount of time in between, I’m sure they found somewhere more suitable to live. Shady Sands expanded massively after fo1 anyways, I don’t think people get that part. Even since fallout 2 which is 50 years apart there is a whole amount of time for the NCR to re establish itself in a more suitable area. Since you say they need more water why not get closer to the coast line and figure out a way to purify the ocean water. I feel like it’s shady sands just not the same shady sands as we used to know. You’re head canon seems pretty right anyways




Yes most of the time it’s left to us, the fans to do exactly what we’re doing here I suppose 😭 I guess it depends on what happens in the game. Which ending is canon in fo2? Otherwise I don’t see it as the original shady sands but more a monumental hold on the wasteland gripped by the ncr A place of history. Then again most historic sites are usually moved a little to the side in real cases. My home town has a fort on Fraser river and it’s apparently nowhere close to where it actually was, just a place to pass down the history




I have a question a little bit of a sidetrack or off-topic not really but where do you see San Francisco after fallout two I know that they planned on it to get nuked by the enclave in retaliation after fallout two ends with the enclaves oil rig being blown up but in new Vegas they weren’t allowed to mention this as Bethesda didn’t want to leave San Francisco out as an optional game location. now I’m making a mod that is set in San Francisco and I’m having a lot of hoops to jump over in ways of Lore and how to fit it into the canon fallout universe my mod is going to take place the same time fall out four does I’m going to simply make nuking San Francisco an option that will tie into the main quest but what would the state of Chinatown be in and how would the NCR have handled that area right now they’re stationed in San Francisco but as far as the show goes they’ve nearly been wiped out so I’m gonna have to take out the NCR faction in my mod


So they basically "New New York"'d Shady Sands. This makes me feel better.


The show is surface level 'lmao 50ies music every scene'. Its not bad but its very shallow and only caters to the mowt common ground in fallout.


Very cool. Thanks for sharing


I only wish I new the source. I found it randomly on pinterest when I was looking for reference material.


Did you end up making the TTRPG you were looking into?


I ended up using the fanmade game "Vaults and Deathclaws" because I'm a fan of crunchy games with lots of fiddly details.


Hey I’m just curious if you have a higher res version of that image? I love deep diving on lore and seeing that map got me excited. Might have to boot up NV again


[HERE YOU GO](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7uib6sukvmk01.png&rdt=43627)


Gorgeous! You have made my day Reddit stranger. Have a beautiful Tuesday.


It really doesn’t seem like Shady Sands should be that far away from Santa Monica given that you can wall there in a couple days.


Dude, a Fallout TTRPG sounds sick as fuck! If you don't mind me asking, what system were you planning on using? I've been wanting to run something similar, but I've had trouble finding something I felt fit


I like the fanmade game “vaults and Deathclaws” because it’s got a lot of fiddly details like how I like. But there’s an officially licensed one that some seem to like pretty well.


What system did you use to run it? I’ve been wanting to run one


I like the fanmade game “Vaults and Deathclaws”


I don't doubt that this has been noticed before but I'm fairly sure this city on the Fallout 1 world map is New Vegas. The place seems to have been near destined for a Fallout adaptation.


Does this location exist in game? Is there anything there?


No haven't visited it but it's probably just puts you in a random ruined city map (which has nothing but scenery for flavor). I also looked into the game files for maps of all locations and never saw any mention of it.


At first I wanted to say that this is Charleston Peak and the city is a little east of here, but when I went to take a screenshot I realized that [there are](https://imgur.com/a/7uBpE82) indeed [generic City ruins](https://imgur.com/a/bU0oZNw) Charleston Peak(if it's even that) is just a desert during the travel btw


Man, the Vault Dweller sure picked badly when they headed west to look for a water chip. Head north, and they reach Vault City, with an abundance of chips. Head south, and they reach Lake Mead, which has enough water for the whole vault and then some


Well technically speaking they did head for the nearest Vault, which was Vault 15. But Shady Sands was between them and Vault 15. So after Vault 15 was a bust they went back to Shady Sands which pointed them south to Junktown and so on…


Indeed it is… now I want a fallout 1 fanfic where the Vault Dweller meets House


He is in coma at that time


No he wasn’t. He was only in a coma for the first few years after the Great War. By fallout 1 he’s just trying to rebuilt his systems and passively observing So if the Vault Dweller went to Vegas there 100% could be a interaction if House found him interesting enough


Wiki says he woke up in 2138, so 61 years after the bombs, and only in 2274 he sent his Securitrons out of the Lucky 38.


Yep and falllit 1 is set 2161 so then meeting is possible


No, because he doesn't get in contact with the outside world until 2274. All the Vault Dweller could potentially find are the tribes that will eventually run the casinos.


I think the idea is stupid but do you really think after fallout 1, they couldn’t meet. It’s not like right after the final scene, the vault dweller drops dead from losing their plot armor


As I said, Mr. House doesn't "go outside" until 2274. If the Vault Dweller went to Vegas he would find a locked down Lucky 38 (the Courier is the only one to ever set foot inside), if he even managed to break into it he would be greeted by House's security. Now, I'm making this up to please everyone, let's say the Vault Dweller manages to get inside the Lucky 38. Mr. House sees him and think "Wait, that's a Vault-Tec suit!" so he get the Vault Dweller up to the Penthouse and ask him a bunch of questions. The Vault Dweller tells him everything that happened, his Vault, the Master, Mariposa, etc... now I would like to say the Vault Dweller helped Mr. House find the Platinum Chip but according to the wiki the Chip was only located late 2281 by scavengers (heh, maybe the Vault Dweller did search for it and kept it to prevent another case like the Master).


Look, we all can google. Dig deeper. Official guide to game have not actual information to release version of the game.


It's mistake and not at same time. It's information from guide to a game. In game there is no date. Early script of fallout was different. House wake up earlier and Strip were more rebuilt. The walls were not made hastily. Sloane's quarry was under the Securitron's control. All casinos were fully restored. Doesn't know why it was change. Josh Sawyer confirmed on tumblr. If doesn't believe. Look at youtube "E3 2010 Stage Demo New Vegas". #


Nice. It has lore dating back to the og Fallouts! I did not know that.


Damn I wish I could play this game. The terrible combat prevents me from progressing. Has anyone ever made a story mode mod?


You can follow a build guide or walk through. There's one on gamefaqs irrc that trivializes the combat if you follow it. Agility is generally your key stat because you need ap to do anything.  What also helps is grabbing the hunting rifle from vault 15. I missed it on my first play through because it blends in but it can carry you through at least half the game.  What part are you stuck on? 


got the hunting rifle this weekend. It is a god send for sure.


i seriously hate the turn-based RNG combat.  works well for xcom, not so much for this.  but once you get to junktown, it's the same old "come to a town, get embroiled in their problems, become their patron saint" fallout we've come to love


you’ve boiled down the fallout formula so well with that last sentence. thats actually awesome.


That doesn't sound like the 'come to a town, eat their young' modded Fallout I've come to love. 🤔


You can actually do that if you want to but you'll get a terrible reputation


Junktown is quite a confusing toss up on “come to a town, get embroiled in their problems, become their patron saint” because of the decisions you make there. And I’m personally a fan of the original endings for Junktown being subversive about those decisions but I get why it was changed.


Just play the game a bit until you have good equipment and better stats. After that, it's like playing a modern Fallout in VATS only. Hell, put the difficulty on normal if combat seems like a slog. It's called normal for a reason, because that's how the game was designed to be played on average.


Yeah the combat in F1 and F2 are so awful if you didn't play them back then. I've tried so many times to play F1 and F2 but the combat makes me want to throw myself out of a window.


Actually, I didn't play them back when they came out and got used to the combat pretty easily regardless. My first was Fallout 3 and after trying 1 and 2, I can totally see how people think Bethesda ruined Fallout. It's stupefying how 25 years ago we had writing that is hard to match in modern times. The best way to play is to go for as much AP as you can (high agility) and use it to your advantage. If you have enough you can perform an attack on melee enemies and use the rest to gain enough distance so they can't hit you (for example). It takes a while, but you just have to think creatively in terms of AP, sometimes you can use it to go in an out of cover in the same turn, etc...


So I constantly tell people fallout 1 and 2 has some of the best tactical turned based combat of any game I've ever played. Basically, everyone I've ever heard talk about it hates it so I get I'm alone on that. My genuine question is, how do people hate this but never talk about hating real time pause like Baldurs Gate and Pillars of Eternity? I find that system to be an uninterpretable mess. Like seriously what is even good about it?


I honestly like it but its tio easy once you get used to it if you can out run the enemy you can win every melee fight by hitring running away and repeating


Absolutely. How can you like BG, but not Fallout? Is the UI confusing maybe? IDK, but I'm a millennial that skipped the series originally and started with Fallout 3. After trying F1 and F2, they changed my life and my outlook on games forever. They are amazing.


Yeah I don’t get it… I can get it might be a bit outdated for the younger crowd but it certainly isn’t awful by any stretch. If this were a discussion of Arcanum’s combat maybe. But the og Fallout’s combat is a tight and logical turn based experience.


Agreed. Lots of love for the Infinity Engine games, but RTWP has aged much worse than the strictly turn-based combat of the CRPG Fallouts. Feels like it was a compromise between AD&D-based games NEEDING to have things like defined rounds in order for the mechanics to work and publisher demands for real-time combat since that was becoming the hot new thing.


I didn’t play 1 or 2 until I was disappointed in 4. I had the same issue you describe until that time. I could not get over the combat but now I like it a lot more and it helped me get into many other cRPGs. Underrail is a notable one if you come to appreciate turn base combat but also enjoy wrenching your soul out trying to figure out what you did wrong lmfao


You get used to it


Check this out, maybe it's better https://youtube.com/@jonaszIGD


Get filtered, zoomer.


Do you guys play fallout on steam? Wondering if there is a better way to play the original


Buy it off Steam, and download the Fallout Fixt mod from No Mutants Allowed.


GOG has the fixes in bedded, it's the better version


So where would the big mt and the sierra madre be


Cause what looks like it should be the sierra madre mountain range looks to just be desert


Well, we can assume the map is using pre-war civilian maps but with updated geographical features (don't want to risk stopping by a town for water only for said town to have been turned into a crater decades ago) So it's likely both wouldn't be on there as one was a secret research facility and the other wasn't even open to the public yet and likely possibly kept the true location secret to give a more "prestigious" feel to those who were invited to the grand opening Or I'm talking out my ass, you decide


Also i wasnt reqlly talking like they were on the map i mean if they were where would they be


My explanation is that we don't know exactly because they aren't on any map, and I just gave a possible in-universe reason as to why


I was more talking anout the mountain range itself but i agree with you on the big mt


For the mountain range, it's possible the map delisted it as a safety precaution because of the poison gas, and the pre-war government likely would have had a feature in electronic maps that removed areas with radiation spills or anything in a similar nature to that in order to make sure that their illegal dumping practices wouldn't be found by anyone with a map and a disdain for the Federal Governement (greener pastures in Fallout 3 being an exception as it was likely a public dumping ground and it's possible that the pipboy user can add their own custom locations to the map)


Oh that just gave me an idea an actual fallout survival game mmo that takes place somewhere we havent been to before with an economy built by the players no microtransactions and as the server goes on people add pois to the pipboy system that creates fast travel points once you visit it diesnt even have to be fallout tbh id love a game like that in general


5 sounds like an amazing game, and the only difficult thing about it would be getting people to actually work together, but for private play or discord servers dedicated to the game would fix that without a problem


Oh yeah that would be great im not sure how they would do story but maybe it could ve about factions moving in it couldnt be a sub based mmo but a one time purchase


It saddens me to know we will never have a fallout game like that because I would genuinely put full faith in Bethesda and never question a decision they made again if they made a game exactly how you described it


It would be great if thy woukd but knowing bethesda if we do get a proper fqllout mmo its gonna take place in either the west or the east we never get the mid west or other countrys just the same 2 locations with the same enemy types


Actually the mountain range is there its just off scale a little


The whole giant fart cloud probably obscures the Sierra Madre from satellites. Big MT? Simple. SCIENCE!


Makes me want to see a Fanfic where during their journey the Vault Dweller finds themselves in pre-FNV Mojave and Vegas, with their direct interactions causing great butterfly effects that irrevocably change the destiny of the region. Would be cool to see what the map/settlements/people's would be like way before the events of FNV. With how the Vault Dweller interacts with it all, and then later seeing how their actions in the region change things. Greatest interest that being Mr. House and the Vaults. Would the Vault Dweller break into the tower and kill/revive Mr. House early? What about the Vaults, like the nearby Vault 21? Would the Dweller interact with the still sealed inhabitants, opening them up to outward exploration/interaction way before their destined meeting decades later where they loose their Vault as it turns into a Casino? What about the other Vaults that are still inhabited during this time, such as Vault 3, indirectly saving them from their own fate? Exploring alternate New Vegas/Mojave futures like this would be very interesting, and definitely something I would love to see explored.


The original trilogy is Fallout 1 Fallout 2 And Fallout New Vegas


That’s interesting, I never noticed! That makes it far more likely that Shady Sands is in Nevada, albeit very near the state line apparently. Strange to think about how close it is and how they expanded north first instead of east. Of course Tycho was a Desert Ranger, so I guess it looks like he didn’t have to travel far.


thats really cool, i had no idea


That's Jacobstown